No Dedicated Servers for Modern Warfare 2 PC, Fans Freak Out


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Kalezian said:
what if there were pc gamers who didnt like the dedicated server option, or even less how a majority of the servers operated, they should just sit down and shut up? what about the gamers who think this is a good idea and are willing to try it out, I guess they dont matter at all, do they.
No more than the ones who want to keep dedicated servers.

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
Kalezian said:
shadow skill said:
So what prevents you from selecting match making if you want it, and someone else choosing a server if they like? Because you want to play a certain way and you are so immature that you revel in people getting shafted because you get shafted with the console version (Despite there being nothing stopping the manufacturer from allowing mods or private servers. Aside from network policies dictated by the console manufacturer.) everyone else should suffer? Everyone should play the way you play?

Ps. You know one of the most critically acclaimed games this generation on consoles boasts mods. It's called Little Big Planet. One of it's biggest draws is the user developed content! So it's quite obvious people will in fact utilize mods if they are available whether they be maps, or more in depth conversions.
the same could be used against this outrage, because the pc gamers are used to dedicated servers, we HAVE to have them on the pc version?

Im still not seeing your point. This public temper tantrum [which it is nothing more] is because IW are removing something they had before, what if there were pc gamers who didnt like the dedicated server option, or even less how a majority of the servers operated, they should just sit down and shut up? what about the gamers who think this is a good idea and are willing to try it out, I guess they dont matter at all, do they.

why dont the pro-dedicated servers look at it this way, stay on Modern Warfare 1, the rest of us will play Modern Warfare 2 and be happy.
Are you serious? Matchmaking and server browsing with private dedicated servers may exist side by side. So how can this be applied to the people who want to have private dedicated servers?

For the record Resistance one had matchmaking AND a server browser.

John Funk

U.N. Owen Was Him?
Dec 20, 2005
Caliostro said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
At first glance, this seemed to be - and on some level, continues to seem to be - a classic example of "They Changed It, Now It Sucks." [] I could understand the furor over the lack of mods, since mods are always fun, but - of all things - complaining because we're not using traditional server technology? Are all FPS games going to have to have a server browser from now until the end of time? What happens when genuinely better tech comes along?

Because "genuinely better tech" has not come along yet. Why should we downgrade something that's working perfectly fine?

I'm gonna stop you right here because, once again, this post is full to the brim with personal bias.

You say server browsers are "clunky and unintuitive", but how much more fucking intuitive can it GET?

You click a button conveniently named "refresh list" or "get new list" (which, considering there's only one list around, should be self-explanatory), wait a few seconds, and the game gives you the full listing of current servers with their info, and you pick one you want.

How is this confusing? Have you EVER gone to a restaurant of any kind? Even McDonalds. You go in, see the menu, and pick whatever the fuck you feel like eating. Do you think this process could be greatly improved by having the guy behind the register guess what YOU want to eat?

What if next time you walked into a coffee shop or restaurant the waiter just brought you whatever the hell it thought you wanted? No menu, no order. Much simpler in theory.

Or what about going in a clothing shop, with nothing for show, and the guy there just says "you want these pants". And you have to buy the pants. No "What models do you have?". No "Can I see some pants?". No... that's unintuitive. The guy just decides what you should buy based on statistical data. Much better.

If you have a friend that's really having issues figuring out server browsers either you're a horrible teacher or your friend has problems larger than not being able to play a videogame online. The only way technology could get any more intuitive than letting you pick your preference out of a detailed list will only come once we can read and decode brain patterns, so the game can just instantly known which game you want before you have to do anything else. Until then, "quick join" or "matchmaking" buttons are nice, but only as an option... Like when you ask a waiter what he recommends.

Also, no mods of any kind is more than a little issue... There's only 7 pages of discussion on the subject after all [].
You see an intuitive list of gametypes, pings, map listings, and server names. I do too.

