Most Boring Game You've Ever Played


Professional Lurker
Nov 18, 2009
tacotrainwreck said:
The Legend of Alon D'ar for PS2. If you haven't heard of it, that's fine. Nothing lost there...
Holy shit, I just posted that game over in the "worst game ever" thread.

I'll second Alon D'ar for most boring game ever.


New member
Oct 20, 2011
I had to join the site because this has to be one of the most educated gamer threads I've been on in a while and its refreshing. I had to do a breakdown of what games I've played on what medium to really break down boring games that I could never finish because of how terrible they were at keeping attention

Atari ST - Any psygnosis title. Not entertaining in any way

NES - Metal gear was bad bad bad back then, Super mario bros 2 is a legit boring game, shitty powerups and crappy level design

Turbografix 16 - Bonk was such a waste of time

Genesis - Altered Beast is brutal..not fun at all, didn't understand why it was considered any good,
Captain America and the Avengers, Shaq Fu, sonic spinball, donald duck world of illusion

Super Nintendo - Aladdin, any of the Donkey Kong games, Super ghouls and ghosts, super metroid

Playstation - Final fantasy 8 was god awful boring, terrible followup to FFVII, The last syphon filter game, spyro the dragon, Tenchu, Gran Turismo 2, kept going back to GT1

Xbox - The first Halo game, on your own is GARBAGE, have to play it co-op with someone to appreciate it, every single fighting game on this system, jade empire, prince of persia:warrior within, amped, tony hawks underground

PC - Every Crytek game is so boring (Farcry 1, 2, insincts; Crysis games), no rewarding gameplay at all, you really don't care about anything that is going on in them, system shock 2, didn't draw me in at all, heretic, descent (1, 2, and 3), Rainbow 6 (swat is so much better) Half life 2 - Boring is the only word to describe this experience, all the sims games, deus ex - dry and no fun to explore, age of empires 3, total rome, empire earth, vampire:the masquerade, Bastion (oh my gawd bastion...anger anger anger)Hellgate London and quite a few more

360 + ps3- GTA4, Tekken 6 (botched system, juggles, mids highs and lows, stupid characters and laggy online fights), Bully, Mirrors Edge, Prince of persia, all the assassins creed games (except brotherhood which is pretty legit) NHL 09, Ruse, Brink, Red Dead Redemption (really make me run around on a horse for 20 minutes collecting thistles), Ninja Gaiden (NG:Black was way better), Halo Reach, Mass Effect 2 (the first was excellent), little big planet, just cause 2 (both being too repetitive), Kingdom Under Fire


New member
Dec 6, 2010
ecoho said:
TorchofThanatos said:
ecoho said:
TorchofThanatos said:
Dragon Age Origins.
Story was interesting but game play was so boring i just stopped playing.
try to slog through it i personally refuse to play more then an hour at a time cause if you spend longer then that the constant walking from place to place will drive you mad. that being said DA:eek:rigins is probably the most boring game ive played.(funnily enough i thought DA2 was allot less so because you werent walking so much, go figure:)
I also made the mistake of playing DA2 first. Trying to go back and play DAO is really hard! I have played all the origins but i still need to finish the game at least once. I am running around in the Deep Roads right now and I want to kill myself!
lol i played origins first so i didnt have that problem but yeah take your time theres no time limit and the game takes 60+ hours to do right yeah its boring at points but its fun as hell once you get past 2 things the fade and the fucking deep roads.
As long as i don't have to go back to the fade for a third time! The mage tower made me want to kill myself. Why is everything out of focus? Good idea to only play it an hour at a time. I want to finish and kill Loghain!


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Proverbial Jon said:
How could you successfully make LOTR BORING?
I don't know, Tolkein did a pretty great job of it.


Seriously though, those books are a struggle to get through.

On topic, I can't really answer this question. If I feel a game is boring in the first hour or so, I don't continue playing it (unless it came highly recommended by someone I trust, in which case I give it a chance to impress me and it usually does), and thus I don't feel I can accurately judge if it's a "boring game." If it has boring stretches but overall charms me enough that I want to find out what comes next (like Dragon Age: Origins), then I don't count it as boring.

repeating integers

New member
Mar 17, 2010
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
Proverbial Jon said:
How could you successfully make LOTR BORING?
I don't know, Tolkein did a pretty great job of it.


OT: Half-Life 2 episode 1 mayhaps? The other two are fine (yeah, overrated I guess, but fine anyway) but that one was basically just 4 hours of retreading the first quarter of HL2 for no apparent reason (except the 2nd level, which was retreading the last quarter of the game instead). I suppose it had a few suspenseful moments down underground, with the pitch-blackness and Zombies. Other than that, there was just no reason for its existence, other than that it didn't occur to the Vortigaunts to teleport Gordon further away from the citadel.

Yet even that I finished, without feeling like going to sleep midway through. So I feel glad I've not played most of the shit you guys are mentioning (that is, the ones who aren't doing what I just did and being edgy by hating on a popular game).


New member
Oct 14, 2010
Fallout New Vegas, mostly becazuse of the glitches, but the game could not keep me engaged when it did not stop working on me to make up for it. that is sad considering my love of the fallout franchise.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
Breaks my heart to say it, but every Rockstar release this gen has bored the shit out of me.
I was psyched for GTAIV, curious about RDR and bought into all the graphics hype for LA Noire like everyone else. But as games for the purpose of gaming, they were utter balls.


