Modern Warfare 3 Spec Ops Mode Gets "Phenomenal" Response

Aug 1, 2010
So instead of adding Co-Op or extending what is sure to be a very short single player campaign, they instead adding the absolute worst part of MW2. Huh.

I don't think it will be a [i/]bad[/i] game by any mean, it's just not going to be any more incredible than the last one.


New member
Mar 26, 2009
Frostbite3789 said:
jpoon said:
I'll be damned, some good news actually comes out of the MW3 front. I had pegged this game for a multi-player only fragfest that I would normally never play but if there is a decent co-op to the game I might actually buy this...used.

Of course I'll wait to hear about it in the reviews first, I definitely don't believe the hype.
This exact mode was in MW2. Down to the it being campaign missions, but co-op style. The horde mode thing has already been done in almost every other FPS series so far. Why not CoD?

Why are they acting like every minimal thing they do is groundbreaking? 60 FRAMES PER SECOND ON A TEN YEAR OLD ENGINE?! OH GOD, GAME OF THE YEAR!
Haha, yes yeah I agree with you. I mean, it's been a good game for years but I also agree that it takes more than what they are saying to make a game that is worth buying. Basically this game is going to have to be gold quality for me to ever consider buying a copy from one of my most hated game publishers. Even then I'll buy it used just to screw them over as much as I possibly can. I'm a jerk, i know.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Mikeyfell said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Mikeyfell said:
It's phenomenal, it's this brand new thing called Spec Ops. And it's totally not just a shameless rehash or what we did in Modern Warfare 2.

Here's what the box art looks like

The one thing I like about this article is that it proves how stupid Infinity Ward is.

It's ripping on Call of Duty for not being enough of a direct port of the last Call of Duty game. But the thing they didn't realize is that it was pretty much a port of the CoD game that happened before that one.

OT: I fucking hate zombies and probably wont buy MW3 because I will be too busy playing other games. So mehhh.

Why do you care? Its my money and I will spend it on what I enjoy. Why do you worry so much about what games other people buy? Smacks of "I have nothing better to do than pretend I am superior to others because I like different games than other people!"
You know I've had that picture since Black Ops was announced, This was the best opportunity to use it.

I don't see how me pretending to be better than everyone because I don't like Call of Duty is any better than you pretending to be better than me by claiming that I'm pretending to be better than everyone who likes Call of Duty.

But setting aside my personal opinion that CoD is a poorly designed series *apart from the first one, The series has remained largely unchanged since the third one. "But what about Modern Warfare?" you ask. The difference is completely visual, that and the guns are way unbalanced now. Strip away the textures and you'd be hard pressed to tell which game you were playing. Now on to the point. The reason I'd rather you didn't spend your hard earned money on Modern Warfare 3 is because of games like Battlefield 2 and 3 and Homefront and every other game that only exists to try to ride the Call of Duty gravy train. Hell an EA spokesperson said that Mass Effect 3 was going to "Give Call of Duty a run for the money."
Other developers think the only way to make money is to be like Call of Duty. and that's really easy to do because CoD hasn't added anything to gaming since 2006 {Except for Spec Ops obviously}

Mikeyfell said:
Phlakes said:
Mikeyfell said:
I know, it's almost like it's a sequel...

How crazy is that? Games in the same series, even the same trilogy, sharing features? This must be unprecedented!
Sequels usually add something new. MW 2 was a sequel this seems more like a remake.
[HEADING=1]Thats a fucking retarded statement[/HEADING] and you know it. The game isnt even out yet. Have you traveled in time to play a new COD game? No? Then sit down and stop crying about it. You could at least wait until the game is out, maybe then someone other than you will give a small fuck.
I realize that I don't have the capacity to travel through time. that's why I used the word "seems" in my post instead of "is"

I only said that because the article said that Infinity Ward is pushing Spec Ops as their "new" feature even though they said the same thing 2 years ago about MW 2. I'm willing to predict that next year Trearch is going to say that their zombie mode is "the hot new thing"

I would love to hear what your favourite FPS are. Battlefield? Yeah, Bad Company is just THAT different to previous games in the series, right? Quake esque games? Like, you know, the ones that had the whole genre grind to a halt with no innovation to be found, kind of like what we are experiencing now?
That's odd, you obviously see me as some sort of posh elitist and yet you don't jump strait to Half Life 2 as my favorite FPS game?

