First they came for the FPS games and I was silent...
Then they came for WoW and I was silent...
Then they came for the obscure furry romance JRPGs and woe, for there was no-one left to speak up for me!
Just because I don't particularly enjoy current FPS games, doesn't mean this isn't a dick move.
Also he wasn't a WOW player, as is said, it was just a cover, if he was a WOW player he wouldn't have left the house with a raid on that night.
Honestly, we just need to stop using words like terrorist and 'religious extremist' and just put them all down as 'nutter', as they long stopped following any real religion or idealogy, and there'd be a lot less respect for anyone if on the news they didn't use 'terrorist' but simply stated 'There was minor collateral damage in Missouri today when a ... nutjob fucknugget blew himself up, displaying nothing but his own idiocy to the world.'
'Perhaps in the horrible case where they hurt or kill others, the term could be 'clueless waste of life' or something else, just to make sure there's ZERO glory in being a violent twunt.
I'd like to state I have sympathy for anyone who lost anyone to the actions of this lone crazy fuckwit, but I sure as hell ain't gonna label him terrorist, right wing, or anything else. I don't like the right wing bunch, but he was far beyond mere politics when he strapped the gun on.