Most memorable opening line in a game


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Riddle78 said:
Vigormortis said:
Riddle78 said:
"Space held such hope for humanity. A fresh start. A chance to let old grievances wither,and die..."

You win epic internet cookies if you can guess the source without looking it up.
Unless I'm mistaken, I do believe that is from Freelancer.

I feel compelled to look it up to see if I'm right, but I'll just wait to see what you say.
Sadly,you are mistaken. Here's a hint: Chris Taylor made the game where my quote's from.
Damn. I had a feeling. It didn't seem right to me, but it was the only game I could think of that seemed fitting. (probably doesn't help that the last time I played Freelance was quite a few years ago)

That line of dialog does sound very familiar though. I'm wondering if I heard it in passing from playing the game a while ago or if it is just very similar to another line from another game I've played. Either way, I'm curious where it came from.


New member
Jan 15, 2011
Vigormortis said:
Riddle78 said:
Vigormortis said:
Riddle78 said:
"Space held such hope for humanity. A fresh start. A chance to let old grievances wither,and die..."

You win epic internet cookies if you can guess the source without looking it up.
Unless I'm mistaken, I do believe that is from Freelancer.

I feel compelled to look it up to see if I'm right, but I'll just wait to see what you say.
Sadly,you are mistaken. Here's a hint: Chris Taylor made the game where my quote's from.
Damn. I had a feeling. It didn't seem right to me, but it was the only game I could think of that seemed fitting. (probably doesn't help that the last time I played Freelance was quite a few years ago)

That line of dialog does sound very familiar though. I'm wondering if I heard it in passing from playing the game a while ago or if it is just very similar to another line from another game I've played. Either way, I'm curious where it came from.
Supreme Commander.


New member
Oct 20, 2010
Immediately, first thing that comes to mind, is this:

"For every age, there is a time of trial." Yadda yadda. Watch the video. That monologue has stuck with me for many, many years. :D


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Vigormortis said:
Riddle78 said:
Vigormortis said:
Riddle78 said:
"Space held such hope for humanity. A fresh start. A chance to let old grievances wither,and die..."

You win epic internet cookies if you can guess the source without looking it up.
Unless I'm mistaken, I do believe that is from Freelancer.

I feel compelled to look it up to see if I'm right, but I'll just wait to see what you say.
Sadly,you are mistaken. Here's a hint: Chris Taylor made the game where my quote's from.
Damn. I had a feeling. It didn't seem right to me, but it was the only game I could think of that seemed fitting. (probably doesn't help that the last time I played Freelance was quite a few years ago)

That line of dialog does sound very familiar though. I'm wondering if I heard it in passing from playing the game a while ago or if it is just very similar to another line from another game I've played. Either way, I'm curious where it came from.
The first Supreme Commander.


"What began as a conflict over the transfer of conciousness from flesh to machine has escalated into a war that has decimated a million worlds..."

Comes from a fairly old game. I consider it to be one of the grand daddies to RTS gaming. It's another Chris Taylor creation.


New member
Sep 2, 2009
Here's an old one for ya'll youngsters:

"Look at you hacker, a pathetic creature of meat and bone; panting and sweating as you run through my corridors. How can you challenge a perfect immortal machiiiiiiiinnnnnn....".


New member
Jan 15, 2011
Riddle78 said:
Vigormortis said:
Riddle78 said:
Vigormortis said:
Riddle78 said:
"Space held such hope for humanity. A fresh start. A chance to let old grievances wither,and die..."

You win epic internet cookies if you can guess the source without looking it up.
Unless I'm mistaken, I do believe that is from Freelancer.

I feel compelled to look it up to see if I'm right, but I'll just wait to see what you say.
Sadly,you are mistaken. Here's a hint: Chris Taylor made the game where my quote's from.
Damn. I had a feeling. It didn't seem right to me, but it was the only game I could think of that seemed fitting. (probably doesn't help that the last time I played Freelance was quite a few years ago)

That line of dialog does sound very familiar though. I'm wondering if I heard it in passing from playing the game a while ago or if it is just very similar to another line from another game I've played. Either way, I'm curious where it came from.
The first Supreme Commander.


"What began as a conflict over the transfer of conciousness from flesh to machine has escalated into a war that has decimated a million worlds..."

Comes from a fairly old game. I consider it to be one of the grand daddies to RTS gaming. It's another Chris Taylor creation.
Total Anihilation


New member
Oct 26, 2010
Most memorable line? I would go with Bioshock, but since it doesnt really qualify as the 'first' line, imma go with...

aftohsix said:
Assassin's Creed 2

"It is a good life we lead brother" -Ezio's brother

"The best. May it never change." -Ezio

"And may it never change us." Ezio's brother. Cue sweeping orchestral score.

First time I can say I felt like I was playing a movie
Darnit. Oh, wait wait wait, how about-

PaladinofGuns said:
"Welcome to the velvet room"
Gah. Well, other than those, pretty much everything else has been said. I will return ninjas... >_>


New member
Dec 11, 2009
"time will tell, sooner or later, time will tell" form C&C red alert
"alpha assault, this is HQ, what is your situation, please comply" MW 2


New member
Dec 11, 2009
Riddle78 said:
Vigormortis said:
Riddle78 said:
Vigormortis said:
Riddle78 said:
"Space held such hope for humanity. A fresh start. A chance to let old grievances wither,and die..."

You win epic internet cookies if you can guess the source without looking it up.
Unless I'm mistaken, I do believe that is from Freelancer.

I feel compelled to look it up to see if I'm right, but I'll just wait to see what you say.
Sadly,you are mistaken. Here's a hint: Chris Taylor made the game where my quote's from.
Damn. I had a feeling. It didn't seem right to me, but it was the only game I could think of that seemed fitting. (probably doesn't help that the last time I played Freelance was quite a few years ago)

That line of dialog does sound very familiar though. I'm wondering if I heard it in passing from playing the game a while ago or if it is just very similar to another line from another game I've played. Either way, I'm curious where it came from.
The first Supreme Commander.


"What began as a conflict over the transfer of conciousness from flesh to machine has escalated into a war that has decimated a million worlds..."

Comes from a fairly old game. I consider it to be one of the grand daddies to RTS gaming. It's another Chris Taylor creation.
Total Annihilation. best RTS ever


New member
Nov 5, 2010
LordFisheh said:
"Well, what about Shepard?"
Aw... I wanted that one.

Well, I suppose this will have to do.

"Prepare for Descent" - Descent 1-3 loading screen (Something is about to go down... {:B)
"If we don't have any friends left on the surface then we need to find... .an enemy." -Crash Bandicoot 2, Neo Cortex
"It's ame, Mario!" - Super Mario 64 (Who doesn't know this line by now?)


Not A Swan Dive
May 30, 2011
"Just when you thought you had reached the deepest depths of horror, it suddenly got worse. How to turn off that small voice inside your head that started to whisper that you should be glad that now, if not before, your revenge was justifiable on any conceivable moral scale. That small voice proved, beyond any doubt, that I was damned."

That quote from Max Payne elicited some of the strongest emotions I've ever felt from a game.


New member
Jan 7, 2010
Recently: "What do you see?"
"It's in the clouds!"

A little less recent: "But I rejected those answers, I chose something different, I chose the impossible. I chose RAPTURE!"


New member
Apr 26, 2009
"You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you?"

^ Cannot believe that hasn't been said yet.