Ninja Theory Defends Dante Redesign [UPDATED]


New member
Dec 8, 2009
Well, if their intent was to go with a more modern looking version of cool I fail to see why they went with a look that was cool a few years ago but isn't really cool anymore (from my view of pop culture anyway). From what I can tell, the overly thin emo chain smoker type is (thankfully) dying off by now.


New member
Nov 10, 2009
quantumsoul said:
Hopefully Vergil will be back since it is a reboot. I was hoping for a part 5. Nero was my favorite character. I can't be the only one who thinks so.
I actually enjoyed the new gameplay that Nero brought. I found myself missing Nero's demon arm function while playing as Dante.

Regarding the new DMC, I'd rather they moved forward instead of doing another prequel. As others have said, DMC3 took care of the prequel. Really don't see the need for another one.

I also think that developers should realize that characters created with influences from a certain culture/audience can be memorable and likable without having complete redesigns done to appeal to another culture/audience. Case in point with the DMC series: the original design (done by a Japanese company) seems to be quite popular in the west. In my opinion, the original design seems more like something that would be created to appeal to a western audience than the new design. Seems in their attempt to redesign the character, Capcom's alienated fans from the same audience they're attempting to appeal to.


New member
May 19, 2009
I have mixed feelings. I think a redesign is much better than a whiny, annoying clone (Nero). However, I don't even consider this canon for the series unless they do some really great storytelling.

But even I, a fan of the games since the first one, will admit the storytelling of the games has been pretty terrible. There's no continuity of story arches, plot devices, or even characters that interweave each game together more than a cameo (Phantom, Trish, etc.). I play them for 2 things: Dante and the combat. Both of which are pretty flawless in their awesomeness.

I don't hate the new Dante, I just don't consider him Dante. He is Raiden to Solid Snake, a bad imitator who has yet to prove himself. Honestly the biggest design flaw that glares out at me is the British flag on the sleeve of his jacket. I know Team Ninja is British, but Dante and his Capcom parents are not. Giving him a British flag patch makes no sense at all unless Dante spent some time in London or something.

EDIT: Nero is lame. I don't know how that is even debatable. He has overpowered 'moves' involving his Demon Arm functions which ruin the combat by giving a 'one button push execution' fuction, a non-existent backstory, an immature, disingenuous love for a cardboard cut-out woman, and a whiny personality. He pathetically tries to be as cool as Dante or Vergil and fails at imitating either.


Don't Bend! Ascend!
May 15, 2008
I don't see why everyone is mad... So he looks different, at least he smokes that makes everyone cool...
it only makes Solid Snake cool...<.<
May 1, 2010
As much as I don't mind rebooting the series, if they mess around with Vergil I won't be amused.

I'm going to have to stay away from DMC announcements from now on until I read its safe to look - if I see just one image of a "young" ruined Vergil I know it'll burn me.

LC Wynter

New member
Jun 13, 2010
I had a think about this, and after watching the trailer a couple of times I'm warming up to the idea- just so long as they change a few things.
First of all, where the fuck are Ebony and Ivory? Yes, revolvers are cool, but twin revolvers aren't Dante's weapons. Dante wields two extended barrel pistols with the impact force of a Barett 50 Cal., not some measly little six shooters. I know they're going for a wild west theme, but what the hell guys?
Next, white hair please. The new clothes are fine, but Dante without white hair isn't Dante.
Seriously Ninja Theory, what are you doing here?
Also, smoking? Dante. Doesn't. Smoke.
That's one of the things in the original design pitch- they decided not to make him smoke because Dante thought himself too cool for cigs. He was so egotistical he got his highs from lopping off heads with a sword the size of the Empire States Building; not narcotics.
The music and new settings are alright, I mean, the whole 70s vibe thing is pretty cool.
Will we see more characters? Trish? Lady? Even Nero? Oh wait, this is a bloody prequel. Thanks, Ninja Theory. Like we haven't had enough DMC (Notice the capital M) prequels.
What is with Dante's voice, too? The thing about Dante is that he isn't some gravelly voiced testosterone sack. I'm glad Ninja Theory weren't retarded enough to make him a testosterone sack, but I think I'd rather have testosterone than whiny emo looks.
To be fair, I'm judging this game on the aesthetics- and so should I! If your game looks shit, I'll assume it's shit.
If the destruction and platforming and swinging cars and shizzle makes an appearance, I'll be happy. Well, I won't actually, because I'm a DMC fanboy and because Dante looks worse than Nu-Cole. There, I got it out of my system. Notify when Ninja Theory graduate primary school.


