Monster Hunter Tri


New member
May 14, 2009
thublihnk said:
Krimson Kun said:
thublihnk said:
Krimson Kun said:
So I don't understand, what part of its not a rpg do you not get? The game is not a rpg, its an action based game where the only rpg element is the skill system, just because you wear armor and wield swords doesn't mean its a rpg.
Protip: he's yanking your chain, but his chain yankery is based in fact. It is a game where you play the role of a character.

Now, let's CSI that shit. Quick! Play the tape backwards! character a of role the play you where game a is It. Now, isolate the target frequency. Role Play Game. Change the tense modulator and I think we've got it! Role Playing Game.

Alright, so I think I get what you're saying. I think I'll just quit this game, I've made some valid points(I think I did) and you also made some valid points, and it got to a point where you're just mocking me for playing. So yeah, I quit. I'll still watch Yahtzee's videos(its entertaining as fuck) I'll just think of him as a dude on youtube that makes funny videos.
I'm not mocking you, I'm just making points with jokes. They might kinda be at yoru expense and I'm sorry if it seems I'm insulting you but sarcasm is how I communicate.
You are doing what many people who want to claim a game is an RPG do. They willingly ignore the standards that make the RPG genre unique and claim that Role Playing is what is important. By that logic Halo is an RPG and you know just as well as I do that noone in their right mind would agree with that. The RPG genre is defined by a leveling system with statistics, that's pretty much it. I don't think I've ever "played" a role in a final fantasy, or almost any RPG, anyways. They were always "played" for me.

Food for thought on what makes the RPG genre itself:

More food for thought on why we need to change genre names to avoid stupid crap like this:


New member
Jul 4, 2008
GrimHeaper said:
milskidasith said:
automatron said:
Sturmdolch said:
This game sounds terrible... I mean, I know Yahtzee exaggerates a lot (or really hates games?) but even so, this sounds like a shitty Korean MMORPG without the MMO part.
... So its an RPG?
But seriously he has a fair point. Although i didn't mind the first part it can be incredibly tedious. Since it is a game that is like 100+ hours apparently, 10 hours in relation isn't too much
It's not ten hours. It's like an hour if you spend 10 or 20 minutes dicking around.
Or not knowing wtf this crap is because you have never played monster hunter.
You don't know what to do=taking longer.
It's the fucking tutorial. They *tell* you what to do. If you have to take ten times the high ball estimate for how long it takes to reach the first boss, when you are killing minions and learning the controls, you have *serious* problems.

Plus, one hour was an estimate if you didn't know what to do; you can probably get up to it in 15 minutes, excluding cutscenes, if you have played before.

Neon Jackal

New member
Sep 10, 2009
GrimHeaper said:
milskidasith said:
automatron said:
Sturmdolch said:
This game sounds terrible... I mean, I know Yahtzee exaggerates a lot (or really hates games?) but even so, this sounds like a shitty Korean MMORPG without the MMO part.
... So its an RPG?
But seriously he has a fair point. Although i didn't mind the first part it can be incredibly tedious. Since it is a game that is like 100+ hours apparently, 10 hours in relation isn't too much
It's not ten hours. It's like an hour if you spend 10 or 20 minutes dicking around.
Or not knowing wtf this crap is because you have never played monster hunter.
You don't know what to do=taking longer.
I've never played one before and had no trouble figuring out what to do next, maybe most people are idiots who are used to all their dumbed-down games on these newer games systems.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
Vaccine said:
poiuppx said:
I have to echo earlier sentiments; more than anything Yahtzee said, the fans are the ones turning me off to this game. Hell, half the time I buy the games he rags on, partly because they drop in price used after he does, and partly because I know his tastes and mine have exactly matched up maybe... twice? Three times if we count how inexorably horrid Haze was, but I have yet to meet a defender of that game.

I like JRPGs, I enjoyed Mercs 2 and Borderlands and even Bioshock 2, though I dug them mostly due to multiplayer. You know, the thing he hates? Ergo, the thing I would NEVER come to him about? Ever? At all? I agree with him that single player should NEVER be a toss away concern- no game I buy should equal a suicide pact for my friends to have to get the same game -so in THAT I pay critical attention.

I hear him say grind and collection and all that, I'm thinking that sounds kinda cool to me. He says exploration, I'm loving that. He says sweeping landscapes, something the Wii isn't well known for, I'm thinking that's pretty nifty. His review well went towards SELLING me on the game.

Then I came to the response thread for that one, and this response thread. Hoo boy.

To sum up what I have learned; there is no story. The game punishes you violently for not figuring out its strategies. The weapons swing very slowly. The game is, at once, very quick to get through in terms of various quests and yet also very long due to being frakking endless. The exploration boils down to just going after more of the same monster, which typically is just the extended family of a boss you killed. And evidently, you see these as positives.

