Most Boring Opinions in Geek Culture - Part II


New member
Mar 3, 2010
For point 3, I think Movie Bob just REALLY hates manga/anime.

Like Yahtzee, but with less mocking and more cultural generalizations.

I think it'll be easier to count manga with reboots than those without reboots.

Machine Man 1992

New member
Jul 4, 2011
5. Fratboy "bro" gamers ruined gaming.

Y'know what's ruining gaming, folks? Dicing the audience up into little teams so we can find one or two of them to blame.
Oh, that's rich coming from you Moviebob, seeing as your entire schtick is dividing the "Geeks/nerds/retro-gamers" from the non-geeks/etc.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Lunar Templar said:
YOU!! listen up -.-

now bare in mind, I don't like Mass Effect, it bores me. But given how company's like EA are, which do you think is more likely to happen?

are they likely to start proof reading scripts, confirming what does what in context of the games canon, and generally closing plot holes?
are they more likely to simply NOT, make multi game epics that tell an expansive story, and continue as they have?

I'm betting they'll just save them selves the head ache of dealing with the fans and not bother. the 'lessons' of this event will be render moot since those lessons assume these company's will be willing to 'try again'. All the pissing and moaning has done is cost gaming as a whole interconnected multi game story's
I doubt it. Since ME3 sold well. I dont see why the braindead people on EA would not give thumbs up to something like "interconnected multi game stories". In fact, it is VERY profitable if you exploit the fact that some events in the game cannot happen if you didnt play the other games.

Imagine for example, that ME3 always gives the bad ending (regardless of your EMS of whatever you do in that game only) UNLESS you played ALL the other games to perfection. EA would love this idea because this will allows them to drain even MORE money from the players who were naive enough to think that they could play the last entry alone and still win, because the exciting stuff is always at the end of the trilogy.

EA will be like: "Mnn..?? you didnt get the good ending?? well of course not!! that is because you werent a loyal fan like the others, who bought all the games and their DLC to prepare for the finale. Tell you what MAH BOY, i can sell you a COLLECTOR edition for.....shall we say...150$? all DLC included for each game, all 3 of them. Hum? why paid for the 3rd game that you already have and instead buy the other 2 separetely? well, because this 3rd game version has new weapons that you can use on multiplayer, so you can show who is the boss to those who mocked your inability to play this game like the HARCORE fans of ME. Do we have a deal?"

Imagine if EA did something like that for the ULTIMA series?? imagine that you can only kill the final boss with a spell that you had to carry in each game?? you would need all NINE entries. Its a win-win scenario for EA, they have no reason to NOT do it.

Also, unless you were living under a rock (i assume that you are just as ignorant like Casey "So Video-gamey" Hudson about gaming history) there were games before that did the multy connected thing before. Hell, right now, The Witcher 2 has a branching narrative that its decided on the first hours of play.

If gamers are indeed in such a need for this kind of innovative idea, then the competition WILL make games like that to suply the demand.

So again, i dont see the problem you see.

THAT is why its a Pyrrhic Victory, not cause the fixed ending changed nothing, but because it has very likely cost us more games 'like that' for at the very least a good, long, time, and while another Mass Effect would be mt with a resounding 'who the fuck cares' from me, this hamstrings the likely hood of say ....

a new Legacy of Kain series. /wildlyunfoundedfanboydream
[sub][sub]which was better then Mass Effect could ever hoped to have been[/sub][/sub]
A branching narrative (like the ME SOLD US ON but we didnt get) could very well be a good argument of why games are art in interactive media form. Even if ME as a whole sucked but DID the very thing that was supposed to be doing, it would STILL be an argument of games as art regardless. Just as how Citizen Kane has that plot hole at the begining of "who the fuck heard the "Rosebud" if no one was close to hear it?" and its still regarded as The Most Trimphant Example of Cinema As An Art Form.