Well Left 4 Dead is my favorite FPS
Then (You guessed it) Half Life 2
If Fallout 3 counts as an FPS that would make the list.
Portal if it counts (I know there aren't bullets but what ever)
Games that have enough depth to keep me interested in the shooting


New member
Oct 11, 2008
Jegsimmons said:
ZeroMachine said:
Korten12 said:
Sounds great.

Let the COD hate begin...
TheRightToArmBears said:
Fuck the haters, this sounds awesome! Do want!
C95J said:
but it is bad, remember, because it is Call of Duty!


This game is going to be great, can't wait to play the campaign most of all though :)
The lack of irrational hate in this thread after three posts is just... inspiring :)

Knowing my friend and I, we'll have a blast with this even if it's only just as good as MW2's Spec Ops.

Definitely looking forward to this.
maby we can now get /b/ to count to 10 without racial slurs. XD

People on the Escapist liking CoD is an oddity.

4chan counting to anything without racial slurs is a miracle.

And I ain't a religious man.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Mikeyfell said:
Well Left 4 Dead is my favorite FPS
Then (You guessed it) Half Life 2
If Fallout 3 counts as an FPS that would make the list.
Portal if it counts (I know there aren't bullets but what ever)
Games that have enough depth to keep me interested in the shooting
Gonna be honest with you, mate. Based on that list I don't think the whole "military shooter" genre is for you and ever will be.

But also based on that list, L4D2 isn't really all that much more "innovative" than L4D. New Vegas is practically an expansion pack for FO3. Portal isn't even a shooter, and Portal 2 is more of the same only with shinier graphics, something you've already slagged the MW series for.

Seems a bit hypocritical to rag on CoD given those sequels.


Aug 27, 2010
I loved the first spec ops, but I worry that this new mode will take away from the real version. I don't really care for survival, I'm sure it's fun, but spec ops was awesome. I'm still in the BF3 camp btw.


New member
Sep 21, 2009
Mikeyfell said:
It's phenomenal, it's this brand new thing called Spec Ops. And it's totally not just a shameless rehash or what we did in Modern Warfare 2.
Logan Westbrook said:
This time, however, there is also a survival mode where the player fights wave after wave of enemy soldiers on game's multiplayer maps.
You sure do pay a lot of attention.

OT: Awesome. The survival mode will add the so much needed replay value to coop and that's pretty much the only thing the MW2 coop needed.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Ariseishirou said:
Mikeyfell said:
Well Left 4 Dead is my favorite FPS
Then (You guessed it) Half Life 2
If Fallout 3 counts as an FPS that would make the list.
Portal if it counts (I know there aren't bullets but what ever)
Games that have enough depth to keep me interested in the shooting
Gonna be honest with you, mate. Based on that list I don't think the whole "military shooter" genre is for you and ever will be.

But also based on that list, L4D2 isn't really all that much more "innovative" than L4D. New Vegas is practically an expansion pack for FO3. Portal isn't even a shooter, and Portal 2 is more of the same only with shinier graphics, something you've already slagged the MW series for.

Seems a bit hypocritical to rag on CoD given those sequels.

First things first. Read the list again do you see L4D2 on the list? Do you see New Vegas on the list? if you do consult a optometrist. And I even questioned Portal's "shooter" status (You have a gun that shoots portals and you're in the first person perspective. That's good enough for me. Maybe not good enough for you)

It's the on-rails-esque cover based games with no personality or creativity that I don't like. They just all happen to be military shooters. If MW 3 had some spark of life in it. They could open up the maps a little or maybe put in a story that isn't predictable and dull. Hell even make your squad mates anything other than bullshit stereotypes. It could be decent

The Lost Big Boss

New member
Sep 3, 2008
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Mikeyfell said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Mikeyfell said:
It's phenomenal, it's this brand new thing called Spec Ops. And it's totally not just a shameless rehash or what we did in Modern Warfare 2.

Here's what the box art looks like

The one thing I like about this article is that it proves how stupid Infinity Ward is.

It's ripping on Call of Duty for not being enough of a direct port of the last Call of Duty game. But the thing they didn't realize is that it was pretty much a port of the CoD game that happened before that one.

OT: I fucking hate zombies and probably wont buy MW3 because I will be too busy playing other games. So mehhh.

Why do you care? Its my money and I will spend it on what I enjoy. Why do you worry so much about what games other people buy? Smacks of "I have nothing better to do than pretend I am superior to others because I like different games than other people!"