Seriously, I don't get that. You grin and gleefully comment on what naive fools we are, how quickly you can topple various bosses, and I'm left to wonder what you get out of it. It doesn't sound like you're saving the world, or even doing much in favor of the human ecosystem. It sounds like, well, you're playing a deer hunting game where the deer will murder your face off if you don't hit them in the left rear leg first or something.

In spite of all Yahtzee's bluster, the Wii isn't a worthless system. It has good games in a wide variety of forms. It's not like we're dealing with the Virtual Boy and the best you're getting is that one Wario title. Other than because you're long time fans, why pick this game over the others for the console? Or for that matter, why pick this game over the countless other co-op games available in this current generation? Other than 'It's cool to beat up sea monsters with swords and hammers', I haven't heard ANYTHING from this game's myriad defenders to convince me it's worth playing. Hell, some of the things Yahtzee mentioned that intrigued me and made me WANT to buy it, you managed to shoot down while white-knighting this game. It sounds like a step backwards, and a fairly dull samey one at that; that's not exactly worth a 50$ entry fee from where I'm standing.
If you're still curious and have a PSP, try picking up one of the Freedom 2 or Unite games for cheaper, I've been playing for about 4 years, yes there is lack of a story.
Yes the weapon swings are 'slow', at the start, but once you learn the game and how to avoid and counter movements the speed can be faster than it's been let on to me, to be 100% honest, I agree this game isn't for everyone, if you're impatient and don't want to learn the game inside and out and would like some more straight forward action, go for something else, this won't please you.
I more so really liked this game back when I first started because it was a goddamn -hard- game, it was a literal ballbreaker to figure out monster patterns in this game without use of internet for guides etc, i liked the difficultly, it made the game much more enjoyable compared to most modern games were they spoonfeed and handhold you through most of the thing and gave the game some depth to make you slow down a minute and think what to do.

Just my point of view though, I used to do armorless runs against endgame monsters for fun to see if I could.
See, that actually sounds fun to me. Back in the day, I'd do challenge runs of Final Fantasy Tactics all the time, seeing how I'd do if I never used a canon character aside from Ramza, or got every tavern job treasure, or completed the Deep Dungeon without spell usage... I can dig a game with good challenge that I can make, well, more challenging without making it impossible. The lack of story is a big mark against in my book, but I'm a lot more forgiving for portables in that regard. I may well take you up on that suggestion and try out one of the PSP versions.

See, MH fans? We Yahtzee sheeple can listen and take suggestions. ^_~

In all seriousness, THIS is what this thread lacks for the most part... the MH fans denounce Yahztee and all those who like him, the Yahtzee fans defend him for... reasons that escape me, since much like he said about certain large game companies, he is quite capable of defending himself and/or ignoring the haters and continuing to be gainfully employed. Both sides yell at each other for being ignorant fanboys, and the only winners are Yahtzee, The Escapist, and their advertisers. Which is no big deal for me; anything that keeps his view count high and this site rolling in advertising dollars means I keep getting free entertainment out of it. So bully for you, MH fans! Keep stirring the pot. Yahtzee no doubt thanks you for it.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
If playing the role of a person determines whether or a game is in RPG, then almost every game ever made is an RPG.

If you go by character development or making equipment, then Monster Hunter is not an RPG because your character never develops and making equipment is not required to do at all until maybe the last boss cause you might run out of time.

If you actually go by what made RPGs, as in role-playing (making decisions that affect the outcome of the story) then Monster Hunter is not an RPG because there is hardly any story to speak of and you have no influence at all on it. You just go along with it.

This game is an action game, an action game where the stats of your equipment are visible. Would you call an FPS game an RPG because it showed the stats of your weapon? Every game has stats, whether or not it is visible does not make the game an RPG.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
troqu said:
thublihnk said:
Krimson Kun said:
thublihnk said:
Krimson Kun said:
So I don't understand, what part of its not a rpg do you not get? The game is not a rpg, its an action based game where the only rpg element is the skill system, just because you wear armor and wield swords doesn't mean its a rpg.
Protip: he's yanking your chain, but his chain yankery is based in fact. It is a game where you play the role of a character.

Now, let's CSI that shit. Quick! Play the tape backwards! character a of role the play you where game a is It. Now, isolate the target frequency. Role Play Game. Change the tense modulator and I think we've got it! Role Playing Game.

Alright, so I think I get what you're saying. I think I'll just quit this game, I've made some valid points(I think I did) and you also made some valid points, and it got to a point where you're just mocking me for playing. So yeah, I quit. I'll still watch Yahtzee's videos(its entertaining as fuck) I'll just think of him as a dude on youtube that makes funny videos.
I'm not mocking you, I'm just making points with jokes. They might kinda be at yoru expense and I'm sorry if it seems I'm insulting you but sarcasm is how I communicate.
You are doing what many people who want to claim a game is an RPG do. They willingly ignore the standards that make the RPG genre unique and claim that Role Playing is what is important. By that logic Halo is an RPG and you know just as well as I do that noone in their right mind would agree with that. The RPG genre is defined by a leveling system with statistics, that's pretty much it. I don't think I've ever "played" a role in a final fantasy, or almost any RPG, anyways. They were always "played" for me.