If ME3 is indeed art, and we fucked up by changing it, then why didnt the 2 writers that decided to ditch all the others, dont come to the conventions to tell us how wrong we are or how we didnt "get" their vision?? After all, i would expect that something that is art and whose mere existance proves that games are art, SHOULD BE DEFENDED, right?

Sort like how some people are very protective of a dangered species, if this is trully the ONLY example of games as art then why didnt they resist the change or argued with the fans instead of taking refuge in a rock?? its a simple question. And they also said that "there is no canon"..........except for that last part apparently.

But here is the thing, changing endings happened for movies and did happen for games before. With Prince of Persia Reboot 2008 and with Fallout 3 (a game that its waaaaaaaay more interactive that ME) and yet i dont see anyone saying "games are not art since that F3 incident"

This has been an quite a converzation but still, nothing new has been brought up. I will have to seek further somewhere else to see if someone can provide answers.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
erttheking said:
You see, in America we have a saying "I disagree with what you say, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it." If you really disagree with someone, debate with them, try to convince them of your point of thinking, don't throw up your hands like Moviebob and say "I don't agree with you, shut up," come on.
So this is what it means to be an American? why i dont see that more often instead of the usual "everything is subjective" or "your opinion is worth a damn because i say so"? One would think that such way of living would have been adopted by everyone but it seems that fighting to death is just too difficult for the mayority.


Also, insulting someone and telling them to "grow the fuck up" because they had the audacity to disagree with you isn't going to win you any supporters.
I cannot believe that dissagreing is something that can be considered as an "audacity". I guess that people DO expect to be submisse and take it in the ass like an abused wife.

Vault101 said:
Bhaalspawn said:
After the last three years of this bullshit, it's finally become objective fact: Gamers are self-entitled little bastards who frankly don't deserve jack shit. And any mocking Moviebob does of them on his web show now or in the future will be entirely justified.
while I can sort of agree in some ways (particually the priacy thing or waaa!! games are too expensive!) I don't belive bullshit anti-consumer stuff like DRM ect should be excused (also although its not a sold fact you can't tell me they wouldn't gut the origial product to sell the organs as DLC if they could..which they can)

when ME the paying customer who never pirates because I think piracy is fucking wrong, is being punished while the pirate gets away scot free...then we have a problem

EDIT: oh and keep your nasty sweeping statments to youself please, just because you found some people on the internet annoying
Interestingly enough, i only complained on having endings on DLC rather than the game proper. I guess its my fault as a writer for not filling the obvious details......or is the audience itself that its jumping to the wrong conclusions???


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
JellySlimerMan said:
Interestingly enough, i only complained on having endings on DLC rather than the game proper. I guess its my fault as a writer for not filling the obvious details......or is the audience itself that its jumping to the wrong conclusions???
1. you quoted the wrong person in the first half

2. having the ending on DLC isn't exactly common practice (well unless you count having a DLC that continues on from the main story) in an ideal world the ending of mass effect would have been fine originally...however that didn;t hapepn.I am grateful there was a DLC that "fixed"[footnote/]depending on who you ask[/footnote] what we got originally and it was free so unless you unfortunately can't spare the download data I'd hardly call it an example of bad DLC practice

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
JellySlimerMan said:
yet another epic wall of text
o.0 damn dood 0.o your a wordy one aren't.

anyway, didn't a bunch of people get refunds? like a LOT of people, i don't have an of those numbers, but i do remember hearing about that, but i guess you have a point there, more depressingly it would probably do well case people are stupid, but even in your example i doubt the 'ME3 lessons' will be remembered, these publishers don't really care about the 'fan uproar' the low quality of the ME3 'fix' is proof of that

i assume your referring to .Hack, Xenosaga, Digital Devil Saga, the first two Shadow Hearts to a degree, Zone of the Enders, to stretch it a bit more, Metal Gear, who's story spanned console generations and a few others that escape me (aside the for mentioned compressed awesome of LoK of course)

and why do you keep going back to 'ME3 could have been proof of gaming as an art-form' we have other, better games that already do that, games that no one pays attention to due to age. wouldn't it be better to point at the older games that fit this quality as a way of saying 'we've always been doing this' then just defending the few modern titles that meet this standard. If your going to go on about games as an art-form then we as a whole need to stop JUST pointing out the modern titles

