No Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 PC, Fans Freak Out


New member
Aug 15, 2008
Chipperz said:
Zac_Dai said:
If you can't use a server browser you probably shouldn't even be using a PC.
And responses like this is why it's very, very hard to feel sorry for PC gamers. I gave up trying when they start trying to tell me that console gaming is a "second-rate experience". Rather have twelve-year old screechers than elitist cunts, myself.

CantFaketheFunk said:
Booze Zombie said:
I never found finding a server clunky.

You just click the filters for locked games, full games and high-ping games and press search, how hard is it to do that?
This is because you are a PC gamer, and you are accustomed to doing these things. You (and I) are hardwired to do these things, just as we are hardwired to moving with a mouse and keyboard as intuitively as, say, walking.

It's still a pretty massive obstacle when it comes to accessibility.
Seriously. It's all about this. If I'd never played a FPS before, would you expect me to know what ping is? Why is more of it a good thing? Why are you calling me a "noob"? Why is noone helping me? Well, I guess I won't bother with this, I'll go back and not help fund more games.

Also, I've just had a thought - if Console gamers had to put up withthe quagmire of server selection, we'd be told to suck it up and deal with it. Why is it not OK to do it the other way round?
1) Ping is not something exclusive to FPS. Every online game deals with ping, even in consoles.
2) More of it is a BAD thing.
3) Oh, right, I forgot how lovely the console community was, and how everyone loves each other so fucking much that they never call each other noob.
4) idem 3

Plus, how intuitive it is has no relation to being used to it or not. I figured out how to work a server filter when I first played Counter Strike, 10 years ago. I WAS EIGHT YEARS OLD. It took me, at most, a minute.

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
Kalezian said:
Pigletdude said:
No I'm not feeling like I'm in a "little special club of special kids", I genuinely bloody prefer dedicated servers, after playing the likes of DoW 2 mess of a matchmaking and all those games with quickmatches which screw me over.
I'm just more inclined to the manual, "do it yourself" ethos, accessible is one thing, but taking away choice is another thing I'm not loving, if we can have dedicated servers, but the devs can't be arsed to change one friggin thing for the PC port then I deserve to be pissed off.
so........the PC version deserves to be better than the 360 and ps3 versions, right, after they said they are treating MW2 as an equal on all platforms, the pc version obviously needs to have something the other ones dont.

am I hitting the point here? if not I could go on.....

Im tired of the PC gamers "awww, you play on a console? how cute." mentality, I play console games because I dotn feel like optimizing my computer to get a viable frame-rate, I play consoles simply because jumping into a server on most PC games results in you getting booted because you are not a regular player there, therefor don't have a right to be there. Modern Warfare for the consoles runs possibly better than the PC version for one simple reason, you get everything you need with it. Sure you might not get modded servers, but playing "cops and robbers" gets old, fast. Also, if PC's are better, then why is a big fuss being made about dropping dedicated servers? I mean, the console versions never had them, and look how well they do.

only reasoning I can think of is that their internet connections suck, in that case: console > pc.
They do well because people are ignorant, and ironically enough some of the biggest online games on consoles do use dedicated servers hosted by the game manufacturer. This has been going on since the PS2 with Socom. Also keep in mind that the practice of selling or renting out servers for console games could be done. User generated mods have been done on consoles (See UT3.) there is no reason for consoles to be stuck with a lesser experience in terms of connection, and user generated content. Are you going to tell me that the lack of user customizable controls in console games is a good thing just because you happen to like the defaults?

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
shadow skill said:
No_Remainders said:
Chipperz said:
Zac_Dai said:
If you can't use a server browser you probably shouldn't even be using a PC.
And responses like this is why it's very, very hard to feel sorry for PC gamers. I gave up trying when they start trying to tell me that console gaming is a "second-rate experience". Rather have twelve-year old screechers than elitist cunts, myself.

I think this sums up how I feel completely.

Why do PC gamers ALWAYS whine about pretty much everything if they don't get what they want?

Who really cares that it's matchmaking? Matchmaking is perfectly fine. It stops people from getting completely pro at one map and one map only. I think it's a good plan.
If matchmaking is fine why is it that I almost always seem to end up in terrible games whenever I use matchmaking systems? It couldn't be because the algorithm for choosing a game that the machine uses is not so great could it?

Why do ignorant people always claim that taking away control increases accessibility when the exact opposite is true?

Paragon Fury said:
Considering that matchmaking is generally the superior online system, I don't see why many people are complaining.

It finds the best ping it can, doesn't end (generally) when the host decides to be a dick, creates a variety of map and gametype selections, (which doesn't exist past the first month in server-based games) and with enough work creates a generally fair and balanced gaming enviroment.

The only arguements I see against it are "community" and "player choice". To which I say "@#$% off and take your mods with you" and "Stop being a self-centered prick". Communities still form in MM systems - they're called friend lists. Use'em. And your personal tastes do not give you the right to force them on other people, or to deny them the ability to enjoy their own, which is the only thing server systems do. The only fair thing to do is what MM does - create a varying pool of types and maps, and randomly select a pair each game. Everyone has the same chance to be happy, upset, or come out neutral.

