Miyamoto admitted that the 3DS had had issues with a similar lack of compelling launch titles.
Miyamoto is a troll to think we listen to him when he being a hypocrite.
The 3DS been out for more than a year, the PS Vita, a few months and the Vita already has the stronger library of games, and it is not region locked.
neonsword13-ops said:
Well, the Vita didn't release with mountains of shovelware, unlike the 3DS, so I don't think nintendo has the right to talk in that regard.
Besides, we get P4:TG. That makes the whole console worth buying. Best part is: It's coming out in fall. Most original titles for 3DS took a year to come out.
When Nintendo stop accepting Shovelware for titles, then maybe Nintendon't might have a point.
So far I seen only one really bad title for the Vita (Dungeon Hunter), some are lack luster titles but not awful ones. I can count on one hand all the 3DS games I think are worth it, 3 and 2 of them are N64 ports. The is Mario Kart 7. Super Mario 3D Land is a disappointment, and that is hard for a non-sport Mario game to do.