Moving the New 360 Can Damage Disks

Scott Mansley

New member
Mar 29, 2010
Why on earth would you want to move your 360 while playing a game anyway? This isn't Microsoft's fault, It's the idiots who actually think "Hey, I think this would look better if I turned it over on its side!"

The solution is simple DON'T MOVE YOUR CONSOLE WHILE ITS ON!


New member
Jan 25, 2010
If I decided to pick my flat screen up by the power cable and spin it around my head while shouting " wwwweeeeeeeeeeee!!!". I do not have the right to complain to Sony for it flying through my window coz they didn't attach the cable more firmly to the Telly!!


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Baby Tea said:
This was the exact same problem with the original 360!
Never move it when it's on!

As a wise news caster once said:
Logan Westbrook said:
...moving the machine while the disk is moving at its quickest is just asking for trouble...
Wise words indeed.
Moving any system, PCs included, while it is running will damage the disc. Why is this news?


New member
Apr 15, 2009
Ahh... I remember destroying Rock Band during a party attempting to plug in a microphone in the back of the xbox. Good times... Good times.
Sorry Rock Band disk, I didn't mean to tilt the xbox, the port in the back was just in an awkward place. I hope you'll forgive my excuses dear Rock Band disk, I've never really used an xbox and this was at a friend's house. Anyways, rest in peace Rock Band disk, may you be a martyr for my INSANE actions.

Don't worry, I didn't like the kid whose house I was at much anyways.


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
Darrkon Fearlock said:
tghm1801 said:
I mean, they may have fixed the Red Ring of Death issue, but isn't this worse?
However, I suppose most people don't really move their 360s whilst it's playing a disk.
Sporky111 said:
Well Microsoft proves, yet again, that they can't build a decent console. I mean, really? They should be able to fix this, nearly every other device out there can handle being moved while the disk is spinning.

You'd think that Microsoft would go out of their way to fix problems like these. Actually, they did fix it. There was no RRoD warning sticker on the original...
OK tell me one good reason you'd have to move your console while it's on, just one solitary rational reason.
Plenty of reasons: you're in the middle of something where you can't save and turn it off, you don't know that it can damage disks that way. Mainly it would be unexpected situations, like it getting bumped and tipped over or needing to be moved to escape damage or destruction from some other means. Point being: you shouldn't have to worry about your disks getting destroyed when the main purpose of the device is to read disks.


PS Thanks
May 29, 2009
I don't see why people are comparing this to handheld CD players, which were SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED FOR PORTABILITY. A 360 is not a damn Walkman. Do you also complain that your HDTV draws too much power to use in your car, or that your desktop PC is inconvenient to bring with you on the bus to work?

P.S. Thanks


New member
Apr 6, 2010
yeah it will cause damage, but so will moving anything that has a disc spinning at high speed inside it

LightOfDarkness said:
Unacceptable design flaw.

Thank god Nintendo at least still makes sturdy consoles.
I hope thats a joke...


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
Darrkon Fearlock said:
Sporky111 said:
Darrkon Fearlock said:
OK tell me one good reason you'd have to move your console while it's on, just one solitary rational reason.
Plenty of reasons: you're in the middle of something where you can't save and turn it off, you don't know that it can damage disks that way. Mainly it would be unexpected situations, like it getting bumped and tipped over or needing to be moved to escape damage or destruction from some other means. Point being: you shouldn't have to worry about your disks getting destroyed when the main purpose of the device is to read disks.
But the thing is you do know, they're letting you know right now, and tell me how they can fix a problem like a disc scratching, when the disc is spinning at a couple hundred RPM and the box tips over?
They could secure the disk better so it doesn't swing so much while spinning. The could adjust the hardware inside so there's less chance of the disk hitting something.


Charming, But Stupid
Mar 22, 2009
I figured it would be common sense not to move electronics with moving parts while it's in action. You don't see me tossing my computer tower around when it's on. Maybe more people need to be informed that not every electronic device in the world is a Casio watch.


Everything in Moderation
Aug 18, 2008
What kind of moron would intentionally interfere with their console's positioning while it was running anyway?

el sparko

New member
Aug 7, 2008
You shouldn't move ANY disc based console when its playing, not just the 360! I would have though people would know that by now -_-


New member
May 17, 2010
What about a console getting moved unintentionally while playing a game with, say Kinect?

There was an episode of Watchdog (BBC UK) mentioning that quite a lot of people had ringed discs while playing Rockband:

Once you start having people jumping up and down playing Kinect games this could become a big problem.

Also, MS won't replace ringed discs you either have to get them skimmed at somewhere like Game or Gamestation and if that does not work buy a new disc.