Nintendo "Troubled" by Gamers' Demand For Content


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
So nintendo figured out something psychologists knew 200 years ago? good job.

Mr. GameBrain

New member
Aug 10, 2009



Seriously though, plenty of good games Nintendo seem to abandon, and the hardcore fans kind of get annoyed about that.

Nintendo should really focus on getting more great second party devs like Retro Studios and giving them the more hardcore franchises like Metroid and Donkey Kong. They handle those, while Nintendo can focus on new IPs and Mario and Zelda.

Or they could get second party devs a chance to come up with their own IPs.

It is nice to see nintendo being looser these days, and I hope Namco continue to do good work for the company with Super Smash Bros.


*Insert Funny Title*
Feb 16, 2011
ResonanceSD said:
Stop. rereleasing. your old. IP.

Whilst I enjoy Pokemon White and Super Mario 3D land, and am considering getting the OOT 3D version, I'd really like to see the big N release something that isn't the same shit getting cranked out again. Harvest Moon, Star Fox, Paper Mario (this one kind of makes sense), Kingdom hearts, etc, HAVE ALL BEEN DONE BEFORE -_-
If they release different stuff people ask where mario and zelda are.
If they release mario and zelda people ask where different stuff is.
Do you see the problem?
People keep asking for mario and zelda why should they stop giving people what they want?


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
rolfwesselius said:
ResonanceSD said:
Stop. rereleasing. your old. IP.

Whilst I enjoy Pokemon White and Super Mario 3D land, and am considering getting the OOT 3D version, I'd really like to see the big N release something that isn't the same shit getting cranked out again. Harvest Moon, Star Fox, Paper Mario (this one kind of makes sense), Kingdom hearts, etc, HAVE ALL BEEN DONE BEFORE -_-
If they release different stuff people ask where mario and zelda are.
If they release mario and zelda people ask where different stuff is.
Do you see the problem?
People keep asking for mario and zelda why should they stop giving people what they want?
Because that's all that's been fucking released for the 3DS. Make them. ALSO MAKE OTHER GAMES.


New member
Dec 22, 2008
Gonna have to agree with Reggie here.

Pikmin 3, Project P-100, and ZombiU, I'm actually pretty excited. The Wii U will also be my first chance to play Arkham City or Mass Effect, so that's also something cool.

I've never played Skyrim. I've never played Bioshock, or Assasin's Creed, or Grand Theft Auto IV, or Fallout 3, or Borderlands, or any of those. I've only ever played on an HD console at a friends house, and it's usually Halo or whatever arcade games he has on his hard drive.

People say that the Wii has no good games, but the honest truth is that they just don't look for them. Exitebots, Little King's Story, de Blob, Muramasa: the Demon Blade, Red Steel II, Sin and Punishment II, etc. have all kept me busy for quite a while.

I can't afford to buy a new game more than once every three months, two if I'm lucky. Sometimes I can't buy a game at all, so instead I have to replay some of my old ones.

I'm perfectly fine with not having 10 different AAA titles on launch. I'll never be sympathetic towards people who complain about not having enough games.


New member
Feb 11, 2009
Reggie? work to meet said demands as best as you can...

And someone PLEASE translate the Mother series! theres a lot of niche factors Nintendos fanbase likes that we have to flip over the world to get. you'd have a lot more of my money if y'sent that along... oh well, *cuddles upcoming kirby retrospective game*

..incidentally, anyone else tired of the 20 minute nintendo direct commercials coming up on youtube? someone please tell whoever plans what commercials go up where to just... put the trailer there...

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
I think Yatzee said once "you can never please fans" or something like that.


New member
Jan 18, 2011
The thing that pisses me off about Nintendo of America is that there are games that get English translations for Europe but the US is left out. Wtf all you have to do is ship the damn games since you've already translated them


New member
Jul 1, 2009
If E3 was overloaded with games that were to come out, we wouldn't want more. Most years when Oct/Nov come around, people have to pick a couple from a bunch of games they want. However, if Nintendo say just Pikmin...well thats great but, how about something else this year as well? Could we push you for 2 big games this year? If I'm a nintendo fan, I'm going to want my Nintendo console to satisfy me most of the year, not just for a month.

