Modern Warfare 3 Spec Ops Mode Gets "Phenomenal" Response


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
Chrono212 said:
*thinks for a moment*
Who did this first?
Halo 3: ODST or someone else?

Anyway, I personally prefer the idea of zombies because that's more 'realistic' (ha. CoD? Realism? XD) that you're trapped until death rather than last man standing stuff with hundreds of soldiers...
Fighting infinite hoards of enemies is something we've had since the days of the Arcade.


New member
Apr 19, 2011
hmmmm. that might add to the long term playability enough to warrant me actually buying this game, but still not at full price. i doubt it's going to be spectacular enough to justify spending $120.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Ariseishirou said:
Mikeyfell said:
Well Left 4 Dead is my favorite FPS
Then (You guessed it) Half Life 2
If Fallout 3 counts as an FPS that would make the list.
Portal if it counts (I know there aren't bullets but what ever)
Games that have enough depth to keep me interested in the shooting
Gonna be honest with you, mate. Based on that list I don't think the whole "military shooter" genre is for you and ever will be.

But also based on that list, L4D2 isn't really all that much more "innovative" than L4D. New Vegas is practically an expansion pack for FO3. Portal isn't even a shooter, and Portal 2 is more of the same only with shinier graphics, something you've already slagged the MW series for.

Seems a bit hypocritical to rag on CoD given those sequels.
Those are singular singles up against the third samey sequel. Four if you count CoD: Not Another WWII Shooter, or World at War. It's one of those two. And yeah, L4D2 was very samey. It should have been an expansion pack or map pack. New Vegas had enough new content to warrant it being a sequel. Evidently with every single game, there needs to be a new engine? According to your logic, this is the case.

That being the difference. If they did this once or twice, that's one thing. That's a sequel you make to wrap up the story. Something they could have done with MW2, instead they made the story batshit insane, so they could get another game out of the series with MW3.

BlOps pretended to be different. It was not.

Zing said:
Oh Infinity Ward are doing MW3? Sweet...I thought they had died
The real IW did. This is some sad imitation.

SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
And perks (which incedently were in COD long before they were in Fallout, I dont present this as a major thing, I just thought it might piss you off a little and I imagine your desperate response will be rather amusing if rage inducing)? Never mind that the 10 major stats are pretty much the same.
I didn't know CoD had perks and skills back before 1997. So weird. I guess they have a time machine they haven't told anyone about.

Also, stop calling people son, it makes you sound like the average 12 year old CoD player who feels the need to militantly defend his opinion, with misdirection and ignoring arguments that prove him wrong. Maybe that's just me. Son.


The Furry Gamer
Jun 29, 2010
Reminds me of 'Adventure' in Uncharted 2and the UC3 beta

i look forward too it

but i will miss the zombies


New member
Jul 17, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
I would love to hear what your favourite FPS are. Battlefield? Yeah, Bad Company is just THAT different to previous games in the series, right? Quake esque games? Like, you know, the ones that had the whole genre grind to a halt with no innovation to be found, kind of like what we are experiencing now?
Apart from the fact that each new battlefield is set in a new time period with different guns and different vehicles and different maps and releasing old popular maps for free and allowing modders to do their thing. apart from that yeah they arn't that different from each other and the one short break in the series of bad company which was trying to be more like Call of Duty and appeal more to a console crowd and absolutely failed to hold any competative edge over the others in the series and endorsed more rambo like attitudes by removing a lot of squad play elements such as the commander and failing to fix voip for bloody ages.

Also the fact that you are openly admitting to the genre crashing to a halt in terms of innovation and displaying it as a negative point and then using it to justify the lack of innovation which is what CoD is producing is just astounding.


New member
Jul 17, 2009
SmashLovesTitanQuest said:
Ignoring all the random swearing and bits of bold text let me just move on to say that CoD is ignoring inovation because you get people buying their games every year who see a new CoD and go that looks shiny and purchase it play it and then forget about it whereas everyone else who wants to play the games for extensive periods of time is left with utter shite. Also other developers look at the success as opposed to if its a good game or not and copy it hoping that some of that will rub off on them despite the fact that its CoD brand recognition that sells and not the actual gameplay itself. I think one of the main attempts at "innovation" that they are attempting right now is this service which you have to pay for which is free on HALO (another series which suffers from the same problem as the CoD series in my eyes) and this 60FPS thing (which is shit because most PC's for CoD4 had to limit their FPS at 125 because they could gain unfair advantages over other players) also the above thing as well is something that isn't new and should have been put in anyway as these sort of things have always had a long and good standing in the FPS genre.

