Actually there is a 4th size. It is called a short (8 oz.) No one knows about it though and no one orders it. I work at starbucks and trust me, they are just a waste of paperish plastic
True. I've seen three of them within at least 4 blocks from each other. But somehow, insanity works for them.LegendaryGamer0 said:Starbucks didn't get rich by making sense.Death God said:That is insane. Who would buy a coffee so big that they can't drink it all? Unless your sharing, it doesn't make sense.
Two Starbucks right across the street from each other, anyone?
I don't even think there is a single Starbucks in my country.GLo Jones said:I doubt it'll come overseas. There simply isn't the demand for something like that out of the US.
Oh trust me, I no some one who would attempt to down that even after sleeping for 8 hours in order to stay awake.TheYellowCellPhone said:One liter of coffee.
I wonder who would need that much to stay awake.
Lol, i would love to see someone drink a litre of that stuff.. Wicked i tell you!stinkychops said:Can I get a litre of espresso yet?