Modern Warfare 3 Spec Ops Mode Gets "Phenomenal" Response


New member
May 17, 2010
I really can't say that the addition of a horde mode is worth the money for me if the campaign is left out to dry again like it felt like it was in MW2, I'm holding no stance on it's going to be crap or it's going to be awesome until I know if they put any effort into the Single player.

In short, sorry IW but adding a horde mode doesn't sell it for me.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
dj Facchiano said:
Jegsimmons said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Jegsimmons said:
Thanks, im going to have too have surgery done to my face because that post made me facepalm so hard, several times. (Just kidding, but stay with me).

Kill cams originate from Halo? Wow, wow, wow, back up son. I have played a whole lot of Halo. And I am pretty damn sure COD did them before Bungie even thought about it. In fact, I believe that to date there is not a single Halo game that featured killcams.

Now son, time for this whole Battlefield thing. Bad Company had a campaign, you say. Fair enough, I say. But son. Look here. Nobody gives a fuck about the campaign in Battlefield games, and you know what? Thats a good thing. Because Battlefield multiplayer is just too much damn fun, and they should concentrate on perfecting that. Failing that point, Bad Company added a campaign and Bad Company 2 added... Uhm... A view new weapons and maps? Oh shit! Look at that! Exactly like COD! Who would have thought!

Halo is innovative, eh? Yep, Halo had that one, big, genre defining game on the first xbox, Combat Evolved, and it was fucking awesome. And once that was out, they made 2, 3, ODST and Reach. These games somehow managed to add nothing new to the table and still be worse than the original. Halo invented matchmaking? Fuck that. Microsoft invented matchmaking when they said "You know what would be great? If we had this online service so we could earn an extra 60 bucks off every second customer. We should tell Bungie about it."

Now we can look at the flip side you mentioned. A couple of years ago, a small team of programmers and the likes left a certain studio known for the game Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault. They left because they had there own ideas they wanted to implement into a war game. They went on to make Infinity Ward, a studio that is sadly falling apart ever since they brought out COD 4. Back when they released COD 1, everything about it was fresh. While it didnt bring big new things to the table, the way it presented itself, the breathtaking atmosphere, the fast and intense shooting in the campaign, the feeling of really being in a war was a first, and every bit as innovative as the first Half Life or Halo. The thing is, COD went on to make the same game loads of times. Just like Halo, which got worse and worse with every game. The only game that really grew and blossomed was Half Life.

As for MW3, yep, we have the same game with a couple of new guns and attachments and better lighting. But COD has done its thing. They took a risk with COD4, and it paid off. Back then it was a breath of fresh air in a genre that was filled with space marines. They brought something new to the table and defined games too come twice, thats one more time than any other game series, save maybe Half Life.

Heres the thing; nothing you can say, nothing infinity ward has done justifies this dude barging into an internet forum and berating people on what games they play. His opinion doesnt count for shit, and he should keep it to himself until hes learnt to present them in a non offensive way and realized he isnt anything better because he chooses one grey and brown shooter over the other. Does he have some valid points? Yes. Does that justify the very childish behavior presented by him? Nope. No matter how good your point is, judging people on what game they buy is stupid.

Im out.

My mistake on the Kill Cams. though COD didnt invent those.

On Battlefield...your just wrong. The story is a significant part of the game, and while the multiplayer is one of the best in the industry, its only half the game. that's why they MAKE a campaign. And didnt add anything new? bullshit...Destruction 2.0 better multiplayer mechanics, better controls, better AI, better everything. Just because it isn't brand new doesn't mean they didnt innovate, after all build on the good spots for a solid foundation to a great game.

also, the gun mechanics and sound are amazing, COD has been useing the same engine and sounds for a while and all the guns are equally shit.

Halo 1- brought shooters to consoles
Halo 2- Regen health and matchmaking
Halo 3- forge, theater, customized characters, and an improved ranking system to the matchmaking
Halo ODST- firefight
Halo REACH- same as 3 and ODST except greatly improved to a mind blowing point.

[quoteHalo invented matchmaking? Fuck that. Microsoft invented matchmaking when they said "You know what would be great? If we had this online service so we could earn an extra 60 bucks off every second customer. We should tell Bungie about it."
you have goddamn idea what matchmaking is do you? its the multiplayer system, not xbox live.
So you have no clue as to what your talking about.

