Movie, TV, Web Series, and Music Hot Take(s).


Elite Member
Dec 28, 2017
Actually no. A lot of people don't like The Killing Joke animation movie. Many felt it was too rushed. A bad example of adult Western animation.
I didnt say it was good. I said it was an animated attempt at a dark drama. I know people had issue with it but at least they tried. Media now doesnt even try and that is why it sucks.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I didnt say it was good. I said it was an animated attempt at a dark drama. I know people had issue with it but at least they tried. Media now doesnt even try and that is why it sucks.
They didn't try at all. Plus, so much Batman media pulled from the Killing Joke that almost nothing about it is special now. What didn't help with the whole Barber and Bruce having sex on the roof, with Bruce being twice her age and screwing his best friend's daughter. It's a lame plot element implied from the Batman beyond TV series, and it sucks even more in KJ. It was something unneeded & unnecessary to begin with. It's darkness and shock value for the sake of it, that holds no meaning. You could cut out that little segment and nothing would change with the adaption. It was just there to fill up space, but Barbara Gordon became Batgirl in name only. Barbara became Barton Gordon in name only especially. There have been better mature attempts elsewhere with many other DC animated shows, movies, and non superhero shows in general. Before, during, and after. Once again, both of the Castlevania TV series are able to mature without having a whole bunch of shock value for the sake of it. The third season of Castlevania has some exceptions, but it's not too bad. Still better than whatever the hell they're trying to pull off with Killing Joke. The Spawn HBO TV series actually tried. The Killing Joke movie was just being lazy and thinking they can get away with cheap shock value. If you're as big as a spawn fan as you know you are, then I suggest you get right on that. I'm literally giving you this.
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Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
Brought to you by Jujutsu Kaisen and Attack on Titan: I think a lot of people these days see complexity and automatically think it's good writing.

A friend recently reread the latest arc of Jujutsu Kaisen and tried to explain how it was so well written to the rest of us. I think the general process went like "I don't understand this, I will reread it" > "I now understand what the author intends" > "I wasn't able to understand it before, but now I do" > "This is good writing". I was not all convinced by his explanation. An author managing to spin an intricate web of plot threads is impressive, but ultimately meaningless if the the story elicits no reaction from the reader.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Brought to you by Jujutsu Kaisen and Attack on Titan: I think a lot of people these days see complexity and automatically think it's good writing.

A friend recently reread the latest arc of Jujutsu Kaisen and tried to explain how it was so well written to the rest of us. I think the general process went like "I don't understand this, I will reread it" > "I now understand what the author intends" > "I wasn't able to understand it before, but now I do" > "This is good writing". I was not all convinced by his explanation. An author managing to spin an intricate web of plot threads is impressive, but ultimately meaningless if the the story elicits no reaction from the reader.
Attack on Titan had its problems written on the wall since the very beginning, with the whole dumb mystery involving Eren's father's basement. I'm seeing a lot of reactions towards the final ending and people so far loving it or thinking it's amazing and "subversive". If they enjoyed it, more power to them, but AoT really doesn't do anything interesting or that different from most dark anime. There's really no one worth rooting for during the final Arc. Why should I care about a majority of these assholes again?

Jujutsu Kaisen
As for that one in particular, I don't know why people are hyping this up. This looks like another new hotness and nothing more. So not much going for it and even more into power scale than even DBZ. Wake me up when the next season of Nocturne comes out. Pluto is my AOTY, and no one can convince me otherwise.
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Attack on Titan had its problems written on the wall since the very beginning, with the whole dumb mystery involving Eren's father's basement. I'm seeing a lot of reactions towards the final ending and people so far loving it or thinking it's amazing and "subversive". If they enjoyed it, more power to them, but AoT really doesn't do anything interesting or that different from most dark anime. There's really no one worth rooting for during the final Arc. Why should I care about a majority of these assholes again?
I think my biggest qualm with attack on titans manga ending is that it's really not woven into the story. Its basically an exhausting mystery box into an exhausting slapdash ending that leaves your head spinning, but not in a compelling way. I don't always need a protagonist in shining armor to follow, but some narrative focus would have helped this series greatly. By end of it all emotional weight to the death and destruction is lost in the mess.

I think Berserk is a good contrast of a long running violence porn manga that provides clear arcs and central focus.

