New 2D Sonic Coming in 2010

dalek sec

Leader of the Cult of Skaro
Jul 20, 2008
Darth Pope said:
oppp7 said:
I've never played Sonic games but I've heard a lot about them. It sounds like they're adding another character. And why didn't Sonic work in 3d? Seems like it would be easier since you see what's in front of you.

To those uninitiated to Sonic for the past six years, behold the source of our nightmares.

Fans, I'm sorry I had do dig up bad memories...

In all seriousness though, 3D Sonic wasn't bad to start. Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 were shining examples of just what a platformer ought to be. But starting with Sonic Heroes Sonic Team has gotten sloppy with its programing and VERY sloppy with it's story telling. (I still have nightmares about Shadow the Hedgehog.)
I don't understand, what's so bad about those two pictures?


Elite Member
May 28, 2009
I've said it before, I'll say it again:
AvsJoe said:
I'll wait until the reviews are in before I raise my hopes up. Sorry Sonic, you no longer deserve my anticipation.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
Cid SilverWing said:
*sci-fi cliché scream of despair*

What's to be worried about? It's 2D, there isn't a lot of ways you can screw that up. Then again, this is team sonic we're talking about.

I'm still not sure that the character in the silhouette is sonic. His head just looks wrong.


New member
Mar 25, 2009
This makes me happy...I know all about that fucking "Cycle" but I currently don't give a shit, I'm excited.


New member
Mar 24, 2008
dstryfe said:
This actually looks like a return to form. I'm hoping that the reason it "doesn't look like Sonic's head" is cause he's in a different pose/the spikes aren't quite as gravity-defying as they once were. Really, I am.
Yeah I was thinking it might be a different spike/hairstyle too they did say from the ground up so maybe everyone is getting a visual over haul.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
RagnorakTres said:
*headdesk* Sonic Team, I think you are mistaking nostalgia for a path forward. Whatever, the last good Sonic game I played was the Genesis ones anyway...

Here are my thoughts on the matter, with only one or two mild changes:
Notably, I believe that Shadow is a VERY salvageable character if you remember what he originally was and get rid of all those guns and stupidity. Cream the Rabbit, though? Yeah, she can go to hell.

NOTE: This is the second in a two-part series that the Game Overthinker (AKA Moviebob) did on Sonic. Watch the first one too for his exploration on why it went to shit...I think, I aven't watched it in a while...gonna go do that now, in fact...
While I often agree with moviebob, I completely disagreed with him on this one. As I've mentioned before, I think the best comment in the YouTube comment section was left by gliotari:

gliotari (from YouTube) said:
Sorry, but I see no REAL argument for the hate of current story and canon aside from "It's not SatAM so I hate it."

Also: Look at the background in Star light zone. See that? it's a CITY. Basically if you think about it, it's NOT so against the grain of the older games having humans and anthro animals living in the sonic universe, in the first few games, Sonic was likely an unexpected element that showed up while Eggman was preparing his animal-powered robot army.

Early games happen mostly away from humans, Sonic lives around Emerald Hills or so i guess. in 1 and 2, he just takes right to Eggman's army 3 takes place on angel island where only knuckes and a alot of small animals live.

In my head, I use the names "Robotnik" and "Eggman" to distinguish two very different characters. I quite prefer the Eccentric genius character of Eggman myself. I find him more interesting than the more menacing, yet more boring Robotnik.

As for what to do with the game itself, think skate park. Levels where you can use speed to get to high places or across gaps.

First, take a page from Warioworld, and make 3D levels made to be viewed from one side. this does two things: eliminates 99.9 to 100% of your camera problems entirely, and brings back an important control mechaninc, the way the controls in older games adjust what the controls mean to the angle of the surface sonic is on.
Oh, and incidentally, I had one REAL complaint about that two-parter: When Bob announced that this was going to be his next topic, I specifically sent him a message saying something to the effect of, "Please don't make Yahtzee's mistake of pretending the DS games don't exist."

And then, after spending about three seconds mentioning the DS games in passing, he proceeded to do just that.