Now we can look at the flip side you mentioned. A couple of years ago, a small team of programmers and the likes left a certain studio known for the game Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault. They left because they had there own ideas they wanted to implement into a war game. They went on to make Infinity Ward, a studio that is sadly falling apart ever since they brought out COD 4. Back when they released COD 1, everything about it was fresh. While it didnt bring big new things to the table, the way it presented itself, the breathtaking atmosphere, the fast and intense shooting in the campaign, the feeling of really being in a war was a first, and every bit as innovative as the first Half Life or Halo. The thing is, COD went on to make the same game loads of times. Just like Halo, which got worse and worse with every game. The only game that really grew and blossomed was Half Life.
COD 1 and 2 were very good games, but innovative? not really.
All your statement about halo getting worse and not bringing anything new is just wrong. thats not even an opinion, that a badly made argument with false statements.

As for MW3, yep, we have the same game with a couple of new guns and attachments and better lighting. But COD has done its thing. They took a risk with COD4, and it paid off. Back then it was a breath of fresh air in a genre that was filled with space marines. They brought something new to the table and defined games too come twice, thats one more time than any other game series, save maybe Half Life.
for starters, not every game was space marines, those just became popular because of halo...why?....because halo was good. Halo has always been good. thats why it still sells and doesnt come under such flak like other games that happen to be repetitive.
and it's not really a breath of fresh air, when medal of honor, delta force,counter strike, ect were still out on the market.

Heres the thing; nothing you can say, nothing infinity ward has done justifies this dude barging into an internet forum and berating people on what games they play. His opinion doesnt count for shit, and he should keep it to himself until hes learnt to present them in a non offensive way and realized he isnt anything better because he chooses one grey and brown shooter over the other. Does he have some valid points? Yes. Does that justify the very childish behavior presented by him? Nope. No matter how good your point is, judging people on what game they buy is stupid.

Im out.
his opinion counts just as much as everyone else's. Even if it is childish, and really, it look more like you started bitching at him for a silly joke no one else took seriously.
but no you took it upon yourself to retaliate and try and tell him off and call his opinion childish and saying its not justified and shouldn't post on >>>AN INTERNET FORUM<<< yet you turn around and start a mudslinging campaign with little to no basis in logic or fact.
quite frankly your the one coming off as childish and kind of an elitist.
SO MUCH RAGE, End the madness, END IT!!![/quote]
oh dude...I aint even mad....if it was rage..whew, id break the internet, but that only happened once.


New member
May 6, 2011
This is the first news I've heard about MW3 that makes the game sound remotely good. Of course, Halo Reach is still probably going to be way more fun for this type of "fight off waves of enemies with your friends" gameplay, but this at least sounds like it could be good for what it is.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
I'm looking forward to MW3, and I might pick up BF3, but everyone on this site seems to hate on CoD, so not really the best place to talk about it, because OH MY GOD BATTLEFIELD IS GOING TO ASSRAPE THE HELL OUT OF CALL OF DUTY, BECAUSE THEY BOTH IMPROVE ON THE PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS, RAAAAAAAAH!!!!!

Also: Halol, IMO, 1 was okay, 2 was meh, 3 was awesome, ODST was awesome, and Reach was shit.


New member
Mar 10, 2010
Well at least they're improving on something that actually made MW2 feel different from every other game. I don't care about CoD but still, it's a step in the right direction.


New member
Nov 28, 2007
Have fun paying full price for the exact same thing you've been playing for the last four years, you sheep!

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Yay. My friends and I are enjoying F.E.A.R. 3's version of this, so I'm excited about it. Man, I'm going to be so broke starting in Oct.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Thats fucking hilarious. 5 star post you got yourself there dude. L4D REALLY brought a new concept, didnt it (Killing Floor). And L4D2 changed so much. Fallout 3? Sorry to break this man, but it was Oblivion with guns. It brought nothing, nothing new. The Fallout story? It was there beforehand. The RPG elements? Look at Oblivion. The crafting? It was there. Riddle me this. What makes L4D and L4D2 different in terms of innovation, compared to COD 2 and COD 3? What are the major differences between Portal and Portal 2? Differences greater than the difference between MW2 and Black Ops? I dont see them.
I don't recall even saying Left 4 Dead 2 was one of my favorite FPS's?
Killing zombies is so played out but killing terrorists is fresh and new?
There were significant changes made to L4D2, it's not so different but the changes are noticeable. (Not that that matters to you. If I said new maps, characters, weapons, enemies, and powerups. You could probably come up with some similar defense for CoD) The difference is that in my opinion (*translates to: You should definitely ignore this part when forming your rebuttal) Valve is a better developer The level design is immaculate, the enemy AI is challenging without being unfair, the weapon drops and powerup placements are unpredictable, the characters are interesting and likeable, and the pacing is consistent.