Ask her that one in particular, I don't know why people are hyping this up. This looks like another new hotness and nothing more. So not much going for it and even more into power scale than even DBZ. Wake me up when the next season of Nocturne comes out. Pluto is my AOTY, and no one can convince me otherwise.
I gave it maybe 8 episodes? It's very tonally inconsistent and feels highly derivative of several other popular series. I did not feel any pull to see where it was going and didn't care for any of the characters.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I think Berserk is a good contrast of a long running violence porn manga that provides clear arcs and central focus.
Berserk works because it remembers to have humanity. The problem with most dark violent anime and the ones that tried copying Berserk either missed the point, only doing the violence and sex for the shallowest of reasons, or just straight up shock value. The only thing I can give AoT is that it doesn't draw nor to depict black people as racial nor "funny" stereotypes. But even the anime nor manga are really unique in that regard anymore. There's plenty of other anime among them that have done his prior, during, and since most modern anime is meant to appeal to wide/global audiences, drawing black people nor any one of a different culture as racist and negative stereotypes are no longer risk and factor the industry can take anymore. That's fine by me.


Elite Member
Aug 28, 2014
I gave it maybe 8 episodes? It's very tonally inconsistent and feels highly derivative of several other popular series. I did not feel any pull to see where it was going and didn't care for any of the characters.
The appeal (at least for me) was purely the animation quality. The show is clearly Mappa's favorite child. Which is shocking, since it seems they prioritized JJK's season 2 over the FINAL EPISODE of Attack on Titan. The latest episode of JJK felt like something you could release in cinemas, while AOT felt kind of flat honestly.

Oh and also never underestimate the power of simps. That's essentially the only reason why many of my friends still keep up with the show. When a certain character died, they all jumped ship.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
How much of a hot take this one is nowadays is up for debate, but I have no interests in rap songs that constantly drop the N-word like it's hot (throwing it in their every 5-10 seconds) or throwing multiple curse words (mainly biatch and fuck) without rhyme or reason for the sake of shock value. I lose interests real quick and will immediately go to something better. It's why I got away from mainstream hip-hip since the mid to late 2000s and preferred whatever was going on with the indie crowd or those who made a name for themselves on Sound Cloud and YouTube. This probably isn't as much as hot take back then, but I wouldn't surprise me, if still certain rap and hip-hop fans or even the rappers themselves who do this style only, get upset at this take and go "You're just soft and don't get it!." No, I'm not soft and I get it, but I just don't give shit, nor appreciate your shitty songs.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
I’m actually pretty changeable towards both versions. 90s Rogue was a bit more fun to watch because she’d absorbed Ms Marvel’s powers so she could fly and punch shit really hard but they were both good characters in my view.
I really don't have a major preference over one or the other. The only extra thing I can give to Evolution Rouge is that she has slightly more character development than 90s Rouge.
Jun 11, 2023
United States
Kind of a someone else’s hot take but interesting -

And a good comment -

2 days ago
"Since childhood I've been faithful to monsters. I've been saved and absolved by them because monsters are the patron saints of our blissful imperfections."

-Guillermo del Toro
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Elite Member
Apr 28, 2020
United States
Equalizer 3 is a better movie than The Creator.

I am sad to report I ultimately did not like The Creator despite loving the ideas, style and effects. It's a brilliant piece of art, but sadly I could not get past all the holes it would constantly throw at you. It's surprising how often it would attempt to invent questions and then give answers we didn't need. It was near constant and really pulled me out of the movie.

On the flip side of that you have a classic geezer teaser Equalizer 3 that trusted it's audience to understand whats happening and kept it simple and straight forward. You sit you get your popcorn and watch denzel wreak gruesome violence for a couple hours. It was goofy and dumb, but in that Rocky kinda wholesome way where you happily except it for what it is.

I could write a few paragraphs on The Creator. What I adored about it what pulled me out of the movie, but I just thought that I was funny take I was left with after watching the two films this weekend. I was left thinking "Wow Equalizer 3 is somehow better written than The Creator".

(maybe not so hot, Critics and Audiences both really loved Equalizer 3)


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
(maybe not so hot, Critics and Audiences both really loved Equalizer 3)
One of the few times critics and audiences agree on something. A lot of critics were mixed on Equalizer 2.

Equalizer 3 is a better movie than The Creator.

I am sad to report I ultimately did not like The Creator despite loving the ideas, style and effects. It's a brilliant piece of art, but sadly I could not get past all the holes it would constantly throw at you. It's surprising how often it would attempt to invent questions and then give answers we didn't need. It was near constant and really pulled me out of the movie.