I want you to forget everything you know about PC gaming. Imagine you finally work out how to get the little server listing up, and then just find yourself hit with a wall of text:

Game names, map names, ping numbers, game populations. Which map should I join? Is this a good map? Do I want it to be full, or do I want it to be smaller? Oh, I clicked this one, but then it couldn't connect - what was wrong with it? Why is it downloading stuff when I try to join this map? What's the difference between a quick refresh and a full refresh? Which game are you in? Okay, it won't let me join that game, why not? Are we going to be on the same teams?

It makes sense for you. It makes sense for me. Much in the same way that mouse+keyboard is incredibly intuitive, but you put my aunt in WoW and ask her to move around and she looks at it befuddled.

It's overwhelming, and rather difficult to get accustomed to right off the bat.

What makes sense to us experienced PC gamers is not necessarily intuitive to people who are looking to get into PC gaming, but are (for example) used to console matches.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Kalezian said:
why dont the pro-dedicated servers look at it this way, stay on Modern Warfare 1, the rest of us will play Modern Warfare 2 and be happy.
How about they put the features PC gamers want on the PC version, and put the features console gamers want on console? There, problem solved.

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
CantFaketheFunk said:
Caliostro said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
At first glance, this seemed to be - and on some level, continues to seem to be - a classic example of "They Changed It, Now It Sucks." [] I could understand the furor over the lack of mods, since mods are always fun, but - of all things - complaining because we're not using traditional server technology? Are all FPS games going to have to have a server browser from now until the end of time? What happens when genuinely better tech comes along?

Because "genuinely better tech" has not come along yet. Why should we downgrade something that's working perfectly fine?

I'm gonna stop you right here because, once again, this post is full to the brim with personal bias.

You say server browsers are "clunky and unintuitive", but how much more fucking intuitive can it GET?

You click a button conveniently named "refresh list" or "get new list" (which, considering there's only one list around, should be self-explanatory), wait a few seconds, and the game gives you the full listing of current servers with their info, and you pick one you want.

How is this confusing? Have you EVER gone to a restaurant of any kind? Even McDonalds. You go in, see the menu, and pick whatever the fuck you feel like eating. Do you think this process could be greatly improved by having the guy behind the register guess what YOU want to eat?

What if next time you walked into a coffee shop or restaurant the waiter just brought you whatever the hell it thought you wanted? No menu, no order. Much simpler in theory.

Or what about going in a clothing shop, with nothing for show, and the guy there just says "you want these pants". And you have to buy the pants. No "What models do you have?". No "Can I see some pants?". No... that's unintuitive. The guy just decides what you should buy based on statistical data. Much better.

If you have a friend that's really having issues figuring out server browsers either you're a horrible teacher or your friend has problems larger than not being able to play a videogame online. The only way technology could get any more intuitive than letting you pick your preference out of a detailed list will only come once we can read and decode brain patterns, so the game can just instantly known which game you want before you have to do anything else. Until then, "quick join" or "matchmaking" buttons are nice, but only as an option... Like when you ask a waiter what he recommends.

Also, no mods of any kind is more than a little issue... There's only 7 pages of discussion on the subject after all [].
You see an intuitive list of gametypes, pings, map listings, and server names. I do too.

I want you to forget everything you know about PC gaming. Imagine you finally work out how to get the little server listing up, and then just find yourself hit with a wall of text:

Game names, map names, ping numbers, game populations. Which map should I join? Is this a good map? Do I want it to be full, or do I want it to be smaller? Oh, I clicked this one, but then it couldn't connect - what was wrong with it? Why is it downloading stuff when I try to join this map? What's the difference between a quick refresh and a full refresh? Which game are you in? Okay, it won't let me join that game, why not? Are we going to be on the same teams?

It makes sense for you. It makes sense for me. Much in the same way that mouse+keyboard is incredibly intuitive, but you put my aunt in WoW and ask her to move around and she looks at it befuddled.

It's overwhelming, and rather difficult to get accustomed to right off the bat.

What makes sense to us experienced PC gamers is not necessarily intuitive to people who are looking to get into PC gaming, but are (for example) used to console matches.
So how does that justify removing the option entirely?