I don't recall the uproar over those games being nearly as pervasive, or happening at all in PoP's case.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Vault101 said:
JellySlimerMan said:
Interestingly enough, i only complained on having endings on DLC rather than the game proper. I guess its my fault as a writer for not filling the obvious details......or is the audience itself that its jumping to the wrong conclusions???
1. you quoted the wrong person in the first half

2. having the ending on DLC isn't exactly common practice (well unless you count having a DLC that continues on from the main story) in an ideal world the ending of mass effect would have been fine originally...however that didn;t hapepn.I am grateful there was a DLC that "fixed"[footnote/]depending on who you ask[/footnote] what we got originally and it was free so unless you unfortunately can't spare the download data I'd hardly call it an example of bad DLC practice
Why every person on the planet assumes i am talking about ME3?? apparently people forgot that Azura's Wrath and FFXIII-2 existed and are ACTUAL examples of this. ME3 has nothing to do with this because the game was "complete" when released, it had a complete plot.......with issues, lots of issues.


I am the one who eats ants!
Jul 14, 2011
JellySlimerMan said:
Imagine for example, that ME3 always gives the bad ending (regardless of your EMS of whatever you do in that game only) UNLESS you played ALL the other games to perfection. EA would love this idea because this will allows them to drain even MORE money from the players who were naive enough to think that they could play the last entry alone and still win, because the exciting stuff is always at the end of the trilogy.
That doesn't make any sense. It would reduce sales, because instead of going back and buying the previous games, most people would just not buy the new one. Your proposal is the opposite of how most game companies think. They want new customers, they don't just want to serve the existing fan base.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Lunar Templar said:
o.0 damn dood 0.o your a wordy one aren't.

anyway, didn't a bunch of people get refunds? like a LOT of people, i don't have an of those numbers, but i do remember hearing about that, but i guess you have a point there, more depressingly it would probably do well case people are stupid, but even in your example i doubt the 'ME3 lessons' will be remembered, these publishers don't really care about the 'fan uproar' the low quality of the ME3 'fix' is proof of that
If someone could get the actual numbers it would help. But since the "haters" are a "vocal minority", i would say that the numbers didnt diminished.

Yes, they didnt care because the sales were already high in the sky, and i believe they DID satisfy the fans by listening to their uproar.........they satisfied the fans that have very easy needs that is. Most people played for the characters and the relationships, so its easy to assume that they were pleased with seeing the Relays fixed and their love interests alive and having babies of something. They are not THAT stupid when you can see that they know how to manipulate people's strings.

i assume your referring to .Hack, Xenosaga, Digital Devil Saga, the first two Shadow Hearts to a degree, Zone of the Enders, to stretch it a bit more, Metal Gear, who's story spanned console generations and a few others that escape me (aside the for mentioned compressed awesome of LoK of course)
Yes and no. I know Metal Gear and Lok and i can tell you that they do not do what ME did. Whatever you do in those games (little and big things) are not reflected in other games. They just play out the same way regardless of how you played. A shame really, since Legacy of Kain could have benefited from that. Think about it, Raziel is the only one with Free Will, that means he COULD have made large changes that the developers could have reflected in the timeline shown in later games, but we didnt have that sadly.