You think Fallout 3 is identical to Oblivion? I doubt you managed to keep a strait face when you typed that. Besides from all the visual and auditory differences the mechanics were almost completely different. and "They're both RPG's" doesn't really help as a defense. Leveling and skill building (The cornerstones of any RPG) were handled completely differently.

Portal 2 was really bad when compared to Portal 1. Which is exactly why it's not on the list. Pay attention next time please.

If you realize you cant travel through time, and you see that it may only seem to be the same game, dont you think its a little quick to start busting out those images and scream "DONT BUY THIS! I DONT LIKE THESE GAMES GUYS! I DONT LIKE THEM ONE BIT, SO JUST DONT BUY THEM, BECAUSE IF YOU ENJOY THEM THAT MAKES ME REALLY ANGRY!"? You dont see me hating on L4D2 4 months before release. By the way, you dont have to put my quotes into big letters to make me seem like a rambling mad man who is insulting you, im perfectly capable of leaving that impression myself, thank you. Edit it, please.
Call it an educated guess. based on the evidence (this article) it does seem like a remake. And Infinity Ward is being foolish saying "Hey guys! Look at our Spec Ops mode! It's going to be awesome!" Didn't you say the same thing about Modern Warfare 2? "Shhhhhhhh! that was 2 years ago we're hoping our target audience forgot about that."

And yes it may be juvenile but I get angry when crap (I'm not even going to call it crap) when copy-pasta makes money. Even if you like the Modern Warfare games they're so similar and short that they don't deserve to make money. You'd think preordered copies came with crack.

As for Battlefield 2 riding the COD money train and COD 4 being the same game as COD 3... You couldnt have made it more obvious your opinion derives not from playing those games, but rather from seeing one or two people saying that, thinking they were cool and you want to get in on the COD hate too (maybe you will get more respect from your forum bros, shit hating on COD is so fucking cool, ladies will be all over you if you hate on COD).
Ummmm? okay. You are wrong but if you actually believe what you say then your taking my uninformed useless opinion rather seriously.

I have played all the CoD games. I even thought the first one was stellar. I've even played all the CoD clones and knockoffs. (I wouldn't be caught dead paying for any of them but I have a friend who plays them religiously and he lets/forces met to play them). And yes, between Call of Duty 3 and Modern Warfare the core gameplay of doing squat thrusts, picking your nose with the butt of your gun and anxiously fingering your trigger was completely unchanged from the drastic leap forward in time. The only noticeable change from game to game is that the level maps get smaller and more linear.

I did like MW 2 better than MW 1 because of the Spec Ops

COD 3s gameplay is completely different from COD4. Battlefield 2 was released in 2005. Thats 2 years before COD4. Thats a time in which COD sales were solid but Battlefield multiplayer dominated. You need to learn a lot before you come on here and try to lecture people. And you still havent explained exactly why I shouldnt buy MW3. Because you dont like it and other games might copy it? Tough shit son. Deal with it. Preferably without making baw posts like that one.
No it wasn't
Huh, That explains why I liked Bad Company (The one I was talking about) better than any of the CoD games.
And you've seen the preview for Battlefield 3 right. The phrase "trying to ape Modern Warfare" doesn't quite cut it.
I haven't been lecturing anyone, oh you mean "DON'T BUY WHAT YOU OWN 4 OF BWAAAAA" that wasn't intended to be a lecture.
um? I have. It's a series that's been shamelessly copied and pasted since 2003. That sort of unscrupulous business practice doesn't deserve to be rewarded..... That's how I feel anyway.
There's a solution that'll make everyone happy: Buy a used copy. You don't spend a full $60 and Activision doesn't make a penny.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Jegsimmons said:
snip so you see
Wow! Hold up a second player. Building on a solid foundation, refining gameplay mechanics without changing the core game - holy shit, sound familiar? Sure does... I can think of another shooter series that does that... But anyhow, destruction was in the first Bad Company and isnt a new concept at all, and has failed to break into the FPS genre as a whole. I really dont get how you can say that Infinity Ward are making the same game over and over, while defending Dice and Bad Company + Bad Company 2, no, not defending, actually praising them. From MW2 to MW3 and from BC to BC2 - the same innovation is happening, and its fucking zero. Nothing major. Just trying to tweak the multiplayer. Thats not a bad thing, because both are pretty fun, but smashing one and praising the other is rather hypocritical.
good god almighty your annoying in that you have no clue what your babbling about.

