Most devastating loss of a save file

Adam Jensen_v1legacy

I never asked for this
Sep 8, 2011
Just Cause 2. 120 hours of destruction gone. GONE! I was really into that game when it was first released. It was all I played that summer.


New member
Nov 24, 2009
I was playing an emulator of Pokemon Crystal (my gameboy advance was dead) and i got to the elite 4 and i was going to win but i had a power outage. The next morning when the power was back on i boot up my computer and the emulator loads up my save file.... the save that was just before the second gym...... GGHAGHASJALKHDIYUADKLSAHFIUAH;FSDA!


New member
Oct 6, 2013
Quick test for how good the gameplay is in a game - if the save gets deleted halfway through the game, are you willing to play it again from the start?

Only a few games in my collection happen to pass this test, but they're some of the best games I've ever played.

OT: Playing Super Contra and I almost beat the game for the first time (no Konami code). BUT! The power goes out, and I lose my progress and more importantly, I lost my "rhythm". If you played any hard action game for a good bit of time, you'll know exactly what that means.

Someone Depressing

New member
Jan 16, 2011
The original Animal Crossing.

yesterday, I played it, and I talked to the first neighbor outside, after years of it being left in the dust.

"Wow, Chizusan, I haven't seen u, in, like, 3000 (or so) weeks!)

Then I think there was a power outage and it corrupted the save data.

I suppose I also lost a Persona 3 Portable save file.

All social links. All personae. I beat Theodore. Hardest difficulty.

I wanted to eat my prelineum.


Insert funny title here
Oct 19, 2010
The original Devil May Cry. I was doing it in Dante Must Die mode and I had just got to the part why you ficht Mundus and then one of my twin sisters, I forget which one, who had just learned to walk came in. I was busy trying not to die so I did not see her grab the memory card until it was too late and she pulled it out.

To this day I have not finished Devil May Cry on Dante Must Die mode and what is even worse is that my sister has.


New member
May 3, 2009
gmaverick019 said:
my brother removed it without first ejecting it (he's young, and he didn't want it to break with it sticking out, which is smart I'll grant him that) and with that, I lost all my xcom EU saves, and I was about 2 missions out from the end...
I am always shocked to hear that removing a memory stick without ejecting has caused files to be lost. I *never* eject and I have never had a single lost or corrupted file in probably over 10,000 removals. Were files still copying at the time that he yanked it out?


New member
Mar 5, 2012
My sister overwrote my save on Pokemon Diamond, I was just at the Elite Four too. Really killed the game for me, I tried to play back through but it just wasn't as fun playing catch-up to where I had been.

Other than that I lost a lot of data a couple years ago when my (admittedly old) PS3 gave me the yellow light of death. Biggest losses would be my Skyrim games, my Dark Souls NG+ run, and my Dragon Age (both of them) saves.


New member
Jan 25, 2012
Anyone remember Sierra Utilities? It was a program they forced you to install to play some of their games. I decided to uninstall the piece of crap one day and it deletes everything in Program Files because some guy decided that coding the uninstall to remove the parent directory was a good idea. I almost cried.


New member
Jul 2, 2012
Adam Jensen said:
Just Cause 2. 120 hours of destruction gone. GONE! I was really into that game when it was first released. It was all I played that summer.
Oh man I feel your pain! Steam cloud bugged out on me and replaced my 100 hour save (which was about 4% away from 100% completion) with one of the first saves I had, I gave up gaming for a good week after that.

Worst one I had though was when I upgraded my 360 profile to Live, back then for some reason it didn't keep your save files if you did so, I had a near 100% on Kameo, was minutes away from reaching max level in Dead Rising and also had tons of hours on Ninety Nine Knights (all that grinding... T_T), along with a few others I'm glad I don't remember. All gone. I died a little inside that day.