Mikeyfell said:
Phlakes said:
Mikeyfell said:
I know, it's almost like it's a sequel...

How crazy is that? Games in the same series, even the same trilogy, sharing features? This must be unprecedented!
Sequels usually add something new. MW 2 was a sequel this seems more like a remake.
Thats a fucking retarded statement and you know it. The game isnt even out yet. Have you traveled in time to play a new COD game? No? Then sit down and stop crying about it. You could at least wait until the game is out, maybe then someone other than you will give a small fuck.

I would love to hear what your favourite FPS are. Battlefield? Yeah, Bad Company is just THAT different to previous games in the series, right? Quake esque games? Like, you know, the ones that had the whole genre grind to a halt with no innovation to be found, kind of like what we are experiencing now?
You need to calm down. You're acting like some dude just ran up to you and took a shit on your chest. You know why people prematurely judge CoD? It's because the last three games have been the same thing, and that's a fact. People don't want other people to buy CoD because it has a negative influence on other games.


New member
Aug 24, 2010
Mikeyfell said:
First things first. Read the list again do you see L4D2 on the list? Do you see New Vegas on the list? if you do consult a optometrist.
No, but did you visit update posts about L4D2 and New Vegas and Portal 2 to harp on their lack of innovation and ridicule anyone who wanted to buy them? If not, that's my point - it's hypocritical to do it with MW. If you do, well then it's not, but you must kill at parties.

Mikeyfell said:
It's the on-rails-esque cover based games with no personality or creativity that I don't like. They just all happen to be military shooters. If MW 3 had some spark of life in it. They could open up the maps a little or maybe put in a story that isn't predictable and dull. Hell even make your squad mates anything other than bullshit stereotypes. It could be decent
Yeah but as I've already pointed out, game franchises with sequels that aren't terribly innovative aren't the sole purview of the military shooter genre.

For my part I think CoD actually does a very good job with single player campaign and story and characters in a genre where these things are far less important to the fanbase than having a variety of weaponry and streamlining gameplay. BlOps' campaign was actually far longer than Homefront, Bulletstorm, DNF, KZ3, and a number of the other FPS games that have come out recently. A survey found that 30-40% of CoD players play for campaign and never even touch the multiplayer modes (link here if you're interested meaning that some 8 million people play CoD for the story - more than play most other video games, period. In fact, even here where anti-CoD sentiment is intense, on every thread about the new releases you'll find a torrent of "I won't buy it because of (insert umbrage about some move Activision has made or another) but I'll play it a t a friends to see how the story turns out". As far as the characters are concerned, that's personal opinion, but I think characters like Price and Reznov are interesting and charistmatic and far from "bullshit stereotypes".

In summary, sure I liked Fallout 3 and Portal. But their sequels aren't any more innovative than CoD's. FO3 is still using an even older engine than MW's. And as far as stories are concerned, you're comparing (in the case of FO3) an RPG to a military shooter - apples and oranges.


Gloria ex machina
Sep 21, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Cpu46 said:
Mikeyfell said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Mikeyfell said:

OT: I fucking hate zombies and probably wont buy MW3 because I will be too busy playing other games. So mehhh.

Both of you be quiet and get along or I swear I will turn this thread around right now!
Go on. Try it ************. I dare you, I fucking double dare you kid.

Haha, just kidding. Its all good. At the end of the day, who cares, its an internet forum.
Yea, I know. I just wanted to inject some comedy into the BAAAAWWWW-fest.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
So horde mode and spec ops... A bit disappointing really. The last two COD games have been a let down, MW2's story was all over the place and Black ops multiplayer felt like a step back in its feel, especially with the guns turning into peashooters.

I've bought and played to death every COD game since the original yet COD3 just doesn't excite me, especially with so many other good games out there and coming along. I've been playing Fear 3 all weekend and the co-op and multiplayer is a real breath of fresh air.

The sooner they move on to space marines the better imo, then i might get interested again.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Jegsimmons said:
Thanks, im going to have too have surgery done to my face because that post made me facepalm so hard, several times. (Just kidding, but stay with me).

Kill cams originate from Halo? Wow, wow, wow, back up son. I have played a whole lot of Halo. And I am pretty damn sure COD did them before Bungie even thought about it. In fact, I believe that to date there is not a single Halo game that featured killcams.

