Didn't it seem silly to you that Commander Shepard, an experienced soldier and potential Spectre, can barely shoot her weapon straight? Even if that makes sense to you (and I'll admit I can look past it too) why after mastering her weapon of choice in Mass Effect would she then be reduced to a cock-eyed spaz again in Mass Effect 2? Brain trauma? Hmmm, that would explain some of the dialogue. Anyways, This isn't one of those fables where you start as a peasant and become the hero. You are already the hero at the beginning of the game. Imagine if Garrett, the master thief, had to level up his lock-picking... Nonsense!BeauNiddle said:But thats our point - it's not a roleplaying game if it's purely based on the players personal skill.
In the old Hitman games I could choose multiple routes, I could choose who to leave alive or who dies but everything I did I did using my skill as a player - never the skills of the character.
In the thief games it's the same - I had a lot of choices, I had a lot of player agency but every skill was based on my skill as a player NOT as a character.
In Deus Ex, in ME, in Alpha protocol the chances of success were affected by the player actions but the main success comes from the characters skill. As the characters skill increases the target reticule becomes more accurate and more stable allowing the player to better guide the character but it's the character that matters.
Without Stats the character is never seperate to the player it's just the player in a different set of clothes possibly speaking with a different accent.
To me a role playing game is about the strategy of preparing the character to survive the danger, not on the twitch ability of myself being capable of handling the danger directly.
[This may not be relevant to ME3 since they never said they were removing stats, just unnoticable changes to stats, but I just wanted to point out that your definition of role playing is not the only viable definition]
I have no problem when the weapon skill progression fits in with the story, like it did in Deus Ex, System Shock 2, and Fallout 3, even though it can be a tad frustrating. I just think there are other, better ways to show character progression without handicapping the player and contradicting the stories' established characters.