New member
Nov 21, 2007
CantFaketheFunk said:
You see an intuitive list of gametypes, pings, map listings, and server names. I do too.

I want you to forget everything you know about PC gaming. Imagine you finally work out how to get the little server listing up, and then just find yourself hit with a wall of text:

Game names, map names, ping numbers, game populations. Which map should I join? Is this a good map? Do I want it to be full, or do I want it to be smaller? Oh, I clicked this one, but then it couldn't connect - what was wrong with it? Why is it downloading stuff when I try to join this map? What's the difference between a quick refresh and a full refresh? Which game are you in? Okay, it won't let me join that game, why not? Are we going to be on the same teams?

It makes sense for you. It makes sense for me. Much in the same way that mouse+keyboard is incredibly intuitive, but you put my aunt in WoW and ask her to move around and she looks at it befuddled.

It's overwhelming, and rather difficult to get accustomed to right off the bat.

What makes sense to us experienced PC gamers is not necessarily intuitive to people who are looking to get into PC gaming, but are (for example) used to console matches.
That's a good case for putting matchmaking into the PC version, which I would actually support.

What I'm yet to be convinced of is why not having a server browser at all is a good idea.

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
SilentHunter7 said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
You see an intuitive list of gametypes, pings, map listings, and server names. I do too.

I want you to forget everything you know about PC gaming. Imagine you finally work out how to get the little server listing up, and then just find yourself hit with a wall of text:

Game names, map names, ping numbers, game populations. Which map should I join? Is this a good map? Do I want it to be full, or do I want it to be smaller? Oh, I clicked this one, but then it couldn't connect - what was wrong with it? Why is it downloading stuff when I try to join this map? What's the difference between a quick refresh and a full refresh? Which game are you in? Okay, it won't let me join that game, why not? Are we going to be on the same teams?

It makes sense for you. It makes sense for me. Much in the same way that mouse+keyboard is incredibly intuitive, but you put my aunt in WoW and ask her to move around and she looks at it befuddled.

It's overwhelming, and rather difficult to get accustomed to right off the bat.

What makes sense to us experienced PC gamers is not necessarily intuitive to people who are looking to get into PC gaming, but are (for example) used to console matches.
That's a good case for putting matchmaking into the PC version, which I would actually support.

What I'm yet to be convinced of is why not having a server browser at all is a good idea.
I don't think anyone cares if people use matchmaking or not. This is a non argument on the part of Mr. Funk. What matters here is that they are removing an option for no good reason. No one has yet shown why doing so is a good thing.


New member
Sep 8, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
Caliostro said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
At first glance, this seemed to be - and on some level, continues to seem to be - a classic example of "They Changed It, Now It Sucks." [] I could understand the furor over the lack of mods, since mods are always fun, but - of all things - complaining because we're not using traditional server technology? Are all FPS games going to have to have a server browser from now until the end of time? What happens when genuinely better tech comes along?

Because "genuinely better tech" has not come along yet. Why should we downgrade something that's working perfectly fine?

I'm gonna stop you right here because, once again, this post is full to the brim with personal bias.

You say server browsers are "clunky and unintuitive", but how much more fucking intuitive can it GET?

You click a button conveniently named "refresh list" or "get new list" (which, considering there's only one list around, should be self-explanatory), wait a few seconds, and the game gives you the full listing of current servers with their info, and you pick one you want.

How is this confusing? Have you EVER gone to a restaurant of any kind? Even McDonalds. You go in, see the menu, and pick whatever the fuck you feel like eating. Do you think this process could be greatly improved by having the guy behind the register guess what YOU want to eat?

What if next time you walked into a coffee shop or restaurant the waiter just brought you whatever the hell it thought you wanted? No menu, no order. Much simpler in theory.

Or what about going in a clothing shop, with nothing for show, and the guy there just says "you want these pants". And you have to buy the pants. No "What models do you have?". No "Can I see some pants?". No... that's unintuitive. The guy just decides what you should buy based on statistical data. Much better.

