Most Frightening Game You've Seen?


New member
Nov 13, 2003
The Madman said:
Thief: Deadly Shadows, although weakest of the Thief series, had a moment of pure brilliance with The Shalebridge Cradle. That level was near perfect gaming horror! I can't think of any other 'one level' that stands out so much from the rest of the game.

Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines also had its moments of frightening brilliance. But the most scary 'overall' game I've played was System Shock 2. The lower levels of the ship, Engineering, were crazy unnerving with untold horror seemingly around every corner. Damn good game!
yup shalebridge cradle is the only level in a video game I had to take a break from because I couldn't stop shaking.


New member
Mar 13, 2009
Condemned: Criminal Origins scared the piss out of me through the entire game but the moments that stand out are:

1) The bit in the 2nd/3rd level where there's a stairwell blocked by some carts. You see if you can jump down and...

2)The subway level

3) The locker room scene


New member
Dec 24, 2008
bakonslayer said:
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem still frightening to this day. I cannot play it alone. I need a spotter when playing this game.
Eternal darkness didn't scare me much...well...except for that certain bathtub scene. My heart was beating like a bloody jackhammer the first time i saw that.

do not watch if you you have a heart codition or if you are likely to piss your pants.

A game i have been playing recently, siren blood curse is a very scary game indeed. Imagine going down a mineshaft in the pitch black and being attack by grotest deformed people hanging on the walls who can't be killed only incapacitated for a short amount of time...yeah.

ProfessorLayton said:
alittlepepper said:
Game that scared me senseless like no other game really ever has was Fatal Frame. The first one. A friend of mine took that game and turned it into a D&D round that they still talk about today, and it was, you know. Way back when Fatal Frame first came out. :p
That game scared the hell out of me for a good long time. Every time I got to where I was like "I got this, it's just a game, I'm fine" I'd still end up freaked out inside of ten minutes.
I bought Fatal Frame for around 40 dollars, and I can't play it because every time I do I get too scared to sleep. I've heard Fatal Frame 2 was even worse...
dude... i have fatal frame 2 (project zero 2) and it is so scary. To cut a long story short i played it for five minutes, a bunch of ghosts just came out of nowhere, totally freaking the fuck out of me, so i switched the game off and haven't played it since. That's how scary that game is.


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Oddly enough I would say Metroid Fusion. It's a 2D game on the Game Boy Advance, but damn that game nailed the creepy atmosphere throughout pretty much the entire game. That, and the fact that SA-X scared the living crap out of me, especially the scene where the game zooms in on her eyes. I swear that cold, empty stare still haunts me to this day.


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Uber Evil said:
I am surprised no one has said Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of The Earth. I haven't played it, but I thought that I read people saying it was scary. It is about Cthulhu ffs.
Awesome game, especially if you have read the books on wich the game is based. The game has a lot of annoying bugs and glitches but if you like horror games and Lovecraftian lore, you owe it to yourself playing it :)

Cthulhu F'taghn!!!


The Saucepan Man
Feb 13, 2010
Mummy: The Game. I was genuinely scared of playing that game, in fact, if there weren't at least three other people behind me, I wasn't even gonna pop the disc in.


New member
Mar 24, 2010
Project Zero 2: Crimson Butterfly. Reason -
F.E.A.R 2: Project Origin. Reason -

Admittedly FEAR is more tense than scary but those things make me activate bullet time just to go around corners if I suspect there's some nearby.

Stabby Joe

New member
Jul 30, 2008
No game has actually scared me but here are a couple that have:

Doom - When I was younger, the PSOne port had a really creepy soundtrack and ambiance. Doom 3 had it's creepy moments (I still have no idea what that thing was that popped in and out of the door and spoke latin was).

Condemned - Any section with those thin crawler type foes, they come out of no where the second you think it's all clear.

Fallout 3 - The Dunwich Building hands down, I mean I went in there at random after finding it by accident, expecting some super mutants or raiders... instead I got mind ****ed throughout with a weird climax. The linked in mission from Point Lookout only made things more weird.

Metro 2033 - A couple of scenes here and there, mostly the concept of some areas though.