Food for thought on what makes the RPG genre itself:

More food for thought on why we need to change genre names to avoid stupid crap like this:
Halo unlike monster hunter tri has a story and is more of a playing game.Being that you are watching a story through MC's eyes and other people.
Here is monster hunters story."You kill monsters" that is pretty much it.
Even home D&D has more story than that crap.
This game is the almost purely an rpg game.
Does the person you play as even have a name?


New member
Apr 15, 2010
He should have just reviewed deadly premontion. Monster hunter tri doesn't look like a good game to me. The idea of fighting giant monsters is allureing I just think there has to be better ways to play a giant monster game than how they do it here. Maybe something fusing the variety of Azure dreams and rpg elements of both Dragon quest (plot and monster designs) and kingdom hearts (hack and slash flash). But it hasn't gotten this far being cruddy lots of people like it. Gameinformer does this to real nice games that are only nice to its demographic and not a standard reviewer. That's why it's painful to play the latest dynasty warriors and be very glad with what they did in it and see the reviews treat it with spite and indifference.

I find yathzees defense of this game shoddiness successful and say to those who didn't like it to move on and enjoy the game anyways. It's still fun even after his review right?


New member
Nov 12, 2009
I remember my first run in with an MMO interface... fuck that was hell. The first five levels, a half hour mana-up-fest now, probably took me well over an hour my first time... granted, I probably dicked around alot. If I gave my step dad the controls to BFBC2, he'd have the same issue I had. What's mana? What's this window do? What's the yellow versus red name mean? What's int? Str? Sta? Do mages use strength? Oh well, armor everything!

Except for him, it would be questions like, why he's spetsnasz, what the A and B on the map are, and why the screen turns red when he gets shot.

In fact, when dumped into Aion, knowing all the standard MMO stuff, I still had to take five minutes to get situated.

Anyway, I guess to put things into perspective of what a someone new to this franchise might be feeling:
Here's the documentation. In less than an hour, write a working "hello world" program that integrates into the base engine. It's not exaggerated if you're totally new to this stuff...


New member
Apr 3, 2010
10 hours for the tutorial, Yahtzee? That shit shouldn't have taken you more than an hour or so.

And what's worse is, people are actually taking your shit seriously.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
poiuppx said:
Vaccine said:
poiuppx said:
I have to echo earlier sentiments; more than anything Yahtzee said, the fans are the ones turning me off to this game. Hell, half the time I buy the games he rags on, partly because they drop in price used after he does, and partly because I know his tastes and mine have exactly matched up maybe... twice? Three times if we count how inexorably horrid Haze was, but I have yet to meet a defender of that game.

I like JRPGs, I enjoyed Mercs 2 and Borderlands and even Bioshock 2, though I dug them mostly due to multiplayer. You know, the thing he hates? Ergo, the thing I would NEVER come to him about? Ever? At all? I agree with him that single player should NEVER be a toss away concern- no game I buy should equal a suicide pact for my friends to have to get the same game -so in THAT I pay critical attention.

I hear him say grind and collection and all that, I'm thinking that sounds kinda cool to me. He says exploration, I'm loving that. He says sweeping landscapes, something the Wii isn't well known for, I'm thinking that's pretty nifty. His review well went towards SELLING me on the game.

Then I came to the response thread for that one, and this response thread. Hoo boy.

To sum up what I have learned; there is no story. The game punishes you violently for not figuring out its strategies. The weapons swing very slowly. The game is, at once, very quick to get through in terms of various quests and yet also very long due to being frakking endless. The exploration boils down to just going after more of the same monster, which typically is just the extended family of a boss you killed. And evidently, you see these as positives.

Seriously, I don't get that. You grin and gleefully comment on what naive fools we are, how quickly you can topple various bosses, and I'm left to wonder what you get out of it. It doesn't sound like you're saving the world, or even doing much in favor of the human ecosystem. It sounds like, well, you're playing a deer hunting game where the deer will murder your face off if you don't hit them in the left rear leg first or something.

In spite of all Yahtzee's bluster, the Wii isn't a worthless system. It has good games in a wide variety of forms. It's not like we're dealing with the Virtual Boy and the best you're getting is that one Wario title. Other than because you're long time fans, why pick this game over the others for the console? Or for that matter, why pick this game over the countless other co-op games available in this current generation? Other than 'It's cool to beat up sea monsters with swords and hammers', I haven't heard ANYTHING from this game's myriad defenders to convince me it's worth playing. Hell, some of the things Yahtzee mentioned that intrigued me and made me WANT to buy it, you managed to shoot down while white-knighting this game. It sounds like a step backwards, and a fairly dull samey one at that; that's not exactly worth a 50$ entry fee from where I'm standing.
If you're still curious and have a PSP, try picking up one of the Freedom 2 or Unite games for cheaper, I've been playing for about 4 years, yes there is lack of a story.
Yes the weapon swings are 'slow', at the start, but once you learn the game and how to avoid and counter movements the speed can be faster than it's been let on to me, to be 100% honest, I agree this game isn't for everyone, if you're impatient and don't want to learn the game inside and out and would like some more straight forward action, go for something else, this won't please you.
I more so really liked this game back when I first started because it was a goddamn -hard- game, it was a literal ballbreaker to figure out monster patterns in this game without use of internet for guides etc, i liked the difficultly, it made the game much more enjoyable compared to most modern games were they spoonfeed and handhold you through most of the thing and gave the game some depth to make you slow down a minute and think what to do.

