Nintendo "Troubled" by Gamers' Demand For Content


New member
Mar 2, 2011
I wouldn't say that the is complaining or that they are troubled by that. He's just explaining how it is. And well, he is completely true. (he loves and is troubled by it, it's a love/hate relationship. More confused about what to think than troubled)

Just read this 2 posts. That's enough

j-e-f-f-e-r-s said:
VoidWanderer said:
I believe what Reggie is talking about is the tendency of 'hardcore gamers' to dismiss anything that doesn't fall into their definition of what a proper 'hardcore' game should be, until their non-hardcore friends manage to convince them how good it actually is.

One example would be Psychonauts. Brilliant game. Absolutely tanked on release, because at the time sci-fi shooters were the big thing, and 'gamers' didn't see the appeal of a kiddy-looking platformer. Then people actually started playing it, and word got around that the game was actually really good, and now people won't shut up about it.

See also Ico, Beyond Good And Evil, and pretty much the Nintendo DS and every game on it. Gamers are notoriously conservative in their tastes, and have this weird double standard of moaning about the lack of original games available while simultaneously refusing to by new original games that become available. It's only when the likes of Yahtzee then start parroting on about them that they then get the courage to try something they normally wouldn't.

I'd hate to put words in Reggie's mouth, but I'm pretty sure that's the sort of thing he's talking about.
Mr. Omega said:
Reggie, there are dozens of game companies that WISH they had your problem...

On one hand, he has a point. Nintendo shows off a bunch of exclusives for WiiU like Pikmin, Mario WiiU, Rayman Legends, ZombiU, Project P-100 and Lego City, and shows they're going to have the upcoming 3rd psrty titles like Assassin's Creed 3, Darksiders 2 and Aliens Colonial Marines. And the common complaint has been "Where's Zelda? Where's Metroid?". And once they are shown, the response is going to be "Ugh, ANOTHER Metroid game? ANOTHER Zelda?". Nintendo is the company that can never win. They could announce they somehow found the cure for cancer and gamers would find something to complain about.

But on the other hand, maybe they should just do something. Make the games. There are plenty of people who are happy for Pikmin 3 coming out, and they'll buy it. But nobody is really going to be able to buy Pandora's Tower when it just isn't available now is it? I'd buy the old Bomberman 64 games for the Virtual Console, but the problem is that they aren't there. Yes, a lot of the fan complaints are just bitching, but there are real issues that need to be fixed. First and foremost, in my opinion, is Nintendo's blatant favoritism among its audiences.
The first post explains the general situation in the gaming community and the second one explains the situation about Nintendo (and Pandora's Tower is AWESOME!).

It's like gamer can't try new games because it would damage their honor. They are like some old Japanese dudes who would rather commit Seppuku than to let their honor (gaming library) get some dirt (different games) on it.

And Nintendo can't win. If they announce a Mario and Zelda game, it's "What, more of the same? WTF is wrong with you Nintendo? Nintendo is dead for me!!!. When they announce something else it's "What? No Mario and Zelda? WTF is wrong with you Nintendo? Nintendo is dead for me!!!1"

I'm not saying it's the same people. But the majorty is always complaining and saying that Nintendo will soon die.

Dying since 1996.
Nov 28, 2007
BiH-Kira said:
Dying since 1996.
I cut out the rest for space, but I agree with what you said. It's not the people who are asking for stuff at all that's the issue. It's that people demand stuff, Nintendo makes it, and then people complain about making X instead of Y. When they make Y, they get complaints about not making X. Nintendo can't seem to win.


Wishes he had fewer cap letters.
Mar 7, 2008
I can just imagine Reggie getting home from E3 and collapsing in his hall wailing:
"Why? Why? Why are they never happy? Why is it never enough?! I work so *sniff* harararaaarrrd..."
And sobbing off to his bedroom.


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
Well, at least you'll never be out of a job.

Gamers are demanding, but its a good thing. It drives the industry forward. Where it gets to be a problem is when people expect too much and boycott because a company is physically unable to deliver. I can see that day coming, like a black mare on the horizon... *serious face*


New member
Feb 19, 2010
Yeah we asked for Pikmin... the last one was released in 2004. I understand AAA's can take awhile but in that time Nintendo released 15+ games with Mario in the title. I know Mario gets around and he's their big star but... I want Pikmin... NOOOOOOOAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!

Bring on the Rock-min!!!

