Monster Hunter Tri


New member
Apr 26, 2009
Amen to that. Shadow of the Colossus did giant monsters better, Dark Cloud did weapon degredation better, and hell, World of Warcraft did not being a boring waste of time better.

This game is a fail.

I wish Capcom would just focus on Lost Planet, Street Fighter and Megaman.

The third is their only good franchise EVER. (no other game nets them so much money with such minimal graphics. end of argument there. :p )


New member
Aug 13, 2009
Took me a couple of hours to do the tutorial, and I think the Great Jaggi is actually still a part of the tutorial, like the last mission in it. I do agree that it is far to long, the game does not reward you enough in the few hours that you play it. I would say the PSP titles were better, with the standby ability of the PSP (how exotic!) you could just pick up and play anytime, whereas now you have to wait for it to load every time you want to play it. So, although I am a fanboy of Monster Hunter, I agree with almost everything that Yahtzee says, apart from the weapons. Any hunter worth his salt can kill any monster with any weapon.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
milskidasith said:
poiuppx said:
milskidasith said:
poiuppx said:
Fattimus said:
thublihnk said:
Do you really think any of those folks were ever going to buy this game? If they were so easily swayed by a couple minutes of Yahtzee talking, they probably weren't going to buy the game in the first place.
Some people might not have heard of the game before Yahtzee reviewed it, and then decided not to look up anything more after seeing him pissing his pants about it. That's not an idiot, that's just someone who doesn't give a lot of thought to something they haven't heard of before. To more than a few people, Yahtzee's MH3 'review' is the first and last things they'll hear about the game. That doesn't make them idiots.
For what it's worth, I'm an exception to this; the review made me interested. It was the slapfight in this thread and the one connected to the video, and the fact a lot of the defenders made the game sound boring and deeply flawed that were convincing me not to buy it.

Also, I'm now confused. Are MH fans defending this game because they fear it losing sales, even though one of its chief defenders in both threads has admitted it's making serious bank? Why? If it's making good money, what do you care? That'll compell them to bring over more MH games, which presumably you'd LIKE them to do.
Jeez, how many times do I have to repeat this:

Just because the game is selling well doesn't mean that Yahtzee cannot decrease sales by causing people to have misconceptions about the game. My purpose is not to salvage the game from obscurity; it's definitely selling well, but to inform the people reading the forums that Yahtzee is, to put it bluntly, either wrong (some of the contents of his video) or, basically, outright lying (the ten hour tutorial part; exaggeration or not, it's bringing up a criticism that doesn't exist in the actual game).
Well, there in lies the rub. You're rather, well, aggressively repeating your point. As in, to the point that you responded to my honest inquiry like I was attacking your manhood, or at the least you were sick of the illiterate plebs you need to spell things out to.

I think between the... how many pages was the other thread? 18? 19? Plus the 15 here, the points you can make are basically made. People will either listen to them and accept he's wrong, or they won't. But being overly aggressive about it isn't going to win you any converts.

Like I said earlier, it's the descriptions folks like you tossed out there in the game's favor that killed my interest, while the review ironically made me interested thanks to that wonderful critical thinking ability humans suppossedly possess. You know, where I can pick up on certain key words and phrases that I would find interesting even if he didn't, be capable of ignoring certain elements due to pattern recognition- he sticks so hard to the negative he's basically fused with it, which is the crux of his humor -and then make my own decisions based on looking for outside information... like, say, reading a response thread and deciding based on the input of the folks who have played and liked/disliked the game if it sounds like it's worth a buy or not.

