Most Boring Game You've Ever Played


New member
Apr 30, 2011
kyogen said:
Scrustle said:
Crap. :( I really liked the idea of the game.
Have a look at some Youtube footage or user reviews and reconsider. It still may not be for you, but it's at least worth a look. I love Nier and don't find it remotely generic. It's a game with a lot to say (under the surface) about Japanese gaming. The controls are relatively simple but work well, the plot is actually rather complicated and requires some effort to work out the details, the soundtrack and voice acting are very good, the graphics are basic but interesting, and the replay value is decent with the possibility of four different endings.
Yeah from what I heard about it it seemed rather unique and interesting. I'll take a look at some footage and reviews.


New member
Apr 9, 2008
No More Heroes.
There were a couple of interesting boss fights but the rest of it was repetitive combat, a pointlessly barren open world, and minigames based on jobs so tedious that we only give them to immigrants.


New member
Jul 14, 2010
Dragon Age Origins, I started off liking it but then I lost my game and had to start over.....after that it was just boring and dead for me....

Ghengis John

New member
Dec 16, 2007
Fable 3? Gta IV? Gears of war? Bioshock? Arc System Works Fighters? Civilization? You people are pampered babies who haven't even touched the crust of boredom, let alone sunk your teeth into it's mediocre filling.

Now this guy knows what he's talking about.
FirstToStrike said:
Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi.

And I got that game as a Christmas present....
Come back when you've played something that isn't a triple A title.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Ghengis John said:
Fable 3? Gta IV? Gears of war? Bioshock? Arc System Works Fighters? Civilization? You people are pampered babies who haven't even touched the crust of boredom, let alone sunk your teeth into it's mediocre filling.

Now this guy knows what he's talking about.
FirstToStrike said:
Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi.

And I got that game as a Christmas present....
Come back when you've played something that isn't a triple A title.
maybe it's the expectation that surounds a triple A title, there's so much build up that you have greater expectations than say a small indie project.

Look at the build up GTA IV had, look at the games that came before it in the franchise, then we got a muddy yawn fest where inbetween looking after friends and family you got to drive around in bad handling cars! That's why alot of people complained.

Yes there are alot of boring games that wern't AAA title's but as more of us will have played the AAA games that's why they pop up more often in this thread.


New member
Oct 14, 2011
The Witcher 2. THIS was the game everyone said was best????????????????. Western people baffle me.


I'd like to purchase an alcohol!
Jul 7, 2010
Ragnarok185 said:
The Witcher 2. THIS was the game everyone said was best????????????????. Western people baffle me.
alot of people baffle me, you're not alone!

The Breadcrab

New member
Mar 20, 2011
Resistance: Fall of Man.

I liked Resistance 2 a lot and after recently playing Resistance 3 (which is now on my best games of the year list) I decided to check out Resistance 1.

Dear f***ing lord.

SO BORING! The art style resembles a patch of mud. The levels looked like someone photographed their basement and copy/pasted it into the game, occasionally throwing in a photo of their unkempt backyard. Even after 2-3 hours, I've only gotten two assault rifles (bullseye is so useless in this game I'm calling it an assault rifle) and a shotgun. WOAH! Innovative weapons, man. well, I did get the Auger that can shoot through walls, but you get 1 ammo for it every year and there's no scope for it, so f*** that.

Story was boring too. Hale never spoke, narration bored me to tears, and the ally soldiers were so bland I thought they were robots.

So far there were 1 or 2 chimera types and the occasional swarm of crawling guys. Yawn. There was actually one interesting tank level so far, but it lasted for about 5 minutes. Woohoo.

I give up. I only spent $5 on the game and I feel it was a waste; I could have bought some candy or something instead.

Moonlight Butterfly

Be the Leaf
Mar 16, 2011
Gears of War 3 I was playing it on hardcore and it was the most boring thing I have played for a long long time.

There was just no deviation in the gameplay at all. The different abilities of the monsters barely made any difference. The only part that was vaguely interesting was the zombies because at least then I switched from the lancer to a shotgun...:/


New member
Oct 31, 2011
La noire - OMFG SO BAD. The massive map was like a lifeless attic.

Red Dead. Bad. SO bad.

Bioshock. Good story, crud enemies, boring combat.

WOW - All time favorite time waster.

They were so hyped as well.


New member
Oct 31, 2011
Ghengis John said:
Fable 3? Gta IV? Gears of war? Bioshock? Arc System Works Fighters? Civilization? You people are pampered babies who haven't even touched the crust of boredom, let alone sunk your teeth into it's mediocre filling.

Now this guy knows what he's talking about.
FirstToStrike said:
Star Wars: Masters of Teras Kasi.

And I got that game as a Christmas present....
Come back when you've played something that isn't a triple A title.
I would only play games that have been proven to be fun and worthy of coin.
Why waste time on any less?


Lord of Infinite Grins
Jun 30, 2011
The witcher, got so bored of the combat/story so quickly, quit after about an hour and a half... Yawn fest.


New member
Aug 24, 2011
AlternatePFG said:
I'm going to piss off some people by saying this but... BioShock.

Don't get me wrong, there is some aspects of the game that I love. I love the whole setting, the Art Deco style is beautiful, the story is good, if a bit shaky near the end. I pretty much like everything about the game except for one thing.

The gameplay. It's dull. I haven't played a shooter with such boring, unsatisfying combat as BioShock before in my life. There are no satisfying weapons to use (Save for the shotgun, but even then it's not very good) and almost no variety in enemy design. Plasmids really weren't fun to use either. I could almost get over that, as there isn't a huge amount of combat in the game at first, but after the big reveal, the game decides to up the ante by sending endless waves of splicers after you and it gets really, really boring.
I completely agree with Bioshock, also:

Borderlands or Borederlands (ehh? ehh?)

Team Fortress 2 (not enough hats :D)

Dead Island (the people being mauled by zombies were having more fun than me)


New member
Mar 15, 2011
Lord of the Rings Online, despite being a fan of The Lord of The Rings, bored me. WoW bored be as well, but for some reason LOTRO did it more. It did have awesome customization, and the graphics were slick, and the mythos was nice, but the gameplay wasn't anything special...

Also WoW was boring after the third time playing it. Here's hoping Guild Wars 2 is better.


New member
Jul 31, 2011
*insert popular game here* is the most boring game of all time, it's so generic and repetitive and overrated and it sucks because it's popular. I know people will flame me but I DON'T CARE BECAUSE I'M A PERFECT FLOWER OF INDIVIDUALISM! BEHOLD MY NONCOMFORMIST WAYS, brb mom's taking me to Hot Topic

In all seriousness, the most boring game I've ever played is an adventure game called The Manhole that was released in 1996. It had an admirable aim, i.e. the only goal was to explore the world that the game showed you, but ultimately, it was rather blase across the board, with characters that felt more like animatronic theme park creatures than NPCs.


New member
Nov 21, 2009
Fable 2.

Dear god, did that game never pick up after you killed Thag. It felt like a sightseeing tour around Albion, with the occasional "Mash X/Y/B to win" QTE that masqueraded as a fight.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Finaly Fantasy X. It wasn't a game, it was a barely interactive movie set in a series of hallways with invisible walls.

I've yet to find an FPS that doesn't put me to sleep. I don't understand the popularity, but then, I also don't understand why some people like genital torture.


Carry on Jeeves
Dec 7, 2010
Probably the second transformers game (i didn't own the first) i had a friend who knew i liked the transformers and that i likes games combined his to pieces of knowledge and got me that game for my birthday. I felt i had to finish it luckly there was no challenge or length to it but i only played it after i had a few drinks it was so horrible.