Most Under-rated Game

King Toasty

New member
Oct 2, 2010
creationis apostate said:
King Toasty said:
creationis apostate said:
King Toasty said:
War for Cybertron. Got mediocre reviews, but the gameplay was fantastic and cool-looking. I'll be damned if I should stop truck-ramming jets in midair just because Yahtzee said it's borin.

Seriously, get this game. It's awesome.
wait, how is you saying that it is awesome more quantifiable that Yahtzee saying it is terrible?
OT: XIII for Ps2. That game is fucking amazing and I picked it up for three dollars along with zone of the enders.

...What? My head hurt trying to read that.
"How is you saying that it is awesome more quantifiable that Yahtcee saying it is terrible."

Sorry, I'll simplify it.
Why is
YOu saying WfC is great>Yahtzee saying it sucks.
you mean, "Why do you think WfC is good, while Yahtzee hates it?"

The gameplay is amazingly cool-looking and fun, the scenery is gorgeous in most maps, it's fairly balanced and holy crap, the gameplay is good.


New member
Jul 9, 2011
The ones that come to mind right now are NieR, Alpha Protocol, KOTOR 2 and The Darkness.
The first 3 suffer from broken, boring or buggy gameplay, while the last one is simply a great, but overlooked game.

I pity KOTOR 2 the most, though. Its characters are much better than the mostly bland ones the first game had, it has way more interesting dialogue and a storyline that has a lot of potential. It's a shame so much content was cut from the game. Actually, if KOTOR 2 was actually finished and polished like the first game was, it would be infinitely superior to KOTOR 1 and quite possibly one of the best RPG's of all time.


New member
Jan 30, 2010
Soxafloppin said:
Cell Damage! Great party game! Lots of fun to be had with Local multiplayer!
Yay! Me and my friends played this game all the time when we got together for parties and such! I seemed to be the only person I knew who actually owned it though and I only found it second hand. Strange...

My pick: ET for the Atari 2600. Most people have written this off as the worst game ever without (a) playing it or (b) ever reading the instruction manual. In a completable Atari game, reading the manual is a virtual necessity. Sure, this game isn't great, I'm not even sure it's good but as far as Atari games go, I put it about average. There are much better but also much worse games for that very system.


New member
Sep 12, 2008
creationis apostate said:
YOu saying WfC is great>Yahtzee saying it sucks.
Personally, my opinion that something is awesome means more than Yahtzee saying it sucks because...



New member
Jun 12, 2010
Mirrors Edge was fantastic. Those who dropped the "first person platforming can't work EVER" line just suck at the game >_>

Also, Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood is great and got virtually no recognition.


New member
Dec 9, 2009
Father Time said:
Enter the Matrix. Yeah there's camera issues and a few AI issues but beyond that it's great.
Really? Aside from the camera, I thought the combat was awful.

Path of Neo, THAT was a fun game.


True Gamer
Apr 8, 2010
*pulls out list of all times favourites*
Alpha protocol
Dark Messiah Might and Magic Single player
Jade Empire(have heard some hate on the game, but don't really know the story of this)

Planescape: Torment is ofcause also underrated but only by the mainstream which doesn't know good games anyway.

Sigmund Av Volsung

Hella noided
Dec 11, 2009
Prince of Persia.
Though frankly, I could only stomach one play-through, because I was ignoring the princess on my first run, and I actually liked it.


New member
Nov 12, 2009
Julianking93 said:
Nier. No question.

Got decent to poor reviews by most critics yet it was my favourite game of last year and the best game I had played in a while. Amazing game which proves most critics are superficial assholes who can't appreciate a good game despite minor flaws.
Fuck you, Gamespot and IGN.
Fuck you hard.
Ninja'd! I have to agree with Nier. Seriously, it's the best damn JRPG I have ever played. The main protagonist isn't an angsty teenager and saving the world is just a bi-product of the protagonist's main goal. Great story, nice twist. I loved it.