And while one of your fellow MH fans sold me on looking for a used PSP MH game to give it a cheap portable whirl, the rest of this madness just convinced me the Wii version isn't worth my dimes. That's not Yahtzee's fault, that's the fault of fans like yourself in both these threads making the game legitimately sound dull, repeatitive, and just not worth buying, especially not new. And being overly aggressive and trying to make certain you spread the truth about Yahtzee (Zero Punctuation is made from people?) didn't help that any.
I am annoyed I have to keep repeating my point. It's because people won't read the discussion that's taken place, and ask the same questions over and over, and I answer. It doesn't change anything. I'm not taking it personally, it's just annoying when every two pages somebody says "Oh my god people are just attacking Yahtzee" or "A ten hour tutorial? What the hell?" or "It's selling well, why do you care?" Your case was especially annoying considering you asked it right after I pointed out it could still cause lost sales. It's not that I'm emotionally attached, it just gets tedious repeating things.

If you think I'm too aggressive, fine. If you want to say that somehow I've made the game sound repetitive solely by denying that it has a 10 hour tutorial and saying that Yahtzee clearly didn't play it (when it was just the video up), fine, I don't care.

Edit: As for what you've said about how the fans describe the game, no fan described it as like an RPG (I've actively claimed it is an action game), and I don't even know who mentioned that it has a VATS aiming system. The only time it was ever mentioned as like an MMO was when Yahtzee said it and one other person claimed it was like doing raid quests, but dumbed down, which the game is nothing like.

As for why I haven't actually explained the game: Why would I? I'm just pointing out what Yahtzee got wrong and, after that, pointing out that:

I don't hate Yahtzee
I'm not complaining about how he criticized a game I like
He's still not being honest with Extra Punctuation.
The fans aren't complaining about how a long tutorial isn't a bad thing, just that the tutorial isn't very long at all.

Why would I just randomly spurt out an explanation of the entire game? It has nothing to do with why I disliked this episode of ZP/why I didn't like this Extra Punctuation.
Firstly, sorry about the poor timing on that one; you hadn't answered it when I began writing that reply, so the timing just didn't quite mesh. Secondly, it wasn't YOUR description of the game since, according to your own words, you haven't explained it. Other people have, and their depictions made the Wii version sound dull, repeatitive, and pointless. Coupled with some replies from fans that seem to downright attack folks on the other side of the aisle for being sheep/ignorant/fanboys/hypocritical/repeatitive, it doesn't paint a good picture. I'm not saying the Yahtzee fans have been much better, but I already knew we were sarcastic abrasive folks, we're fans of one. He's just a sarcastic abrasive fellow who entertains and occasionally informs us.

The VATS part was poorly thought-out by me; I was using it to imply targeted damage for maximum efficiency, something you and several others commented on being featured in the game. The thing that gets me is, and I'm not saying this to start a fight, but very little of what you've said makes the game sound like it's worth defending. I know, you don't see it as your place to explain the game or sell it to us, but then, it's sort of pointless to complain in the same breath about how this will short-sell the game, how fans of Yahtzee won't give it a chance, etc.

A wise man once said, it is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness. I can't be the only guy who likes Yahtzee who is willing to listen to reason here; hell, like I said, one of the commentors earlier in this thread got me sort of interested in the PSP versions. But precious little I've heard makes the Wii version sound like it'd be worth the cost of admission. Well, except that bit about luring the monster into a trap laid deeply with explosives. That sounds cool. I'm all for strategic thought that leads to massive explosions and goodies to loot from the corpses.


New member
May 29, 2010
@poiuppx: Two other replies in this thread which you my have missed with more detail about the game: Maybe that clears it up a bit?

This thread has so much flaming going on it's turning crispy brown. Not "SOOO TASTY!" anymore, as the MH3 barbecue woman would say. Anyone who wants to support the game should be talking about its good points, because counter-arguing Yahtzee or anyone else in this thread is petty and abrasive, as poiuppx said.

