Fensfield said:
I forget, is the breed involved listed under the dangerous dogs act?
No, only four breeds are covered by the dangerous dogs act, Pit Bulls, Japanese Tosa, Dogo Argentino and Fila Brasileiro. Plus crossbreeds
CmRet said:
Some dogs have violent tendencies and he might have thought another dog was in his home.
The amount of 100% dangerous, beyond help dogs is statistically insignificant. I know of someone who works at the Council animal services, dealing with strays, abandoned pets etc. processing dozens of dogs a week, in over ten years there has only been one dog that was totally beyond help. Not to say that some dogs aren't aggressive or dangerous, but this is the fault of humans nigh on all the time.
Cassita said:
They killed the dog for the attack?
Pretty sure there are people sitting in prison for much worse.
You're not wrong, but there simply isn't the will to fix most damaged dogs. Plus the police do not take human actions into account, or the actual temperament of the dog. I could go find a labrador (picking a breed few would regard as "aggressive") kick it and it would be put down when it later went for me. I would of course never do this but this exact circumstance happened to a friend's dog, which I would have left with small children without a second thought.
Another dog I know is a rehabilitated fighting dog, Staffordshire Bull Terrier. This dog has biten its owner, resulting in a hefty number of stiches. But the dog wasn't put down because the owner understands dogs and why it bit him. The dog is one of the friendliest, most timid creatures i have ever met.
The point of this rant, there should be some kind of test before you are allowed to own a dog.
Also, it's unlikely to be the dogs fault when something like this happens. /rant.
Omgsarge said:
After just checking the wikipedia page of that particular breed, I'm sceptical about the dog attacking the girl just because of some barking.
Point of technical pedantry, thats not a Bull Mastiff, this is
Everything else you said I agree with 100%.