New member
Jul 17, 2013
Three words. "Memory card format". I had to format a memory card and was not allowed to move the data around like I normally did when I am prompted. As such I lost all of mine and my brother's Phantasy Star Online data. All my Sonic Adventure 2 and DX data and ALL OF MY CHAO DATAS! I MISS YOU CHAOLIN! ;-; *sobs like a baby* so much work lost. My adorably chao gone and my star amongst those, Chaolin, lost forever. It was a depressing day to say the least for me. :(


Vae Victis!
May 24, 2010
The optical drive of my original PS3 died. I had installed a larger hard drive, so I used the Backup Utility to create a backup and then reinstalled my old drive before shipping it to Sony for repairs. When I got it back, I swapped the drive back in then started the Restore. Got about 75% of the way done then failed. Tried multiple times, but it always failed. Sucky thing was it was only MY profile that didn't restore, my wife and brother-in-law's profiles both restored fine. Lost all my save data, so I've never gone and finished Oblivion or Fallout 3, which were the most time consuming games I had at the time. Sadly, I probably didn't even need to do the restore as it was the same unit that was sent out.

A year+ later my PS3 bricked while playing L.A. Noire to the point I couldn't even get the disc out (or run a backup), so I again swapped out the drives and sent it in. This time, they sent me a different unit, so in order to install my drive I had to format it. Lost all my Fallout New Vegas data, and FF XIII data where I was just trying to collect all the weapons and finish maxing out my characters. Haven't bothered going back.

Now I run backups regularly in addition to uploading everything to PS+ cloud storage.


New member
Nov 12, 2013
A corrupt save during the suicide mission for Mass Effect 2. Not devastating but seriously annoying.

To this day I still don't know if it was my brother or my sister but one of them erase my Crash Bandicoot save for the PS1 I was almost at 101%. Severe nerdrage.

Happiness Assassin

New member
Oct 11, 2012
Pokemon Diamond, years back. Not only had I completed the regional dex through trades with my sister, I acquired every one of the newer evolutions of the older pokemon (lickilicky and the like), but I had transferred almost all the pokemon I had from Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen. I had all the starters from those generation, all the legenaries and even 2 shinies. Years of collecting, battling, capturing... erased by my 5 year old neighbor who was on my game for less than 5 minutes. To this day, I refuse to let anyone use previously used savefiles for my games.


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
The original Kingdom Hearts? I hated going through that second Dark Riku fight.


New member
Feb 8, 2012
I think it was Timesplitters 2 on the N64. Lost all multiplayer unlocks and challenge medals when the save corrupted. I don't know how many hundreds of hours I put into that game with friends. I wasn't very upset tbh, mildly annoyed though. But I never played it again after that. The experience would be forever tainted by memories of what was and what could have been.


New member
Feb 8, 2012
I think it was Timesplitters 2 on the N64. Lost all multiplayer unlocks and challenge medals when the save corrupted. I don't know how many hundreds of hours I put into that game with friends. I wasn't very upset tbh, mildly annoyed though. But I never played it again after that. The experience would be forever tainted by memories of what was and what could have been.

Scarim Coral

Jumped the ship
Oct 29, 2010
There are three that come to my mind-

Phantasy Star Online- I had a bunch of good rares like having BOTH Delsaber left and right arms but the file got corrupted. Sure I work my way up again but the rares were not as great as my first time.

F-Zero: Maximum Velocity- I play through that game over and over to the point that I had unlocked all the cars (granted it was bloody impossbile to win a whole course with Jet Vermilion). Originally I thought my mate was the blame for the lost file since I let him played it and discover the lost of file after he left but I conclude it wasn't him since why would he delete it (he wasn't the troll type).

Time Splitter 3- My bro turn the game off during the saving part. It took me a while to get all the characters and trophies back which was no easy task (some of the challange were bloody hard!

Sizzle Montyjing

Pronouns - Slam/Slammed/Slammin'
Apr 5, 2011
That would have to be my Borderlands save file... Playing as Lilith and on Knoxx DLC when it got corrupted [twas very high level at this point, but not 61] I had the best weapons you could imagine on that save, including two hellfire SMGs, one was a heavy damage flaming cannon of a gun and the other shot bullets faster than anything.
Even now, i feel pangs of sadness and loss...

Rogue 9

I, Jedi
Jun 22, 2008
Back in 2004 my house got robbed. Among the things stolen was my Gamecube and all my games... and the memory card in the Gamecube, of course.

I lost my saves for Wind Waker (which I'd almost finished), Star Fox Adventures (which I'd almost finished), Metroid Prime (which I'd almost finished), and so on and so forth. The worst part of it though, for me, was the loss of my SSX Tricky save - I'd gotten Gold Medals on every event with every character and unlocked Uber boards for every character. I was shattered.