Most Boring Game You've Ever Played

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
Proverbial Jon said:
As for Dragon Age: Origins... yeah that's another game that I got bored with after an hour or so and never went back to. Which is a shame because I love Bioware's games.
You should stick with it. It's worth the tedious stretches. (Also, I've noticed certain Origins are way better than others. Both the dwarves, the city elf, and the human noble are my favorites. Mage and Dalish elf are both on the boring side. It definitely colors your first impressions of the game.)
Yeah, when I played it I started as a Mage and someone else told me that was a bad idea. Perhaps I'll give it another go some time.

harknesssimm said:
L.A. Noire Bored me to death, I loved Red Dead and was exited to get a similar game to it and got what was essentially a point and click adventure for PHD's in Micro-expressions
Pfft! You don't even need to pay that much attention to the facial expressions, they're so ridiculously exagurated that it's easy to see if someone is lying. The REAL problem is navigating the game's flawed system of logic. Even if you know someone is lying about something you still have to accept the accusation that Cole makes and sometimes it's totaly different to what you were thinking of.

I didn't find the game boring, but it wasn't quite what I was expecting either. Whereas I would replay RDR or any of the GTA games, I feel no particular need to go back to LA Noire.


New member
Apr 23, 2011
Bojangles2341 said:
Ashcrexl said:
so recently, like last weekend, i decided to start playing world of warcraft's free trial to see what all the fuss is about. i was a been apprehensive about getting addicted since it does have that reputation. but how could i? it is one of the most boring, repetitive, poorly paced games ever made. i played 2 hours and got to level 5, so don't say i didn't give it a fair shot. right after a mission where i had to kill 10 of the exact same enemy, using one of two of the exact same attacks (which are accomplished by pushing one button over and over), and then killing a bigger version of that same enemy, my mind broke, and i gave up.

so anyone curious about WoW and havent tried it yet, i can tell you it is TERRIBLE. the world is fairly decent, but everything is just plain dull and generic.
It took you 2 hours to get to level 5? Wow..
That's not particularly bad if it's your first time playing.. And I completely agree that the initial few levels are nothing else but spamming the same two spells.


New member
Mar 31, 2009
Some_Jackass said:
Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring.

You play as Frodo, doing about 103453 random f'in chores before he ever even attempts to leave the shire....eventually youre suppose to play as other characters but I never made it out of the shire.
I actually loved that game, as the other two parts were made by EA and were just generic hack 'n slash. The first part actually followed the book much better.

On topic: Counter strike Source. Played it for a whopping 3 or 4 hours. Worst purchase ever.

The Pinray

New member
Jul 21, 2011
mocruz1200 said:
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I have beaten basically every other zelda game there is, but i cant bring myself to play that piece of crap for more than an hour. and i have tried. many times.
Same here. I've actually fallen asleep playing that game. It's probably because I didn't play it as a kid, so nostalgia just isn't a factor for me. Majora's Mask was bad to me too. But I absolutely loved Twilight Princess. Wind Waker was great too. I'm not getting Skyward Sword because in my opinion the Wii is trash.

EDIT: Figured I'd toss in Oblivion, too. That's the only other game I've fallen asleep playing. Such a bad game to me. But there's hope on the horizon. Skyrim may redeem The Elder Scrolls for me. :)


New member
Aug 29, 2011
Pretty much any simulator game that you are not interested in or good at. I really enjoy Sim City and Sim Theme Park, but the games never really tell you what you are working towards. In Sim Theme Park, I understand that you need to raise money to earn golden tickets (not sure what those are for) and golden keys that allows you to open new locations with different themed areas.

After I get bored with Sim City, I just let the apocalypse rain on Jay Town and call it a night.


New member
Jan 26, 2008
scorptatious said:
I'm also surprised how many people say Shadow of the Colossus, that's my most favorite game of all time.

OT: Probably FF X-2. No offense to those who like it, but I didn't find myself going very far in that game. Mostly because of the annoying characters, the shameless copy and pasting of old environments from the first game, the rather bland battle system, and the lack of an interesting and gripping plot, I couldn't play more than a few hours before I got bored and returned it to the GameStop from where I bought it.

Again, no offense to those who like it.
I feel you on Shadow of the Colossus--I'm playing the remaster right now, and it's easily one of the best games I've played in the past decade (up there with Deus Ex, Grand Theft Auto III, Shenmue/Shenmue II, Portal, etc.) in spite of it having a few flaws.

Also, excepting Final Fantasy IX, Hironobu Sakaguchi stopped producing or directing Final Fantasy games after VII. X2, actually, was the first FF in which he played no role. . . so that might explain why it sucked.


