Most Preferred Champion in League of Legends


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Mondai Randy said:
In my case, I am very partial to use Garen most of the time, I really love using him.
Garen is also my favorite champion. I find it incredibly stupid that most people try to build him as a main tank. Garen has some of the best AD ratios for a bruiser, and judgement and decisive strike can crit, so what about that implies people should build nothing but armor and magic resist on him? He already has great base defenses with courage and his passive and they are there for the SOLE PURPOSE of making him able to do risky things (like get in melee range of 5 enemy champions and spin) and deal massive damage. Yet everytime I see any other garen besides me the only thing they ever build is a sunfire cape and then all tank items.


New member
Jul 6, 2011
Sejuani, Morganna, Leona, Zilean (best champ of all time) and Sivir are the 5 that I normally play. Zilean especially as time bomb kills are the most enjoyable kills you can get in LoL. Knowing they ran away while they knew there was no hope...
I normally only play with friends though as we tend to compliment each other really well and It lets us try out risky Ideas without being raged on, such as winning by feeding.

On the other end I absolutly hate going against Blitzcrank, Darius, Alister, Volibear (worst champ of all time) and Janna
Zilean vs Zilean in blind pick is fun :D.


Special Zero Unit
Apr 22, 2009
Love Mordekaiser, Malzahar and Swain personally.
Never really see em used much despite the fact they can steamroll hard if played right.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Top: Olaf, Darius, Garen
Mid (My favorite role): Katarina, Diana, Ahri, Vladmir
Bottom ADC: Ezreal all the way, I love a lot of ADC but EZ takes the cake.
Support: SONNAAAAAAAAA and more recently Nunu, but seriously, Sona!
Jungle: Malphite, Rengar, Nunu


New member
Mar 2, 2011
Top lane I prefer Olaf, Darius or Garen.
Mid: Morgana, Orianna or Gragas
AD Carry: Ezreal, Graves or Urgot
Support: Sona, Taric and Leona
Jungle: Maokai, though it's not my favorite..


A WordlessThing, a ThinglessWord
Aug 9, 2011
Revnak said:
Udyr. Tanking or bruising, I just can't find anybody I like more. The damage on tiger is just so silly, and the stun has such great utility. I just love it.
I used to main Udyr, then they removed Innervating Locket :(


New member
Sep 2, 2010
I love to play top lane Riven or Irelia. They are just so much fun. I love Irelia's speed and her Q ability. I love how tanky and powerful Riven is.

Bot lane I love to play Miss Fortune. Great damage and easy to use. I tried playing other bot laneish champions but I just couldn't quite do well with them.

I also love to play AP Janna. People think I troll but I actually do well! Occasionally I play Ahri.

I've never mastered jungling. I just can't really do it, I should practice more, but I really can't get the grip of it.


New member
Feb 23, 2011
Fiddlesticks! Woo!

Doesn't matter if I play 3v3 or 5v5 or what lane I'm in. Fiddlesticks all the way!

Nothing beats throwing a bird in someones face so they die :D


New member
Dec 2, 2012
Because this.

Also because I almost inevitably win when I play as him, as I have been for about a year and a half now.

Ryan Minns

New member
Mar 29, 2011
All life exists to feed the fiddlesticks!!!

Sure he isn't as grand at punishing people with zero map awareness like he used to be and relies ENTIRELY on a responsive team/idiotic enemy team to go off like the good old days but he still holds his charm to me.

Also Caitlyn. I have more fun with Twitch but I can usually pretend I don't have a support down bot with her since she's such a self sufficient AD carry sometimes. A good support it welcome but if I don't have one I hate it a LOT more if I don't have her.

Special mention goes to Jungle Nunu and Viegar... Those guys are a hoot!


New member
Oct 18, 2009
I own every champ in the game and I've played them all to a fairly ridiculous extent, as one might expect from someone who's played the game since beta, but I'm very partial to three in particular at the moment.

Wukong is just a champ I've always clicked with. His burst is ridic, his itemization is incredibly easy, and his potential for game-changing, unbelievably funny jukes is up there with champs like Leblanc.

Karthus, because I was watching him in the IGN IPL5 2 days ago and decided to give him another shot, since the last time I played him I was absolutely dreadful. Think I ended up going like 18-7-15, after my team gave me shit for playing him thinking I was going to be awful again.

And finally, Varus. Just, so damn cool. He's the only champ with a backstory written by an actual decent writer, he has a ridiculously cool model, a great voice actor, badass dialogue, and awesome animations. Not only that, but I clicked with him the second I played him. Harrassing with autoattacks, throwing out blind arrows for max range kills, he's got a heal reduction, he's got a slow, he's got a stun, he's got mad auto-attack damage thanks to W and his passive, he's got tank killing capabilities, and he's got SILLY burst.

But no one plays him. Which I'm fine with. Just means people don't know what to do when I come out as him and carry yet another game.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Veigar, especially with his Superb Villain skin. His abilities are suited for trapping targets and then pounding on them before they can recover. Though when his abilities are on cooldown he sorta has his pants down. But still, he's fun to play, and great working with others.

Inconspicuous Trenchcoat

Shinku Hadouken!
Nov 12, 2009
As a product of playing very infrequently, I rarely get to play my preferred role of mid. Someone always calls it, and I'm just not the type to. Except of course for this one game where someone called mid and locked in a mage right away. I decided to be a dick (after not getting mid for the 30th time in a row) then I typed "MID" and locked in Brand. Then the other 3 members[footnote]It was me and our almost premade, and they were gonna let me play mid that game too :(. The pub had other plans.[/footnote] of my team called "MID" and all locked in mages. The pug had a good sense of humor about it. I think I laned bottom with veigar or something. We won that game, surprisingly :).

Right, so my favorites used to be Morgana and Veigar (droppin' rainbows). But I almost never get mid anymore. These days I don't play much; only play occasional games with friends and a handful of co-op vs AI games. I've been playing AP Nautilus in Twisted Treeline Co-op VS AI. Because he's fun and I just unlocked him. I can't get enough of stunning tiny little "champions" with my massive anchor while my eyes glow red and the tides swallow them up.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Tryndamere. Just......Tryndamere.

I've been only playing for 2 weeks and just looking at the guy I knew I had to unlock him first after buying all the 450 IP ones. He's incredibly fun to play and incredibly hard to kill. Using his spin attack in combination with mocking shout will usually spell doom for slightly squishy champions and his self-heal and undying rage even allow him to tower dive.

Also, this week gave me the oppertunity to play Vayne. A well fed Vayne has an insane damage output and tumble allows her to give chase even if the opponent is faster.

Anyway, I am almost at 1350 IP again. Suggestions for my next unlock?


New member
Mar 14, 2011
Let's see...

Singed is just badass, nothing like running through there team, tossing their carry, then chasing them all around while laughing.

Lux. She's my mage of choice. Lots of range, good CC, and lazors every 24 seconds at 16. What's not to love?

Past that? I just play whatever I feel like. Lately I've been doing AP Miss Fortune, and it's worked rather well. There's other things I need to tinker with, but it's hard to find a game where I don't get dodged. Or in the case of customs, kicked (that's probably due to my 1500 normal wins....)