Still, i insist that there were games like ME did before.

and why do you keep going back to 'ME3 could have been proof of gaming as an art-form' we have other, better games that already do that, games that no one pays attention to due to age. wouldn't it be better to point at the older games that fit this quality as a way of saying 'we've always been doing this' then just defending the few modern titles that meet this standard. If your going to go on about games as an art-form then we as a whole need to stop JUST pointing out the modern titles

I don't recall the uproar over those games being nearly as pervasive, or happening at all in PoP's case.
I come back to see if people really believe that ME INVENTED the concept of carring your saved games thorough other games of the series. And thus, they defend it zealously for being "one of a kind" sort off stuff.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
JellySlimerMan said:
Why every person on the planet assumes i am talking about ME3?? apparently people forgot that Azura's Wrath and FFXIII-2 existed and are ACTUAL examples of this. ME3 has nothing to do with this because the game was "complete" when released, it had a complete plot.......with issues, lots of issues.
well...mabye you should have said? because when "ending in DLC" comes up ME3 is going to be the first thing I think of because it was such an issue int he first place

I don't even know what we are talking about and I wasn't arguing with you in the first good day


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Aardvaarkman said:
JellySlimerMan said:
Imagine for example, that ME3 always gives the bad ending (regardless of your EMS of whatever you do in that game only) UNLESS you played ALL the other games to perfection. EA would love this idea because this will allows them to drain even MORE money from the players who were naive enough to think that they could play the last entry alone and still win, because the exciting stuff is always at the end of the trilogy.
That doesn't make any sense. It would reduce sales, because instead of going back and buying the previous games, most people would just not buy the new one. Your proposal is the opposite of how most game companies think. They want new customers, they don't just want to serve the existing fan base.
With the marketing that ME3 had, and how streamlined are the RPG elements that scared people away, i believe that it was the intention at hand. Most of the features in ME3 (that we have right not, not my hyphotetical scenerio) have some dependency on the shit you did in the other games. Sure, most of your squadmates end up being replaced by a suspicious identical substitute, but dont do as well. Not that the newcomers know any of that, of course :D

Lets not forget that multiplayer is in the 3rd game, and if EA wanted too, they could have convinced the new audience that they could get more competitive adventaje if they import weapons of the old games.

"everyone is doing right now!! (bandwagon fallacy) dont you want to be better and stronger than your friends?? do you really want to look lame in a converzation without knowing what they say?? our games are the most played in the HARCORE community, arent you harcore little boy??"

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
24. Family Guy sucked after Season 3.
Bob feels that Family Guy was only ever okay when he draws a lot of his delivery from it? Weird.

23. Batman is the most relatable superhero because he has no powers.
I always found it weird that Batman is considered to have no powers, especially since they've had him physically hang with veritable GODS.

I won't even touch relatability.

22. CGI has ruined the movies.
ANY "ruined X forever" needs to be put out to pasture. Or put down.

20. "One More Day" ruined Spider-Man forever.
This one I wanted to address specifically. Spider-Man has always had bad plots from time to time. They usually get retconned. Also, they've been trying to break up Peter and MJ for as long as I've been alive. They've even "killed" her at least once.

One More Day was stupid. It is not the first or last stupid Spider-Man story.

4. Dubbing a foreign language game/movie/anime ruins it.
If any element of it "ruins" it, it's the half-assed approach to dubbing. Still, "ruins" is too extreme.

2. That Nicolas Cage sure acts weird in a lot of movies.
Nicholas Cage does not act. I'm not even sure he can.


Oct 5, 2011
United States
JellySlimerMan said:
erttheking said:
You see, in America we have a saying "I disagree with what you say, but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it." If you really disagree with someone, debate with them, try to convince them of your point of thinking, don't throw up your hands like Moviebob and say "I don't agree with you, shut up," come on.
So this is what it means to be an American? why i dont see that more often instead of the usual "everything is subjective" or "your opinion is worth a damn because i say so"? One would think that such way of living would have been adopted by everyone but it seems that fighting to death is just too difficult for the mayority.


Also, insulting someone and telling them to "grow the fuck up" because they had the audacity to disagree with you isn't going to win you any supporters.
I cannot believe that dissagreing is something that can be considered as an "audacity". I guess that people DO expect to be submisse and take it in the ass like an abused wife.

