Modern Warfare 2 Is GameStop's Most Preordered Game Ever

Jaqen Hghar

New member
Feb 11, 2009
Funny that. Some quite ordinary shooter which is a sequel of another ordinary shooter bags the most preordered game ever, while innovating and original games barely sells. No wonder we get the same crap over and over again. Well, I am doing my part by not buying this.


New member
Oct 4, 2008
Heh, who can blame them? From all the hype that's been circling around Modern Warfare 2, this game looks like it's going to be a strong contender for game of the year. And perhaps for an award greater than that.

Good thing I'm pre-ordering this come December. This game's going to fly off the shelves faster than the final Harry Potter book did.

UsefulPlayer 1

New member
Feb 22, 2008
Jaqen Hghar said:
Funny that. Some quite ordinary shooter which is a sequel of another ordinary shooter bags the most preordered game ever, while innovating and original games barely sells. No wonder we get the same crap over and over again. Well, I am doing my part by not buying this.
Idk, MW2 seems like it's gonna be a pretty fantastic game. Maybe it's not "original" or "innovating" enough for your standards but I think it's pretty extra-ordinary game.

I'm still not sure if I'm gonna get it, but every time I look at it I'm surprised with how much more they are adding on and what they have done.


New member
May 23, 2009
This might have occured because gamestop is forcing people to preorder it. When I went in there to buy ODST they honestly asked me like 30 times before lI cracked and they got my 5 dollars or whatever it was, but I still felt kinda pushed into the pre-order.


New member
Nov 3, 2009
nicole1207 said:
I work in a game store and we've had about 400+ preorders, which is a lot considering we aren't in a major city or anything. In fact the store convinced the mall we are in to let us do a midnight launch for the first time ever. It's that's popular.
Same here. We've got almost 500, and there's actually two game stores in my I live in BFE. Both stores are having midnight launches, and we almost never have midnight launches, so there you go.


New member
Oct 22, 2009
sunami88 said:
I'm shocked.

No, no sarcasm at all. Really, I'm shocked. For cereal. Super-duper cereal... But I digress.

I'm not excited for this game at all. Seems I'm literally the only one.
Nah, I'm with you. I will get it, but not immediately, I'm much more excited for Assassin's Creed 2 and The Saboteur. I'll get MW2 after I buy my new TV and AC2.


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
It's depressing - a game that's so bland and samey (another military shooter?) is a sales behemoth, while fresh and creative games like Brutal Legend won't get near the sales they deserve. I'm sure it's a pretty good game, but Modern Warfare 2 doesn't look very appealing to me at all. I just don't get why everyone is going crazy over it.


High Priest of Haruhi
Aug 22, 2008
Zing89 said:
sunami88 said:
I'm shocked.

No, no sarcasm at all. Really, I'm shocked. For cereal. Super-duper cereal... But I digress.

I'm not excited for this game at all. Seems I'm literally the only one.
Nah, I'm with you. I will get it, but not immediately, I'm much more excited for Assassin's Creed 2 and The Saboteur. I'll get MW2 after I buy my new TV and AC2.

It came first, dammit :(


New member
Dec 20, 2007
I can't help but wonder, does this game really have an ungodly and unreasonably huge amount of hype - or is it just being marketed that way?


New member
Aug 30, 2008
sunami88 said:
I'm shocked.

No, no sarcasm at all. Really, I'm shocked. For cereal. Super-duper cereal... But I digress.

I'm not excited for this game at all. Seems I'm literally the only one.
I'm with you. If I end up playing it, it will only be so I don't be one of those idiots that bash games which they never played.


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
Why do so many people want mwf2 i dont like CoD at all, and neither do any of my friends they kinda just repeat everything over and over again. It's really boring especially when you get spawn killed 75% of the time


Dib dib dib, dob dob dob.
May 25, 2009
Epifols said:
sunami88 said:
I'm shocked.

No, no sarcasm at all. Really, I'm shocked. For cereal. Super-duper cereal... But I digress.

I'm not excited for this game at all. Seems I'm literally the only one.
I'm with you. If I end up playing it, it will only be so I don't be one of those idiots that bash games which they never played.
you two have made me so happy


Survivor, VDNKh Station
Jan 14, 2009
Tenmar said:
Congrats video game consumers. We have effectively increased the price of video games again from here on out. Look forward to video games costing $70 in the US and $90 in Britain and the rest of the world.

Yeah for the uninformed consumer base!
Too right... god damned Kotick.

If I get this game at all, it will be pre-owned, I don't want Activision seeing another dime of my money again.

For the record, this would be on PS3, so I'm not one of the PC gamers losing the server support.


New member
Apr 26, 2009
I just lost alot of faith in humanity. The fact that this overpriced, average, and controversial FPS is getting more attention than any other game in history, (EVEN MORE THAN HALO) that sickens me. The worst is that Activision will just keep making sequels and charging more and more for them.

Really, I've had enough of FPS games. Isn't a thousand enough or a genre? Or is everyone just getting suckered into the hype? I say this because this game has no redeeming qualities to me. It's just another sequel, with things that every other game in history has done before. Feel free to correct me, but this game doesn't deserve the hype.

What does it have that's so great?

The ability to change classes mid battle? Battlefront did it first.
World War 2/World War 3/ New War setting? Look up 90% of other FPS games.
Best game of the year? Bull crap. Only a fanboy would say that.
Some form of innovative new chat/server scheme? Please. I've heard that before.
I'm being too harsh even though it isn't out? You could make this claim, but I'd like to see a counter from you that shows it's the best game ever.

I'm gonna laugh if this game has horrible glitching during online, or shows really bad plot development, or something else Activision will have to fix via online patches.

Brett Alex

New member
Jul 22, 2008
Tenmar said:
Congrats video game consumers. We have effectively increased the price of video games again from here on out. Look forward to video games costing $70 in the US and $90 in Britain and the rest of the world.

Yeah for the uninformed consumer base!
What do you mean "look forward to"? I already am paying more than that. As far as I can see, everyone else is just slowly catching up ;)

Pendragon9 said:
I just lost alot of faith in humanity.
Quick question, have you played Call of Duty 4?