Just my point of view though, I used to do armorless runs against endgame monsters for fun to see if I could.
See, that actually sounds fun to me. Back in the day, I'd do challenge runs of Final Fantasy Tactics all the time, seeing how I'd do if I never used a canon character aside from Ramza, or got every tavern job treasure, or completed the Deep Dungeon without spell usage... I can dig a game with good challenge that I can make, well, more challenging without making it impossible. The lack of story is a big mark against in my book, but I'm a lot more forgiving for portables in that regard. I may well take you up on that suggestion and try out one of the PSP versions.

See, MH fans? We Yahtzee sheeple can listen and take suggestions. ^_~

In all seriousness, THIS is what this thread lacks for the most part... the MH fans denounce Yahztee and all those who like him, the Yahtzee fans defend him for... reasons that escape me, since much like he said about certain large game companies, he is quite capable of defending himself and/or ignoring the haters and continuing to be gainfully employed. Both sides yell at each other for being ignorant fanboys, and the only winners are Yahtzee, The Escapist, and their advertisers. Which is no big deal for me; anything that keeps his view count high and this site rolling in advertising dollars means I keep getting free entertainment out of it. So bully for you, MH fans! Keep stirring the pot. Yahtzee no doubt thanks you for it.
Will do this helps get alot of angst out.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
milskidasith said:
thublihnk said:
milskidasith said:
thublihnk said:
milskidasith said:
thublihnk said:
milskidasith said:
Fearzone said:
My belief is this: anyone who buys a game is entitled to an opinion of it whether they finished the game or not.
And this has what relevance to the comments people have been making about Yahtzee? People are complaining that Yahtzee A: Spent half the review talking about things that weren't the game and B: until the Extra Punctuation, was completely disingenuous about the fact that he didn't actually play the game, making it sound like the entire game is the (admittedly boring) tutorial misions.

His Extra Punctuation is also guilty of being misleading; yes, 10 hour tutorial is an exaggeration, but to anybody who didn't play the game, they wouldn't know that, and his other comments are either optional (you never *have* to fight monsters in free roam... he's basically complaining about the fact you *can* go fight the monster again, which seems rather stupid), or just skill related (if it takes a half hour to kill the first boss, you're doing it wrong... I could beat it in a half hour by kicking it to death).
Real quick: Don't treat us MH detractors like we're idiots, I pretty well figured out 10 hours was an exaggeration without your help, bud. EDIT: I guess we can consider that myth BUSTED.
*caterpillar crawls on my face*
Adam, I think you're being obtuse.

I'm not treating anybody in particular as idiots. I'm just pointing out there are posters that are, in fact, saying "A ten hour tutorial? That sucks" which kind of proves that some people are being mislead.

See: The very first post in the thread.

Even if you know it's an exaggeration, it's still a pointless one; the actual tutorial is barely enough time it's annoying, and most of it is fighting little minions, not doing boring shit, so claiming it is ten hours is making a problem where there is none, much like, to give a completely stupid example, if you said somebody looked like they lost a knife fight because they had a single shaving cut.
Well it still does sound pretty long, and the action is a little slow to start. And both of those have been admitted by everyone in the thread. So it's not an exaggeration without reason.
It kind of is... exaggerating 15 minutes of gathering/learning the controls and 30~45 minutes of fighting little minions to be ten hours is bringing it from what some people would consider too long to what nobody would consider worth playing.
Okay, that's fine, but it's still SLOW after that. There's plenty of gripes after that. Yeah, we get it. 10 hours=bad. Move on.
The game isn't slow after the first hour. After that it's 90% boss battles, 10% optional missions.
Okay, I'll confess I havn't played it. I don't KNOW that it's slow, that is what I've heard though (Both from people who liked it and didn't) but whatever.

