Morrowind 2011 Mod Collection Pulled After Complaints


New member
Jan 4, 2011
Aye, sad to say this mod will continue to spread by backhand deals and limewire peer to peer torrents. something that burst onto the scene like this can't just fade quietly.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
I'm at a lack for words here. Ok, so all these mods were created by modders and offered up to the community to use as they see fit right? I mean, you can personally just go and download each and everyone of them separately an achieve the same result that this guy did. Then, wanting to share his joy with others such as these modders were originally doing, he releases a pack of these mods, nothing in which he claims except for the way to put them together. Sounds really stupid to me. I mean, all he really has to do is release his instructions online along with where to download each mod. That will make it a little less convenient for everyone but would end up in the same exact result. I just don't see any kind of reason for a problem here. All these modders are over reacting to this way to much. It's not like you need permission from them to go and download each mod individually, assuming they are all still provided online by the modders themselves. That is the only way I see a problem at all with this. I just don't understand some people.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Eri said:
I hope he posts the usernames or emails of these assholes so they get spammed into oblivion and people know whos mods to stop supporting. I don't care who is right or wrong here, those people are fucking douchebags, plain and simple.
Um, he did put one up. Which is exactly why this is the stupidest thing to happen this year so far.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
I love how everyone is obsessed with the fact that no money was lost.

So fucking what? The money isn't the issue in the slightest.

If someone took my work without asking, stuck it in a compilation with loads of other people's work and then put their own name in obvious prominent positions while leaving mine in the credits that no-one reads, then I'd be damn well pissed off too and, even though I'd have been perfectly happy for them to use it if they'd asked in the first place, once they'd done all that without bothering to ask I'd withhold my permission for them to use it just like these modders are.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
How do these modders have any legal standpoint here to tell this guy how he can handle their material? Last time I checked Bethesda owns all the rights to the game, allowing people to make mods for zero financial reward.
This sounds to me like the modders are thinking of financial reward here.

Tyler Smith of Alberta would be in good conscience to get legal advice on this matter, find out every single modder that is pulling this legal snafu and getting Bethesda in on this.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
Eri said:
D_987 said:
You realize they own nothing? They're taking another companies work and changing it. Threatening legal action over something they don't even own. Hence why you can't charge money.
It's a creative work, thus covered under copy-right. Besides, the legal ramifications aren't and shouldn't be the issue here - more that you're promoting the use of others work without their permission.

FredTheUndead said:
I never said he created them.
You claimed the collaboration was a "mod", the implication was strong.

But if they really wanted him to not include their mod (which is silly for many reasons), they should have asked him quietly remove it instead of this huge to-do. Now it's impossible to kill.
According to the news post they contacted him through e-mail. What, you think they went to new-sites first? A more likely scenario is that the person who put this package together posted he was no longer offering the collection on Morrowind forums, a large discussion began, and news-site such as The Escapist caught wind of it and reported on it. Hardly making a "huge to-do".


Sep 5, 2009
The packages are still online, and won't go away. Threatening legal action isn't going to change anything. As a 3D modeler for games like Counter-Strike and Crysis, I can understand wanting some credit for your work, but there's a point where that desire for credit can transition into a rather ugly variety of attention whoring.

These guys need to get the fuck over themselves. If you release something for free online, by nature it's pretty much out of your hands. Even if you release on some "private forum" or whatever for people in some community for some specific game, that file is out of your hands. You can only hope the "readme" or "credits" file travels along with it, if that matters so much.


has tits and is on fire
Jan 8, 2009
... Does that mean some people copyrighted their mods? If so fine but if not I am majorly confused, I totally thought copyrighting something was like an active thing that you had to do like patents.


New member
Oct 2, 2010
I... don't get it. So these mods are free, right? So the guys who made them would be perfectly happy for people to download them individually. But downloading them at the same time as other mods is somehow a massive problem that warrants everyone turning on the guy who put them together?

Is it that they don't like that he has written instructions on how to install them? That it's implying this is his own work? That the credits aren't comprehensive enough? I genuinely don't understand what they're getting angry about here.


Dapper Fellow
Apr 21, 2010
Maze1125 said:
Catalyst6 said:
Popido said:
What. The. Fuck?

What the hell happened here? Was someone making money from this?
That's what I was thinking as I read this. Aren't mods, y'know, free? It's not like the guy was saying that he did all the work *personally*.
Being free doesn't give anyone right to rip it off.
For example, I might give away free postcards of my paintings at my art gallery. As a method for attracting guests to come see my paintings in full. That doesn't give anyone the right to produce enlarged version of those cards and display them on the street, even if they give me credit.
Ah, but your example has you tying your free thing to a main product, one that you would get paid for. Compare that to mods, where there's really no payment other than internet fame, which is obtained by people knowing about and using your materials. But still, I understand what you're saying.