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I'm reminded of something Spock from Star Trek once said.
"Having is not so pleasing a thing as wanting. It is not logical, but it is often true."
Yes it is so often true. And it seems these days the wanting is approaching the red line on the insanity meter.

Sonic Doctor

Time Lord / Whack-A-Newbie!
Jan 9, 2010
I feel Reggie's pain. You can't please everybody, and then when you give them things they want, they complain about something else.

Mr. Omega said:
They could announce they somehow found the cure for cancer and gamers would find something to complain about.
I feel that way when people complain about collector's editions not having enough stuff, or the stuff isn't of 100% amazing quality.

The people that got the Mass Effect 3 collector's edition and complained about the contents comes to mind. People that apparently can't seem to grasp how far 20 extra dollars goes.

People's Complaints:
Small 70 page hardback art-book(Mad that it was only part of a 300 page art-book that would be sold later)
Comic(Mad that it is only one comic from a series of comics)
Fabric patch(Heard from a few people on here that it was of "shitty" quality. They must have gotten a couple mis-made ones, because mine was cool and really nice quality)
Lithograph print card(Mad because it isn't lithograph. Apparently these people wouldn't know what lithograph was if somebody showed them the definition and then hit them over the head with the dictionary)
Two sided metal case. (Not high enough quality metal.)

In game content:
From Ashes DLC (People seem to overlook that this takes up 10 dollars of their collector's edition.)
N7 hoodie for Shepard(Stupid. Though I ended up wearing it the whole game because I actually thought it looked cool, considering there wasn't much good casual wear for Shepard in the first place.)
Extra costumes for team members (Stupid)
N7 Gun set(Stupid)
Funny little pet robot dog for the launch bay(Stupid)

Now I though the whole thing was an amazing deal, considering that I've bought a few other collector's edition games and they had far less and I was happy with them as well.

My little relation I mention in the one ME3 collector's edition complaint thread:

If the collector's edition came with a solid bar of gold worth thousands of dollars, and people still only had to pay 20 dollars extra, they would complain that the gold bar wasn't shiny enough.

If the people complaining about the ME3 CE got everything they felt they should be getting for 20 dollars, they would have to pay at least 130 or more instead of 80.


New member
Jun 1, 2008
I can't take anything the NOA president says seriously. Isn't he (and Capcom as well) neglecting the United States of America hundreds of seriously good titles that the rest of the world is enjoying with no complaints?

It's like saying, "Their appetite is insatiable. There are tons of starving children that want our food. We throw them some bread and they're like, ""Great."" And then six hours later they come back hungry again! It's never-ending!"

Maybe you should, I don't know, let America have some steady, already knowingly good titles that are out there, yet somehow afraid to breach the waves.


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
Stop. rereleasing. your old. IP.

Whilst I enjoy Pokemon White and Super Mario 3D land, and am considering getting the OOT 3D version, I'd really like to see the big N release something that isn't the same shit getting cranked out again. Harvest Moon, Star Fox, Paper Mario (this one kind of makes sense), Kingdom hearts, etc, HAVE ALL BEEN DONE BEFORE -_-


New member
Jun 3, 2011
oh yeah, because we are bastards for wanting more content for our consoles. funny how he's from nintendo, which created one of the most quality malnourished consoles in gaming history.

Flailing Escapist

New member
Apr 13, 2011
When people say they want more pikmin you should say no and make something new for a change. If they still ask for pikmin give them a hd remake. If they still ask for some more pikmin tell them pikmin is dead or better yet make a really shitty pikmin game and then say pikmin is dead.


New member
Jun 14, 2012
thisbymaster said:
This must be the only company that is complaining that people are buying what they produce.
Strangely enough, current Software sale figures beyond the far and in-between Nintendo made game releases says otherwise

Check THIS load of nonsense Reggie Fils-Aime said TODAY
"Nintendo's Fils-Aime: Gamers are impossible to satisfy"

It's almost like he's blaming us gamers for having a different view or standards on what games suit us! Mario stop being relevant in my life a LONG time ago, others stayed and wait reverently for each Zelda or Metroid game out of a FEW titles you release each Console generation

You know how LONG a console generation is and how they released the games in increments with no decent 3rd party support to fill the gap to hope the fanbase don't get board? its been what? five or six years now and they've hardly have the internal resources to make more than TWO of their own games simultaneously and have to outsource for Metroid and now Smash Brothers Brawl in some desperate scuffle to get the Wii U sales flowing even going so far as to announce Pickman which in my mind shows how AWARE they were of the fans demanding a sequel but withholding it for years like Valve is doing with Half Life because they know that there are people who will overlook ANY shortcomings the Wii U may have just to play this game

The hardware is 'unique' but the software sure as hell ISN'T only relying on the controllers to make it appear different. almost all of the Wii games can be played on a standard controller and you'd enjoy it either way and wont strain your neck looking into your lap some impotent fool trying to 'get it up'


New member
Nov 20, 2009
We demand content about ANYTHING. That's the way the Internet works--a gorged info-monster, still starving...a gaping maw, always flowing-full but seemingly empty.
Yes, I AM hungry, now that you mention it.