Eve Charm

New member
Aug 10, 2011
Sorry nintendo but that's been your thing for the last well every console since the snes and handhelds since gameboy. You sit there and ask " what can we release for a new console? " and ever year it's been " alright first another mario, followed by a new zelda somewhere, then kirby" and so on and so on. Maybe you'll make a new character and ip once a console, and ya we'll want to see that character come back for another run if it was good ((note you didn't come up with anyone really on the wii))

Also you already dug your hole since last year's e3 showing us a new mario, telling us about a new smash, drawing link all over your wii u pad. and yes while zombi u and scribblenaunts can be new icing on the cake, you got a lot of games you still have to make to make that cake nice and plump.

I really don't think your going to get people to just fall for the new way to play the same games again with your 3rd party software support like for darksiders 2 or rayman, games gamers will have played beat and finished before the wii u even comes out.
Aug 25, 2009
Yeah I think I agree with him.

Max Payne 3? That's nice but why isn't it longer and bigger and better?

Skyrim? Yeah it's like the biggest game ever made but why couldn't it be connected to the whole of the rest of the Elder Scrolls worlds?

Mass Effect 3? I'm not even touching this one.

Gamers get given so much. I got Batman Arkham City and Skyrim in December. I haven't needed to buy a game since. Partly that has been because I've been stuck in Ireland for 6 months, but from the little I've played of both, I think I'd probably still be playing Skyrim. Fallout 3 can take me months to finish, ditto for the Mass Effect games. Even the LEGO games take forever to get 100% completion.

And what do gamers do? 'I finished Skyrim in 110 hours, where's my new game just as big and involving and good?'

Maybe once in a while we should enjoy the fact that we get so much media released, and so much of it lasts so much longer than movies. I buy a new DVD for £12.99 and I get 90 minutes of content, maybe some special features. I buy a new game for only £20 more and I get hundreds of hours of content that I control (to a certain degree)

I'd never complain about not getting enough stuff, but sometimes it's all I see people talking about 'when's new stuff coming?'


New member
Aug 2, 2011
PunkRex said:
Yeah we asked for Pikmin... the last one was released in 2004. I understand AAA's can take awhile but in that time Nintendo released 15+ games with Mario in the title. I know Mario gets around and he's their big star but... I want Pikmin... NOOOOOOOAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!

Bring on the Rock-min!!!
How many of those Mario games, however, were part of the "Main series" I.E 2-d or 3d platformers?


New member
Nov 30, 2009
I would point him in the general direction of games like Littlebigplanet and the new expansion for Portal 2 and explain that these are games that allow players to create their own added content and share it with one another. Jam a level creation and sharing option into the next New Super Mario Bros game, and you've got a leg up on the competition right then and there.


New member
Dec 5, 2008
On one hand, a lot of companies would be unreservedly thrilled to have customers demanding more of their "content".

On the other, Nintendo wouldn't have the "problem" of being solely responsible for creating most of the titles their customers actually want to play if they'd done more to create a friendly atmosphere for third party software. Hopefully they'll do better in that regard in the Wii-U generation.


New member
Feb 19, 2010
saintdane05 said:
PunkRex said:
Yeah we asked for Pikmin... the last one was released in 2004. I understand AAA's can take awhile but in that time Nintendo released 15+ games with Mario in the title. I know Mario gets around and he's their big star but... I want Pikmin... NOOOOOOOAAAAAAWWWWWW!!!

Bring on the Rock-min!!!
How many of those Mario games, however, were part of the "Main series" I.E 2-d or 3d platformers?
Oh I thaught I recognised your name Miku pony.

Its for those reasons I said that he gets around but I still counted about 4-5 and thats 4-5 more then Pikmin so meeeh.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
thebobmaster said:
BiH-Kira said:
Dying since 1996.
I cut out the rest for space, but I agree with what you said. It's not the people who are asking for stuff at all that's the issue. It's that people demand stuff, Nintendo makes it, and then people complain about making X instead of Y. When they make Y, they get complaints about not making X. Nintendo can't seem to win.
I.E., gamers keep moving the goalposts. Like at E3 when Nintendo showed off the Wii U, new Mario titles, Project P-100, Pikmin 3, and a ton of 3rd party content and then piss and moan going "Where's Star Fox, where's F-Zero, where's Metroid, where's Zelda, where are new IPs, where's etc?!?" I'm sorry, did you REALLY expect all that? Were those guys HIGH when they set their expectations for Nintendo? The bar people set for Nintendo is so ridiculous it's become irritating.