TrevHead said:
Dexter111 said:
If you don't strive to make your game accessible to players, and present players with new ideas, and challenges to overcome, you have failed as a game creator, if you make a game like Dark Souls and deliberatly make it so hard that most people don't want to play it, and choose not to add in an easier difficulty, you are simply making a game for yourself, the way you want it, not a game for any cutsomer.
For some reason, people think Dark Souls is well designed, it's not, the biggest fact comes from the terrible hit detection, things that will kill you when they shouldn't (I died once from jumping down 2 feet onto a lower platform, but the game decided that it was an instant kill zone and I couldn't walk there) and atrocious dungeons, like the tomb of the giants, where you can't see anything 3 feet away, or the pvp forest, no warning it's going to be pvp, no route to bypass it if you don't like pvp, no way to skip it, the only thing you can do is disconnect from the internet, and then you still have some ghosts who attack you and you can't attack back without being cursed.
An argument that was brought up is you can always grind or get better equipment, no you can't, because Dark Souls limits you to the places you can go before beating Ornstein an Smough, one of the shittiest cheapest bosses ever. All the places that have what you need to upgrade equipment are out of reach, all of the monsters in the area don't provide you with enough souls, the only ones that come close are the giant statues and you need to be using a very specific weapon to kill them, otherwise they heal themselves.
I mentioned The twins as being a terrible boss, and that is mostly due to the terrible hit detection I mentioned, firstly they can combo you to death, when you are stun-locked by one you can't move to avoid the other, and when one dies the other gains his powers, if it's smough, he gains an invisible AOE attack to every attack he does, you can't see it leading to you dodging, but not far enough, and you get hit and die, if Ornstein is left he becomes huge, an if you are a melee character you are screwed, you run in trying to kill him, but he'll just jump up in the air, land and shock you, and I've seen him do only this attack for the entire fight, you can't hit him and escape in time.
Lastly, there's the abyss, but what happens if you enter the abyss before getting the item you need to survive? You die, naturally, what happens if you try to leave to get the item? You can't, because the game locks you into the entrance to the abyss and forces you to kill yourself, permanently cheating you out of all of those souls you have collected.
Now I went off on several tangents, various difficulty modes with characters being carried over between modes would not only make dark souls more accessible, it would allow people to overlook these problems in favour of the game world they are presented with and the normally fun gameplay. There are even several ways to make the game better without compromising the game, on easy mode, enemies drop more souls and you don't lose souls when you die, Bosses don't have AOE attacks, where there are two bosses, now you only fight them one at a time, things like this would still make the game tricky, but would reduce the frustration, and would increase the replay value, because I'm more likely to play a game again if I'm having fun.
EDIT: Sorry joshuaayt, should be fixed now.