Unca Bob

New member
Sep 20, 2009
I could explain how monster hunter is an amazing game and that it should never have left the PSP. But you know what? That would achieve nothing. I have not played MH3 and I have never liked the Wii. Thus I cannot refute the given arguments in context. However I love Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, think everyone should give it a try, think Yahtzee should have tried using a not shit weapon and am content in my own enjoyment of MHFU to not want to try and change Yahtzee's mind when I could go and do something more fun and meaningful. Like remove my own face with a grinder.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
PaulH said:
Carnagath said:
Quiet Stranger said:
I gotta be honest, the Monster Hunter series is only for the most hard core of gamers, it's a long fucking game that never truly ends and to master it you must put in a LOT of me!
Length doesn't make a game "hardcore".
No, skill and dedication is the prerequisite of what games used to (and should) expect.

Yahtzee complained that he had trouble with a great jaggi (of all things) ... I used to throw a bit of credence to Yahtzee when picking a game, but when he complains he had trouble with a jaggi (offline) then that's when you should start turning around and asking "Okay, is yahtzee even a gamer?"

Monster Hunter Tri is about "well swimming can be hard if you haven't experienced before ... so here's the basics and try to stick to the 'shallow end' for awhile".

If you're experienced and skilled at action rpgs (Which I think the term 'rpg' is well defined in MHT due to the vast playing styles each weapon brings to the foray) you can literally dive into the deep end from the first second.

Simply go online and your 'deep-end' immersion of said swimming pool analogy is complete.

But FFS Yahtzee, after the so-called '10 hour tutorial' (for which I cannot yell the phrase 'Bullshit, Bullshit, Bullshit' enough.) couldn't kill a Great Jaggi, maybe he's not a gamer?

I think most people who have experienced MHT (or indeed any MH) can attest to this.

I have problems with the term 'hardcore' ... seriously ... When Yahtzee compares things to Guitar Hero I feel like screaming 'Stick to fucking casual games ... just don't compare the fucking two'.

He did the same thing with SSBB. I can't help but feel like Yahtzee isn't really geared to Hardcore, and automatically attacks anything challenging ... which is evident by the fact that he hates online multiplayer.
Fair enough. What I meant to say was that MH3 is by no stretch of the word "hard". You just need to use the world around you to your advantage in order to strengthen your character. I've had a harder time getting through some of the dungeons in Twilight Princess than I've had with anything in MH3. It's not like Demon's Souls NG+, where you have to achieve Aragorn-levels of flawlessness in your gameplay or every single creature in the game will one- or two-shot you regardless of character setup, gear or grinding. This is a game that anyone can enjoy, as long as they are not too impatient and seek instant gratification and ONLY that, and that's exactly what Yahtzee has been doing since forever. Lovingly laboring over a rich game in order to finally get that feeling of immense satisfaction over a job well done and a journey that was worth taking is what many great games are about, and it's inexcusable for a game critic to instantly discard them. It's like being a food critic that immediately bashes any gourmet dish that took more than 2 hours to cook and prefers fast food. It's a shame that people listen to him.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Carnagath said:
Fair enough. What I meant to say was that MH3 is by no stretch of the word "hard". You just need to use the world around you to your advantage in order to strengthen your character. I've had a harder time getting through some of the dungeons in Twilight Princess than I've had with anything in MH3. It's not like Demon's Souls NG+, where you have to achieve Aragorn-levels of flawlessness in your gameplay or every single creature in the game will one- or two-shot you regardless of character setup, gear or grinding. This is a game that anyone can enjoy, as long as they are not too impatient and seek instant gratification and ONLY that, and that's exactly what Yahtzee has been doing since forever. Lovingly laboring over a rich game in order to finally get that feeling of immense satisfaction over a job well done and a journey that was worth taking is what many great games are about, and it's inexcusable for a game critic to instantly discard them. It's like being a food critic that immediately bashes any gourmet dish that took more than 2 hours to cook and prefers fast food. It's a shame that people listen to him.
Agreed.MHT is one of those games that are as hard as you want to make it. Jhen+ is a piss easy event quest if you have a full group of hunters. But everybody has to pull their weight. That being said I've heard that one guy managed to solo Jhen+ .... for which I found incredulkous .... how the hell did he do it without the Dragonship shattering?