If you have a friend that's really having issues figuring out server browsers either you're a horrible teacher or your friend has problems larger than not being able to play a videogame online. The only way technology could get any more intuitive than letting you pick your preference out of a detailed list will only come once we can read and decode brain patterns, so the game can just instantly known which game you want before you have to do anything else. Until then, "quick join" or "matchmaking" buttons are nice, but only as an option... Like when you ask a waiter what he recommends.

Also, no mods of any kind is more than a little issue... There's only 7 pages of discussion on the subject after all [].
That still doesnt mean that we shouldnt get dedicated, there's matchmaking for people who want that and new people, and dedicated for "advanced" people, why should catering to the lowest common denominator mean that people who actually know how to play the game get shafted, sure help new people get into the game with MM, but that doesnt mean take away features too, if DED is there, you dont HAVE to use it if it's too complicated for you, you can just use MM.

It doesnt justify removing the option entirely in the slightest.

For a start,"is this map good?" maps you can pick maps in matchmaking too, if you've never played the game, you aint gonna know the maps whether you pick ded or mm, so that argument is moot, matchmaking can also fail to connect the aunt argument, it would appear that she doesnt even use a computer anyway, so if she doesnt get the concept of using it, I'm pretty sure she isn't going to be playing Modern warfare.

Now be honest here, did you really spend 20 minutes figuring out TF2 server list with your friend? Because it's apparent that no one believes you, what exactly could he not get, the only thing slightly complicated to anyone new to online gaming is ping, which takes like 5 seconds to explain "the higher the ping, the slower the game is."

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
elvor0 said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
Caliostro said:
CantFaketheFunk said:
At first glance, this seemed to be - and on some level, continues to seem to be - a classic example of "They Changed It, Now It Sucks." [] I could understand the furor over the lack of mods, since mods are always fun, but - of all things - complaining because we're not using traditional server technology? Are all FPS games going to have to have a server browser from now until the end of time? What happens when genuinely better tech comes along?

Because "genuinely better tech" has not come along yet. Why should we downgrade something that's working perfectly fine?

I'm gonna stop you right here because, once again, this post is full to the brim with personal bias.

You say server browsers are "clunky and unintuitive", but how much more fucking intuitive can it GET?

You click a button conveniently named "refresh list" or "get new list" (which, considering there's only one list around, should be self-explanatory), wait a few seconds, and the game gives you the full listing of current servers with their info, and you pick one you want.

How is this confusing? Have you EVER gone to a restaurant of any kind? Even McDonalds. You go in, see the menu, and pick whatever the fuck you feel like eating. Do you think this process could be greatly improved by having the guy behind the register guess what YOU want to eat?

What if next time you walked into a coffee shop or restaurant the waiter just brought you whatever the hell it thought you wanted? No menu, no order. Much simpler in theory.

Or what about going in a clothing shop, with nothing for show, and the guy there just says "you want these pants". And you have to buy the pants. No "What models do you have?". No "Can I see some pants?". No... that's unintuitive. The guy just decides what you should buy based on statistical data. Much better.

If you have a friend that's really having issues figuring out server browsers either you're a horrible teacher or your friend has problems larger than not being able to play a videogame online. The only way technology could get any more intuitive than letting you pick your preference out of a detailed list will only come once we can read and decode brain patterns, so the game can just instantly known which game you want before you have to do anything else. Until then, "quick join" or "matchmaking" buttons are nice, but only as an option... Like when you ask a waiter what he recommends.

Also, no mods of any kind is more than a little issue... There's only 7 pages of discussion on the subject after all [].
That still doesnt mean that we shouldnt get dedicated, there's matchmaking for people who want that and new people, and dedicated for "advanced" people, why should catering to the lowest common denominator mean that people who actually know how to play the game get shafted, sure help new people get into the game with MM, but that doesnt mean take away features too, if DED is there, you dont HAVE to use it if it's too complicated for you, you can just use MM.
I say the same thing when I bring up the lack of customization for console controls. I usually see the same kinds of arguments downplaying the issue even though 99% of the time it is easy to demonstrate that the poorly thought out presets render various actions otherwise physically impossible to perform. It is very sad.


