Just to fuck with them, I would have said "Its actually brown and smells like chocolate syrup"Nathan Crumpler said:Also, some one asked my brother this question.
(My brother is black btw) "So, like... is your jizz black?"
I think people do that out of politeness.IndomitableSam said:I have an identical twin sister - the only thing different about us is that her hair is a few inches longer. People will always ask us "Are you twins?" which isn't so dumb in itself... but there are those rare, stupid few, who go on to ask "are you sisters?"
... No. No, we're not. We're just twins.
HAHAHA!guidance said:"Do you speak Jew?"
That wasn't even one person one time. Who is going around telling people Jewish is a language?
Fair question.QuantumT said:Out of curiosity, in Portugal do they use your first name to separate you into groups as opposed to your last name? In the US, assuming your name was John Doe, you would be put into the A-D group as opposed to the E-H group, because last name is almost always the one used to do something like that.Monochrome said:*snip*
PS- Sorry if this comes across as horribly ignorant or if I'm simply misreading your post.
To be fair there are people that can speak English perfectly and imitating an American or English accent perfectly, even though it's not their first language, I know it happens often with sons of immigrants, since they learn both languages pretty early on they tend to learn how to speak English without an accent, funnily enough the Mexican guys I've met that are like this speak Spanish with a weird accent instead, even though they learned that language first.Gatx said:So I'm on a bus, and this lady gets on, sits next to me, and starts a conversation. Just small talk stuff, "Are you a student?" etc. etc. So when it gets to my major, I tell her "English," and she asks "English as a second language or..." In my head I'm thinking "Lady, we've been talking for five minutes, surely you would've noticed that I don't have an accent," but I just politely clarify English literature.
Oh yeah, I'm not white by the way.
Ryan Minns" post="18.383182.15152401 said:"...Is it in?"
...*Dies a little inside*
Must be a Spanish thing
"Are you asleep?" -when I'm answering my cell...
Who knows.Binnsyboy said:The fuck does sacrificing yourself even mean?Legion said:"Have you ever sacrificed yourself?"
During my "Goth phase". No context was given beyond that. Suffice to say the question was too idiotic to respond to.
I suspect that a similar logic is why a lot of people I know secretly think I am gay. I'd quite happily point out that most of them are in relationships out of either habit, fear of being single or duty (to wife and/or kids), but I get the impression that'd be construed as jealousy.solemnwar said:"Do you have a boyfreind?"
"Why not?!"
"I just... haven't really been interesting in dating."
"... I just haven't...?"
"OMG you're a lesbian aren't you?"
"8| GTFO"
Srsly I do not need a man in my life to validate my existence -___- I mean, I think a boyfriend would be nice, but I'm not going to go out with someone just for the sake of having a boyfriend, and I have yet to really be attracted to someone :/