It just seems a little harsh for the developers to threaten immediate legal action for an activity that is somewhat common, the bundling of compatible mods together...


New member
Oct 1, 2009
Every modding scene has it's share of drama queens, unfortunately. If an end-user cares who wrote the mods they will look at the credits. Most of the time they won't do that or even look at the name of the person on the download page. I for one don't have a clue who wrote any of the large number of mods I use in Oblivion, FO3, Dragon Age, etc. because I never bothered to look.


New member
Jul 13, 2010
I understand that the mod owners were pissed, but personally I think they were overreacting. Isn't the point of modding to make the game better and more varied for yourself and other people? This way, your mods are reaching more people through this compilation than they would have on their own. Oh well, thank god for bittorrent use the bittorent link on the wordpress site if you haven't downloaded it yet.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
D_987 said:
Eri said:
I hope he posts the usernames or emails of these assholes so they get spammed into oblivion and people know whos mods to stop supporting. I don't care who is right or wrong here, those people are fucking douchebags, plain and simple.
Yeah, those people are douchbags for not wanting someone to compile their mod [that they spent a lot of time and effort on, and then released to the community] in a package without their permission...

I think you need a reality check - the mod creators aren't in the wrong here, what the guy did was illegal, and what's more he clearly [well according to this news post anyway] didn't ask permission from the modders in the first place - and he's gaining positive publicity from their work...there's nothing wrong with them threatening action against him.

If they didn't it would only encourage similar incidents - permission is important in the mod scene, and I assume, had he asked around, he'd have received the permission he sought, instead of incorrectly assuming the modders would be satisfied with his offer.
A question. If the guy had just made a thread on some mod site with his youtube video and then gave all the download links and a detailed explanation of how to get them all to work together, all with credit to the modders of course, would he still be wrong?


Legendary Table User
Jul 17, 2009
My mind is full of fuck. Was someone profiting from this? No? Then we don't have a problem. Seriously it's a pretty safe bet that he got all if them from the mod site which is as we all know free so what in the hell are the modders getting so pissy about. They're mad people don't have to download them one at a time any more?


New member
May 18, 2008
I'm just not seeing the copyright infringement. He didn't claim the mods were his own, just that this was, in his opinion, the best way to put them all together. I've seen that COUNTLESS times on other games with no issues. The only time it ever did become an issue was when a mod author went through and actively removed any mention of the actual authors. One example being the Jedi Academy mod, Knights of the Force. That guy stole every model, animation, everything to make this mega mod, stripped all credits, and then on top of that included a virus with the package that he finally released. That was wrong - really wrong.

All I see in this situation is a guy with good intentions trying to revitalize interest in an old game. He wasn't scamming anyone, and he wasn't purposefully trying to leave any credits out... so maybe the wolves should have backed off a bit and tried working with him rather than scream at the top of their lungs that it was "ALL WRONG! TAKE IT DOWN NOW!"

Edit: Oh yeah, totally forgot to mention on that KotF mod. The guy was charging a shitload of money for it before it was even released. Scammers like that should rot in hell.


New member
Mar 26, 2008
Huh. I can't help but think that the individual modders are being quite silly... anyway... the mod compilation seems to be a single download that comprises a long list of individual mods that could be downloaded and installed (in the correct order, and individually) from here [] for much the same effect.


New member
Jun 15, 2008
jboking said:
A question. If the guy had just made a thread on some mod site with his youtube video and then gave all the download links and a detailed explanation of how to get them all to work together, all with credit to the modders of course, would he still be wrong?
No, the fact he went out his way to make himself seem more important [his name was specifically mentioned in all the press reports and on the front page of the site holding the explanation; he contacted the press and not the other way around - at least according to this news report] and didn't ask for permission before distributing other peoples work are the issues here - if he linked people to places the modders would want their work downloaded from [and thus people are more likely to see their names etc] I'm sure it'd have been acceptable, especially if he'd gained permission [as every guide like that I've used claims they have done].


New member
Jul 12, 2010
Must modding communities start acting like Activision? The game came out nearly 9 years ago for pete's sake. Its not as if he didn't credit them or they'll lose money because of it


New member
Mar 1, 2010
A: ... why the heck would you not ask? If he'd have asked, problem solved.

B: Hypocrites. Anyone who made a mod of this sort's goal is to improve the game, right? Then a compendium like this would be the ultimate (in graphics, anyway) fulfillment of that goal, and you would think they would be honored to be part of that. Apparently not so much, hmm?


New member
Sep 3, 2008
Phyroxis said:
Get it while you still can, its still up for download at at least one site here:

I don't even have Morrowind yet, but will stow this mod on my hard drive until I do. =P
Thanks for the link, getting it right and and devoting this weekend to playing some new and improved morrowind.