Better than Vash!
Oct 20, 2009
Frank_Sinatra_ said:
Well because it'll help ease in newcomers instead of alienate them. If PC servers alienate users it's just going to kill PC gaming. Consoles are liked because of their ease of play so beginning gamers have and easy time of jumping in. So (again) is it that bad that MW2 is trying to make the PC more approachable by taking away the servers and putting in different ones? NO.
PC gaming needs more people to help it grow, or consoles will take more and more of your consumer base. I'm sorry but that's probably a hard truth that you'll just have to swallow.
So since when has the PC turn into some trivial piece of machine for newcomers to get into?
Last i remember you graduate to PC, not start from it. PC gaming doesn't need more people as it needs more support from the ppl making the games. IW started off on the PC and now they moved on to a more lucrative franchise with the Consoles. IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH MAKING IT EASIER FOR YOU. its making it easier for them to make ONE game and port it 3 ways than make 1 game with 2 different functions.

Paragon Fury

The Loud Shadow
Jan 23, 2009
SilentHunter7 said:
Paragon Fury said:
It wasn't servers themselves - it was the ability to play only certain maps over and over again, or only a certain gametype. If there had been an MM playlist that did that, that probably would've been more popular. But fortunately, no dev has been stupid enough to try that yet.

The reason MM is better is for one simple reason: Math. Including server lists at all will eventually lead to some players getting screwed out of an enjoyable experience 100% of the time. This is inevitable, and apparent in every game, from BF2 to TF2, that uses sever lists.

With MM, this cannot happen. No one can ever be screwed 100% of the time. Everyone gets to be happy with their selections sometimes, dissappointed at others. It prevents one group of players from exerting their will over another group.
Wait...last post you just said people use server lists to join games that play with the settings they like, and then just now you said that players are forced to play settings they don't like. Which is it?

I know people find that a scary concept. But everything one wants, is not something one should get. You, by virtue of yourselfishness, can completely invalid the $30-$60 one has spent on a game because you and your friends have arbitrialy decided that the map and gametype that person likes are "unworthy" of being played. MM ensures everyone gets some happiness out of it, at one time or another.
Yeah, because the veto systems in every mainstream console shooter totally empowers the minority. And I don't know about you, but when half the time MM sticks you with some 11 year old who thinks he can rap, or 16 year old who's entire vocabulary consists of expletives, it ruins the entire game, even on maps and settings I like, and even if it's just one person. At least on every server I frequent, the mods would kick them.

And stop bringing up the modding thing. Its nigh-pointless, and unmoddable games continue to crush both mods and their base games in players and games played, pretty much squashing the slef-inflated importance of modding.
Don't tell that to Valve employees.

EDIT: Wait, unmoddable? I've yet to see a PC game come out that hasn't been modded. MW2 is going to be no exception. If people can find a way to mod KOTOR, they can find a way to mod this. The only difference is that this is the first game I've ever heard of that forbids custom online matches with mods.
1: Both. Server lists invariably lead to rather homeogenous selections, consisting mainly of nothing more than Map A/Gametype C/ Time X and few variations thereof. Meanwhile Maps C through M are mostly ignored, and Gametypes A,B and D never see the light of day.

2: Veto systems only work once, and even then, the next selection is random. You may not like the current map, but you don't want chance getting a map that you like even less. Further, if you haven't learned to mute everyone you see or meet online, thats your own damn fault. Hell, its even easier on consoles, where two buttons is all it takes most of the time.

3: Consoles, not counting WoW for PC, crush PCs everyday of the week, and twice on Sunday, in sheer numbers alone. And consoles are not END.



New member
Oct 18, 2009
Mornelithe said:
Two points, 1) I Don't believe I ever stated I gave the slightest bit of concern over what you want. 2) I never said that MW2 shouldn't be made either, simply, I have no interest in it.
1) Is it so wrong to playfully tell you to 'get outta hyah' and voice my opinion? I guess the internet just isn't good at conveying the context in which people speak. All in all I'm just tired of WW2 FPS', you don't have to be such a dick about it.
2) When did I say you said MW2 shouldn't be made? The entire post wasn't addressed to you, just that individual sentence. What are you going on about?