Here's my basic point here. It IS a series of boss battles with little to no story. I realize there is a large group of people who that REALLY appeals to, and more power to you. I, however, really don't understand having to jam that down everyone's throats. The game that's been described to me in this and the other thread does not appeal to me in the slightest. It CLEARLY didn't appeal to Yahtzee in the slightest, and I think he got a tad further in than anyone here is giving him credit for. Why do you CARE? You have your niche! Be happy in it. That is what nerd-dom is all about. I think that Jak 2, while it had its flaws, was an unpolished version of the pinnacle of what gaming could be if grown to its true potential. It is a /VERY/ lonely camp, my friend, and I am HAPPY that it is that way. I also happily discuss my love for Jak 2 to anyone who will care to listen. I do not, however, track down folks on the internet who played a couple minutes of Jak 2 and decided it wasn't their thing. Usually these folks don't like platformers, think the art style is a little too cartoony, or think that the game's dark tones don't really fit with the ridiculous nature of the original game, nor the wacky and hilarious characters. These are all very valid criticisms. However, I love my game. And I don't feel the need to defend it to people who just WON'T like it. And nor should you. So go on! Keep loving your game. I won't.


New member
Nov 17, 2008
Extreme Pajamas said:
Snotnarok said:
Seriously too many people care what other people think.

Yahtzee didn't like a game that you do, boo hoo hoo, this is to be expected. Even he said this, if you like it then why do you care what someone else thinks of it? Seriously go get your game put it on and enjoy it! If he doesn't then that's his loss right?
Exactly. I doubt Yahtzee cares about whether or not the viewers buy the game, and he only voices his own opinion. So he detests a game you absolutely love. Big deal. It doesn't stop you from playing your game. Stop being mad at the guy who likes to point all of the faults he finds.

thublihnk said:
You don't need to convince me, you don't need to convince Yahtzee, and at this point it seems you're trying to convince yourself a little too hard.
This needs to be repeated.
I never get why people care what other people think THIS HARD. It's insane, I said I didn't like The new Super Mario Brothers Wii because the motion control is annoying to me, a fanboy went on a rant on why it's great and I should like it. I don't like motion controls, especially in a platformer, had nintendo put the OPTION for what kind of controls you'd like then I'd have liked the game a lot more. But Nintendo is infallible so I'm the one who's wrong apparently.

In short, enjoy YOUR purchase and stop worrying about what people think sheesh. Hasn't anyone here watched his follow up to Smash Brothers Brawl? There's a lot of truth in that that more people need to take to heart. Enjoy your games, stop caring what other people think so much it'd be best for the both of you (you and the person you're nagging to like.

But you get what I mean, it's just strange right? How many people are focused on getting others to like what they like? And if you don't you're a "number of nasty words".


New member
Jul 24, 2009
troqu said:
thublihnk said:
Krimson Kun said:
thublihnk said:
Krimson Kun said:
So I don't understand, what part of its not a rpg do you not get? The game is not a rpg, its an action based game where the only rpg element is the skill system, just because you wear armor and wield swords doesn't mean its a rpg.
Protip: he's yanking your chain, but his chain yankery is based in fact. It is a game where you play the role of a character.

Now, let's CSI that shit. Quick! Play the tape backwards! character a of role the play you where game a is It. Now, isolate the target frequency. Role Play Game. Change the tense modulator and I think we've got it! Role Playing Game.

Alright, so I think I get what you're saying. I think I'll just quit this game, I've made some valid points(I think I did) and you also made some valid points, and it got to a point where you're just mocking me for playing. So yeah, I quit. I'll still watch Yahtzee's videos(its entertaining as fuck) I'll just think of him as a dude on youtube that makes funny videos.
I'm not mocking you, I'm just making points with jokes. They might kinda be at yoru expense and I'm sorry if it seems I'm insulting you but sarcasm is how I communicate.
You are doing what many people who want to claim a game is an RPG do. They willingly ignore the standards that make the RPG genre unique and claim that Role Playing is what is important. By that logic Halo is an RPG and you know just as well as I do that noone in their right mind would agree with that. The RPG genre is defined by a leveling system with statistics, that's pretty much it. I don't think I've ever "played" a role in a final fantasy, or almost any RPG, anyways. They were always "played" for me.

Food for thought on what makes the RPG genre itself:

More food for thought on why we need to change genre names to avoid stupid crap like this:
Hey. F*ck you buddy. I know what a goddamn RPG is, I play tabletop RPGs. The average console RPG nerd wouldn't know actual role-playing if it hit them in the face with a 20 sided die. I was MESSING with him. It was a JOKE. Which I thought was made pretty obvious by all the absolute nonsense in the post. Or the fact that I literally said 'that guy's yanking your chain, here's his train of thought'.


New member
Jan 2, 2009
"It gets better later" is the thing that made GTA4 suck, and Red Dead Redemption and Saints Row shine(because they were good from the start).


New member
Nov 17, 2009
GrimHeaper said:
poiuppx said:
Vaccine said:
poiuppx said:
I have to echo earlier sentiments; more than anything Yahtzee said, the fans are the ones turning me off to this game. Hell, half the time I buy the games he rags on, partly because they drop in price used after he does, and partly because I know his tastes and mine have exactly matched up maybe... twice? Three times if we count how inexorably horrid Haze was, but I have yet to meet a defender of that game.