And it believe it or not, it actually forces you to be a better player, because it makes you play with different people, in different settings, instead of repeating the same scenario with the same people over and over.
Aren't you just forcing your preference for matchmaking onto other people while whining that servers do this, despite the fact that you can choose whatever server you want? What makes it impossible to have match making and a server browser?
Because its been done before, and it didn't work. People stop using the MM because they only want to play thier gametype and map all the time, and thus leave everyone who doesn't agree out in the cold.

Its not a question of having it both ways - its a question of making it hurt less for both sides while still maintaining a fair, playable, varied enviroment.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Paragon Fury said:
Because its been done before, and it didn't work. People stop using the MM because they only want to play thier gametype and map all the time, and thus leave everyone who doesn't agree out in the cold.
So everyone decided that they'd rather play on specific servers than use Matchmaking? Interesting.
Feb 13, 2008
Basic point: We PC Gamers pay to NOT use the overcomplex, rigidly enforced hell that is consoles online. We enjoy the freedom to mod. That's not elitism, that's just not wanting to be swamped and numbered.

This is akin to Starcraft's No LAN announcement or any of Kotick's ravings.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
ph3onix said:
zidine100 said:
well you can say goodbye to any type of competitions, playing with freinds, and any mods with keep the game alive (witch usually keeps people playing the game), im sorry but what were they thinking when they came up with this. (sorry for the small rant, i have restrained myself from making it longer.)
This is what I was going to say.
No competitions...Really? MLG,gamebattles? And you create a lobby with friends then go to matchmaking.

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
Paragon Fury said:
shadow skill said:
No_Remainders said:
Chipperz said:
Zac_Dai said:
If you can't use a server browser you probably shouldn't even be using a PC.
And responses like this is why it's very, very hard to feel sorry for PC gamers. I gave up trying when they start trying to tell me that console gaming is a "second-rate experience". Rather have twelve-year old screechers than elitist cunts, myself.

I think this sums up how I feel completely.

Why do PC gamers ALWAYS whine about pretty much everything if they don't get what they want?

Who really cares that it's matchmaking? Matchmaking is perfectly fine. It stops people from getting completely pro at one map and one map only. I think it's a good plan.
If matchmaking is fine why is it that I almost always seem to end up in terrible games whenever I use matchmaking systems? It couldn't be because the algorithm for choosing a game that the machine uses is not so great could it?

Why do ignorant people always claim that taking away control increases accessibility when the exact opposite is true?

Paragon Fury said:
Considering that matchmaking is generally the superior online system, I don't see why many people are complaining.

It finds the best ping it can, doesn't end (generally) when the host decides to be a dick, creates a variety of map and gametype selections, (which doesn't exist past the first month in server-based games) and with enough work creates a generally fair and balanced gaming enviroment.

The only arguements I see against it are "community" and "player choice". To which I say "@#$% off and take your mods with you" and "Stop being a self-centered prick". Communities still form in MM systems - they're called friend lists. Use'em. And your personal tastes do not give you the right to force them on other people, or to deny them the ability to enjoy their own, which is the only thing server systems do. The only fair thing to do is what MM does - create a varying pool of types and maps, and randomly select a pair each game. Everyone has the same chance to be happy, upset, or come out neutral.

And it believe it or not, it actually forces you to be a better player, because it makes you play with different people, in different settings, instead of repeating the same scenario with the same people over and over.
Aren't you just forcing your preference for matchmaking onto other people while whining that servers do this, despite the fact that you can choose whatever server you want? What makes it impossible to have match making and a server browser?
Because its been done before, and it didn't work. People stop using the MM because they only want to play thier gametype and map all the time, and thus leave everyone who doesn't agree out in the cold.

Its not a question of having it both ways - its a question of making it hurt less for both sides while still maintaining a fair, playable, varied enviroment.
So if most people prefer matchmaking the solution is to take away the option most people prefer to use and replace it with the one they want to use less? That is not forcing something onto everyone else?


New member
Sep 8, 2008
Paragon Fury said:
Considering that matchmaking is generally the superior online system, I don't see why many people are complaining.

It finds the best ping it can, doesn't end (generally) when the host decides to be a dick, creates a variety of map and gametype selections, (which doesn't exist past the first month in server-based games) and with enough work creates a generally fair and balanced gaming enviroment.

The only arguements I see against it are "community" and "player choice". To which I say "@#$% off and take your mods with you" and "Stop being a self-centered prick". Communities still form in MM systems - they're called friend lists. Use'em. And your personal tastes do not give you the right to force them on other people, or to deny them the ability to enjoy their own, which is the only thing server systems do. The only fair thing to do is what MM does - create a varying pool of types and maps, and randomly select a pair each game. Everyone has the same chance to be happy, upset, or come out neutral.

