North Korea threatens the US with a Nuclear War.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
Nuclear war will not end well for anyone. Whoever has frist strike capability will totally anihilate the opposition. Then the opposition's allies will fire back at whoever had first strike and it continues like that until we're playing Fallout in real life.

Mutual Assured Destruction is not a pretty picture, children.

The Austin

New member
Jul 20, 2009
DJmagma said:
*****! IT IS ON NOW!

I love you. Honestly, I fucking love you.

OP: No one in the US is afraid of Kim Jung Shorty, because we all know he isn't tall enough to press the big red button in the first place.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Guest_Star said:
Kalabrikan said:
A nuclear war between India and Pakistan is far more likely and more dangerous to the planet than any war with North Korea would be.

And unless Pakistan gets it's shit together and do something about the Taliban and the islamists, India might very well decide to go pre-emptive on their ass to make sure their nukes don't end up under control of some crazed jihadist.
Then we be talking shit-storm.
What's an "Islamist" exactly?

OT: People seem to be under the impression that if North Korea launched a nuke at America then America would be able to just up-and-at-'em straight after. This is a nuclear warhead we're talking about. First strike wins.

Anyway, I hear North Korea often make these types of threats. It's only such big news after everyone accused Pyongyang of sinking that submarine.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
ehh, nothing to really worry about, they N korea bairly has a missile that can reach Hawaii

Xero Scythe

New member
Aug 7, 2009
somelameshite said:
If it escalates to a nuclear war, America will be in a bit of a pickle as they cant nuke North Korea, but North Korea has no problems in nuking America.
We have tactical nukes, small enough just to attack one single plot of land. If that doesn't work, we have daisy cutters and thermobaric bombs.

Tadas Kucikas said:
i hate both america and korea but i would go side with america because my god the koreans are some mad crapwads that have kamikadze soldiers and think that they are the most powerful country in the world americans should drop a nuke on theyre country just because the koreans are communists and think that comunism is good. so imagine korea and america ruled by some crapwads that will do absolutely anything for the god emperor , so if korea would nuke the shit out of america then the chance of world war 3 starting is over 100 percent because koreans would get greedy with all the land they rule and will want more so they attack europe and russia and then the same crap starts happening agian
I don't understand why you hate America, but first, it would never get to that level. If NK ever even had a chance of wiping us out, I think we would launch all 5,500 something of our nuclear missiles at it. I didn't do very well in geography, but something tells me that 5000+ missiles are going to be more effective over a small plot of land like NK then their two (Exaggeration) missiles at America. I hope it never comes to this, but I realize America has one hell of a 'I'm taking you with me' attitude should we ever lose (everything).


New member
Jun 1, 2009
This isn't really much of a threat. I doubt they have more than maybe 5 nukes. And those wouldn't be able to reach much further than maybe Japan.

Also, China wouldn't let Kim do that. They don't want nukes to be dropped on their doorstep.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
generally i don't think that nuclear war is a threat here, nuking an enemy whos just as intent on nuking u isn't going to end well, north korea has nothing to gain from nuking america, we also have a very dedicated patriot missile defense system, and a new one code named thaad is on the way, in this very unlikely event, northkorea would have to place its payload in a very logical location, but even if washingtons crippled, the u.s. still has the girth to throw off an invasion from anyone due to secretly placed command centers around the country. im an american my self, and i don't like war, but studying its possibilities is quite interesting, i wouldn't worry about korea, kim jong ill is in declining state of health, he won't start something with us, he loves his country too much, either that or himself, anyways even if he does, we are quite capable of handling it either ourselves, or in alliance with nato, and the u.n.


New member
Dec 28, 2008
Kalabrikan said:
A nuclear war between India, China, and Pakistan is far more likely and more dangerous to the planet than any war with North Korea would be.
Fixed. Remember that China holds claim to Kashmir too.


New member
Jul 16, 2009
The Austin said:
DJmagma said:
*****! IT IS ON NOW!

I love you. Honestly, I fucking love you.

OP: No one in the US is afraid of Kim Jung Shorty, because we all know he isn't tall enough to press the big red button in the first place.
OOOOOOHHH that had to hurt...


New member
Apr 23, 2010
this entire thread should just be renamed
'North Korea inrritate's the US with a Nuclear War.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Worgen said:
ehh, nothing to really worry about, they N korea bairly has a missile that can reach Hawaii
They're also blowhards.

However, you might be forgetting that they have conducted missile tests where they fired one right over Japan, one of their most critical opponents, and S. Korea has been their most hated enemy for decades. They don't have to reach us to do some damage. China and Russia also defend N. Korea constantly, China having at least 24-40 missiles pointed our way, Russia having more nukes than America, so the worst case scenario is that they nuke and we retaliate, bringing the retaliation of China and Russia upon us...or we just do this:
Which is basically the same thing we did after they blew up a S. Korean ship for no reason.


New member
Jan 4, 2008
Jedoro said:
The nukes aren't supposed to fall for another two years at best, 67 years at worst. Oh well, time to prepare for Yao Guai now.
I lol'd. Although this does seem like a good course of action. Time to get that gun permit I've always been talking about!

Rakkana said:
Trying to scare the Koreans? Yeah, that's going to happen.

To be honest I'm just worried the UK is going to get pulled into it.
Haven't heard about it yet, so fingers crossed, won't happen. Or that's my logic anyway. If they do though, I'm quitting TA. I don't see the reason in invading yet again.

capin Rob

New member
Apr 2, 2010
Guess it's time for Me to Move to The U.K and Make Sweet love to your sexy ladies.

God Bless Save The America Queen!


New member
Aug 24, 2008
North Korea might not have as much Nuclear power then other countries (6 warheads) however

" North Korea has the fifth-largest army in the world, at an estimated 1.21 million armed personnel"

The yanks will not throw everything they got at the N.Koreans even if they send there full force at S.Korea as the Americans can't be seen slaughtering them. They would have to use there American Forces Until North Korea do something really stupid. (Firing Nukes at the US directly)

And I THINK the US only have 1000's of people protecting the South Korean boarder, So if N.K really wanted to do as much Damage as they can a Suprise attack against the S.K will let them be able to take out the US force located there plus take alot of S.K ground before the Americans really know what happen, and even at this point I have a feeling the US Gov would still not want to fire a nuclear weapon. I couldn't imagine them going into Full blown war with the N.K... They might send Peacekeepers to the remainding area of S.K but I can't imagine they would do much more then that.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
Icehearted said:
Worgen said:
ehh, nothing to really worry about, they N korea bairly has a missile that can reach Hawaii
They're also blowhards.

However, you might be forgetting that they have conducted missile tests where they fired one right over Japan, one of their most critical opponents, and S. Korea has been their most hated enemy for decades. They don't have to reach us to do some damage. China and Russia also defend N. Korea constantly, China having at least 24-40 missiles pointed our way, Russia having more nukes than America, so the worst case scenario is that they nuke and we retaliate, bringing the retaliation of China and Russia upon us...or we just do this:
Which is basically the same thing we did after they blew up a S. Korean ship for no reason.
Im not forgetting anything, what Im saying is the best they can do is maybe possibly nuke hawaii they cant possibly threaten the us mainland really at all, if they pull something then china isnt going to go to their aid, things have changed now, and russia never had more nukes then the us, unless you can find some good numbers to back up that claim


New member
Oct 26, 2009
Subzerowings said:

North Korea is with good terms with China I think, so they wont be hesitant to go to war with South Korea if they want to. But if a super power like US backs up South Korea then North Korea, unless is run by complete idiots, won't go to war.