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
The_Deleted said:
scorptatious said:
lRookiel said:
ALL final fantasy games, I've only played 6,7 and 10, and was I bored to death, I dont see the appeal at all for turn based combat, its so slow paced and repetitive, seeing the same attack animations over and over again ......... YAWN!
How can you say they were all boring if you've only played three of them? I can understand not wanting to play the other games in the series based on previous experiences, but it just seems like you're contradicting your point by saying that.
Surely having a crack at three games in a series is a fair go. I'd be put off after three attempts if they didn't grab me.
What he said, and yeah its just that the FF games are all turn based combat right? anyway I just dont go for that type of gameplay, it gives me a major case of sleepy-itis (lol) and thank god I never actually owned any of them, would have been a waste of money for me.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
I stopped playing farcry 2 mainly because of the bloody commute between the fun bits
i'm about half-way through and i've been meaning to get back to it for a while
its just sitting on my steam list gathering dust :(

Omnific One

New member
Apr 3, 2010
Borderlands, it's just so bland.
DA:Origins, but I love the story and characters, but it is a pain in the ass to play.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
scarecrow350 said:
I stopped playing farcry 2 mainly because of the bloody commute between the fun bits
i'm about half-way through and i've been meaning to get back to it for a while
its just sitting on my steam list gathering dust :(
I don't think your the only one who feels that way, fartoomuchcommuting would have been a better (though a more difficult to say) title!


New member
Sep 14, 2011
Oh wait, I'd like to add GTA 4 to my list too. Never completed that either. Not so much because it was boring, but because the controls suck, the missions have no checkpoints, and frigging Outrun had better driving mechanics.

As for advanced Lawnmower simulator... That was awesome! A choice of five lawnmowers (only one of which works) and the possibility of that rock that breaks it. Thrilling stuff.


New member
Feb 20, 2011
putowtin said:
TheEldestScroll said:
definitely the most boring game i have ever played is dead space. i could barely get 20 minutes into it. i tried four times, and two of those times i fell asleep with the controller in my hand. that game is terrible... unless you suffer from insomnia.
trust me I suffer from insomnia and I ain't going back to that game! I didn't fall asleep I just stared at the screen wondering why all my friends had told me it was a "great game"
haha then its settled. the only use for dead space is to poop on.

Roy Smith

New member
Sep 23, 2011
So many contenders...

Conan for the X-Box cheap enemies so you basically block all the time, roll, and use the sword. The 1st level and the final play the same.

Time Shift - You could drop any of the levels into the middle of FEAR 2 and never no the different. I think you spend the first half of the game in a sewer. It's what I call a BAG FPS (brown and gray).

Red Dead Redemption - take GTA4 and remove the cool weapons and vehicles and funny characters. Add rescuing hookers and pointless bounty missions and mini-games all leading to a bad, bad boring ending. Moving cattle is tedium in digital form.


New member
Nov 15, 2010
Scrustle said:
Lord_Nemesis said:
NIER. 'nuff said.
Not really... I don't think enough people have played the game for it to be widely known. On that note, I have actually been thinking about buying the game. What exactly is wrong with it?
Allow me to elaborate; it's flawed in that it's not the greatest looking game, and the endless fetch quests are quite tedious. Besides that it's a unique game in story, characters and atmosphere. There aren't many action rpg's like it out there and I found it very worthwhile for the price I purchased it at, some 25$.

Nami nom noms

New member
Apr 26, 2011
Prince of Persia for the xbox 360,
and any of the Call of Duty series.

I'm sorry, I have tried, I REALLY have, but it's just so BORING to me.


New member
Jun 17, 2010
The Lost game. Jesus, sweet Jesus WHY?! I didn't even manage to play five minutes of it. I just wandered about and nothing enticed me. It was just dull and felt clunky. Any longer than five minutes ans I would probably have been reduced to a drooling mess.


New member
Feb 22, 2011
Scrustle said:
Crap. :( I really liked the idea of the game.
Have a look at some Youtube footage or user reviews and reconsider. It still may not be for you, but it's at least worth a look. I love Nier and don't find it remotely generic. It's a game with a lot to say (under the surface) about Japanese gaming. The controls are relatively simple but work well, the plot is actually rather complicated and requires some effort to work out the details, the soundtrack and voice acting are very good, the graphics are basic but interesting, and the replay value is decent with the possibility of four different endings.

Now, Infamous was a game that bored me into deleting it from the PS3's system memory. Functional, flashy, and shallow as a bird bath.