Regardless ... MHT is one of those games that cewlebrate and reward patience ... any monster can be defeated wih the application oflots of preparation and the right tool for the right job ... always packing three traps, tranqs, picking the right weapon ... and knwoing when + where + how to attack = rape of any monster in the game.

But isn't that a great formula? MHT is a game that doesn't have spawn points. Sure deviljho might show up when unexpected, but if you weren't prepared for him to show up in the middle of a hunt then it's experience when the next time you do the quest.

Knowledge + skill + preparation = MH formula for quick victory.

It's only as hard as you want (And make) it to be, but the rewards of MHT are in only taking 3 minutes to kill qurupeco+ with 3 fellow hunters who know their stuff.

Constantly challenging yourself to do something better and better. And it's true ... if you want a completely different game experience you need only change the weapon you're using. It suddenly becomes a whole new game when you switch from long sword to switch axe.

Replayability is HUGE ... and it's always a treat to shake up your gameplay experienbce with a simple equipment change.

I'm quickly becoming to notice that Yahtzee's idea of a great game is one which I would never enjoy. Portal took fuckall skill ... FUCK ALL ... and I have never replayed it. It is simply overblown tosh.

But I have logged 180+ hours in MHT.

This is why I call Yahtzee both a noob and a casual gamer. Because what he wants (and considers great) is a 1 hour long game that is a glorified physics puzzle game.

What gamers should want is a game that gives as much as you're willing to invest in it. To challenge you to be better.


New member
Jan 29, 2009
The game's a total grindfest...and that's one of the reasons fans love it.
The game's controls and camera take some getting used to (in comparison to other contemporary games)...and the fans call it challenging and love the game for it.
The game has the flimsiest story ever...and the fans say it's not about the story.

I'm seeing a will be fans.

In the end it comes down to: the game's for you or it's with any game really.


Free Cascadia!
Mar 9, 2010
Carnagath said:
It's like being a food critic that immediately bashes any gourmet dish that took more than 2 hours to cook and prefers fast food. It's a shame that people listen to him.
Sorry for interrupting your conversation here, but I wanted to point out that's not a very good metaphor. It's more like a food critic bashing a meal that you have to eat for two hours before it starts to taste good. Why would you eat awful food for two hours in the hopes that it would get better?

Well okay, that's still an awful metaphor because I'm pretty sure most people would be full before they ate for two hours, but I think you'll probably get the point anyway.


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Manji187 said:
The game's a total grindfest...and that's one of the reasons fans love it.
The game's controls and camera take some getting used to (in comparison to other contemporary games)...and the fans call it challenging and love the game for it.
The game has the flimsiest story ever...and the fans say it's not about the story.

I'm seeing a will be fans.

In the end it comes down to: the game's for you or it's with any game really.
And you (and other idiots) are the reasons why modern games suck.

Why the fuck do we need a 'story' in a game? Seriously. Most game voice actors sound as appealing as a circular saw on sheet metal. Most 'writers' in games feel like the idiot students that flunked literature in a BA at University.

Seriously, video games would be doing themselves a big plus if they just threw out story, because no gamer plays a game for the story.

If you do you're an idiot who should use the 60 dollars that would go to buy a game, and invest it into 4-5 DVDs.

Anybody who thinks a videogame is going to qualify as a movie and story masterpiece on the level of Kubrick, Hitchcock, and (ANYTHING FROM) Wes Anderson is a tard.

Does 'Chess' have a story? Backgammon? Does a game of tennis have a story beyond two guys playing for whatever reason (pride, money, or a pile of Tim Tams)? Does that mean Chess, Backgammon and Tennis suck balls? Fuck no ... it's better they don't have stories...

Gameplay and style = the game.

No More Heroes is freaking awesome because it fluants story and delivers pure style. The story is purposefully, and unabashedly, inane, lacklustre and downright stupid.

