Next Gen, is anyone really done with their current consoles?


New member
Oct 5, 2010
I think I'm good for now, consoles can wait a while. I'm still looking for certain games and I don't have money for a new set of consoles...

Still...A part of me remembers the excitement of my first day on the Xbox360...Playing those few games I had to death because there were litterally no other games out that I wanted. Same or similar story with my PS3 and Wii...

Then I remember how much the games cost and I stop caring.


New member
Jul 5, 2011
Its time for a serious hardware upgrade. Regardless of how 'ready' we feel for a new console, the six year old tech we're running is putting a serious handicap on the industry.
Seriously, we have two major consoles running less than a gig of ram; We've had the longest running console cycle, and they were using outdated tech since the start, time for an upgrade.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
I sure as fuck AM!

hence why I got myself a sexy gaming PC
Aiddon said:
I think the people clamoring for a new generation are also the type of people who will ***** at the initial price points for the PS4 and NextBox and also whine about lack of games for them at launch.
aaaaand you know this HOW?

Arcane Azmadi

New member
Jan 23, 2009
I'm still playing PS2 games and have a massive backlog to get through. Only reason I even have a Wii is because my mother gave it to me for Christmas a few years back and I still barely use it (and when I do I'm usually playing old Virtual Console games or Gamecube games). So yeah, next generation can kiss my ass.


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
JasonKaotic said:
has everyone just gotten to used to their 7 year old technology?

shit marches on....your gonna have to upgrade at some point, its painful but its just the way things are

current gen graphics are looking more dated than ever (depending ALOT on the kind of game though), and its just graphics eather, AI...conquoring the uncanney valley


I'm in your mind fuzz
Sep 26, 2010
RJ 17 said:
Really I'd be fine if the current gen was the last gen. I mean how much better can the aesthetic appearance of a game get at this point?
oh trust me




take a look at any console game that takes place outside in a "realistic" setting and try and tell me that shit doesnt look outdated


New member
Oct 9, 2008
I'm not done with my PS3 or 360, but that doesn't mean that I won't buy a PS4 and Durango.

I mean, I still play my PS2 every once in a while because soul calibur 3 and my guncon games.

Though I will probably wait a year for a sizable catalog of games to come out and the prices to get lower.


New member
Jan 11, 2008
Depends on what games end up on the new systems. Enough games I'm interested in, then I'll buy. If not, then 'no'. Simples.

Anyway, no-one is forced to buy a new console straight away. Most here were content with their PS2 for a long while after the PS3 came out. Nothing thus far indicates it'll be any different this time round. So people like the OP don't need to get their knickers in a twist.


New member
Oct 24, 2009
Yeah, I'm definitely not ready for the next generation of consoles yet. It'll probably be a few years before I get a new one. If it turns out well, I think I'll get the Steam Box when I'm ready for the next gen.


New member
Oct 8, 2011
My backlog of games has a LOT of titles on the PS1, PS2 and Nintendo 64. I have dozens of games in my collection that I have yet to start, and many more that I want to order. If I have any issues with next gen that makes me decide to boycott, I won't have any issues sticking to it. I actually haven't bought any new releases in over a year. Saint's Row: The Third is the youngest game I own.

Jingle Fett

New member
Sep 13, 2011
Last game I played on my 360 was Skyrim...when it came out. Played it for a few months and my 360 has been collecting dust ever since. I've been playing on PC more and the consoles are so far behind it's just absurd.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
I'm still playing my PS3 and 360. I have a friend at work who is completely sick of this gen though. He says that he feels 'dirty' just if he touches the systems. The thing that really bothers me though is that he would not shut up about how superior the PS3 was to EVERYTHING when it first came now. Now he wants nothing to do with it and claims that he's always hated it. Drives me nuts.
I see a lot of his thoughts/reasoning in this thread though--about wanting a new console, I mean. PC is better, so consoles need to catch up. I really don't care and I get the feeling that, unless there are some serious launch titles, I won't be upgrading my consoles for for a few years.

RJ 17

The Sound of Silence
Nov 27, 2011
Vault101 said:
RJ 17 said:
Really I'd be fine if the current gen was the last gen. I mean how much better can the aesthetic appearance of a game get at this point?
oh trust me




take a look at any console game that takes place outside in a "realistic" setting and try and tell me that shit doesnt look outdated
Eh, I've seen some pretty good stuff on this gen when developers put the effort into it. Really I'd just as soon keep what I've got rather than worry about all the rumors about the next gen coming true.


New member
Oct 8, 2012
Daystar Clarion said:
I've been playing on PC a lot lately and it's made me realise just how dated the current gen of consoles is.
PC's of the same generation(year) will always make console's look pityfull(after all high price diffirence isn't coming from thin air), but weren't we talking about consoles?


New member
Mar 8, 2009
Of course I want the next gen to get here. The increase in power, the new possibilities for games, the higher standard across the board including for PC games that have been stunting themselves to stay in multiplatform condition. Games of breadth and depth that would put to shame a Just Cause 2 sized Shadow of the Colossus mega-boss focused game with an Alex Mercer player character. Or a Sword of the Stars 2 concept attempted by a competent studio. If you aren't drooling over the kinds of games we can have with a generational leap in power, you must lack the imagination to picture them.

Besides, it's not like you have to leave the current gen if you don't want to. This generation has been the longest and most productive one ever, and I can guarantee any given person hasn't played all the games worth playing in it, especially if you're the kind of person who doesn't want to move on. You have more than enough games to go back and catch up on while you warm up to the future.
Dec 14, 2009
Arklyte said:
Daystar Clarion said:
I've been playing on PC a lot lately and it's made me realise just how dated the current gen of consoles is.
PC's of the same generation(year) will always make console's look pityfull(after all high price diffirence isn't coming from thin air), but weren't we talking about consoles?
That's my point.

Console can't even push 1080p, and most games aren't even a above 30FPS.

I used to think none of that mattered, but after going from playing Skyrim on the 360 to playing it on a high end PC, the jump in quality is insane.

That's not to say I expect PC quality on next gen consoles, but at this point, the hardware is really outdated.

Less than 1GB of RAM is something that really hinders what games can do.


New member
Mar 18, 2012
Not even close.
I come from the generation of consoles coming out far enough between each other that you could wear one out before the next new one came out.

I'll play my PS3 untill it dies and I'm actually somewhat rooting for a verdict of anti used games with the PS4 since it will save my wallet a lot of money over the next several years.


New member
Oct 12, 2011
Question for all you PC guys. Do you guys have huge-ass monitors, do you hook your PCs up to your TVs somehow, or does the idea of playing a game on a big screen TV simply not interest you?

Until this generation, I was always a PC-exclusive gamer. Since PS3 came out, I've moved squarely into consoles for gaming. Now, the thought of downsizing to something that would fit on my desk terrifies me.