It's not so bad. It's been shelved until after the election, and all indications point to a huge loss for Labor, largely over this filter. My only qualm is that the opposition leader is even more of a religious fucktard, and hasn't beed particularly vocal about it one way or the other. My only hope rests in the hackers wiping it out as quickly as they create it.
The whole thing rest on the false premise that people 'inadvertantly see child pronography'. Even someone like me that enjoys legal forms of porn find it near impossible to inadvertantly see that, I know I never have.
Another point is that if there's content that's already illegal being distributed and watched, how is another law going to deter them? THEY ALREADY SCOFF AT THE LAWS.
Also, anyone that does object to such content has widely available tools to filter content at their own desktop, without interfering with anyone else's freedom.
The most insidious thing about it imo is that they'll keep the banned list secret. That takes it from something that's merely irritating to something far more sinister and questionable.
The whole thing is a solution looking for a problem.