Vault101 said:
Bhaalspawn said:
After the last three years of this bullshit, it's finally become objective fact: Gamers are self-entitled little bastards who frankly don't deserve jack shit. And any mocking Moviebob does of them on his web show now or in the future will be entirely justified.
while I can sort of agree in some ways (particually the priacy thing or waaa!! games are too expensive!) I don't belive bullshit anti-consumer stuff like DRM ect should be excused (also although its not a sold fact you can't tell me they wouldn't gut the origial product to sell the organs as DLC if they could..which they can)

when ME the paying customer who never pirates because I think piracy is fucking wrong, is being punished while the pirate gets away scot free...then we have a problem

EDIT: oh and keep your nasty sweeping statments to youself please, just because you found some people on the internet annoying
Interestingly enough, i only complained on having endings on DLC rather than the game proper. I guess its my fault as a writer for not filling the obvious details......or is the audience itself that its jumping to the wrong conclusions???
I'm sorry, but I'm a little confused with how you're wording this. What are you trying to say?

Darth Pope

New member
Jun 30, 2009
Getting REALLLLYYYYY tired of people continuing to rib on Sonic and completely ignoring that the series has been out of it's slump for several years now and ignore that two pretty good games and one absolutely fantastic one have come out recently.

Eric the Orange

Gone Gonzo
Apr 29, 2008
Darth Pope said:
Getting REALLLLYYYYY tired of people continuing to rib on Sonic and completely ignoring that the series has been out of it's slump for several years now and ignore that two pretty good games and one absolutely fantastic one have come out recently.
The joke has been going on for so long people don't want to let it die.


New member
Jun 20, 2012
Timothy Dalton was awesome. And I don't know how you can say "most" of his outings were forgettable when he only had two outings. The Living Daylights has one of the best beginnings and one of, if not the best, bond-car chase scenes in the series. And License to Kill is actually a reasonably sophisticated espionage/action film even.

The problem with the Dalton films is the tonal shift that occurred after the Moore era. In the Dalton films the series attempted to grapple with the decline of the soviet union and tried to get away from the megalomaniacal madmen and criminal megaconspiracies of the previous films/books; disavowing the absurdist heights reached in the late Connery movies and that the Moore movies turned into a fun, if repetitive, formulae.

The result is a far more grounded Soviet political conspiracy of 'The Living Daylights' which after a great start descends into what admittedly feels like bad Le Carre novel. Initially it feels more of a direct sequel to From Russia with Love with reports of that "Smert Spirnov" (Death to Spies) program being resurrected by the Soviets. This all leads to a tense and thrilling opening in Soviet Europe and a feeling that had it remained there we could have has something great. Unfortunately The Living Daylights fails to focus on the political intrigue of Glasnost and Perestroika, instead transplanting the movie to the then topical Soviet-Afghanistan conflict for a nonsensical drugs for diamonds plot.

License to Kill, however, is great. Many claim that it doesn't feel enough like Bond. I contend that this is because it's the only Bond after 'On Her Majesty's Secret Service' and before the reboot 'Casino Royal' to inject Bond with humanity and pathos. We get a mention of James Bond's dead wife and his best friend's wife is murdered and his friend brutally maimed resulting in Bond's personal and unsanctioned crusade against a narcotics megasyndicate.

The violence is also unflinchingly graphic as compared to the previous films rather bloodless outings, and the Big Bad acts the most rationally and makes the most real-world sense out of all of the foes that Bond has faced. No, the film doesn't "feel" like a Bond film. But 'Casino Royal' took a darker more realistic turn and people love that. Perhaps it's because Dalton's bond actually feels like an empathetic human-being rather than the slick and "charming" psychopath that he is in 'Casino Royal' and everywhere else. Or perhaps it's because Dalton's Bond didn't follow an absolute disaster like 'Die Another Day'.