Now son, time for this whole Battlefield thing. Bad Company had a campaign, you say. Fair enough, I say. But son. Look here. Nobody gives a fuck about the campaign in Battlefield games, and you know what? Thats a good thing. Because Battlefield multiplayer is just too much damn fun, and they should concentrate on perfecting that. Failing that point, Bad Company added a campaign and Bad Company 2 added... Uhm... A view new weapons and maps? Oh shit! Look at that! Exactly like COD! Who would have thought!

Halo is innovative, eh? Yep, Halo had that one, big, genre defining game on the first xbox, Combat Evolved, and it was fucking awesome. And once that was out, they made 2, 3, ODST and Reach. These games somehow managed to add nothing new to the table and still be worse than the original. Halo invented matchmaking? Fuck that. Microsoft invented matchmaking when they said "You know what would be great? If we had this online service so we could earn an extra 60 bucks off every second customer. We should tell Bungie about it."

Now we can look at the flip side you mentioned. A couple of years ago, a small team of programmers and the likes left a certain studio known for the game Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault. They left because they had there own ideas they wanted to implement into a war game. They went on to make Infinity Ward, a studio that is sadly falling apart ever since they brought out COD 4. Back when they released COD 1, everything about it was fresh. While it didnt bring big new things to the table, the way it presented itself, the breathtaking atmosphere, the fast and intense shooting in the campaign, the feeling of really being in a war was a first, and every bit as innovative as the first Half Life or Halo. The thing is, COD went on to make the same game loads of times. Just like Halo, which got worse and worse with every game. The only game that really grew and blossomed was Half Life.

As for MW3, yep, we have the same game with a couple of new guns and attachments and better lighting. But COD has done its thing. They took a risk with COD4, and it paid off. Back then it was a breath of fresh air in a genre that was filled with space marines. They brought something new to the table and defined games too come twice, thats one more time than any other game series, save maybe Half Life.

Heres the thing; nothing you can say, nothing infinity ward has done justifies this dude barging into an internet forum and berating people on what games they play. His opinion doesnt count for shit, and he should keep it to himself until hes learnt to present them in a non offensive way and realized he isnt anything better because he chooses one grey and brown shooter over the other. Does he have some valid points? Yes. Does that justify the very childish behavior presented by him? Nope. No matter how good your point is, judging people on what game they buy is stupid.

Im out.

My mistake on the Kill Cams. though COD didnt invent those.

On Battlefield...your just wrong. The story is a significant part of the game, and while the multiplayer is one of the best in the industry, its only half the game. that's why they MAKE a campaign. And didnt add anything new? bullshit...Destruction 2.0 better multiplayer mechanics, better controls, better AI, better everything. Just because it isn't brand new doesn't mean they didnt innovate, after all build on the good spots for a solid foundation to a great game.

also, the gun mechanics and sound are amazing, COD has been useing the same engine and sounds for a while and all the guns are equally shit.

Halo 1- brought shooters to consoles
Halo 2- Regen health and matchmaking
Halo 3- forge, theater, customized characters, and an improved ranking system to the matchmaking
Halo ODST- firefight
Halo REACH- same as 3 and ODST except greatly improved to a mind blowing point.

[quoteHalo invented matchmaking? Fuck that. Microsoft invented matchmaking when they said "You know what would be great? If we had this online service so we could earn an extra 60 bucks off every second customer. We should tell Bungie about it."[/quote]
you have goddamn idea what matchmaking is do you? its the multiplayer system, not xbox live.
So you have no clue as to what your talking about.

Now we can look at the flip side you mentioned. A couple of years ago, a small team of programmers and the likes left a certain studio known for the game Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault. They left because they had there own ideas they wanted to implement into a war game. They went on to make Infinity Ward, a studio that is sadly falling apart ever since they brought out COD 4. Back when they released COD 1, everything about it was fresh. While it didnt bring big new things to the table, the way it presented itself, the breathtaking atmosphere, the fast and intense shooting in the campaign, the feeling of really being in a war was a first, and every bit as innovative as the first Half Life or Halo. The thing is, COD went on to make the same game loads of times. Just like Halo, which got worse and worse with every game. The only game that really grew and blossomed was Half Life.
COD 1 and 2 were very good games, but innovative? not really.
All your statement about halo getting worse and not bringing anything new is just wrong. thats not even an opinion, that a badly made argument with false statements.

