MTV Executives Worried Skins May Violate Child Pornography Laws


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Scrumpmonkey said:
The UK version was pretty hardcore in places and i think it should show how reasonably we in the UK are able to present difficult content. The first two (or maybe three) series of Skins were actualy pretty amazing in places, my personal standout was a very well crafted episode where Effy gets semi kidnapped, the whole thing as a great mood about it i just wasn't expecting from a channel 4 teen show. Also they try and get him to rape his own sister who may or may not be ODing, people get the wrong idea about british TV. It's pretty ambitious. Seriously go watch "Queer as Folk" and realise that was aired pre-9pm.
And like, a decade ago.

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
Oh, here's an idea.

Don't let your kids watch Skins. Or MTV. Or TV at all.

Better yet, duct tape their eyes shut.


New member
Jul 26, 2008
Some things about America. Actual children don't have to be involved for something to be child porn. Some guy in middle America was convicted of owning child porn for owning some manga that involved sexy schoolgirl cartoons.

Sexy-things on film with under-18s counts as child porn. Even if it is a 17 year old taking a naked cell phone photo and sending to a boy/girlfriend.

However, only 12 states have 18 as the age of consent law. 8 have 17 as the age of consent. This leaves the majority, or 30 states with an age of consent of 16.

This is also different than the marriage age laws...Marriage trumps age of if you are married you can have sex with your spouse even if your are younger than the age of consent. Most states have a marriage age of 18, but 16 with parental consent. But some states allow 14 year olds to marry with parental consent...and Mississippi has no minimum age with parental and judicial consent.

Massachusetts (as an example). Marriage age is 18 or 14 for boys/12 for girls with parental and judicial consent.

So a 12 year old girl can legally get married and have sex, but some guy gets put in jail for owning a comic book.
And no one can drink until they are 21.


New member
Jan 28, 2010
Every night I pray that whoever tried to americanise skins be struck down in fire and lightning.
The New season of english Skins is starting today, and it does things american TV would not dare, including actors who look like the types of ppl who would actually live on estates, not god-damned models , also the british, deprecating tongue(if not always you own)-in-cheek humour.

Buchichu said:
I watched the UK version and it was pretty good - great acting anyway - but "realistic"? Not where I come from, anyway. Jesus, if the way those kids acted was in any way representative of the general teen population society would crumble in about 2 generations.
good sir, at the moment I wouldnt even give it 2 generations for england to collapse as a society.

Baron Khaine

New member
Jun 24, 2009
bladester1 said:
Why does it seem to me that most of the comedy in America is some sort of rip of British comedy: "Whose Line Is It Anyway?," "The Office," "Top Gear," apparently "Being Human []." (It is in a comment on the bottom so I dont know how accurate it is.)

And I am sure there are many many more examples.

Edit: Oh right I am an American, just fyi.
Because you all secretly wish to rejoin the Empire.

Its ok, we forgive you.
Mar 9, 2010
I can only think that an American version of Skins would be utter shit. Apparently the newer British series are shite compared to the first (I wouldn't know, I've only seen the later 2) so Americanising it can't be too good.

OT: Better to be cautious with this sort of thing. Kind of illegal to show under age kids in the nude. Skins is more forward with teenage life but it shouldn't be breaking the law to achieve the same effect.

Chairman Miaow

CBA to change avatar
Nov 18, 2009
The UK version was shit. The US version will be shit. They couldn't even get the prices of the drugs right ffs....


New member
Apr 14, 2009
Anyone who takes the Parent's Television Council seriously has to take a long look at themselves. What you allow your own children to watch is a matter of common sense, you don't need an angry conservative website to spoon-feed you parenting advice.

Also, any organisation that has to state on their logo that "We are a non-partisan organization" needs questioning. If you're genuinely non-partisan then why the need to stress the fact? It's like the UKIP party (UK Independence Party or 'BNP Lite') once stating "We are a non-racist organization." If its not an issue, why bring it up?


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
Irridium said:
What the fuck is "Skins"?

*American remake of British television show* - oh thats promising...
*Aired on MTV* - not winning me over...
*drama showing the lives of teenagers, but more "real" then other shows that claim to do the exact same thing* - They really don't want me to watch this show.

And after looking it up some more, what kind of parent would let their kids watch it?!
The same parents who let their kids watch "Jeresy Shore"... the ones who are too busy vomiting in a toilet in some bar while their kids are at home alone.


Je suis joined jewels.
Jan 19, 2009
CezarIgnat said:
Didn't MTV use to play music? Isn't MTV an acronym for Music Television?

[small]No honestly...I really don't watch TV all that much[/small]
Emphasis on "used to". Even funnier? The less ambiguous "Much More Music" (Canadian MTV) has pretty much dumped the music for The OC and "Gene Simmons' Family Jewels". They're not even trying any more.

(Also, my captcha is in Arabic... what the heck.)

GLo Jones

Activate the Swagger
Feb 13, 2010
I have to say, I absolutely adored the first four seasons, but I can't see an American version working very well. I'll give it a look, but I'm not expecting much.


Elite Member
May 22, 2009
I watched the first two seasons of Skins a while back.


I'm a gun owning Texan, conservative as all hell, would love a libertarian government AND I fucking loved that show.

It felt real, it felt like what I was doing and seeing in high school, above all, it was entertaining. Sadly, MTV SHOULD NEVER TRY TO RECREATE THIS SHOW. If they want people to watch something new (for America) just play the first two seasons of the UK original Skins.

Additionally, the kids in the US version look like their about 12, rather than 17 and 18 which is what the first cast of Skins were aged about.

FLAMEPROOFER: I haven't seen subsequent seasons past the first two because I 1.) Don't have the time to watch them. 2.) Don't have the money to purchase them.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
First season or two was reasonable. Got shit after that. :S

Effy being the only remaining character was a bit a dissapointing. :O
I hate it when they change characters out for younger blood.... :O

MTV? lol. What boring shit. Always causing a stir. :D


New member
Jul 31, 2009
Why does sex have to be pornography?

If it's being used as part of the narrative then it's got some artistic merit, I'm fucking sick of people getting up in arms over sex, which (between consenting parties, of course) is a harmless act, yet shoot someone dead in a movie and nobody raises an eyebrow.

It's a pointless double-standard and I honestly never take the "think of the children" argument seriously, if people are willing to imitate something they saw on T.V.,game or movie then, even if you completely ban it, they would've done it eventually anyway so either step in and educate them on the risks or leave them to it; it's inevitable for stupid people to do stupid things.