Battlefield: the core stayed the same but then again it didnt need much changeing, the destruction mechanic was updated greatly, the sound and audio was updated to perfection.
they adjust the control scheme to suit changes in gameplay

COD: not only has the same core, but does not update the engine, changes nothing in the controls in the slightest, the sound is stock and terrible, and it isnt much to look at visually. the point is that while BF:BC 1 and 2 and test runs for BF3 but they update them to suit the players and make the games better each go is why its more innovative. If you play each battlefield game in order you tell GREAT differences COD has not changed anything but its skin.
And smashing one and praising the other means that ones is fucking up somewhere, its not hypocritical, understand what hypocritical means.

Halo 1 brought shooters to consoles? WHAT? I sure as fuck hope you are kidding on that one. I guess you are.
Halo 2 - Regen health was present in form of shields in the first game. Matchmaking was a feature added to the game and Microsofts request, which is what I was getting at with the xbox live thing, but lets just roll with it.
Halo 3 - Forge, theater, customization, the broken ranking system werent new ideas. Apart from the matching you up with players that match your skill, that shit was the bomb when it worked, which was all to rare.
Halo ODST - Survival modes were introduced by ODST? Do you believe that? Son...
Halo Reach - Ignoring the fact that those "MLG pros" and most serious Halo players think Reach multiplayer was horrible, once again, we have the formula that is also used by COD - refine and keep core game mechanics. Not much innovation. Shit, Reach even copied COD with all the perks and shit if you want to get down to it, but lets not turn this into Halo vs COD.
yes halo 1 brought the FPS to the consoles. the only ones before halo were golden eye and some other game i dont care about. the way how it set the controls and mechanics were revolutionary. learn your gameing history.
Shields and health are two different things since some matches dont use shields.
you have obviously never played halo.

also, did i say halo brought a brand new thing to the table of gameing? no, i said it improved on itself which in turn became a first in the genre.
and no, load outs was not even remotely a COD thing, that was done in god knows how many games before it. and loadouts and perks are two different things. you still dont know what your yapping about. also stop pulling shit out your ass like "Even the MLG players hated Reach" i dont think you speak for all of the and halo reach was praised by the majority of critics around the world.

Look dude, this is what it boils down too: the frantic, chaotic atmosphere in COD 1 was unmatched back then. The keeping you in your body as major shit happens in cutscenes was new, the extremely linear shooting with fixed events and all that - all new in war games. Im guessing you played it sometime later, years after release, when all the other games had already started taking this stuff and putting it in there campaigns. Obviously the first game wouldnt feel very innovative then, just like someone playing Halo now wouldnt think twice about not needing to select grenades as a weapon before throwing them. If you dont believe me, google for some reviews of the game written when it came out - you will see what I mean when I say COD 1 was very innovative.
fixed events is what they still do and it limits replay value and is what makes the enemy AI in COD absolute shit when compared to reach's enemy AI which will do random stuff just to fuck you up. and i never said COD one wasnt good, its everything from 4 and beyond that repetitive, boring, uninspired, un-innovative and terrible plot and multiplayer gameplay

As I said, I see so many of these guys spewing this shit day in day out on this forum, so sorry if I feel the need to vent and set things straight once in a while. If you tell people what to enjoy, because you need to like exactly what he likes, fuck that, gtfo. Just saying. And if actually knowing my shit makes me appear as an elitist or asshole, so be it. I think I have presented a lot more valid arguments and facts than you have. For someone who is so sure of the arguments he is making you say "....your just wrong" without telling me why a whole damn lot.
You didnt set anyone straight, you have not brought any good arguments to the table, you've provided nothing solid and relied to heavily on false facts an opinions.
and its obvious you dont know your shit.

inb4 lol trolled I was only pretending etc, just to be on the safe side.
*facepalm* dont even know how trolling works.....