New member
Jun 18, 2011
Crystalis (NES one not GBC). Although it's not necessarily underrated, more just unknown. The people who have played it, can mostly attest to it's greatness, but it just never took off to be popular.

For a game that is generally unappreciated, that I just love. The Bouncer (PS2), maybe if I paid 50 bucks for it brand new and got a game that I could be in an hour to two I would think differently. However I paid maybe five bucks for it, and there is always that day, where my NES isn't hooked up that I want to just pick up a game and beat it in that sitting. The NES is great for games like that. But if that's too much work, I have The Bouncer. It genuinely quick if you want it to be, and it's interesting throughout the game. I love it far too much compared to the general populous.


New member
Jun 16, 2010
eddierigs said:
Brutal Legend.
Monster Hunter Tri.
Resonance of Fate.
All I can put at the top of my head.
all of those and ill add
dragon age 2
phantom crash
too human


New member
Jul 8, 2009
Deathsmiles is one of the most fun shmups I've played in a while and sadly the genre seems to be dwindling (in Europe anyway), with the exception of some downloadable titles on PSN and XBLA *Looks at Trouble Witches Neo, then goes to play Trouble Witches Neo*


New member
May 16, 2009
AnAngryMoose said:
Ninja'd! I have to agree with Nier. Seriously, it's the best damn JRPG I have ever played. The main protagonist isn't an angsty teenager and saving the world is just a bi-product of the protagonist's main goal. Great story, nice twist. I loved it.
Dude. Fuck yes.

Gotta love JRPGs without that typical story. Granted, it can be done well but only rarely it seems. Nier had a good original story with, honestly one of the few twists in stories that actually surprised me.


New member
Dec 25, 2010
Wanted Weapons of fate's gameplay was second only to portal or possibly Klonoa (maybe Hitman) in terms of sheer unrivaled fun, sure it was cover based and featured that ever present overused gaming mechanic 'Bullet Time' but being able to curve bullets and do all the slidy jumpy rolly actions fluidly presented one of the most rewarding 3rd person shooter experiences I have ever had.

Everything else about the game is terrible but the gameplay is so much fun that I can overlook its faults

Others Include:

Mirrors Edge (same as above really, plus the visual design and the ever changing enviorments which made up for its repetitiveness)

SKATE (Couldn't Get more niche if you tried, A skaters wet dream, perfectly balancing realism, challenge and fun. Being a skater for a good 6 years I have not met one other Skater who does not hold this series as nothing short of amazing)

Action Man Mission X-treme (Let the hills run with cries of "Nostalgia" as I am a Mid-Ninties child and action man was my equivilant to breasts nowadays but this game really is good, think of it as a child friendly Metal Gear with far more variety in terms of level design, gameplay sections and about the same in boss fights-and thats saying something-driving was piss piss piss poor though... Nothing to special but still worthy of notice)


New member
May 6, 2010
GrungyMunchy said:

I remember playing the shit out of this game. Nice simplified Sim City-esque gameplay inside a doughnut spaceship while having to balance the social friction between different races of aliens. I have no idea why this game isn't remembered as fondly as the likes of Rollercoaster Tycoon.
Yes one hundred times yes. This game was brilliant. Sunk so many hours into this.


New member
Apr 10, 2011
Latest one would have to be Nier, I seriously enjoyed the fuck out of it, everything to the characters to the fighting.

whiteblood said:
Resonance of Fate. It's one of the better JRPGs I've played in a long time.
This might be the next game I pick up, how is it?


New member
Jul 7, 2011
Lost oddessy for the 360 was an amazeing game despite the sometimes cringy worthy moments with kids in the party it was a really good turn based RPG but all the reviews just brushed it off because it was a turn based battle system which is a genuine shame i know the old ff style combat isnt quite as exciteing as say kingdom hearts or god of wars battle system but it more than made up for it with the need for genuine stratagy.