Just like CoD 4 is awesome solely cos of it's multiplayer, and anybody who really gave a flying fuck about the main characters is the sole reason why (instead of creating new IP and gameplay styles) we will have sequel after sequel of shitastic games that never needed to be made.

If everybody had half a brain and said 'We don't give a shit about Soap and Price' IW wouldn't have made MW2... rather contemplating on how to improve everything about CoD4 and deliver it in a new style with improved gameplay.

Videogames trying to emphasise storyline is like a paraplegic trying to get into the NBA. Sure it's cute the first time he challenges his standing fellow 6'8'' pro- basketball apsirants ... but if he does it again expecting to be taken seriously, you start contemplating whether or not he's missing a few screws upstairs.


New member
Sep 19, 2009
Jack and Calumon said:
A ten hour tutorial?

Really? I mean, I've played long tutorials before, in like Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days
I agree about the long tutorial in 358/2 Days. It was really a smack in the face for everyone who'd played the original or even KHII or CoM. I felt like I was being treated like a unco-ordinated child, despite its rather good story.

I'd been umm-ing and ahh-ing over this game, but I think I'll pass. I like games that give me an optional tutorial, not a "You must play this bit before you play the real game because we can clearly tell you've never played a game before and either our interface is completely unintuitive or you'll never be able to suss out the jump button" game.


New member
May 17, 2010
What? 10 hours!? Jeez the tutorial only takes that long if you spend all your time sucking and dying. Which is nigh impossible, all the non-bigandscary monsters would have to chew on you for ages for you to die. So the tutorial, (or the first rank of quests) took me about 2 hours to complete. Maybe i'm just awesome.

Shamanic Rhythm

New member
Dec 6, 2009
I'm just reading this thread again after several glasses of free wine (love being an english major), and I just laughed. Chill the eff out, you guys. Bust a gut over something important like politics or religion, and not whether an english critic with a fedora likes a game where you twat monsters over the head with swords and pawn dinosaur testicles off to vendors.

All we are saaaaaying is give peace a chance :D


New member
Sep 17, 2008
PaulH said:
Yahtzee = Noob
Oh come on! Are you being serious? Why are you taking his review so seriously, it's Yahtzee for christ sake, he is a game critic who craps on games for comedy - it's what he does and what makes him popular. Do you actually care what he thinks of the game, there's no point getting so angry about it is there?


Queen of the Edit
Feb 4, 2009
Liberaliter said:
Oh come on! Are you being serious? Why are you taking his review so seriously, it's Yahtzee for christ sake, he is a game critic who craps on games for comedy - it's what he does and what makes him popular. Do you actually care what he thinks of the game, there's no point getting so angry about it is there?
You're right, but I am concerned by the number of people who actually think he's right. I'm sick and tired of people like him who jump onto the bandwagon and berate what is essentially a good game by focusing on things that are ;

A: either nonexistent problems and misconceptions

B: Things that should NEVER be objectives in videogames (i.e a steller storyline ... because it will never be accomplished in this medium)

Is the Monster Hunter series different from everything else on the market? Yes. Is it challenging? Well yes and no, challenging if you're an idiot. Is it challenging compared to the rest of the crap on the market? Yes ...

If people actually tried the game they'd realize that Yahtzee is a complete noob whose points he decries are non-issues for the grand majority of gamers.

Call me prehistoric but I remember when games were fun. And if Yahtzee's ideas of an awesome game are, God help us if it comes to this, actually taken onboard by game developers I will have lost everything I love about video games. We will have a whole video game market that delivers nothing but an hour worth of gameplay that is only fun in comparisoin to sticking needles under our fingernails with no ability to challenge others in that pursuit of being as good at the game as possible.

Am I the only one who fears this?

Call me a defender of multiplayer, FINE, but if being an antisocial casual gamer ever becomes the core demographic of videogame players ... and video game developers start panderingto this audience.... 'I am disapoint' won't cover it.

I'm sorry, but gaming is about testing your skill against both the game and working together/against others in common objective.