Nosgoth Brings Multiplayer To Legacy Of Kain


New member
Dec 25, 2008
So, let's take a bland and unimaginative concept, then slap the name of a successful franchise on it to fuck a couple people out of a few bucks.

Get away from my franchise, SE. Uninstall and KILL YOURSELVES.


Black Rose Knight
Jan 19, 2008
Snowblindblitz said:
Well, sounds like Squeeniz is pulling a bit of an EA here, eh?

Lets take this single player game and make it multiplayer, people liked this game back in the day, they'll like it now.
of it all, take one thing to heart, Squenix bought out Crystal Dynamics a LONG time ago, because I believe it was Sqauresoft that owned Lara Croft at the time, and Crystal Dynamics back then was best known for Gex the Gecco. (hey Geico . . . HUGE missed oppurtunity there) but since Squenix owns CD, it kind of makes sense they could tell CD not to work on it but let someone else do it . . . sort of . . . a bit . . .

ok yeah I'm worried as hell too


New member
Apr 6, 2004
The three main things that pulled me into LoK and kept me was:

The story: Easily one of the most complex and in depth stories I have seen in a game.
The characters: There was not a single character that I did not have some feeling towards or against.
The voice acting: Ambrosia to the ears. Whatever they were paid for their work it wasn't enough.

With this announcement it seems like all three of those will be completely abandoned. No, I won't throw a brick etc, just walk away and enjoy when the series was good. Blood Omen 2 notwithstanding. (I still can't figure out why people would say it's good when compared to the other games in the series)


New member
Nov 21, 2009
If you think about it from a business standpoint, they can get a lot of assets and tech ready with a game that is cheaper to make due to little to no writing involved(let's assume it'll be an "MMO" brawler/beat 'em up), and if it's a success, they can make a new entry in either of the other two main series.

Instead of what they were doing so far, as in: shoehorning the multiplayer into a game that had a bloated budget and expectations in hopes of moving more copies, once they realize that the budget and expectations were indeed bloated.


New member
Aug 11, 2009
Until there is more info about it, I would give it the benefit of the doubt.

But I still have to ask what stuff those guys are smoking, if they think this will work out without problems.

King of Asgaard

Vae Victis, Woe to the Conquered
Oct 31, 2011
(in Simon Templeman's sexy voice)
What a love of multiplayer these pathetic publishers have.

Side note: Square Enix are well on their way to being the worst company ever in my books.
As if ruining Final Fantasy, Deus Ex, not doing anything worth a damn with the Kingdom Hearts for three years, and just being shit in general, this is the final straw which caused the paraplegic dromedary.


New member
Nov 11, 2009
SpcyhknBC said:
Place your bets! MOBA or MMO?
I think I may have cracked it. MMORPG where you play as either the Sarafan or vampires. It's during that whole war period where the vampires were being hunted down. They might have Raziel and the other 6 Sarafan generals in for call-back value. Some unifying threat nonsense. Timelines won't add up. I hope I'm wrong.

It's just that, thinking about the setting, that seems the most likely time period they could allow thousands of people to play as part of armies that are supposedly somehow important even though nothing you do in an mmorpg ever feels like it matters. So my 5 bucks is on mmo.

Vault Citizen

New member
May 8, 2008
Multiplayer focused? How? Why? I hope that some new announcement is made that changes my mind about this and tha the game will forward the story.


New member
Feb 27, 2012
Multiplayer-focu- WHO ARE YOU MARKETING THIS TO??? Not LoK fans, definitely



Gray Firion

New member
Mar 5, 2012
Hun? Nosgoth? A New Legacy of Kain game?! Oh HELL YE- wait a second... Multiplayer focused?! What! Why? That's not Legacy of Kain!

SwimmingRock said:
SpcyhknBC said:
Place your bets! MOBA or MMO?
I think I may have cracked it. MMORPG where you play as either the Sarafan or vampires. It's during that whole war period where the vampires were being hunted down. They might have Raziel and the other 6 Sarafan generals in for call-back value. Some unifying threat nonsense. Timelines won't add up. I hope I'm wrong.

It's just that, thinking about the setting, that seems the most likely time period they could allow thousands of people to play as part of armies that are supposedly somehow important even though nothing you do in an mmorpg ever feels like it matters. So my 5 bucks is on mmo.
Your reasoning is sound... but why would they do this?! It adds nothing new to the story, it's nothing more than gratuitous hunter/vampire violence (pretty much what that whole period was). The outcome is already known and nothing was left to speculation from that time. I want to see what happened with the Hylden after Defiance. The cycle was broken for gods' sakes!

But then again, on that note...

Genocidicles said:
So first a mobile Deus Ex game and now a multiplayer Legacy of Kain?

It seems Square Enix really knows what the fans want, huh?
Yeah... it seems their recent "failures" of sales have left them... unhinged.

God damn it.

Captcha: runny nose.

Heh, real punny captcha...


New member
Jan 10, 2013
Going by his twitter feed Simon Templeman hasn't heard anything about this. I hope he's just being coy. How can they have a Kain game without Kain?


New member
Apr 2, 2008
Vivi22 said:
Not that I hold out any hope that a multiplayer entry in this series will actually be good, but Square's track record has only sucked lately with everything coming out of Japan. Their Western studios have been doing some great things like Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Tomb Raider. There are plenty of reasons to worry about this game. Square being the publisher isn't one of them if their recent track record is anything to go by.
This would be a good point... where it not for the fact that Tomb Raider's multiplayer was such a shitty experience it actually convinced me to stop playing the single player mode.

I have no faith in this product - it will not do the franchise justice, and will be yet another blight upon our gaming landscape.


What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets.
Jul 15, 2009
Wow. Way to take a really good IP, one that fans have wished to get an ending for, and do possibly the worst thing ever to it.

I mean, yeah, it could be good. But I seriously doubt it, why multiplayer!?


New member
Jul 24, 2011
Hmm, not the original developers making a underground hit that was fantastic into a multiplayer as a lazy attempt to revive a franchise... sounds like Shadowrun on the 360... lets hope it isn't Shadowrun


New member
Jul 23, 2010
Matt Gleason said:
Meh. At least it's something. I'd hate to see the franchise die completely.
No, it's much worse.

Why the hell should we be pleased just because another LoK game is in the works, especially when it's such a departure from the original with none of the original writers involved? I loved LoK to death but it's done now. Over.


Jan 17, 2010
United Kingdom
I just got told about this from a friend and I don't think I've raged that much in a while. I was so excited (but at the same time skeptical since Amy Hennig is gone) when stuff for this game started cropping up. And then Square Enix announce this fucking shit. Whoever thought that making a deep, story driven series into a multi-player focused game needs fucking fired. This exactly how you kill a successful franchise. I'm going to call it right now, this game is going to sell terrible. Because of this, Square Enix will mostly likely wash their hands of the series completely, and we'll probably never see another single player Legacy of Kain game again.

I, and many other fans, have waited 10 fucking years for a new Legacy of Kain game and this is the shit they offer us. And basically every article about this announcement is just filled with people complaining about the decision, it's clear that the fans do not want this.

Are you ready to toss a brick through the window of Square Enix headquarters? That's probably an overreaction.
Hardly. I'm ready to toss a fucking molotov at them.

Cid Silverwing

Paladin of The Light
Jul 27, 2008
I never liked the series in the first place, due to the frankly -despicable- mishandling of time travel tropes and gambit pileups.

But I have standards too, and I'm just as offended as every LoK fan here is.

I mean come on, what kind of VIRUS is there that's attacking the industry and bankrupting creativity in favor for the homogenized printing press copypasting?