I like JRPGs, I enjoyed Mercs 2 and Borderlands and even Bioshock 2, though I dug them mostly due to multiplayer. You know, the thing he hates? Ergo, the thing I would NEVER come to him about? Ever? At all? I agree with him that single player should NEVER be a toss away concern- no game I buy should equal a suicide pact for my friends to have to get the same game -so in THAT I pay critical attention.

I hear him say grind and collection and all that, I'm thinking that sounds kinda cool to me. He says exploration, I'm loving that. He says sweeping landscapes, something the Wii isn't well known for, I'm thinking that's pretty nifty. His review well went towards SELLING me on the game.

Then I came to the response thread for that one, and this response thread. Hoo boy.

To sum up what I have learned; there is no story. The game punishes you violently for not figuring out its strategies. The weapons swing very slowly. The game is, at once, very quick to get through in terms of various quests and yet also very long due to being frakking endless. The exploration boils down to just going after more of the same monster, which typically is just the extended family of a boss you killed. And evidently, you see these as positives.

Seriously, I don't get that. You grin and gleefully comment on what naive fools we are, how quickly you can topple various bosses, and I'm left to wonder what you get out of it. It doesn't sound like you're saving the world, or even doing much in favor of the human ecosystem. It sounds like, well, you're playing a deer hunting game where the deer will murder your face off if you don't hit them in the left rear leg first or something.

In spite of all Yahtzee's bluster, the Wii isn't a worthless system. It has good games in a wide variety of forms. It's not like we're dealing with the Virtual Boy and the best you're getting is that one Wario title. Other than because you're long time fans, why pick this game over the others for the console? Or for that matter, why pick this game over the countless other co-op games available in this current generation? Other than 'It's cool to beat up sea monsters with swords and hammers', I haven't heard ANYTHING from this game's myriad defenders to convince me it's worth playing. Hell, some of the things Yahtzee mentioned that intrigued me and made me WANT to buy it, you managed to shoot down while white-knighting this game. It sounds like a step backwards, and a fairly dull samey one at that; that's not exactly worth a 50$ entry fee from where I'm standing.
If you're still curious and have a PSP, try picking up one of the Freedom 2 or Unite games for cheaper, I've been playing for about 4 years, yes there is lack of a story.
Yes the weapon swings are 'slow', at the start, but once you learn the game and how to avoid and counter movements the speed can be faster than it's been let on to me, to be 100% honest, I agree this game isn't for everyone, if you're impatient and don't want to learn the game inside and out and would like some more straight forward action, go for something else, this won't please you.
I more so really liked this game back when I first started because it was a goddamn -hard- game, it was a literal ballbreaker to figure out monster patterns in this game without use of internet for guides etc, i liked the difficultly, it made the game much more enjoyable compared to most modern games were they spoonfeed and handhold you through most of the thing and gave the game some depth to make you slow down a minute and think what to do.

Just my point of view though, I used to do armorless runs against endgame monsters for fun to see if I could.
See, that actually sounds fun to me. Back in the day, I'd do challenge runs of Final Fantasy Tactics all the time, seeing how I'd do if I never used a canon character aside from Ramza, or got every tavern job treasure, or completed the Deep Dungeon without spell usage... I can dig a game with good challenge that I can make, well, more challenging without making it impossible. The lack of story is a big mark against in my book, but I'm a lot more forgiving for portables in that regard. I may well take you up on that suggestion and try out one of the PSP versions.

See, MH fans? We Yahtzee sheeple can listen and take suggestions. ^_~

In all seriousness, THIS is what this thread lacks for the most part... the MH fans denounce Yahztee and all those who like him, the Yahtzee fans defend him for... reasons that escape me, since much like he said about certain large game companies, he is quite capable of defending himself and/or ignoring the haters and continuing to be gainfully employed. Both sides yell at each other for being ignorant fanboys, and the only winners are Yahtzee, The Escapist, and their advertisers. Which is no big deal for me; anything that keeps his view count high and this site rolling in advertising dollars means I keep getting free entertainment out of it. So bully for you, MH fans! Keep stirring the pot. Yahtzee no doubt thanks you for it.
Will do this helps get alot of angst out.
So, you're grinding these threads for fun and profit? Do the people in here drop any good gear? ^_~


New member
May 14, 2009
thublihnk: No need for swearing dude. I've also played Tabletop RPGs, before I even played a video game RPG, but they're not the same. Video game RPGs took one aspect, the leveling and by extension, the statistics system, from one game Dungeons and Dragons, and attempted to use it to convey a story. Tabletop role playing is about actually deciding what happens between your character and the characters of the other players, whether you are the Game master or if there even is one, and doesn't even need a rule system and often my group has randomly just decided to make a game that doesn't fit very well with the rule sets we have and just wing it.

GrimHeaper: You obviously disagree with the standards that are used to define the RPG genre. Please tell me what you think an RPG is so I can understand what you think one is.