You are also talking like I have never played CoD. On the contrary i used to play CoD as my main game on PC when it was just CoD4 and was revolutionary for its time because it had implemented perks into an online multiplayer system and made it work and it sold much better then the previous three because of it and became a household name I used to play competative as well on promod and was considered a low/med player in the grand scheme of things which meant i would rape any normal server and be top of the leaderboard because of it. Then the shit spam of CoD6 appeared and ***** slapped all the PC gamers while doing so. Actually if you look at most PC gamers who played FPS's you will probably find that their favourite CoD's were 2 and 4 and for good reason which i can't be bothered to go into now.

So essentially its all of the developers fault in the FPS genre because atm this genre is shit (actually the only genres that are doing as it should right now is MMORPG genre with rift trying to improve what WoW did by adding in new features and also others not sticking to a set formula like what CCP has done with EVE although they did just try fobbing off some rediculously overpriced DLC onto them and this yet again is another issue that i causing a problem. also the RPG genre is doing well as long as it doesn't continues dumbing down its games like they are trying to do right now. However as long as FPS's dont become like the Sports genre which is what they seem intent on doing then they can still pull themselves out of this hole) and the main consumer base for it ain't that much better either really since they tend to get effected by what like to call the "shiny shiny" effect and buy it impulsively instead of actually thinking about it.

Btw there never has been any modding tools for the BF series. Ever. Its just that the players have found a way around that and are developing mods for it regardless anyway because they are bloody clever. Also the reason why i mentioned mods is because 6 locked down all capabilities of creating mods by removing dedicated servers (something else which is incredibly important to the PC community and is something that I wrote a 1500 word essay on a while back) and is the main reason why there is no competative play for CoD6 that is worth mentioning. (also on a side note CoD 5 lost all of its competative players because of the broken weapons that were beyond rebalancing and also the simple failure of adding a record function into the dev console)

Also I'm not a BF fanboy which is what you have got fixed in your head I was just merely disproving the fact that you said they are all the same when they are clearly not. I did play BF2142 for a long time as my main game and loved it and my clan came top of Europe for the ESL ladders for normal conquest (clanmod I don't think we did as well on) and we won the winter cup once or twice but I moved onto CoD because I liked it more at that time (when I hit 13 coincidently) and started play competatively soon after when I got good enough to take the game more seriously and used to shotgun/assault in the team of 5. Also on the BFBC 2 point when that came out and since 2142 is dying my clan almost disintigrated because of a lack of common games to play and now has mainly been split off into a BF2P4F, LoL and other random games that they might like to play on whim.

However considering that I've matured a bit more in what I consider should be a decent game in playstyle and teamwork is what should be emphasised most in shooters then BF atm is the better series and hopefully DICE will have learnt their lesson from BFBC2 that BF is mainly a PC game and should stay that way and try not to shit all over its fan base like it did with BFBC2 when it made a sequel of BFBC 1 which was mainly a console game and therefore had a different playstyle to what most BF games have.

Also its the behaviour that you see a lot of CoD fans having and with everyone having access to mics it makes it much worse. Although its a stereotype it seems pretty accurate in a lot of cases. But that is a different point for another time.

One last point take a look at what is considered ground breaking in terms of gameplay is often considered to be one of the best games of their time:


They all started a trend of what was considered good because of their gameplay aspects and inovation in these areas. However of the 4 their only one of them recieves any real hate now that and thats the CoD series after 4 and CoD4 is still widely considered to be very good and is still one of the most played FPS's on the PC but its the developers will to continues spamming off new versions never improving the game flaws despite repeated attempts by the fans on these issues (like removing martyrdome and last stand and they gave last stand an empowered version which allows you to use your main and weapon and get back up again afterwards instead of dying which is just bs)

BF series has always managed to introduce completely new weapons/ new maps/ rereleasing old maps for free/ listening to the fans that the recon class is counter productive to gameplay and so have at least tried to make it work better.

Quake is still a widely played competative game with huge cash prizes for those who maintain their skill level and continue to improve. Also the skill level involved in that game is way beyond the BF series or CoD series.

I don't actually care if you don't reply tbh but i hope at least you can see my point of view on this now


New member
Apr 29, 2009
Chrono212 said:
*thinks for a moment*
Who did this first?
Halo 3: ODST or someone else?

Anyway, I personally prefer the idea of zombies because that's more 'realistic' (ha. CoD? Realism? XD) that you're trapped until death rather than last man standing stuff with hundreds of soldiers...
Gears of War 2 did I think. It kind of kicked off the horde mode thing.

WTF Captcha? "learn the ropes"