A few notes here:
a) I'm amazed Nintendo finally managed to get me interested in the 3DS, cause the lulz from this and the aftermath are something I'm definitely going to keep track of. Still won't buy one though, cracked or no.
b) I have a sneaking suspicion that not only is it going to be cracked sooner rather than later now, but with them touting that it's a complicated, nigh-unhackable system I will not be surprised if someone does it in the simplest way possible, like paperclip simple (Don't laugh, older PSPs would give you root access if you just clipped off one of the battery's contacts.)
the letter after 'b')Now, I'm saying this for argument's sake, but what if this is just some crazy stunt by Nintendo to maximize first day sales? As what better way to do so than by challenging a bunch of people so they'll get enraged and buy it, if only for the sole purpose of proving it can be done? I'm reading reports that sounds like they're jumping the gun on the release, and, you'll pardon my saying it, but the launch titles don't seem that special (Seriously, Zelda in June?) And it's not like Nintendo wouldn't just phase out the specific loophole with the inevitable 2nd, smaller, cheaper model 3DS (As done with the switch from 2000 to 3000 model PSPs).
Plus, even with the use of flashcarts on the DS/DSi, how much of the established user base actually owns one or even knows what they are at the moment? I'm not trying to justify their use here or there mind you, I just mean if it does get cracked, even by cart this time around, how widespread would it actually get?