On the flip side of that you have a classic geezer teaser Equalizer 3 that trusted it's audience to understand whats happening and kept it simple and straight forward. You sit you get your popcorn and watch denzel wreak gruesome violence for a couple hours. It was goofy and dumb, but in that Rocky kinda wholesome way where you happily except it for what it is.

I could write a few paragraphs on The Creator. What I adored about it what pulled me out of the movie, but I just thought that I was funny take I was left with after watching the two films this weekend. I was left thinking "Wow Equalizer 3 is somehow better written than The Creator".
I love both movies about the same, but I am big nut when it comes to things involving cyborgs, robots, and androids. Equalizer 3 I love, because it's exactly what you expect. The Creator I love for it's experimental ideas, good story, solid characters, and just being the film Neil Blomkamp's later films failed to be. Elysium especially, but once the Battle Angel Alita came out, no one needed it anymore.


Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Ruby Gillman: Teenage Kraken is better than Turning Red and Elemental. Yeah, I said it. Turning Red is not bad, and Elemental does not have much interesting to worth viewing. Also, anyone who complains about RG "copying" Turning Red must have never seen Teen Wolf. A teenage character going through metaphorical and literal puberty by turning into a monster that is usually the villain, but is in fact the hero or a good person. Turning Red and Ruby Gillman are just taking from that concept and some other media. Properties like X-Men, Spider-Man, and Danny Phantom have either covered similar aspects or go through the same motions. Yet no one bitches about them or various versions. Once again, people complain and talk too much, instead of actually watching and enjoying for what the film is.

Another thing people don't talk about enough: the animation. The animation is top tier and screenshots don't do the movie justice. It's not The Last Wish, but it's not trying to be. The movie does not have the "typical Pixar/DreamWorks look". The movie gives these 3D characters a rubbery hose look and in movements. Especially Ruby's family. The lighting and coloring reminds me of Aquaman, but even more colorful without being overbearing. Both movies make the water look so inviting.

I do hope the movie does better on the home market. Considering DreamWorks likes doing TV sequel spin-offs to their major franchises, it looks like they want to do the same for RG. If not, the movie does have a self-contained ending to make the title a one off.


Why do I have a feeling that Ruby Gillman is going to be a better Aquaman movie than Aquaman 2? Even when I know I am going to more than likely enjoy Aquaman 2. RG is certainly a better Little Mermaid Remake than the Live-Action Remake.
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I love the smell of card games in the morning
Sep 23, 2010
Just off-screen
Studio Ghibli is basically the Hayao Miyazaki studio plus some other guy. All of Miyazaki's films are solid gold and I haven't seen one I haven't liked yet (not through them all yet). I haven't seen one directed by Takahata that I've liked yet. Grave of the Fireflies was a miserable experience, and we were so bored during Only Yesterday that we shut it off about half way through. I've only seen about 30 seconds of My Neighbors the Yamadas, but somehow I don't think it's going to change my mind.
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Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
I think Berserk is a good contrast of a long running violence porn manga that provides clear arcs and central focus.
It's the difference between edge because everyone is a violent asshole (TLoU2), and edge because everyone lives under the rule of violent assholes. Berserk falls nicely into the latter (not that it doesn't have some problems though).
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Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
I don't know anything about Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures, but I found out it's set centuries before the movies, and thus they weren't amongst the younglings Anakin kills, and this displeases me.

Casual Shinji

Should've gone before we left.
Jul 18, 2009
Studio Ghibli is basically the Hayao Miyazaki studio plus some other guy. All of Miyazaki's films are solid gold and I haven't seen one I haven't liked yet (not through them all yet). I haven't seen one directed by Takahata that I've liked yet. Grave of the Fireflies was a miserable experience, and we were so bored during Only Yesterday that we shut it off about half way through. I've only seen about 30 seconds of My Neighbors the Yamadas, but somehow I don't think it's going to change my mind.
Yes and no.

Yes, it is pretty much the Miyazaki studio, but this isn't because he's the only one who has any talent at making movies. Or should I say Miyazaki's legacy and domineering presence doesn't allow for new talent to actually develop at Ghibli. Japan in general has a problem with the youth having to march behind the old guard, and with someone like Miyazaki this probably counts double.
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Lover of beat'em ups.
Mar 10, 2016
Detroit, Michigan
United States of America
Everyone is flipping out about how Disney's Wish is failing or the "worst movie they have eve made!" (bullshit!). I saw this coming, but I am not giving any of these people attention. Even Double Toasted's review I am not going to bother watching. They have not done anything wrong, but I could already tell from the get go DT, do not like the movie. So sense in wasting 30 minutes explaining why.