As for MW3, yep, we have the same game with a couple of new guns and attachments and better lighting. But COD has done its thing. They took a risk with COD4, and it paid off. Back then it was a breath of fresh air in a genre that was filled with space marines. They brought something new to the table and defined games too come twice, thats one more time than any other game series, save maybe Half Life.
for starters, not every game was space marines, those just became popular because of halo...why?....because halo was good. Halo has always been good. thats why it still sells and doesnt come under such flak like other games that happen to be repetitive.
and it's not really a breath of fresh air, when medal of honor, delta force,counter strike, ect were still out on the market.

Heres the thing; nothing you can say, nothing infinity ward has done justifies this dude barging into an internet forum and berating people on what games they play. His opinion doesnt count for shit, and he should keep it to himself until hes learnt to present them in a non offensive way and realized he isnt anything better because he chooses one grey and brown shooter over the other. Does he have some valid points? Yes. Does that justify the very childish behavior presented by him? Nope. No matter how good your point is, judging people on what game they buy is stupid.

Im out.
his opinion counts just as much as everyone else's. Even if it is childish, and really, it look more like you started bitching at him for a silly joke no one else took seriously.
but no you took it upon yourself to retaliate and try and tell him off and call his opinion childish and saying its not justified and shouldn't post on >>>AN INTERNET FORUM<<< yet you turn around and start a mudslinging campaign with little to no basis in logic or fact.
quite frankly your the one coming off as childish and kind of an elitist.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
ZeroMachine said:
Jegsimmons said:
ZeroMachine said:
Korten12 said:
Sounds great.

Let the COD hate begin...
TheRightToArmBears said:
Fuck the haters, this sounds awesome! Do want!
C95J said:
but it is bad, remember, because it is Call of Duty!


This game is going to be great, can't wait to play the campaign most of all though :)
The lack of irrational hate in this thread after three posts is just... inspiring :)

Knowing my friend and I, we'll have a blast with this even if it's only just as good as MW2's Spec Ops.

Definitely looking forward to this.
maby we can now get /b/ to count to 10 without racial slurs. XD

People on the Escapist liking CoD is an oddity.

4chan counting to anything without racial slurs is a miracle.

And I ain't a religious man.
if i ever see it happen i'll be sure to tell you god exist then.


New member
Mar 9, 2010
A horde mode? NO WAI! Where do they come up with such brilliance?!


dj Facchiano

New member
Feb 3, 2010
Jegsimmons said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Jegsimmons said:
Thanks, im going to have too have surgery done to my face because that post made me facepalm so hard, several times. (Just kidding, but stay with me).

Kill cams originate from Halo? Wow, wow, wow, back up son. I have played a whole lot of Halo. And I am pretty damn sure COD did them before Bungie even thought about it. In fact, I believe that to date there is not a single Halo game that featured killcams.

Now son, time for this whole Battlefield thing. Bad Company had a campaign, you say. Fair enough, I say. But son. Look here. Nobody gives a fuck about the campaign in Battlefield games, and you know what? Thats a good thing. Because Battlefield multiplayer is just too much damn fun, and they should concentrate on perfecting that. Failing that point, Bad Company added a campaign and Bad Company 2 added... Uhm... A view new weapons and maps? Oh shit! Look at that! Exactly like COD! Who would have thought!

Halo is innovative, eh? Yep, Halo had that one, big, genre defining game on the first xbox, Combat Evolved, and it was fucking awesome. And once that was out, they made 2, 3, ODST and Reach. These games somehow managed to add nothing new to the table and still be worse than the original. Halo invented matchmaking? Fuck that. Microsoft invented matchmaking when they said "You know what would be great? If we had this online service so we could earn an extra 60 bucks off every second customer. We should tell Bungie about it."

Now we can look at the flip side you mentioned. A couple of years ago, a small team of programmers and the likes left a certain studio known for the game Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault. They left because they had there own ideas they wanted to implement into a war game. They went on to make Infinity Ward, a studio that is sadly falling apart ever since they brought out COD 4. Back when they released COD 1, everything about it was fresh. While it didnt bring big new things to the table, the way it presented itself, the breathtaking atmosphere, the fast and intense shooting in the campaign, the feeling of really being in a war was a first, and every bit as innovative as the first Half Life or Halo. The thing is, COD went on to make the same game loads of times. Just like Halo, which got worse and worse with every game. The only game that really grew and blossomed was Half Life.

