MTV Executives Worried Skins May Violate Child Pornography Laws


New member
Sep 5, 2009
Nobody cares about it anyways. Most people stopped caring about MTV in general when it stopped actually having to do with music.

Double A said:
Oh, here's an idea.

Don't let your kids watch Skins. Or MTV. Or TV at all.

Better yet, duct tape their eyes shut.


New member
Jul 26, 2008
Well, one of the reasons the US needs to remake British shows has to do with some logistics. US TV Shows often have 22 episode seasons...and a lot of British shows have really, really short seasons. I mean...Ab Fab is like, what, 6 episodes a season. We'd burn through that too quickly. Also, due to our commercials, our shows tend to be shorter than British ones, so things would need to be that would end up being a bit of a problem. Lastly, while I don't have this problem, I know a lot of Americans who can't understand a number of British accents and cultural references. Plus, the US and the UK have slightly different hot buttons and some things don't translate well. For example, I loved the British The Office...but that wouldn't work in the is just a bit too...mean and depressing. It wouldn't do well on network TV.

Also, Britain and the US have different cultural histories and issues that we have to work through.

So it makes sense to remake.

And the UK does do remakes of American shows too...for example, Law & Order UK. Am I all upset that there is a UK version of Law and Order? Of course not. Britain has a completely different crime and legal culture--so of course a remake makes sense. I just noticed the British version of Tool Academy. That's cool. Anywhere here's a list of British shows that were remakes of American shows:

Oh! and last random thought! The Avengers was on primetime network television here in the states and what never remade...but that of course is because the whole appeal of the Avengers was its Britishness.


New member
Nov 8, 2010
God who cares the new skins is a painfully horrid creation. Im no purist, and i love good American remakes, this is not one of them. end the controversy, just cancel the damn show.

Double A

New member
Jul 29, 2009
dancinginfernal said:
Nobody cares about it anyways. Most people stopped caring about MTV in general when it stopped actually having to do with music.

Double A said:
Oh, here's an idea.

Don't let your kids watch Skins. Or MTV. Or TV at all.

Better yet, duct tape their eyes shut.
The last two were sarcastic.

LGC Pominator

New member
Feb 11, 2009
Hmm, at first I was skeptical about whether it would be a good remake (I love the original skins, painfully relevant to modern british life (for some of us)) however if MTV actually DOESNT like it, then it might be good!


Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
So a 17 year old butt and implied sex is newsworthy, but not so much the fact that they're doing drugs . . .

This is why I hate our culture. Teens have sex. Big deal. A show about teens maiming and killing would hardly get a second glance. And they don't, because there's plenty of shows like that.


New member
Dec 17, 2010
Um, no thanks. Reality TV does not appeal to me in the slightest, and watching a show about young teenagers having sex would make me feel like a pedophile.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
so their main beef with the show is some penile jokes and teen,s shagging... isnt that happening now in the real world?


Heroic Norseman
May 20, 2009
PROcrastinator said:
So, a show about the lives of teenagers who drink, take drugs, and have sex.... why bother? I can just go to a party or school and see the same thing.
I want to go to your school.


New member
Nov 13, 2009
lacktheknack said:
CezarIgnat said:
Didn't MTV use to play music? Isn't MTV an acronym for Music Television?

[small]No honestly...I really don't watch TV all that much[/small]
Emphasis on "used to". Even funnier? The less ambiguous "Much More Music" (Canadian MTV) has pretty much dumped the music for The OC and "Gene Simmons' Family Jewels". They're not even trying any more.

(Also, my captcha is in Arabic... what the heck.)
But Much More Music also shows Buffy, so they can be forgiven. Somewhat. If they stop with the reality shows about washed up former superstars now.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
I never got around to watching skins but from what I heard of it, the show sounded like a poor mans Shameless. Another show America is remaking... Though I imagine they'll sort of miss the point and it won't get past the first few episode... Which is usually the fate of such things.

trooper6 said:

You'll also notice that most of what we remade over here were just gameshows that can be easily translated. While America tends to try and cash in on the success of an actual show over here, be it sitcom or drama. The fact is, they often miss the entire point of the show and thus the show very rarely gets past the first season... If it even lasts that long.

The fact is, the reason they are remaking these shows are because they are trying to cash-in on the success of the show, they've seen how popular it is over here and they think it will work over there. However, it doesn't work like. We do indeed have a different sense of humour to America, we also have different perceptions, views and culture. These don't always translate well over there.

To put it in another way... Americans don't seem to get it. When they tried remaking Red Dwarf they changed Lister from your average working class slob who was incompetent, foul and generally stupid, to an action hero (So I hear). Missing the entire point of Lister and what made it popular over here. They miss these things and only see the ratings. Thus, the series didn't get past the pilot.

Most American viewers don't get our shows or comedy, those that do watch them online on DVD or on BBC America (I think) the rest really aren't going to bother. American Execs don't get out shows and they'll drag all the charm and meaning out of them, creating a very poor show that won't get past the pilot. They'll be better off just trying to be more original... They'll probably save a whole lot of money in the progress.

Though thankfully when Americans remake T.V shows its not as offensive as when they remake other movie or retell factual events in order to shoehorn Americans in see:


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Irridium said:
What the fuck is "Skins"?

*American remake of British television show* - oh thats promising...
*Aired on MTV* - not winning me over...
*drama showing the lives of teenagers, but more "real" then other shows that claim to do the exact same thing* - They really don't want me to watch this show.