Jan 23, 2008
CantFaketheFunk said:
You see an intuitive list of gametypes, pings, map listings, and server names. I do too.

I want you to forget everything you know about PC gaming. Imagine you finally work out how to get the little server listing up, and then just find yourself hit with a wall of text:

Game names, map names, ping numbers, game populations. Which map should I join? Is this a good map? Do I want it to be full, or do I want it to be smaller? Oh, I clicked this one, but then it couldn't connect - what was wrong with it? Why is it downloading stuff when I try to join this map? What's the difference between a quick refresh and a full refresh? Which game are you in? Okay, it won't let me join that game, why not? Are we going to be on the same teams?

It makes sense for you. It makes sense for me. Much in the same way that mouse+keyboard is incredibly intuitive, but you put my aunt in WoW and ask her to move around and she looks at it befuddled.

It's overwhelming, and rather difficult to get accustomed to right off the bat.

What makes sense to us experienced PC gamers is not necessarily intuitive to people who are looking to get into PC gaming, but are (for example) used to console matches.
I never -EVER- had that, not even the first time I played games online ever, and that was Medal of Honor Allied Assault. The only problem I've ever had with server lists were 2 things that have since been fixed: Things starting on "local" mode by default, and version numbers. Browsers start on internet mode AFAIK nowadays, since LAN became secondary, and more and more games get auto-updated anyways (specially on STEAM).

As for "what do I chose!?", if I don't know any of them... Any! Just click one and see how it plays! The only thing from that list I can see a non-gamer fail to understand would be "ping", a concept a gamer of ANY kind that's planning to go online should learn.

I find it incredibly hard to believe you can't explain this to a friend: "Hit that button [get list, refresh list, whatever]. Now, these are all the servers out there right now. This is the number of people playing, and this is the ping. Ping is delay, you want bellow 100 of that to be good. So pick any you wanna try! Yeah you can pick any that's not full [point to player count] and not locked [point to lock "row"]". The end. 20 seconds wasted.

As for the "Aunt" example, you might have realized by now that there are people to whom a computer is an alien contraption entirely. If you have difficulty explaining to your aunt "click where you want to move" (or arrow keys? don't remember wow's scheme) you can be damn sure she won't be playing CoD or L4D or anything of the sorts... How would you fix that? By making movement in wow automatic? Railshooter? There's a limit to how much you CAN dumb things down to make them accessible without destroying it for everyone else. Some people are left out, sorry... Any good designer will tell you to aim for the majority, because you'll never be capable of doing something for EVERYONE.

THAT SAID, I'm not against "matchmaking" as an option, I'm against matchmaking as mandatory. Because after one week even the biggest brain damaged dullard will come to terms with a server list to the point where it's a least functional, while no matter how long you play you can never do anything with matchmaking other than "pick for me...".

And either ways there's no reason AT ALL to remove dedicated servers and, consequently, mods...

shadow skill

New member
Oct 12, 2007
Kalezian said:
shadow skill said:
shadow skill said:
So what prevents you from selecting match making if you want it, and someone else choosing a server if they like? Because you want to play a certain way and you are so immature that you revel in people getting shafted because you get shafted with the console version (Despite there being nothing stopping the manufacturer from allowing mods or private servers. Aside from network policies dictated by the console manufacturer.) everyone else should suffer? Everyone should play the way you play?
Are you serious? Matchmaking and server browsing with private dedicated servers may exist side by side. So how can this be applied to the people who want to have private dedicated servers?

For the record Resistance one had matchmaking AND a server browser.
sorry, I should of made it bolder. The point it people dont WANT matchmaking and dedicated servers side by side, if they did there wouldn't be pc fanboys foaming at the mouth in this thread right now, to them its dedicated or your a "console-tard" as someone stated earlier. Matchmaking is better, simply because you dont have to worry if a certain server is up/down, or worry about admins that have a bigger ego than their vocabulary. Sure if they can put in a dedicated server option in, that would be okay, then again there is no modding support, so already the "why should we bother" sign becomes evident. honestly it sounds like only a small group of people are attempting to get a company to bend over for them alone, yet again, after the company said that they are treating this game as an equal on all platforms.