No. Pierce Brosnan was the worst. After 'Golden Eye', which was good to sorta-okay, there was the average but fun 'Tomorrow Never Dies', the below mediocre 'The World Is Not Enough', and the execrable/hilariously-bad 'Die Another Day'. I don't know how to critique 'Die Another Day'. Every element feels like a parody of itself, which I guess must be intentional but feels like the producers laughing at, rather than with, the audience. Even if you remove the awful CGI Arctic-surfing scene, Madonna's bizzare cameo, the little to far-fetched invisible car, and John Cleese's painful turn as 'R', the only way that the 'Die Another Day's plot could make sense is in a Japanese video-game universe. Probably a Hideo Kojima Metal Gear Solid plot.

Anyway. Those are my feelings, make of them what you will.


New member
Dec 28, 2012
Bhaalspawn said:
"Did mean old EA close Bullfrog?"
Old or new, its the same entity using the same tactics. Why fix what isnt broken?

"Are you not allowed to swear at Anita Sarkesian without someone calling out your asshole behavior?"
You are assuming that those people complaining about her are: A)Gamers, B)Males, C)Mysoginists.

In order for that to happen you will need know if (AND ONLY IF):

1)Those werent people that knew her stuff looong before she decided to open her comments in that video alone, and wanted to make an statement (that will eventually be ignored in favor of the "get in the kitchen" ones). Because if you havent noticed, she does the same as you, where you control what comments are worth staying on the video. And just like you, she has some twisted sense of what is "trolling" and what is "legitimate criticism".

2)Those werent people who dislike her for her pathetic "research" of OTHER medias (music, tv series, movies, and so on) compared to the few videos that she had on videogames. One was for Bayonetta (and she took it down. It was rescued by other people), one was for Non violent videogames, another for "too many dicks" on games, and the kickstarter. So only 2 videos of videogames before the infamous kickstarter video out of 33 videos in total. There is a larger chance that it was other people rather than actual gamers.

3)Those werent females that were (and still are) pissed off at this feminist for consider even the most minute thing sexist regardless of context. And for "defending" them in the worst way possible like if women were childs incapable of having opinions or free will.

4)Those werent trolls that were lured by the video spamming in 4Chan of her Kickstarter. Trolls troll everyone, religions, people, ideas even themselves. They use any way nessesary but most of them are so pity that even The Grinch would laught at.

5)All the comments on the video were harmful from the VERY BEGINNING. After all, if the audience of that video really is going to try to stop her for ulterior motives, rather than using logic and arguments to ilustrate how stupid the whole ordeal is, then we would all be assholes that have nothing to do but to flame and troll a video on videogames. Infact, i would like to see a full video (i dont care how long it takes, 20 min? 40 min?) of someone scrolling EVERY COMMENT on that video to make it visible for everyone what it was said and what date they have. So we can also compare if its the same date as the videos posted on 4Chan. Lets see how depraved are the gamers that posted on that video and how many comments are there that CLEARLY shows that the mayority of commenters are mysoginists!

But hey, i guess its more easy to use a "poison the well fallacy" and say that all gamers are assholes right?? and that is why you and Bob are mysoginist assholes.

Hmm..?? say what? you are not an asshole?? but.....i dont understand, you say that all gamers are assholes and you and bob are gamers, right?? there is clearly nothing in between.

Just as how Anita cant generalize a whole medium as sexist without context or proper research, and nor can she said that all the "attackers" of her Kickstarter are mysoginist male gamers...., Bhallspawn, also cant generalize and call ALL gamers assholes or "entitled" as you did in this video:

Sure, take the worst of something and make it the center of attention until it can be discredited or outlawed. That is how you solve a problem, right?

"Are you torn between being a fan of something and a supporter of something else that is only related to it in a broad conspiracy theory?"
I dont see how me being a fan of books relates to my observations of the gaming medium. Games are art, right? doesnt that mean that one must analize them for that? or at least see if they are worth my time and money when its a new medium that i am experiencing?