Paragon Printer
Nov 28, 2010
Scrustle said:
Lord_Nemesis said:
NIER. 'nuff said.
Not really... I don't think enough people have played the game for it to be widely known. On that note, I have actually been thinking about buying the game. What exactly is wrong with it?
Mmmm, perhaps. Its just really slow. Its all generic. Go here, collect/kill/pat on the head this amount of people/beasts/small mammals. The moves are sluggish and boring, physical and magical. The plot is so thin that it's non existant and the characters are all monotone and suicidal-ly depressing. I tried to power through it but after 10 hours, I gave up.

It was that or die from a lack of soul because it had been slowly destroyed by playing NIER.


Partially Awesome at Things
Feb 11, 2009
I'll vote for Demon's Souls again. I'll admit I died plenty of times, but it's because I neglected to grind enough. The game isn't difficult because of clever game design, its difficult because of bad game design.

Speaking of the difference between challenging and broken, I recently bought GTA4 for $12. Worst money I've spent in a long time. It's unimaginative beyond belief and has some hideously broken movement physics. Being this fractured and stupid is cool when it's played over-the-top, but when Rockstar tries it, it's just bland.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
So much hate for Oblivion. :(

I'm also surprised how many people say Shadow of the Colossus, that's my most favorite game of all time.

OT: Probably FF X-2. No offense to those who like it, but I didn't find myself going very far in that game. Mostly because of the annoying characters, the shameless copy and pasting of old environments from the first game, the rather bland battle system, and the lack of an interesting and gripping plot, I couldn't play more than a few hours before I got bored and returned it to the GameStop from where I bought it.

Again, no offense to those who like it.

Proverbial Jon

Not evil, just mildly malevolent
Nov 10, 2009
EmperorSubcutaneous said:
Proverbial Jon said:
How could you successfully make LOTR BORING?
I don't know, Tolkein did a pretty great job of it.


Seriously though, those books are a struggle to get through.
Ouch, you got me on that one! I have to admit I struggled with Fellowship, it's so very slow to get started and Tolkien was one for details. I am fully aware that just because certain pieces of literature are deemed "classics" it doesn't neccesarily mean they make good books. Besides, I managed to successfully read the Silmarilion (after three tries and making many notes as I went!) I'd like to see someone adapt that in a way that doesn't send you to sleep after 5 minutes.

I guess I should have said: "How could you successfully make a game of the LOTR films boring." But then I've just answered my own question there...

As for Dragon Age: Origins... yeah that's another game that I got bored with after an hour or so and never went back to. Which is a shame because I love Bioware's games.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
WalrusPowers said:
Mass Effect.

Can't last 25 minutes.

the vehicle missions are like driving in real life except with flashy lights that somewhat resemble weaponfire
What car do you drive? and more importantly where can I buy one!?!


New member
Apr 30, 2011
Lord_Nemesis said:
Scrustle said:
Lord_Nemesis said:
NIER. 'nuff said.
Not really... I don't think enough people have played the game for it to be widely known. On that note, I have actually been thinking about buying the game. What exactly is wrong with it?
Mmmm, perhaps. Its just really slow. Its all generic. Go here, collect/kill/pat on the head this amount of people/beasts/small mammals. The moves are sluggish and boring, physical and magical. The plot is so thin that it's non existant and the characters are all monotone and suicidal-ly depressing. I tried to power through it but after 10 hours, I gave up.

It was that or die from a lack of soul because it had been slowly destroyed by playing NIER.
Crap. :( I really liked the idea of the game.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
lRookiel said:
ALL final fantasy games, I've only played 6,7 and 10, and was I bored to death, I dont see the appeal at all for turn based combat, its so slow paced and repetitive, seeing the same attack animations over and over again ......... YAWN!
How can you say they were all boring if you've only played three of them? I can understand not wanting to play the other games in the series based on previous experiences, but it just seems like you're contradicting your point by saying that.


New member
Aug 28, 2008
scorptatious said:
lRookiel said:
ALL final fantasy games, I've only played 6,7 and 10, and was I bored to death, I dont see the appeal at all for turn based combat, its so slow paced and repetitive, seeing the same attack animations over and over again ......... YAWN!
How can you say they were all boring if you've only played three of them? I can understand not wanting to play the other games in the series based on previous experiences, but it just seems like you're contradicting your point by saying that.
Surely having a crack at three games in a series is a fair go. I'd be put off after three attempts if they didn't grab me.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
Animal Crossing for the DS.

Seriously all I was doing were-
1. Character wake up and check mails.
2. Take the fruits by shaking the tree that have it and talking to the NPC's along the way.
3. Sell my stuff to the Racoon.
4. Put the money to the bank to pay off the loan.
5. Save the game and wait until tommorrow to repeat 1.

Ok sure there were some events in every other days but since I did that for two hours everyday since I bought it, I did wonder why I am still playing it when the game itself is such a chore?


New member
Dec 22, 2010
Proverbial Jon said:
As for Dragon Age: Origins... yeah that's another game that I got bored with after an hour or so and never went back to. Which is a shame because I love Bioware's games.
You should stick with it. It's worth the tedious stretches. (Also, I've noticed certain Origins are way better than others. Both the dwarves, the city elf, and the human noble are my favorites. Mage and Dalish elf are both on the boring side. It definitely colors your first impressions of the game.)


New member
Oct 19, 2008
L.A. Noire Bored me to death, I loved Red Dead and was exited to get a similar game to it and got what was essentially a point and click adventure for PHD's in Micro-expressions