New member
Feb 10, 2009
I don't mind the clothing or the desire to change the character, I just hate how his face looks now.

Hiken no Ace

New member
Jul 12, 2010
What the hell...
"If Dante, dressed as he was, walked into any bar outside of Tokyo, he'd get laughed out."
Are you dense? Dante (and I'm picturing DMC3 here) looked ridiculously bad-ass then, but the same is still true! NOTHING HAS CHANGED!! Heck, he's the only reason I played DMC4. The DMC series would be nothing except a slightly innovative, stylish 3rd person brawler if not for Dante's character! The whole fact we got to play as a badass, cocky, half-demon, white-haired hard-rock loving demon hunter was what made the series so fun! Who the heck is this emo-looking, chain-smoking reefer it looks like we'll be playing as this time around? Forget that! And what is this,
"Jones and Antoniade also pointed out that DmC was an origin story, and so Dante might change over the course of the game, something that may allay some fans' fears."
If you're looking for a prequel, it's already been done in DMC3! I guess my point is, this is a very unnecessary change for the main character. If they wanted to make another DMC game featuring some new guy, then fine! After all, look how wonderful NERO turned out to be...Yeah...right. Just please, don't introduce this "wierdo" and call him Dante.


New member
Sep 17, 2007
I would just like to say that

A) this is the first I've heard of it.
B) That is an AWFUL photo of any character.
C) Seriously, he looks a little like FF6 Kefka in that pic.
D) I will check the game out, then judge any choices on the design direction then.


New member
Oct 7, 2007
Okay. The "like Daniel Craig in Casino Royale" thing actually makes me feel better. I STILL don't trust Ninja Theory to make a half-decent game at this point, but that tells me that they're not COMPLETELY on the wrong track at the very least.

His hair still bothers me above all else. That looks bad no matter what color it is.


New member
May 28, 2008
I've been playing Bayonetta alot past couple weeks, the game is amazing from a gameplay perspective but I utterly despise Bayonetta herself from both a character and visual design point of view so I know I can still enjoy a game even if I hate the lead character. lol

But based on the trailer for this new dmc it looks like its seriously been toned down in the 'awesome insane action' department the series was so well known for, essentially removing the best and most significant part of what made the games so awesome to begin with.

Hiken no Ace

New member
Jul 12, 2010
In all honesty, this just looks like an emo version of Alex Mercer from Prototype was given a demon sword, and told to kill some demons. Blech!


M-f-ing Jedi Master
Dec 19, 2009
Why is everyone tripping about the new character design when we don't know anything else about the game yet?

Simple: as someone on the first page put it, "first impressions are a *****".


New member
Mar 6, 2010
Are they saying drugs are cool, because he looks about 27 and 26 of those were on crack. I dont mind them changing Dantes look but he looks as if i could snap him over my baby toe.


New member
Dec 30, 2009
One of the biggest turn-offs of the DMC series so far (for me) was the butt-ugly Dante. He was too bulky, too blocky and his nipple-strap did him no favours.

When I saw the new DMC, I was excited. Beauty will always be in the eye of the beholder and frankly, I find the skinner brunette Dante to be more appealing than the perpetually 30-something looking Dante of before. (And no, I don't find Edward attractive. Isn't this kid just a younger Dante? So being slender is just, you know... youth?)

But above all THAT, I'm excited about the potential for something new. Some seriously messed up 'rehabilitation', an open chapter of life and the promise of a reboot... The only way I could be HAPPIER would be if this not a reboot at all. If this kid was some nobody who was 're-educated' to BELIEVE he was Dante... that would be cool. Or, you know, Dante's son or grand-son or something.. :D

Re: Hair? Again, he's supposed to be a younger Dante. Maybe alla them halfbreeds turn white with age or something. The way I see it, we won't be lucky enough to have him KEEP his darker hair. :D

Dr. Octogonopus

New member
Aug 31, 2010
Seneschal said:
cvsound43 said:
How about waiting to play the game before judging it instead of judging it on a 30sec trailer. And to the people that say his personality is different from the original Dante how about complaining after a trailer with dialog has been released. And if it is different then why is it a bad thing? Its called character development. Nobody has the same personality they had 20 years ago, it constantly evolves and changes. Characters need change every now and again. Case in point Mario, after having to rescue Princess Peach year after year he should really have reached a point where he says "I'm too old for this shit" and retire.
I'm sorry, but... No, no way. How is that character development?! It's more like... an off-screen committee-designed character rewrite.

