Humans are inherantly social creatures, that is why to fight a war seriously a lot of effort usually has to be taken to demonize/dehumanize the enemy and such to fight wars. Things a lot worse than violent video games, like oh say... gladiatorial bouts, animal fights, and similar things have been around for a very, very long time and were not always illegal, and even when popular hardly turned the average spectator into a murdering psychopath.
Right now the whole violent video game issue is connected to politics, whether it matches their overall platform or not, the left wing is very much out to destroy free speech, and get any kind of a handhold on it that they can. Associating video games with violence, obesity, and other things is a good way to get people to turn to the goverment to "protect us from our own freedoms" and regular things. Opening up a lot of doors. The same can also be said about the slippery slope of attempting to ban things like "Hate Speech" outright.
I've talked about this coming for years as I saw the winds changing, but nobody bothered to listen to me. While it HAS involved both parties, when you've had people like Hillary Clinton spearheading offensives during things like the "Hot Coffee" contreversy you know there is a problem.
Also, while people deny a political bias on part of the "mainstream media" I believe that is very much why you see so much press coverage demonizing video games, and trying to tie every bad thing they can into them. It's less overtly political than most things people usually talk about, but a very good example of the Democrats in power more or less being able to control the media to support what they happen to want.
It's absolutly correct that there isn't much connection between video games and violence, what seems to be there is a political creation, we've all seen how the coverage is slanted. People who are excessively violent, tend to be that way for reasons that have little or nothing to do with gaming. However if something happens, and there is any way a game can be associated with it, the media will be yelling it from the rooftops, and effectively tag teaming back and forth with politicians that are just waiting for people to give away their rights and demand draconian goverment regulation.
Enough rambling, the bottom line is that while this is very political, I recommend you seriously consider who your voting for when the next elections come up. Hillary Clinton (who he appointed to power) and Barack Obama have both sounded off against video games for their own reason for example, maybe you love them for other reasons, but without free speech and expression we have nothing. I doubt many will listen, but in the end when it next comes time to vote, feel free to ignore all the BS about Obama being a Muslim and whatever else might be thrown out there, but remember that he's attacked video games on a health related front, and he also gave Hillary office after his election. Over the last few years, we've also seen things getting more and more hostile towards games.