Most Boring Game You've Ever Played


New member
Apr 6, 2010
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne

DON'T get me wrong! I love the game... but that repetitive music, and the dungeons that go on forever with the same environment... I'd use it to get to sleep :p


New member
Sep 17, 2008
Red Faction Guerrilla. I was expecting awesomeness from Volition after Saints Row 2, but Guerrilla was just so boring. I didn't even find the destruction fun.
May 25, 2010
Probably Oblviion, I spent two hours and I nearly fell asleep with the controller in my hands. There might be worse cases that I'm not recalling right now, but off the top of my head, it's definitely Oblivion.


New member
Aug 14, 2008
The original Deus Ex.
(let the flaming commence) Look, i know its apparently a masterpiece or something, but this was my experience:
Get a wrist mounted crossbow, ninja mode engage. (good so far)
Sneak around, fire tranq dart with crossbow at unsuspecting guard. (awesome)
Guard doesnt even notice. just keeps patrolling. hm. Sneak much closer and fire again. Doesnt notice. Save game and run right up behind him, shoot him point blank with crowwbow. Nada. Kill guy loudly and in a fit of frustration run&gun to the top of the pyramid thing. Next level - kill some dudes and run around aimlessly in a directionless city area with nothing to do and no indication of what to do or where to go. 2 hours of that crap and I quit. that was 4 years ago.


New member
Jan 21, 2010
For me, it was Battlefield Bad Company 1.

I started playing it and got through a few missions.. or acts... Well, I hit a loading twice, so I'm assuming I had done two 'acts'.
It was so boring. I couldn't get myself playing because it was all the same thing with little reward, action or purpose.
The characters were shallow as hell. Am I suppost to care about these idiots?

And its another America VS Russia game... which I'm sick of at the moment.


New member
Aug 12, 2010
Well this is just me, but i've actually never been bored with a singleplayer game. i've disliked many but i've never been bored to the degree of deciding to turn it off and go bash my head violently into a walrus for an absolute divine intervention of entertainment. (with an exception for deus ex: human revolution on my second play-through)

However, i have never EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER found myself not bored with multiplayer. (co-op doesn't count if it's played locally) But the generic formula of multiplayer just bores the living crap out of me. there isn't any context or reason to be shooting/maiming/fighting with a bunch of random people and i personally see it as a technological gong show in the same vein 3d is becoming. Now, thats not to say multiplayer is actually broken, nor is there anything wrong with enjoying mindless slaughter and upgrade of pointless statistics. i just don't find myself ever being entertained with even the most polished of multiplayer experiences.


New member
Aug 12, 2010
Bioshock....aka the most over-rated game of all time.

I tried it multiple time over the years and could never get past the two hour mark. It was just sheer boredom.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Strange... a lot of people here hating on really awesome games. Oh well, each to their own. My vote goes to Mass Effect. Could not stand that game. The characters were the most dull pointless people I have ever come across in a video game, the graphics either looked totally sterile or ugly, the character designs was boring and unimaginative, the story went nowhere (in the time I played it, which was a fair amount), the dialogue was so overdrawn and tedious, characters moved slowly and controls felt sluggish, combat was awful and frustrating (could never see what was going on and if I wasn't constantly dying then NPC partners were getting in the bloody way), and the interface was incomprehensible. Basically everything that is in a game I hated about Mass Effect.

I have to mention Fable 2 as well. Ugly graphics, annoying characters, HORRIBLE controls, tedious navigation, tactless combat, annoying camera, and the WORST ending to any video game I had ever played. God I hate that game with such a passion. My experience with it wasn't necessarily as dull as with Mass Effect, but it managed to be very boring and incredibly frustrating to play at the same time. Oh yeah, and also the way you have to wait for shops to get the stock in for the potions you want to buy as well. And even once I had waited, a lot of the time the shop owner would just never turn up. Like he was deleted from the game. That drove me crazy, I wasted so much time on that crap.

There's probably other games I found ultra boring, but were so boring I can't remember.

Hawk of Battle

New member
Feb 28, 2009
Ico. Never finished it, was bored most of the way through and I absolutely DREADED the combat sections. They were awful and tedious beyond reckoning.


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Lord_Nemesis said:
NIER. 'nuff said.
Not really... I don't think enough people have played the game for it to be widely known. On that note, I have actually been thinking about buying the game. What exactly is wrong with it?


New member
Jun 4, 2010
This will probably be an unpopular choice but I found Crysis 2 such a chore to play. I was bored through most of the game. It was at that point that I pretty much lost all faith in the FPS genre.


Nemo saltat sobrius
Mar 9, 2010
Borderlands. Fetch or Assassinate missions, and nothing else for the whole game. About 5 different mob models. An interesting weapon finding gathering bit until you find the best gun you'll ever get in the game about halfway thru the first playthru. Bland characters with 0 customability (you'll wind up with everything.) Lame or non-existent story. Pointless and useless driving system and cars that explode when you hit so much as an anthill and leave you with 1 hitpoint no matter how much shield and health you have. Only saving grace was local multiplayer. Unplayable otherwise.


No Comment Necessary.
Sep 19, 2009
Although I liked the game a lot, Mass Effect can be very boring at times, especially near the beginning. But of course, I kept playing and I really enjoyed it.
Limbo probably counts as the most boring game I've played. I know I probably have a minority opinion here, but I was so bored that I was genuinely over-joyed to have finished it.


New member
Mar 30, 2011
Mass Effect.

Can't last 25 minutes.

It looks terrible, the game feel is all dodgy, the combat is slow and unimaginative, the vehicle missions are like driving in real life except with flashy lights that somewhat resemble weaponfire, the story is boring as shit, the universe feels tiny and linear, the characters are boring, the voice acting is mediocre, the range of weapons is small, the skill customization is raablah blah blah blah blah...


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Gears of War 2 was an exercise in painful monotony.

Funny thing is, I was playing it co-op with a friend, which is supposed to be one of the series best aspects, but the both of us just wanted to stop after about half an hour.

The previous night we had both just finished Resident Evil 5....a game that is apparently boring, stupid and racist....all the way through to the end whilst having an amazingly fun time.

We went from being restricted while aiming, and being taught to respect and value every last bullet we could get our hands on, to marching around as an invulnerable shaved bear wearing an entire skip bin and throwing away bullets like they were candy.

Resident Evil 5 was way more fun that Gears could ever be for us.

Having said that though, all characters of both games were insufferable dumbasses.


New member
Dec 2, 2009
TF2. I just...don't....get it. It could be that I'm horrible, it could be that it's just hats and props. Or it could be just because it's totally unengaging for me.

Any FF or turn-based RPG...can't stand it.

I really, really like Dragon Age - but that being said, the combat is intensely boring.

GalCiv 2. I know it was a huge hit and people rant and rave about how awesome and complex and enthralling it is but I just could never get into it.