And after looking it up some more, what kind of parent would let their kids watch it?!
The thing is, Skins is NOT a reliable way of portraying the lives of teenagers. Seriously, all it does is show younger teens what it's like not to be nineteen. It's basically just soft-porn...Me and my friends were all discussing the show the other day. Sure, we drink when we shouldn't and some of us smoke, but this show is fucking ridiculous. An exaggeration if there ever was one.


Is not insane, just crazy >:)
Jan 5, 2011
mireko said:
Matt_LRR said:
If this were legit concern for child pornography, should we not be expecting the police to be knocking down their door, confiscating it, and pressing charges, raher than engaging in debate over whether or not it's fit for broadcast?

Last I checked posession was a crime.

Valid point. Maybe this is a PR campaign.

"Our show is so outrageous, we're practically PEDOPHILES!!!"
If it's a PR campaign done by any organized religious faction, then I must agree.

Back to the posession thing, if it has already been broadcast after taping and editing, then logic dictates to me that the producers and their legal advisers have already deemed the material fit for airing. Subsequently, those who watch it are NOT in any violation. Now, if the producers DO find themselves in a bit of a legal fight over the material they aired, it is THEIR problem with the FCC and not those who watched it. It's almost like the censoring of Bill Hicks from David Letterman's show scenario, in a way. Granted, the material they taped never aired but it WAS recorded in a comedy club and that aired. It all depends, I suppose, on the wording of the legalities and all. My guess says that if the producers of Skins is in the wrong for airing it AFTER editing, then the public should not have to worry about anything legally.

I speak from an American point of view, btw. The only thing I use my TV for anymore is video games, watching my Mythbuster DVD seasons and watching other movies and porn that I like. I turned it off of cable and the like years ago. Utter filth.


New member
Mar 24, 2009
Matt_LRR said:
If this were legit concern for child pornography, should we not be expecting the police to be knocking down their door, confiscating it, and pressing charges, rather than engaging in debate over whether or not it's fit for broadcast?

Last I checked possession was a crime.

Frankly watching anything on MTV should be a crime.
Since the owner on record of the material would be the studio, then if there are any laws being broken most likely they would face a hefty fine. For some weird reason MTV seems to still have a lot of money for that.

I am kind of at a loss at the point of all this is, as anything copy and pasted from British productions comes out shit in America. The storyboard itself sounds like a snoozefest.
If MTV is going to dilute the sex and nudity, then they basically are taking the entire substance out of the show. Leaving no point in continuing. Better to just replace the cast with over 18's with some acting experience and the ability to portray adult nature. Teens and 20 yr olds watching the show won't care, and anybody over 30 won't be able to tell the difference. Or care.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
bladester1 said:
Why does it seem to me that most of the comedy in America is some sort of rip of British comedy: "Whose Line Is It Anyway?," "The Office," "Top Gear," apparently "Being Human []." (It is in a comment on the bottom so I dont know how accurate it is.)

And I am sure there are many many more examples.

Edit: Oh right I am an American, just fyi.
I'd say the American version of Whose Line was actually a lot better (And this is coming from a Brit), and possibly the same for the American version of The Office, but mostly because Ricky Gervais is really not funny. And a dick.

I don't think Skins is comedy, though. It's something you set alight on some old guy's doorstep, or something you step in.


Gone Gonzo ..... no ..... wait..
Jun 18, 2009
Is remaking British drama the chic thing now? Im pretty sure a us version of shameless just aired in the states right?


Prelate Invigilator
Jul 15, 2009
I don't watch skins, I never cared for it when it was on. I probably wouldn't let "children" watch it if I had any. But I would let teens watch it. And I think the PTC does not understand that there is a difference between children and teens. Secondly, while I have not seen the US version, the episode I did watch, where there was nudity, it was never really for arousal purposes, always comedic or dramatic purposes.

There are (I suppose) just general legal issues, as a sexual minor in the US is anyone upto 18, but from I can see there is no legal basis for the argument. It is just a case of "Will someone please think about the CHILDREN!!!", being used to censor things that they do not like. As with all other things, if you don't want your kids watching it, don't let them.

Oh, and this is yet another example about how prudish America is as opposed to Europe when it comes to sexual activity on screen. I don't think Skins even raised an eyebrow here in Ireland or in the UK.


New member
May 17, 2010
Litchhunter said:
As a teenager, I find shows like this to be rather rage-induceing. I know some teenagers get into really bad spots but these shows go rather over-board in trying to point out the bad stuff where it is. Almost no one I know goes through this, I dont go through this, and it's getting anyoing only seeing shows makeing teenagerhood look like a liveing hell. If you want to do something to help teens in a tight spot, then by all means, go for it. But keep your sweeping generalizations out of my television, thank you very much.

OT: Meh, whatever the show thinks it needs to do I guess, see reasons above for why I don't really care if it fails.
Translation: Nobody I know has ever been through these experiences, so they must never happen, and thus the show is unrealistic!

Sorry bub, the world doesn't fit into a handy little box with the same parameters as your own life, and lots of kids live a life not all that far removed from the ones shown in the first couple of seasons of Skins. Sure, one or two of the more extreme events are uncommon, and are usually shoved in there for narrative impact, or so that the producers can feel like the show has a "message", but there are pretty significant chunks of the teenage population who's main priorities are; where is the next party, where is my next bag of E's, and where is my next fuck. You or I might consider that a puerile and unsatisfying way to live a life, but they evidently don't, and to say that stories like that should be excluded from television is very Big Brother(and I don't mean the reality bullshit).