Most Underrated Game of All Time?


New member
Jan 13, 2009
This is a really old thread but fuck it. CHRIMSON SKIES HIGH ROAD TO REVENGE!!!!!


New member
Aug 21, 2008
way of the samurai that was the first game i played that had endings based on your choices


New member
Aug 6, 2008
Higurashi said:
Hell yes! I had a lot of fun with it, and it was harder than most FPS's. That's definitely an underrated game.
Dear lord, thank you! I loved that game. A year after its release I remember reading a few reviews and being truly shocked at some of the low scores it received.

A few people have mentioned Indigo Prophecy, a few years ago I would have agreed, but it seems that nowadays it is held in very high regard indeed. I doubt it needs people to fight its battles any more than Psychonauts does.

Is Killer 7 still considered underrated? Or do we all like that now too? It's so hard to keep up. :)


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Billy_Pilgrim said:
Is Killer 7 still considered underrated? Or do we all like that now too? It's so hard to keep up. :)
Agreed, it is. Yeah, we all love it. Rightfully so.
Another racing game that has not received any recognition as far as I know was some kind of Pod racer way back when. Can't remember its name exactly, but I'm fairly sure POD was involved.
Also makes me think of Incoming, which was really cool. I never got the hang of it as I was too young when I played it, but I knew even back then that it had potential.

The Black Adder

New member
Sep 14, 2008
The Tex Murphy Series, especially 3, 4 and 5. Quite possibly THE best adventure game ever. I wish someone would take the great ideas from this game and make a full 3d adventure game with todays technology. And I'd also have to say Sudden Strike.


New member
Dec 12, 2008
awsome117 said:
Golden Sun 1 and 2 by Camalot. Great RPG's that almost no one has ever heard of.
Only turn-based RPG I ever got into.

Also someone mentioned Sly Cooper and I completely agree, that was one of the best platformers I have ever played.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
ToonLink said:
blunted said:
you Escapist guys and your Psychonauts praise circle jerks..

I haven't been able to play through that game more than once, too much crap-collecting for my taste. It was well written and voiced, though.

Most underrated?

It's all about the God Hand, baby.

that, or Lode runner.
all i can do is stare at you blankly. theres a reason that 80% of the people on this site like Psychonauts, because ITS A GOOD GAME! shocking isnt it. and as for "God Hand", god should have taken his hand and tossed that crap in the garbage.
Well I'm not here to voice whether or not that is a good game. But saying that 80% of a group of people with painfully common interests is a good way to judge the quality of a game is a bit off.

I mean on the escapist saying DoWII isn't to your liking can get you crucified by most people who post here. However on any other gaming forum I do it on or on irc or in person I find that the general response is mixed and even those who like it aren't willing to go on the ranting murderous spree of the people here.

That's why I like visiting here, when people say "Escapist circle jerk" they are pretty close to the actual way that arguments unravel. Some new guy comes in and mistakenly blabs on something that the Circle has deemed good and they get their anus pounded into a znus.

It's sort of (keywords sort of) like going into a republican forum and saying you hate republican values. Then the guy in the republican forum says "80% of the people here like republican values because they are good values!"

That all said I do like the game :p, I didn't play it enough to say how much I like it overall but my very very very small take on it was pretty pleasant.

A.I. Sigma

New member
Sep 17, 2008
harhol said:
Shadow of Memories
Red Faction
Soul Reaver

Psychonauts is not "underrated" since everyone always goes on about how good it is. ALL THE FUCKING TIME.
Definitely Soul Reaver.

The whole Legacy of Kain series, in fact.


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
I'd have to agree with most of what's been said here, but I also want to add:
Klonoa 2: Lunatea's Veil (one of the best puzzle platformers I've ever played)
Conker's Bad Fur Day (bizarre humor + surreal situations = f*cking sweet game)
Gunstar Heroes (badass action game with incredible co-op)
Sigma Star Saga (original space-age RPG with fun side-scrolling shooter stages)

Undead Dragon King

Evil Spacefaring Mantis
Apr 25, 2008
awsome117 said:
Golden Sun 1 and 2 by Camalot. Great RPG's that almost no one has ever heard of.
I've played them. For JRPG's, they're absolutely fantastic. And I usually despise JRPG's.


New member
Feb 21, 2008
KaZZaP said:
The Halo series, nobody gives them their due credit :p
Eh, they're decent FPSes, but nothing that really stands out today.

Hmm... most underrated... I dunno.

The Black Adder

New member
Sep 14, 2008
theultimateend said:
ToonLink said:
blunted said:
you Escapist guys and your Psychonauts praise circle jerks..

I haven't been able to play through that game more than once, too much crap-collecting for my taste. It was well written and voiced, though.

Most underrated?