New member
Mar 15, 2009
Thief: Deadly Shadows. Theres one mission where you're trapped in an abandoned insane asylum and there are zombies with egg whisk type things for hands that make a really sinister snik sound.. and a bunch of other messed up silent hill type creature were there too. That game was tense but not really scary up until that level. But after that... nothing comes close.

The first part of Bioshock is scary too, but not nearly so much. Also, Bioshock loses the scariness after one run through, Thief didn't.


New member
May 1, 2009
King British said:
HT_Black said:
Condemned. Specificially, the locker scene. You know which part I'm talking about.
Oh good lord the locker scene... and the "vision" scenes, and the end and GAH that game freaked me out. Two other bits which stick in my mind are:
1. The department store level where the crazies would pretend to be dummies and then sneak up behind you when you walked past. It's cliche but it always made me jump
2. The fight/chase with serial killer X in the farmhouse. I love the fact that he's always giggling wierdly and you never know whether he's scared of you or just toying with you and when he jumps at you is it controlled or desperate... really tense scene

And a really frightening game.
Firstly, I can't believe I forgot to mention the confrontation with SKX; both that and the locker scene made me feel like I'd been electrocuted.

Secondly: although the part with the moving manniquen crowd and the bit where you find the matchmaker nearly made me soil myself, the department store was small potatos compared to the rest of the game. And I can't believe it, but somehow both of us forgot to mention the one that always appears on the "scary game levels" lists: the basement scene.

Honorable mention goes to:

Ethan and the Hate in the high school
The lunchlady's lair
The attic scene
The Hate moving the pile of desks
The chalkboard bit/the basketball court scene

Yeah, the high school was a scary level.

Are there any I missed?

silver wolf009

Jan 23, 2010
I havent really gotten into many horror games. I did enjoy the silent hill horror because it wasnt just jump scares. It was actual thinking horror. I cant make it through the Thing, because there is actual supsence. Modern horror movies are just sad and jump scare riddled.


New member
Feb 15, 2010
Halo, most horror games don't scare me (I have not played either of the condemned games) because many of them are some supernatural crap that makes no logical sense, but the flood freaks me out to no end

King British

New member
Apr 15, 2010
HT_Black said:
King British said:
HT_Black said:
Condemned. Specificially, the locker scene. You know which part I'm talking about.
Oh good lord the locker scene... and the "vision" scenes, and the end and GAH that game freaked me out. Two other bits which stick in my mind are:
1. The department store level where the crazies would pretend to be dummies and then sneak up behind you when you walked past. It's cliche but it always made me jump
2. The fight/chase with serial killer X in the farmhouse. I love the fact that he's always giggling wierdly and you never know whether he's scared of you or just toying with you and when he jumps at you is it controlled or desperate... really tense scene

And a really frightening game.
Firstly, I can't believe I forgot to mention the confrontation with SKX; both that and the locker scene made me feel like I'd been electrocuted.

Secondly: although the part with the moving manniquen crowd and the bit where you find the matchmaker nearly made me soil myself, the department store was small potatos compared to the rest of the game. And I can't believe it, but somehow both of us forgot to mention the one that always appears on the "scary game levels" lists: the basement scene.

Honorable mention goes to:

Ethan and the Hate in the high school
The lunchlady's lair
The attic scene
The Hate moving the pile of desks
The chalkboard bit/the basketball court scene

Yeah, the high school was a scary level.

Are there any I missed?
Oh yeah... the basement
I can't think of any other bits except maybe the subway train when you're hanging on the back and since it's loud and quite bright you think you're in for a safe ride and then BAM a
lunatic with a pipe jumps on with you.

The library level spooked me too. The fact that everything that represented safety gets turned over in that scene (Rosa and the phone) really jarred me, first you get a vision of her attacking you (scary) then she gets kidnapped and it's not her on the phone but SKX (aside from him being creepy its a dark moment).

P.S. The lunch lady's lair was especially cool because it was one of the few bits of the game that dropped the dark mood and tense atmosphere for a gory, splattery "WAAAAGH WHAT THE F*CK IS THAT!?!?!?!" moment. and it worked