Vocal SJW
Nov 15, 2009
Well, at least this'll be the end of it- Tomorrow he'll have a new video, and it will be excellent and everyone will remember how damn awesome Yahtzee videos are.
Else they'll join the hate groups over on tvtropes. I've never seen that many feminists in one thread before...
And yes, I AM amused at the fact that there exists hate groups.


New member
Jul 24, 2009
troqu said:
thublihnk: No need for swearing dude. I've also played Tabletop RPGs, before I even played a video game RPG, but they're not the same. Video game RPGs took one aspect, the leveling and by extension, the statistics system, from one game Dungeons and Dragons, and attempted to use it to convey a story. Tabletop role playing is about actually deciding what happens between your character and the characters of the other players, whether you are the Game master or if there even is one, and doesn't even need a rule system and often my group has randomly just decided to make a game that doesn't fit very well with the rule sets we have and just wing it.

GrimHeaper: You obviously disagree with the standards that are used to define the RPG genre. Please tell me what you think an RPG is so I can understand what you think one is.
Yeah, there was also no need to be a condescending douche about what an RPG is. Looks like we both screwed the pooch.


New member
Jun 1, 2010
poiuppx said:
GrimHeaper said:
poiuppx said:
Vaccine said:
poiuppx said:
I have to echo earlier sentiments; more than anything Yahtzee said, the fans are the ones turning me off to this game. Hell, half the time I buy the games he rags on, partly because they drop in price used after he does, and partly because I know his tastes and mine have exactly matched up maybe... twice? Three times if we count how inexorably horrid Haze was, but I have yet to meet a defender of that game.

I like JRPGs, I enjoyed Mercs 2 and Borderlands and even Bioshock 2, though I dug them mostly due to multiplayer. You know, the thing he hates? Ergo, the thing I would NEVER come to him about? Ever? At all? I agree with him that single player should NEVER be a toss away concern- no game I buy should equal a suicide pact for my friends to have to get the same game -so in THAT I pay critical attention.

I hear him say grind and collection and all that, I'm thinking that sounds kinda cool to me. He says exploration, I'm loving that. He says sweeping landscapes, something the Wii isn't well known for, I'm thinking that's pretty nifty. His review well went towards SELLING me on the game.

Then I came to the response thread for that one, and this response thread. Hoo boy.

To sum up what I have learned; there is no story. The game punishes you violently for not figuring out its strategies. The weapons swing very slowly. The game is, at once, very quick to get through in terms of various quests and yet also very long due to being frakking endless. The exploration boils down to just going after more of the same monster, which typically is just the extended family of a boss you killed. And evidently, you see these as positives.

Seriously, I don't get that. You grin and gleefully comment on what naive fools we are, how quickly you can topple various bosses, and I'm left to wonder what you get out of it. It doesn't sound like you're saving the world, or even doing much in favor of the human ecosystem. It sounds like, well, you're playing a deer hunting game where the deer will murder your face off if you don't hit them in the left rear leg first or something.

In spite of all Yahtzee's bluster, the Wii isn't a worthless system. It has good games in a wide variety of forms. It's not like we're dealing with the Virtual Boy and the best you're getting is that one Wario title. Other than because you're long time fans, why pick this game over the others for the console? Or for that matter, why pick this game over the countless other co-op games available in this current generation? Other than 'It's cool to beat up sea monsters with swords and hammers', I haven't heard ANYTHING from this game's myriad defenders to convince me it's worth playing. Hell, some of the things Yahtzee mentioned that intrigued me and made me WANT to buy it, you managed to shoot down while white-knighting this game. It sounds like a step backwards, and a fairly dull samey one at that; that's not exactly worth a 50$ entry fee from where I'm standing.
If you're still curious and have a PSP, try picking up one of the Freedom 2 or Unite games for cheaper, I've been playing for about 4 years, yes there is lack of a story.
Yes the weapon swings are 'slow', at the start, but once you learn the game and how to avoid and counter movements the speed can be faster than it's been let on to me, to be 100% honest, I agree this game isn't for everyone, if you're impatient and don't want to learn the game inside and out and would like some more straight forward action, go for something else, this won't please you.
I more so really liked this game back when I first started because it was a goddamn -hard- game, it was a literal ballbreaker to figure out monster patterns in this game without use of internet for guides etc, i liked the difficultly, it made the game much more enjoyable compared to most modern games were they spoonfeed and handhold you through most of the thing and gave the game some depth to make you slow down a minute and think what to do.

Just my point of view though, I used to do armorless runs against endgame monsters for fun to see if I could.
See, that actually sounds fun to me. Back in the day, I'd do challenge runs of Final Fantasy Tactics all the time, seeing how I'd do if I never used a canon character aside from Ramza, or got every tavern job treasure, or completed the Deep Dungeon without spell usage... I can dig a game with good challenge that I can make, well, more challenging without making it impossible. The lack of story is a big mark against in my book, but I'm a lot more forgiving for portables in that regard. I may well take you up on that suggestion and try out one of the PSP versions.