It's all about the God Hand, baby.

that, or Lode runner.
all i can do is stare at you blankly. theres a reason that 80% of the people on this site like Psychonauts, because ITS A GOOD GAME! shocking isnt it. and as for "God Hand", god should have taken his hand and tossed that crap in the garbage.
Well I'm not here to voice whether or not that is a good game. But saying that 80% of a group of people with painfully common interests is a good way to judge the quality of a game is a bit off.

I mean on the escapist saying DoWII isn't to your liking can get you crucified by most people who post here. However on any other gaming forum I do it on or on irc or in person I find that the general response is mixed and even those who like it aren't willing to go on the ranting murderous spree of the people here.

That's why I like visiting here, when people say "Escapist circle jerk" they are pretty close to the actual way that arguments unravel. Some new guy comes in and mistakenly blabs on something that the Circle has deemed good and they get their anus pounded into a znus.

It's sort of (keywords sort of) like going into a republican forum and saying you hate republican values. Then the guy in the republican forum says "80% of the people here like republican values because they are good values!"

That all said I do like the game :p, I didn't play it enough to say how much I like it overall but my very very very small take on it was pretty pleasant.
Psychonauts is an alright game, but I think what he meant by "Escapist...psyconauts circle jerk" are the retards who use Yahtzee's videos to form their opinions on video games and then make a topic with an opening post that screams: Look at me! Accept me! I need attention! I'm so cool because I agree with you! And just because "80% of the people on this site" enjoy a certain game does not make it a good game. I hate when people say "it's popular for a reason". Yeah, because most people have no taste what-so-ever.

Beffudled Sheep

New member
Jan 23, 2009
Strafe Mcgee said:
Panzer Dragoon Orta. Think Rez but with control over a player character set in a desolate and intriguing game world which actually has it's own language. It's criminal that this hasn't been released as an Xbox original yet.
This game definitely. Also the Legacy of Kain series,especially the first Blood Omen, Kain and Lynch, KotOR2 people say its horrible but i liked it better than the first one. (probably because the exile can kill the force somehow) Thats all i can think of for now.


Desdinova's Successor
Feb 3, 2009
Oh, I have one more to add:
Castlevania 2: Simon's Quest
Most people bash it for being too cryptic, but that's what makes it great. It's puzzling, weird, and unsettling. It's not the best game out there (nor is it the best in its series), but it's still a solid game despite its flaws.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
The Black Adder said:
theultimateend said:
ToonLink said:
blunted said:
you Escapist guys and your Psychonauts praise circle jerks..

I haven't been able to play through that game more than once, too much crap-collecting for my taste. It was well written and voiced, though.

Most underrated?

It's all about the God Hand, baby.

that, or Lode runner.
all i can do is stare at you blankly. theres a reason that 80% of the people on this site like Psychonauts, because ITS A GOOD GAME! shocking isnt it. and as for "God Hand", god should have taken his hand and tossed that crap in the garbage.
Well I'm not here to voice whether or not that is a good game. But saying that 80% of a group of people with painfully common interests is a good way to judge the quality of a game is a bit off.

I mean on the escapist saying DoWII isn't to your liking can get you crucified by most people who post here. However on any other gaming forum I do it on or on irc or in person I find that the general response is mixed and even those who like it aren't willing to go on the ranting murderous spree of the people here.

That's why I like visiting here, when people say "Escapist circle jerk" they are pretty close to the actual way that arguments unravel. Some new guy comes in and mistakenly blabs on something that the Circle has deemed good and they get their anus pounded into a znus.

It's sort of (keywords sort of) like going into a republican forum and saying you hate republican values. Then the guy in the republican forum says "80% of the people here like republican values because they are good values!"

That all said I do like the game :p, I didn't play it enough to say how much I like it overall but my very very very small take on it was pretty pleasant.
Psychonauts is an alright game, but I think what he meant by "Escapist...psyconauts circle jerk" are the retards who use Yahtzee's videos to form their opinions on video games and then make a topic with an opening post that screams: Look at me! Accept me! I need attention! I'm so cool because I agree with you! And just because "80% of the people on this site" enjoy a certain game does not make it a good game. I hate when people say "it's popular for a reason". Yeah, because most people have no taste what-so-ever.
I tend to remind people that things like the rape of nanjing and the holocaust were popular.
Most Genocides are fairly popular. In fact child porn is very popular. It's also a pretty popular practice to abuse women. I know for the US war is very popular, I mean I realize many Americans (myself included) don't like war or understand it but I haven't been invited to a rally to remove all the senators and representatives in the house that make millions yearly by supporting it (well to be fair probably takes less than a year to make a million bucks supporting war contracts).

I mean they are all absolutely ridiculous examples, but equating popularity to quality tends to be a pretty poor argument if you feel its a concrete relationship. (I'm almost 99% certain someone is going to respond to this with fury)