Naming Your Characters.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
I sometimes spell my name (Corey) backwards... Yeroc... hm... it needs something... let's add a K on the end for good measure...

Yerock! Sounds Good!
[small][sub]If I think it sounds cool I may use it as well...[/sub][/small]

The Heik

King of the Nael
Oct 12, 2008
J. Reed said:
Gee, my threads just keep getting more and more profound.


I'm curious to learn if any of you have any particular naming habits for game characters (when you're given a choice, of course). Do you simply call them by your own name? Maybe your Gamertag or PSN ID? Or might you go by some other method?

Personally, I just pick something bizarre or stupid. Or string random syllables together. Here are a few:

Dragon Age's main character (1st): Pillock

Dragon Age's main character (2nd): My Lord (so everyone addresses me with the deference I KNOW I deserve)

Dragon Age's Mabari hound: King Woofy

Fable II's dog: Dog-Jesus

How do you name things? Give a few examples if you wish, and you don't have to stick with just these two games. Or games at all, if you so choose. Maybe you enjoy writing, and have a habit of naming people a certain way. Doesn't matter to me.

EDIT: On the above note, I follow the same guidelines for fictional characters... which is to say I have no guidelines. I think I'm weird this way, but sometimes I enjoy sitting with pen and paper, thinking up name after bizarre name. Maybe for a story down the road, or maybe for my own amusement. Here are some:

Kork Flitwick
Prinkett Bluder
Nanush Ider
Shunk Dordle
Quarn Quatto
Okron Olso
Lilliter Limpet
Boon Nindinormer

Actually, I do tend to make a lot of alliterative names, so there's that.
I tend to keep my characters' names fitting to the world they live in.

ie. Giving the space marine commander from DoW2 an angelic name

Da Joz

New member
May 19, 2009
Usually my characters are named after little inside jokes my friends and I have, or fagballs.

J. Reed

New member
Nov 13, 2009
ScruffyTheJanitor said:
Random names that still sound vaguely like actual names.. never anything with numbers. Sometimes the name will make transition from game to game.. but it's a fairly large repetoire that i work from.
Yeah. No numbers. Ever. I have to lie to myself that I'm preserving my originality. Which is kind of ironic when I think about it. Numbers in names are the bane of my existence, because they make me feel unoriginal, even though there are millions of people are playing the SAME game, with essentially the SAME character, all striving to reach the SAME predetermined goal(s).

Ahh... I think I just depressed myself.


Not a pigeon roost
Jan 19, 2010
I generally try to pick something random and interesting sounding.

Though I have gone the humorous route on occasion. After I read the PA strip on Dragon Age I named my dog Barkspawn thereafter.

J. Reed

New member
Nov 13, 2009
The Heik said:
I tend to keep my characters' names fitting to the world they live in.

ie. Giving the space marine commander from DoW2 an angelic name
Ha. I did that for awhile. Only, not so much angelic, as Roman-esque (Romanesque?) But regardless, I kept them serious. My Force Commander was named Regulus for the longest time.

Then one day I was like, "Enough with that."

Thus, Commander Beef, and Commander Mush-Vroom were born!

Ninja Tank

New member
May 19, 2009
any time you get to name people i will stay in a theme based idea. If they have preloaded names i don't change them at all


New member
Aug 29, 2009
My names fall into several categories:
1. oppp7 or some other nickname.
2. Something weird sounding but definately a name.
3. Something completely random(Sgdfhf Gh, for instance) that I made as a starting character and meant to delete but instead forgot to and it became my best character.


New member
Nov 16, 2009
i usually go either Dante, B., or Zombi Fetus
no i dont have a reason


New member
Apr 2, 2010
Pretty Much give them my own name for lack of a creative mind.
But I do sometimes give them a name whatever sounds funny I guess.


Volcano Girl
Feb 5, 2009
Usually I stick with a name of something I'm into at that time, used to be Characters from Death Note or tack on a hime at the end. Right Now I'm stuck on the name Tatsuya. Though I'm gradually leaning towards Kenzo Tenma for my next P4 Run.

Gildan Bladeborn

New member
Aug 11, 2009
I crib inspiration from all sorts of sources, but I rarely just lift wholesale a name from some other media, and if I do, I will still typically modify it. If it's a name anyone else is going to see? I definitely take the time to create something original.

For example, here are the various characters I've created in Guild Wars (besides my forum name, which is the name of my original character): Ceia Mirshail, Marcus Lyonsbane, Kayila Spiritwalker, Kurvaen Swift Knife, Valar Flamesinger, Silas The Penitent, Wilhelm Garrison, Darien Vyralax, and Alyana Rakash.

I generally just make them up on the spot.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
All my characters are named after characters from this book I'm writing.. Or want to write anyway.. When I create a character and notice qualities about it that match said character, that character lives on in that game xD

One Seven One

New member
Feb 5, 2009
I usually name my character Robbie (my name), Repel, and once or twice I've named him Robbie Repel.

I'm not exactly sure how I started naming my characters Repel.


New member
Jul 11, 2009
I don`t know, i usually choose the first one that comes to my mind or i copy one from somewhere.

Fallout 1 and 2:None
Fallout 3:Bob
Dragon age:Kalecgos
wow human mage:Erectus
wow human warrior.TomRed
and that`s all I remember.


New member
Dec 26, 2007
Often, I call myself just Piorn, but sometimes "I say",for the lulz.
I put a lot of thought in naming my companions or pets, but often just name them after Mythological figures they look alike.
On Harvest Moon though, I name my animals after meals made of them, such as Cheeseburger, McNugget, or Schnitzel.


New member
Oct 9, 2009
scobie said:
For a long time every character I named began with an S. Examples being Sally, Sarah, Siegfried and Solomon. This in fact started with a character named Solomon Milon Dish after these hilarious subtitles [] Right now, the only game I'm playing where I get to name my characters is Tropico 3, and all my characters have names taken from this video [], which should give me material for quite a while. The names Muffy and Derek are also common, because I find them hilarious.
You have officially made me change all my characters online stuff and everything to Candoff!!!!
Yes naming characters is nearly impossible for me so i usually just steal stuff from other games.