its just his way of getting people interested in the game.
btw, did fable 2 even WARRANT a sequel?
ok, he had some ideas with it, but in the end it wasnt that good. and the dlc was confusing, why have food make you gain or lose weight when you can buy a potion in the dlc to make you fat or skinny, tall or short, remove scars, etc. and why did they have a resurrect your dog thing? i thought that the whole point of the choice at the end is its irreversible and permanant! hell, my only reason for choosing anything other than the money was the dog, because it was the only thing in fable 2 that was of the least bit of use to me! chances are i could have found about 50 more of the person i married, and i dont really give a shit about the people who died, so i have a question about all of fable, WHY SHOULD I GIVE A DAMN?
PS, i am angry that i bought it and the dlc
edit: btw, why do they have you buy more weapons when you can just get the most powerful sword in the game for free in a tunnel after the tower mission?