New member
Jan 23, 2010
Mikeyfell said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
I have played all the CoD games. I even thought the first one was stellar. I've even played all the CoD clones and knockoffs. (I wouldn't be caught dead paying for any of them but I have a friend who plays them religiously and he lets/forces met to play them). And yes, between Call of Duty 3 and Modern Warfare the core gameplay of doing squat thrusts, picking your nose with the butt of your gun and anxiously fingering your trigger was completely unchanged from the drastic leap forward in time. The only noticeable change from game to game is that the level maps get smaller and more linear.
I have played all the Battlefield games. I even thought that they were all stellar. I've even played all the Battlefield clones and knock offs. (I wouldn't be caught dead paying for any of them because I have a friend who plays them religiously and he lets/forces me to play them)
And yes, between Bad Company and Bad Company 2 is the same, the core gameplay of blowing shit up, having your screen filled with dust,and anxiously fingering your trigger was completely unchanged despite it being a sequel, even though sequels should be similar. The only noticeable change from game to game is that the level maps have more shit to blow up and are more serious business.

I have played all the L4D games. I even thought the first one was stellar. I've even played all the clones and knockoffs. (I wouldn't be caught dead paying for any of them but I have a friend who plays them religiously and he lets/forces met to play them). And yes, between L4D and L4D2 the core gameplay of killing zombies, picking your nose with pills and anxiously fingering your trigger was completely unchanged from the drastic change in setting. The only noticeable change from game to game is that the level maps get smaller and more linear.

Your statement could literally be copy pasted with a few minor changes to any series.


New member
Aug 18, 2009
I was at first skeptical of this game, but it could still turn out to be worth playing.
Pity it's coming out at the same time as almost every single other notable game release of the year.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
Adding a single extra function to a single mode in the game and calling it a sequel? Huh. Sounds like the typical CoD style.

I'd buy it, but I already own MW2. I don't need to spend $60 on a second copy.

Professor James

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2010
Chrono212 said:
*thinks for a moment*
Who did this first?
Halo 3: ODST or someone else?

Anyway, I personally prefer the idea of zombies because that's more 'realistic' (ha. CoD? Realism? XD) that you're trapped until death rather than last man standing stuff with hundreds of soldiers...
I'm pretty sure it was gears of war 2 first that did that.

OT: I'm still a little skeptical if I should get this game or not.

Smooth Operator

New member
Oct 5, 2010
Well I wonder if it's actually good or it's fanatic levels of fanboyism all over again, I guess we will see that when it comes out.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
(Once again I feel that I have to point out that my "rage" is to be taken with a grain of salt. While the kids above clearly have no clue, I am not sitting here smashing my keyboard, as many people must be envisioning me. I should put this disclaimer on all my posts, really.)
I can feel your salty rage boiling through the screen at me.
I can't help but think if you want that point to be taken seriously you should have but something coherent in your post to back it up.

You accuse me of being too illiterate to read your post and then your entire counter argument is literally stuff I said you would say in the post your responding to?

I don't recall even saying Left 4 Dead 2 was one of my favorite FPS's?
Killing zombies is so played out but killing terrorists is fresh and new?
There were significant changes made to L4D2, it's not so different but the changes are noticeable. (Not that that matters to you. If I said new maps, characters, weapons, enemies, and powerups. You could probably come up with some similar defense for CoD) The difference is that in my opinion (*translates to: You should definitely ignore this part when forming your rebuttal) Valve is a better developer The level design is immaculate, the enemy AI is challenging without being unfair, the weapon drops and powerup placements are unpredictable, the characters are interesting and likeable, and the pacing is consistent.
Alright. Lets see if I can finish this in under 10 minutes. First off, I never stated killing terrorists is fresh and new, quite the opposite actually. But whatever, lets roll with it, I will leave you that even if its obvious you didnt read my post properly (or lack the literacy to do so, no offense). Look son. L4D2 had new maps. MW3 will have new maps. L4D2 had new characters. MW3 will have new characters. L4D2 had new weapons. MW3 will have new weapons. L4D2 had new enemies. MW3 will most likely introduce new enemies. As for powerups, well, I guess MW3 will have new perks and killstreaks, thats the closest thing to powerups you will get. Im not trying to turn this against you. I hold no personal grudge against you, or valve, or battlefield, or COD. I am stating this because it is a fact. When you argue against this, you make yourself look like as much of an idiot as me because im arguing about video games on an internet forum with some kid who clearly has no fucking clue what he is on about. As for Valve being the better developer, OPINIONS. GOOGLE THAT WORD.
Go back through and just add the word "decent" before maps, weapons, enemies. etc...