See, MH fans? We Yahtzee sheeple can listen and take suggestions. ^_~

In all seriousness, THIS is what this thread lacks for the most part... the MH fans denounce Yahztee and all those who like him, the Yahtzee fans defend him for... reasons that escape me, since much like he said about certain large game companies, he is quite capable of defending himself and/or ignoring the haters and continuing to be gainfully employed. Both sides yell at each other for being ignorant fanboys, and the only winners are Yahtzee, The Escapist, and their advertisers. Which is no big deal for me; anything that keeps his view count high and this site rolling in advertising dollars means I keep getting free entertainment out of it. So bully for you, MH fans! Keep stirring the pot. Yahtzee no doubt thanks you for it.
Will do this helps get alot of angst out.
So, you're grinding these threads for fun and profit? Do the people in here drop any good gear? ^_~


New member
Jul 4, 2008
thublihnk said:
milskidasith said:
thublihnk said:
milskidasith said:
thublihnk said:
milskidasith said:
thublihnk said:
milskidasith said:
Fearzone said:
My belief is this: anyone who buys a game is entitled to an opinion of it whether they finished the game or not.
And this has what relevance to the comments people have been making about Yahtzee? People are complaining that Yahtzee A: Spent half the review talking about things that weren't the game and B: until the Extra Punctuation, was completely disingenuous about the fact that he didn't actually play the game, making it sound like the entire game is the (admittedly boring) tutorial misions.

His Extra Punctuation is also guilty of being misleading; yes, 10 hour tutorial is an exaggeration, but to anybody who didn't play the game, they wouldn't know that, and his other comments are either optional (you never *have* to fight monsters in free roam... he's basically complaining about the fact you *can* go fight the monster again, which seems rather stupid), or just skill related (if it takes a half hour to kill the first boss, you're doing it wrong... I could beat it in a half hour by kicking it to death).
Real quick: Don't treat us MH detractors like we're idiots, I pretty well figured out 10 hours was an exaggeration without your help, bud. EDIT: I guess we can consider that myth BUSTED.
*caterpillar crawls on my face*
Adam, I think you're being obtuse.

I'm not treating anybody in particular as idiots. I'm just pointing out there are posters that are, in fact, saying "A ten hour tutorial? That sucks" which kind of proves that some people are being mislead.

See: The very first post in the thread.

Even if you know it's an exaggeration, it's still a pointless one; the actual tutorial is barely enough time it's annoying, and most of it is fighting little minions, not doing boring shit, so claiming it is ten hours is making a problem where there is none, much like, to give a completely stupid example, if you said somebody looked like they lost a knife fight because they had a single shaving cut.
Well it still does sound pretty long, and the action is a little slow to start. And both of those have been admitted by everyone in the thread. So it's not an exaggeration without reason.
It kind of is... exaggerating 15 minutes of gathering/learning the controls and 30~45 minutes of fighting little minions to be ten hours is bringing it from what some people would consider too long to what nobody would consider worth playing.
Okay, that's fine, but it's still SLOW after that. There's plenty of gripes after that. Yeah, we get it. 10 hours=bad. Move on.
The game isn't slow after the first hour. After that it's 90% boss battles, 10% optional missions.
Okay, I'll confess I havn't played it. I don't KNOW that it's slow, that is what I've heard though (Both from people who liked it and didn't) but whatever.

Here's my basic point here. It IS a series of boss battles with little to no story. I realize there is a large group of people who that REALLY appeals to, and more power to you. I, however, really don't understand having to jam that down everyone's throats. The game that's been described to me in this and the other thread does not appeal to me in the slightest. It CLEARLY didn't appeal to Yahtzee in the slightest, and I think he got a tad further in than anyone here is giving him credit for. Why do you CARE? You have your niche! Be happy in it. That is what nerd-dom is all about. I think that Jak 2, while it had its flaws, was an unpolished version of the pinnacle of what gaming could be if grown to its true potential. It is a /VERY/ lonely camp, my friend, and I am HAPPY that it is that way. I also happily discuss my love for Jak 2 to anyone who will care to listen. I do not, however, track down folks on the internet who played a couple minutes of Jak 2 and decided it wasn't their thing. Usually these folks don't like platformers, think the art style is a little too cartoony, or think that the game's dark tones don't really fit with the ridiculous nature of the original game, nor the wacky and hilarious characters. These are all very valid criticisms. However, I love my game. And I don't feel the need to defend it to people who just WON'T like it. And nor should you. So go on! Keep loving your game. I won't.
Who the hell is jamming it down your throat? Seriously, you've got an absurdly skewed view if you think my posts have been jamming the game down people's throats. I recognize it has flaws. I'm just pointing out that the ones Yahtzee are pointing out just aren't true. I don't give a shit if you like Jak 2, and I don't give a shit if you like Monster Hunter, I just don't like it when people are reading Yahtzee's review and getting the facts wrong, especially when they start claiming things like "the game is slow" without playing it.