And it believe it or not, it actually forces you to be a better player, because it makes you play with different people, in different settings, instead of repeating the same scenario with the same people over and over.
What is wrong with you? So WE want to have Dedicated and Matchmaking in the game, YOU just want matchmaking and your telling us we're forcing people to play a certain way and denying the right to enjoy their playstyle?

Read what you just put, and say that again with a straight face. Your forcing your personal tastes on us right now by not wanting Dedicated, wheras we want both, which means evyerone gets their personal tastes, where you just want yours, bloody hell, hypocrisy much? With dedicated there is a CHOICE wheras how you want it there isnt, so no we are not forcing our playstyles on people because we want the CHOICE, you ARE.


New member
Oct 18, 2009
Mornelithe said:
Never planned on buying MW2 anyway. Maybe when they reskin it as a WW2 era FPS.
Get outta hyah, I'm terribly tired of WW2 FPS'.

Also, two points to make here. One, PC gamers actually play Modern Warfare? Here was me thinking it was more of a console following. Two, signing a petition won't do anything. At all.
But still, bummer - I was buggered to discover L4D had no real integrated browsing feature. Welp, at least console consumers won't be affected by the change.

Bat Vader

New member
Mar 11, 2009
Treblaine said:

Anyone too thick to figure out how to select a server from a list a la TF2 is likely too thick to operate a PC or install PC games in the first place.

This article was clearly written by someone with little to no experience with PC gaming.
Your post was written clearly written by someone who judges before they think. Perhaps if you read the posts Mr. Funk has written you will see he has a good amount of PC gaming experience.


New member
Mar 27, 2009
I think its a bit short sighted to think that everyone who is unhappy with this change will still buy the game, sure I'm betting some will but I don't plan to.

A lack of Dedicated servers is MUCH more then just a simple change to how you select your online match's.

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
I really wish that console gamers would figure out that mods, and dedicated servers owned or rented by private individuals could be done and in fact IS BEING DONE on consoles! See here:

Compatriot Block

New member
Jan 28, 2009
Sebenko said:
and they want £50 for this worthless piss puddle?

And anyone who says finding a server using a browser must be totally computer illiterate. No, make that completely illiterate. My little brother, an average 13 year old console gamer, managed to work out the server browser with no trouble when he played TF2.

So yeah, even your average 360 gamer whose vocabulary consists entirely of "fag" could work it out.
BonsaiK said:
Further proof that consoles are a cancer that is destroying gaming.

I like servers because I like to choose where I want to play. I think that's a reasonable thing to want.
Lovely. Gotta be honest, no one really feels for you guys when this is the general response.

I like matchmaking, honestly. Sure, it's nice being able to play with friends on demand, but I can always invite them to a party before we start searching. Takes, what, 30 seconds?

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
SilentHunter7 said:
Paragon Fury said:
Because its been done before, and it didn't work. People stop using the MM because they only want to play thier gametype and map all the time, and thus leave everyone who doesn't agree out in the cold.
So everyone decided that they'd rather play on specific servers than use Matchmaking? Interesting.
It wasn't servers themselves - it was the ability to play only certain maps over and over again, or only a certain gametype. If there had been an MM playlist that did that, that probably would've been more popular. But fortunately, no dev has been stupid enough to try that yet.

The reason MM is better is for one simple reason: Math. Including server lists at all will eventually lead to some players getting screwed out of an enjoyable experience 100% of the time. This is inevitable, and apparent in every game, from BF2 to TF2, that uses sever lists.

With MM, this cannot happen. No one can ever be screwed 100% of the time. Everyone gets to be happy with their selections sometimes, dissappointed at others. It prevents one group of players from exerting their will over another group.

I know people find that a scary concept. But everything one wants, is not something one should get. You, by virtue of yourselfishness, can completely invalid the $30-$60 one has spent on a game because you and your friends have arbitrialy decided that the map and gametype that person likes are "unworthy" of being played. MM ensures everyone gets some happiness out of it, at one time or another.

And stop bringing up the modding thing. Its nigh-pointless, and unmoddable games continue to crush both mods and their base games in players and games played, pretty much squashing the slef-inflated importance of modding.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
Fumbles said:
ph3onix said:
zidine100 said:
well you can say goodbye to any type of competitions, playing with freinds, and any mods with keep the game alive (witch usually keeps people playing the game), im sorry but what were they thinking when they came up with this. (sorry for the small rant, i have restrained myself from making it longer.)
This is what I was going to say.
No competitions...Really? MLG,gamebattles? And you create a lobby with friends then go to matchmaking.
I may have been out of the loop for a long time in this sort of thing, but how are you going to connect to a lobby without a server browser? (probably stupid question for that im sorry)

and more importantly for the competitions, since you are not allowed your own private servers, how do you propose you stop the matchmaking service from throwing random players into your match completely destroying any game in progress, im talking about clan matches here, and generall competition.