New member
Jun 15, 2010
It would seem that Nintendo of America may not, and indeed even Nintendo itself, may not be able to understand that truly good games are the kind that are not immediately replaced with something new. New Mario game? alright, fairly standard. New Sonic? Tally another up. Zelda? Metroid? Still somewhat standard, but they don't have as many games or spin-offs or cross-overs as Mario and Sonic, and thus are more desired because they're not ever-present in our minds. Why would people like more Pikmin? I'd say it's because we have not had a sequel for quite some time. It's almost like eating some of your favorite food every day (in terms of Mario/Sonic), it may be sweet, but after a while, you tend to get used to it, while Pikmin might be something you have not had in a while, so, when you do get to it, it tastes that much sweeter.

Now, being an avid Xbox player, one thing to note might be the lack of DLC in some games. It may be a bland argument, but I am genuinely curious if Nintendo players would be willing to spend some money on small, DLC that gives them a boost in the game. Perhaps an extra-lives pack for Mario? A small spin-off story for Solid Snake? Yahtzee has made the point that Nintendo will sell these as new games rather than DLC, and I tend to think they do that at their detriment. A game you can play for a while is a game you'll enjoy, and I put it to some Nintendo fans that perhaps Nintendo is moving too fast too far, and leaving it's fans hungry because it didn't stick around long enough to give the fans a meal of a game, instead of a snack.

Beautiful End

New member
Feb 15, 2011
Aaaaaaand...welcome to Earth. Where have you been hiding all this time, man?

What did you expect? You can only rely on the same old characters for so long. That's all Nintendo has to offer: First party titles. They seemed to be pretty comfortable with that and now they're complaining? Well, whose fault is that? Don't be blaming the customers for getting us used to something you fomented.

And again, where have you been hiding throughout these years? Instant gratification? Digital era? Day one DLC? That's all almost immediate. People want new stuff here and now. You can't expect them to be fine with the same title for years and years to come, even if its the most awesome title ever.

Just get on with the times, Reggie.


New member
Jul 21, 2010
Suicidejim said:
I can only assume Reggie has a chip installed that immediately censors swear words and replaces them with 'ho-hum.' At least, I think so. I genuinely don't quite know what he was trying to say.

And yes, this is how it works. You give us stuff, we consume it, then ask for more. Then you give us more, and it continues. If we didn't do that, we'd have rendered the gaming industry bankrupt a long time ago.
Now that you mention it, Reggie is without a doubt the most family friendly individual I have ever seen. It feels like he can hardly even think of anything other than smiles an outlooks


New member
Jan 29, 2011
A lot of people have only one console. Most video games lasts for a few weeks or a month or two at most, and then you beat it/get bored of it. And of course the average person isn't going to be interested in every game you release. So if you have a console, you need to produce a steady stream of good games for that console, a good variety, in order to keep your customers happy. If you don't keep your customer happy, they'll eventually give up, take all that money they didn't spend because there weren't enough good games to buy, and buy an X-box instead, and never come back.

When customers complain that they're not getting enough good content for your console, it actually is a problem for your company in the long run. It's not "is Mario good" or "is Mario bad"; of course Mario/Zelda/Pikmin is good for a certain (fairly large) percentage of the wii audience, but Mario is never going to be enough. It's not "should we produce another Mario game or not", the real question is "Ok, we'll produce another Mario game and sell a ton of copies, that's great. What else can we produce at the same time."

I mean, hey, don't get me wrong. Nintendo could release "10 more levels of super mario brothers 3" every two or three years from now until the end of time and there will always be a market for it; I still like the Mario games, and probably always will. But they can't *just* do that.


New member
Jun 14, 2012
mysecondlife said:
He actually complaining that fans are asking for more? Is he serious?

You know what? I think he's serious!
Replace "ring" with "money", you get the idea
Nintendo wants their fucking "precious" hardcore gamers back!!