CoD(most FPS games for that matter) have nothing in the way of enemies. foot soldiers and different types of vehicles you shoot with rockets.

And dude. I totally used the word "opinion" in my post. I even put a little douchey comment after I used the word "opinion"

You think Fallout 3 is identical to Oblivion? I doubt you managed to keep a strait face when you typed that. Besides from all the visual and auditory differences the mechanics were almost completely different. and "They're both RPG's" doesn't really help as a defense. Leveling and skill building (The cornerstones of any RPG) were handled completely differently.
Yes, I did struggle to keep a strait face. Because I have no idea what a strait face looks like. I have no idea what strait even is. Did you mean straight? In that case, I did not struggle in the slightest, because the statement is enterily fucking true. The mechanics were completely different? Shit, please. What mechanics. I want to know. I want to know those big differences that have gone unnoticed by the entire gaming community, differences only you picked up. So go on, 5 major gameplay differences between Fallout 3 and Oblivion, beside guns, crafting, the interface and the music.
I'll tell you 5 differences between Oblivion and Fallout 3 and you tell me 5 differences between any 2 CoD games deal? (5 mechanical differences no story or anything like that. I don't want this to be easy on me)

1)In Oblivion you level by building skills. In Fallout you level by gaining experience (killing enemies, picking locks, hacking terminals, or successfully persuading someone).
2)In Oblivion you build skills by using them. In Fallout you build skills by spend the points you earn by leveling up.
3)In Oblivion all enemies and quest rewards level with you. In Fallout higher tier enemies are farther from the starting area.
4)In Oblivion there were guilds. In Fallout there were not guilds. (That one was easy but just incase)
4A)In Oblivion no wandering merchants. In Fallout lots of wandering merchants.
4B)In Oblivion there are master tradesmen who will train you in your skills. In Fallout there aren't.
4C)In Oblivion your karma does not affect which quests you can accept. In Fallout it does.
5)In Oblivion leveling up allowed you to increase your core stats. In Fallout you get to choose whether you want to increase your core stats or take a different perk.

there 5 major mechanical differences between Fallout 3 and Oblivion. what are 5 major differences between any CoD games?

I tell you whats a poor defense. Presenting arguments that are not only poorly put together but also flawed, which is exactly what you have been doing for the last 3 posts or so. Leveling and skillbuilding, completely different? Really? Like, 1% of the environment was scaled to your level? And perks (which incedently were in COD long before they were in Fallout, I dont present this as a major thing, I just thought it might piss you off a little and I imagine your desperate response will be rather amusing if rage inducing)? Never mind that the 10 major stats are pretty much the same.
I don't even...

One more thing on that point. The cornerstones of every RPG are the world and the characters, for the most part, not the damn stats.
Oh hold on. Now we're getting to the heart of the matter. You think that a decent lively world and interesting relatable characters should be exclusive to RPG's. I don't buy that. Good characters and a lively world should be part of every game (Movie, TV show, Book, whatever)

Call it an educated guess. based on the evidence (this article) it does seem like a remake. And Infinity Ward is being foolish saying "Hey guys! Look at our Spec Ops mode! It's going to be awesome!" Didn't you say the same thing about Modern Warfare 2? "Shhhhhhhh! that was 2 years ago we're hoping our target audience forgot about that."

And yes it may be juvenile but I get angry when crap (I'm not even going to call it crap) when copy-pasta makes money. Even if you like the Modern Warfare games they're so similar and short that they don't deserve to make money. You'd think preordered copies came with crack.
You would think pre-ordered copies came with FUN. You know, what people like to have when they play games. Which is my major gripe; why are you putting people down for having fun with a video game. Infinity Ward is being foolish? Shit, we have a new master of the video games industry. Maybe you should be head of Activision. You alone clearly have the gift to manage this company and are wise enough to manage PR. You should be master of the universe, you clearly think you should be, because you have already made it your task to decide whether other people should spend their own money on something, because you think its crap and thats why they shouldnt buy it.
Thanks for the complime..... Oh, you're being facetious.