Do you also think that Resident Evil characters "developed"? Look, here's Leon, a rookie cop. Look, here's Leon a few years later, now a U.S. Secret Service agent! What a stunning character arc that we never witnessed! Truly RE has some amazing writers!

Except it doesn't. RE writing sucks, it's the zombie/mutant killing that makes the games fun. The changes in the characters take place in-between the games, have no effect on the narrative and aren't addressed during the games, thereby making the RE4/5 Leon and Chris entirely new and more marketable characters slapped with old names so the fans would shut up.

And this is EXACTLY what Ninja Theory is trying to do with Dante. Except old Dante actually had a personality that made him such a videogame icon in the first place, as opposed to Jill Generic Valentine. This new trailer is just Ninja Theory's market research - they tried to make something hip and massively missed the point. That they're sticking to it is not admirable, it's thick.
Character development as in a young version of Dante will have a completely different personality and look than the older version of Dante. Its just basic human psychology, where you the same person your where during your younger days? No? Exactly.

Again I seem to have to remind every one that is using the 'older Dante has a great personality but now the have fucked it up' there hasn't been any trailers with any dialog or a proper cutscene with the new Dante in it. For all we know his personality might be the same or even more cocky because he is now younger.

He grabs a demon, gives him a noogie, burns a cigarette in its eye, impales his sword into a car and uses the aforementioned car to crush more demons.

Does the above sentence not scream of something the original Dante would do? Or is the fact that he is now using black hair dye #43 clouding everyones judgement.

I will agree with you that RE doesn't have the best writing in the world and because its a zombie game it doesnt really need it anyway. But to be fair a major reason behind the Leon/Chris change is that the characters had been moved from the ps1/ps2 era to the 360/ps3 era, new hardware new character model options plus maybe they want to keep things fresh and interesting, im not saying the new characters are fresh and interesting but maybe thats what they tried to do but didnt quite get it.

But your also criticizing Ninja Theory for something Capcom is also guilty of in your eyes. If Capcom was making the reboot the character would still be redesigned, in fact it was Capcoms idea to give Dante such a drastic design in the first place. Can you not trust a company that developed the original Dante to help develop a different take on their original design.

And also there has already been four games with the original design of Dante, yes I know that not alot of people liked the 2nd one and you only played half a 4 as Dante but can we not give something different a chance?

Final Fantasy, GTA, Resident Evil. Three game series that I can think of that are longer than the standard three-game trilogy format that have been very successfull. Do any of these games use the same character over and over again? And if the do are the character models changed each time a character is reused? Its all about keeping thins fresh. You say its a commitee behind the changes the character design of RE and Dante but have maybe thought its maybe the concept artists trying something different or putting a spin on an already famous design, I mean they are artists its in their nature to want to be different. Maybe they thought that instead of coming up with a character design that has been used four times seems very stale to them.

Your argument that its a design thats based on market research is true but thats how a lot of characters are developed. Find out what sells and apply it to your design. Look at the 'original' design of Dante then look at Japanese Goth/Metal culture of the 1990s, there are a lot of influences between the two. Red jacket, check. White hair, check. Leather pants and boots, check. Its a very common Japanese goth design and Capcom chose it for Dante because they researched it.

Dr. Octogonopus

New member
Aug 31, 2010
RebellionXXI said:
Why didn't they just go with something like Dante's alternate costume from DMC2?

Okay, the zebra-pattern scarf is retarded, but other than that I think it works pretty well and better to look like a wannabe hard-edged biker guy than some kind of meth-addicted counterculture moron.

Or you could, you know, make him look like a normal guy. Jeans, button-down shirt and a wifebeater; I could go for that. Maybe even have him wearing business attire; have Dante as just trying to live a normal white-collar life when his demonic heritage catches up with him and he has to start kicking ass and chewing bubble gum (soon after realizing that he's all out of gum)?
Ironically enough hard-edged biker guy would be more likely to be a meth addict than a counterculture moron.

And I can guarantee you that if Ninja Theory used anything similar to your design briefs people would still be whining about how its not the original design.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
Eh, I think the original look suits Dante better but if they do end up pulling off a coming of age type story well with Dante going from kid with issues to full fledged bad-ass then I would be most happy.