New member
Sep 1, 2007
Oy vay Sega and capcom need to get off their asses and dev a good 3D game for their main franchises.... adventure 1 was great because they kept it simple.... make the levels larger and more "3D" or depth filled add a bullet time mechanic to help with some speed zones and bosses, its a no brainer...


New member
Feb 10, 2009
Sylocat said:
RagnorakTres said:
Snipped for loading times! MY COMPUTING DEVICE IS SO SLOW!!!!eleventy-one
While I often agree with moviebob, I completely disagreed with him on this one. As I've mentioned before, I think the best comment in the YouTube comment section was left by gliotari:

gliotari (from YouTube) said:
Sorry, but I see no REAL argument for the hate of current story and canon aside from "It's not SatAM so I hate it."

Also: Look at the background in Star light zone. See that? it's a CITY. Basically if you think about it, it's NOT so against the grain of the older games having humans and anthro animals living in the sonic universe, in the first few games, Sonic was likely an unexpected element that showed up while Eggman was preparing his animal-powered robot army.

Early games happen mostly away from humans, Sonic lives around Emerald Hills or so i guess. in 1 and 2, he just takes right to Eggman's army 3 takes place on angel island where only knuckes and a alot of small animals live.

In my head, I use the names "Robotnik" and "Eggman" to distinguish two very different characters. I quite prefer the Eccentric genius character of Eggman myself. I find him more interesting than the more menacing, yet more boring Robotnik.

As for what to do with the game itself, think skate park. Levels where you can use speed to get to high places or across gaps.

First, take a page from Warioworld, and make 3D levels made to be viewed from one side. this does two things: eliminates 99.9 to 100% of your camera problems entirely, and brings back an important control mechaninc, the way the controls in older games adjust what the controls mean to the angle of the surface sonic is on.
Oh, and incidentally, I had one REAL complaint about that two-parter: When Bob announced that this was going to be his next topic, I specifically sent him a message saying something to the effect of, "Please don't make Yahtzee's mistake of pretending the DS games don't exist."

And then, after spending about three seconds mentioning the DS games in passing, he proceeded to do just that.
I was not aware there were Sonic games for the DS. Are they any good? If they are, I may have an actual reason to invest in another handheld...

Meantime: I have actually never seen the SatAM cartoon. SatAM cartoons were never available to me because of parents that got up at six in the frickin' morning. I have never felt the need to hunt down any cartoon I saw that wasn't an old anime[sup]1[/sup]. I think the latest Sonic games' stories are shit because, frankly, they are. They're rote, uninteresting, predictable and boring. Even the attempts to liven it up with the horror of a "furry[sup]2[/sup]" relationship fell flat and again fell into the rote and archetypal. I don't find such repetitive storytelling interesting.

I had not considered that person's point about humans in the Sonic universe, though I agree with Bob that it'll be much cleaner if they avoid it. On the other hand...Riku in KH made the player realize that, with not much change, one's desire to protect can be warped and turned to evil. Complexity is not always bad, is the point of that previous sentence, I guess.

On another note, remember that he probably gets hundreds of emails from fans and haters alike each day given his semi-Internet-Celebrity status. Personally, I suspect that, like Yahtzee, he just dumps it all and reads very little if any of it. Just sayin'.

[sup]1[/sup]Notable exception: ReBoot. Why did you disappear??! Canada, why do you so enjoy tormenting me!!?

[sup]2[/sup]I do not discriminate against furries. Some of them are wonderful people. The fetish is, in my opinion, weird as hell, but my otaku tendencies make me weird as hell to a lot of other people. There's probably a moral lesson in there somewhere, but I don't feel like rooting it out.


Sci-Fi & Shakespeare
Nov 13, 2007
RagnorakTres said:
I was not aware there were Sonic games for the DS. Are they any good? If they are, I may have an actual reason to invest in another handheld...
Yes they are good. That's the thing: They're everything the fans have been clamoring for since SA2... and nobody played them.

The reason Sonic Team stopped listening to the 2D enthusiasts for so long is because they looked at the sales figures and thought, "Well, since the old-school fanbase will never be satisfied even if we give them exactly what they want, why should we pay attention to them?" That's why it's taken so long for them to smarten up: The fanbase had a chance to speak with their wallets, and they didn't.