One thing, I could do a better job managing Activision's PR than they do. They're famously bad at it.

I have played all the CoD games. I even thought the first one was stellar. I've even played all the CoD clones and knockoffs. (I wouldn't be caught dead paying for any of them but I have a friend who plays them religiously and he lets/forces met to play them). And yes, between Call of Duty 3 and Modern Warfare the core gameplay of doing squat thrusts, picking your nose with the butt of your gun and anxiously fingering your trigger was completely unchanged from the drastic leap forward in time. The only noticeable change from game to game is that the level maps get smaller and more linear.
I guess all Battlefield games are the same then, because you spend time capping flags in all of them? And Half Life is identical in every way to Half Life 2 because you spend your time shooting head crabs? No, wait. EVERY FPS ever made is identical because you spend time shooting stuff. Thats what your argument boils down too, and it falls flat on its face.
There was a point that was missed. Mechanics aren't the only aspect of gaming. There's story, visual design, writing, sound design. none of that stuff changes from CoD game to CoD game.

The story always goes through the same motions, the visuals are always dingy and dirty, the writing is ...acceptable but boring, the gun sounds, explosions and echo effects are outstanding, but the effect wares off after a few billion gunshots.

I'll bet you could look at ten minute long clips of gameplay from the first 3 Modern Warfare games and not be able to tell which is which.

There's a solution that'll make everyone happy: Buy a used copy. You don't spend a full $60 and Activision doesn't make a penny.
Heres a solution for you (jesus knows what I would like to say right now, you can probably guess): dont buy the fucking game, spend your money on stuff you like, shut up and look the other way when COD is being discussed, and let everyone live happily ever after. You can spend 2000 bucks on Justin Bieber merchandise for all I care; I think hes a talentless prick with no musical ability, but that doesnt mean im going to bust into teen girls having a conversation about him, brandishing bad shops of JB, screaming at them for being such brainless morons.
But if I look the other way when people are discussing CoD I never would have had this much fun on the internet. Now if you'll excuse me I'm going to use my $2000 worth of Justin Bieber merchandise to pick up all the chicks who don't like Call of Duty.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
omega_peaches said:
Mikeyfell said:
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
I have played all the CoD games. I even thought the first one was stellar. I've even played all the CoD clones and knockoffs. (I wouldn't be caught dead paying for any of them but I have a friend who plays them religiously and he lets/forces met to play them). And yes, between Call of Duty 3 and Modern Warfare the core gameplay of doing squat thrusts, picking your nose with the butt of your gun and anxiously fingering your trigger was completely unchanged from the drastic leap forward in time. The only noticeable change from game to game is that the level maps get smaller and more linear.
I have played all the Battlefield games. I even thought that they were all stellar. I've even played all the Battlefield clones and knock offs. (I wouldn't be caught dead paying for any of them because I have a friend who plays them religiously and he lets/forces me to play them)
And yes, between Bad Company and Bad Company 2 is the same, the core gameplay of blowing shit up, having your screen filled with dust,and anxiously fingering your trigger was completely unchanged despite it being a sequel, even though sequels should be similar. The only noticeable change from game to game is that the level maps have more shit to blow up and are more serious business.

I have played all the L4D games. I even thought the first one was stellar. I've even played all the clones and knockoffs. (I wouldn't be caught dead paying for any of them but I have a friend who plays them religiously and he lets/forces met to play them). And yes, between L4D and L4D2 the core gameplay of killing zombies, picking your nose with pills and anxiously fingering your trigger was completely unchanged from the drastic change in setting. The only noticeable change from game to game is that the level maps get smaller and more linear.

Your statement could literally be copy pasted with a few minor changes to any series.
Yup it sure can...
Way to show up 5 posts into a discussion and pretend you know what's going on dude.

The problem is that my situation is actually true. At least that my CoD playing friend forced me to play MW 2. The other stuff is my actual opinion of what the core gameplay of Call of Duty is.

This is how memes get started isn't it. Somebody types something on the internet, then somebody copies it and changes a word then suddenly it's
"Yo dawg I heard you like Call of Duty but it sucks because the core gameplay of doing squat thrusts, picking your nose with the butt of your gun and anxiously fingering your trigger can has cheese burger in your base, and then it drinks it's own urine."

These fucking Capthcas have to go.