Also, when crap like the "Adverticement during the gameplay" that Sony wanted to do was about to be greenlighted like it was just another day in the office, i doubt that its a crazy conspiracy.

"Are a bunch of pretentious fuckwads using games to express the fact they're pretentious fuckwads?"
Are you talking about Movie Bro CIRCA "Heavens to Metroid" or the creator of Fez??

"Is the reality of "Supply and Demand" and "Free Market" skirting by your infant mind?"
You mean this? at 10:57:

Is that supposed to be a argument in favor of people wanting better writing in their entertaiment? because if Bioware doesnt care to bring the quality that it was expected since Baldur's Gate or even Dragon Age Origins, then other people in the market will take care of it. I dont see the problem when the system works just fine. But we do see a problem when we get a malfuctioning product that doesnt acomplish its primary function but we cant say anything about it because "that is what it was intented all along".

"Get over it"
When i walk into the street and get robbed and punched in the face until i bleed, i am not entitled for protection from the goverment?? i am a whiny person for demanding security for me, and by extension everyone else? I CAN get over it but whatever emotion i have over the issue doesnt change it at all because, and this may come as a surprice to you, getting punched and bad.

I know, quite shocking indeed. And that is terrible.

Same for being exploited by an industry that not only is so incompetent in making decent products, but also PROUD of their fuck ups that its quite an bafling. Here is an example:

The original model of the PSP had buttons too close to the screen, so the Einsteins at Sony moved over the switch for the square button, without moving the location of the button itself. Thus every PSP had an unresponsive square button that would also often stick. Note that the square button is the second-most important face button on the controller, right before X; in other words, it's used constantly during the action in most games. Sony president Ken Kutaragi confirmed that this was intentional. ACTUAL QUOTE:

Ken Kutaragi: I believe we made the most beautiful thing in the world. Nobody would criticize a renowned architect's blueprint that the position of a gate is wrong. It's the same as that.

How about dear old EA?: The process of installing Battlefield 3, for example, can be used as argument as to why EA should ditch its Origin platform (which people have accused of acting like spyware in addition to its design flaws) and go back to Steam, or copy Steam blatantly. The first is that Origin treats installing from a DVD as "downloading" the game, which feels kind of odd when you can't pause and resume it. The second is you cannot quit Origin while downloading and installing an update, which is something Steam can do. If you want to run the game, you also need to logon to their Battle Log website. And lastly, if this is a clean install, you have to install a plugin for your browser so the website can launch the game (which sounds kind of fishy). But overall, you do not launch Battlefield 3 from Origin, you launch it from the Battlelog website. Which also has the side effect of "you don't have internet connection? Too bad! You're not playing BF3".

They KNOW they can get away with it, it happened before and will happen again, and I am an entitled conspiracy theorist?? Sure little Bhall. Go sit down over there >> and think on what you did, young man!

If i were you, i will abuse the fact that you look like Orlando Bloom and make a carreer out of your looks rather than your......arguing talents.


New member
Jan 30, 2010
I don't get #3. Did you only read stories with time loops, or are you insinuating that superhero comics don't also tell the same stories again and again? Like every medium? It IS better to do that without the convoluted continuity and changes in authors and artists, and I think there are standout comics that distance themselves from that mess.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
JellySlimerMan said:
actually the .Hack and Xenosaga games did the 'carry over your save' thing to, Digital Devil Saga sorta did, you got a stat boost depending on how many of the skills you mastered for that character. though none come to mind that are 'choose your own adventure' style games, none that aren't bioware games anyway, not that i expect people to remember the last console generation :/

hmm ... I see where your going with that, but at the same time, don't think id work, by the time he finally figured all that out there was really only one choice open to him. It would need to be rewritten so he figured out he's 'freedom' much sooner then he did, though i feel the story just fine as is, if i didn't i would keep siting it as the 'best written/acted series in gaming'