This, incidentally, is the exact same reason Nintendo never made an official release of Mother 3 over here: Because Earthbound fans are all talk. In the ZP:SSBB comments thread, I heard many of the Yahtzee fanboys bashing Nintendo for ignoring the massive fanbase for Earthbound, cheerfully ignoring the fact that none of that massive fanbase actually BOUGHT the game.

Meantime: I have actually never seen the SatAM cartoon. SatAM cartoons were never available to me because of parents that got up at six in the frickin' morning. I have never felt the need to hunt down any cartoon I saw that wasn't an old anime[sup]1[/sup]. I think the latest Sonic games' stories are shit because, frankly, they are. They're rote, uninteresting, predictable and boring. Even the attempts to liven it up with the horror of a "furry[sup]2[/sup]" relationship fell flat and again fell into the rote and archetypal. I don't find such repetitive storytelling interesting.
A valid point, and I'm not saying that the current story in perfect. I didn't mean to lump you in with AKnotholeResident (also from YouTube, one of the many SatAM fanboys who were flaming in those videos' comments).

On another note, remember that he probably gets hundreds of emails from fans and haters alike each day given his semi-Internet-Celebrity status. Personally, I suspect that, like Yahtzee, he just dumps it all and reads very little if any of it. Just sayin'.
Good point, but he certainly responds to comments on his videos...

[sup]1[/sup]Notable exception: ReBoot. Why did you disappear??! Canada, why do you so enjoy tormenting me!!?
This. This, this, this, this, this.


New member
Aug 27, 2008
Please please please don't fuck this up.

[li]Refined gameplay with a some imaginative innovations[/li]

[li]Classic mix of speed, reflexes and exploration[/li]

[li]Sonic as the central character[/li]

[li]Online multiplayer races[/li]

[li]Huge levels in beautiful HD[/li]


New member
Mar 8, 2009
Kiutu said:
zauxz said:
Kiutu said:
zauxz said:
*coughs* Idiot
Every time, someone like you comes and points out that the news has been a user. However, as is shortly noted to THAt person (you in this case) that 'use search bar' does not apply to official news articles by Escapist Staff and not everyone finds those user topics.
Yeah yeah yeah.

First of all its the first time that i did this, and i did it just because he's a mod and i wanted to nag him a bit.

Second of all f*** you (can you figure that out? the "*" symbols are hidden letters!) it was just a joke. Do you think it really bothers me? Well it shouldnt bother you.
Fuck you more. No need to get like that. I just did it cause well...its douchy to do what you did. Wanting to annoy the moderators is not really a good reason.
yeah but no need to call me an idiot too.

I know its douchy to do it, but its allways fun to walk on a thin ice.

Emilie Diabolica

New member
May 26, 2009
oh my god, let the sonic franchise die with dignity, instead of juicing the corpse for a few more bucks!


New member
Mar 27, 2009
Lucane said:
Yeah I was thinking it might be a different spike/hairstyle too they did say from the ground up so maybe everyone is getting a visual over haul.
Let's hope that's all it is.

Darth Pope

New member
Jun 30, 2009
dalek sec said:
Darth Pope said:
oppp7 said:
I've never played Sonic games but I've heard a lot about them. It sounds like they're adding another character. And why didn't Sonic work in 3d? Seems like it would be easier since you see what's in front of you.

To those uninitiated to Sonic for the past six years, behold the source of our nightmares.

Fans, I'm sorry I had do dig up bad memories...

In all seriousness though, 3D Sonic wasn't bad to start. Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 were shining examples of just what a platformer ought to be. But starting with Sonic Heroes Sonic Team has gotten sloppy with its programing and VERY sloppy with it's story telling. (I still have nightmares about Shadow the Hedgehog.)
I don't understand, what's so bad about those two pictures?
Well the first image is so ridicules that it's become a punching bag for anyone with Photoshop.

As for the second, how could you say what's wrong with it? That has got to be one of the creepiest things I've ever seen in a game.