Want to know why people hate pc gamers? this thread is evident enough. I will buy Modern Warfare 2, for the 360 possibly, maybe the ps3 when I decide to go get one, but for the computer? why should I? I dont have to configure my 360 to play it, I dont have to make sure I need enough hard drive space for it, and patches are downloaded instantly, in fact, one would say that it is better than a pc version just for that.
No you mean you don't want it side by side I do. I also know that putting the two options side by side will make sure that threads like this do not happen, because people will be able to play how they want to play. People are mad because Infinity Ward is removing dedicated servers, no one gives a shit if you like match making. This post is evidence that you have no idea what is going on.


New member
Aug 3, 2009
Is this some kind of scheme, were they're expecting us to react and see how big of an impact this game is making? Or are they just bloody idiots?

I have yet another reason not to play MW2 multiplayer.

I also found this article offensive. I do not feel that I'm a special club. I live in Europe where more people play on-line fps games on the PC than other consoles. Here on-line Xbox360 gamers have more of their own "special" club. And your little example with teaching a person how to navigate is subjective. I had a friend who never played a multiplayer fps before buy the Orange Box and he had no problems navigating, without my help.


New member
Nov 21, 2007
Kalezian said:
sorry, I should of made it bolder. The point it people dont WANT matchmaking and dedicated servers side by side, if they did there wouldn't be pc fanboys foaming at the mouth in this thread right now, to them its dedicated or your a "console-tard" as someone stated earlier.
What thread have you been reading? Certainly not this one.

SilentHunter7 said:
That's a good case for putting matchmaking into the PC version, which I would actually support.

What I'm yet to be convinced of is why not having a server browser at all is a good idea.
shadow skill said:
I don't think anyone cares if people use matchmaking or not. ... What matters here is that they are removing an option for no good reason. No one has yet shown why doing so is a good thing.
elvor0 said:
That still doesnt mean that we shouldnt get dedicated, there's matchmaking for people who want that and new people, and dedicated for "advanced" people, why should catering to the lowest common denominator mean that people who actually know how to play the game get shafted, sure help new people get into the game with MM, but that doesnt mean take away features too, if DED is there, you dont HAVE to use it if it's too complicated for you, you can just use MM.

It doesnt justify removing the option entirely in the slightest.
And that was just this page.


New member
Jun 23, 2009
CantFaketheFunk said:
Let's face the music, PC gamers: Server browsers are usually clunky and unintuitive. In trying to teach a (non-PC-gaming) friend how to play TF2, the first twenty or so minutes were just spent on how to sort through and select a server.
WTF!? I taught myself that in 5 minutes. Its not complicated at all


New member
Jul 25, 2008
gof22 said:
Treblaine said:

Anyone too thick to figure out how to select a server from a list a la TF2 is likely too thick to operate a PC or install PC games in the first place.

This article was clearly written by someone with little to no experience with PC gaming.
Your post was written clearly written by someone who judges before they think. Perhaps if you read the posts Mr. Funk has written you will see he has a good amount of PC gaming experience.
I don't know Mr Funk all that well and I don't know if this was merely a lapse in his judgement but saying dumb things like "Finding a server is too hard (paraphrased)" for PC games cannot go unquestioned. One can't just cash in on his reputation and say things about PC gaming which I think anybody else on this forum will agree is completely false.

But on reflection, Escapist holds its writers to pretty high standards, they are not paid to parrot the same lines as every other journalists where it seems if they are going to editorialise they should think outside of the box.

I guess I should appreciate him for considering whether the way MW2 is handling PC multiplayer is good or not, I just think he is exaggerating or showing bad judgement in his remarks that misrepresent PC gaming which is already feeling the squeeze from the big console corporations.