As for MW3, yep, we have the same game with a couple of new guns and attachments and better lighting. But COD has done its thing. They took a risk with COD4, and it paid off. Back then it was a breath of fresh air in a genre that was filled with space marines. They brought something new to the table and defined games too come twice, thats one more time than any other game series, save maybe Half Life.

Heres the thing; nothing you can say, nothing infinity ward has done justifies this dude barging into an internet forum and berating people on what games they play. His opinion doesnt count for shit, and he should keep it to himself until hes learnt to present them in a non offensive way and realized he isnt anything better because he chooses one grey and brown shooter over the other. Does he have some valid points? Yes. Does that justify the very childish behavior presented by him? Nope. No matter how good your point is, judging people on what game they buy is stupid.

Im out.

My mistake on the Kill Cams. though COD didnt invent those.

On Battlefield...your just wrong. The story is a significant part of the game, and while the multiplayer is one of the best in the industry, its only half the game. that's why they MAKE a campaign. And didnt add anything new? bullshit...Destruction 2.0 better multiplayer mechanics, better controls, better AI, better everything. Just because it isn't brand new doesn't mean they didnt innovate, after all build on the good spots for a solid foundation to a great game.

also, the gun mechanics and sound are amazing, COD has been useing the same engine and sounds for a while and all the guns are equally shit.

Halo 1- brought shooters to consoles
Halo 2- Regen health and matchmaking
Halo 3- forge, theater, customized characters, and an improved ranking system to the matchmaking
Halo ODST- firefight
Halo REACH- same as 3 and ODST except greatly improved to a mind blowing point.

[quoteHalo invented matchmaking? Fuck that. Microsoft invented matchmaking when they said "You know what would be great? If we had this online service so we could earn an extra 60 bucks off every second customer. We should tell Bungie about it."
you have goddamn idea what matchmaking is do you? its the multiplayer system, not xbox live.
So you have no clue as to what your talking about.

Now we can look at the flip side you mentioned. A couple of years ago, a small team of programmers and the likes left a certain studio known for the game Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault. They left because they had there own ideas they wanted to implement into a war game. They went on to make Infinity Ward, a studio that is sadly falling apart ever since they brought out COD 4. Back when they released COD 1, everything about it was fresh. While it didnt bring big new things to the table, the way it presented itself, the breathtaking atmosphere, the fast and intense shooting in the campaign, the feeling of really being in a war was a first, and every bit as innovative as the first Half Life or Halo. The thing is, COD went on to make the same game loads of times. Just like Halo, which got worse and worse with every game. The only game that really grew and blossomed was Half Life.
COD 1 and 2 were very good games, but innovative? not really.
All your statement about halo getting worse and not bringing anything new is just wrong. thats not even an opinion, that a badly made argument with false statements.

As for MW3, yep, we have the same game with a couple of new guns and attachments and better lighting. But COD has done its thing. They took a risk with COD4, and it paid off. Back then it was a breath of fresh air in a genre that was filled with space marines. They brought something new to the table and defined games too come twice, thats one more time than any other game series, save maybe Half Life.
for starters, not every game was space marines, those just became popular because of halo...why?....because halo was good. Halo has always been good. thats why it still sells and doesnt come under such flak like other games that happen to be repetitive.
and it's not really a breath of fresh air, when medal of honor, delta force,counter strike, ect were still out on the market.

Heres the thing; nothing you can say, nothing infinity ward has done justifies this dude barging into an internet forum and berating people on what games they play. His opinion doesnt count for shit, and he should keep it to himself until hes learnt to present them in a non offensive way and realized he isnt anything better because he chooses one grey and brown shooter over the other. Does he have some valid points? Yes. Does that justify the very childish behavior presented by him? Nope. No matter how good your point is, judging people on what game they buy is stupid.

Im out.
his opinion counts just as much as everyone else's. Even if it is childish, and really, it look more like you started bitching at him for a silly joke no one else took seriously.
but no you took it upon yourself to retaliate and try and tell him off and call his opinion childish and saying its not justified and shouldn't post on >>>AN INTERNET FORUM<<< yet you turn around and start a mudslinging campaign with little to no basis in logic or fact.
quite frankly your the one coming off as childish and kind of an elitist.[/quote]
SO MUCH RAGE, End the madness, END IT!!!