Not wanting to go to Prom


New member
Oct 27, 2008
I didn't go to my prom either, instead I went out and had a meal with a few close friends as I am not really into parties as such. If you don't want to go, then don't go. There is no need to be put in a situation where you are uncomfortable.


New member
Nov 18, 2010
Akichi Daikashima said:
Similarly to American High Schools, here in Britain we also have proms at the end of elementary(?)/secondary education.

For me, that date is closing in, and I don't know if I want to go, as I don't enjoy parties, I hate wearing suits/dressing up for occasions, and I would only go to spend time w/ my friends.

The counter-argument is that I'm a "boring" person/loser if I don't go, and I feel that my own family will bully me into going, as otherwise, they'll think that I'm addicted to my PC being the point of no return, also they desperately want to deny that I'm a "nerd". (Apparently, it hasn't clicked for them, or it has to do with the fact that my mum is 53, and my brother is a "Bro", except not stupid, and that most people in my home country are intolerant jackasses(Yes, I'm bitter))

So I will ask you, Escapists on whether or not I'm in the right, or if I'm just being boring.
We I didn't go to my prom but what me and my friends did instead was have a house party and got rather drunk and then went to the post prom parties and got more drunk.

I'm not going to condone underage drinking because rules, however it can't be said that me and my friends were being boring losers for not going to prom.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
I had a great time at all of the Proms I've gone to. I got a little bored at the first one, the second one was one for the memory books since I had my first dance with a girl, and the third one was just a blast. If you don't wanna go, just don't go. However, I would sit your parents down and ask them to accept who you are directly if you feel they are trying to change you. Never change who you are. Ever.


New member
Oct 1, 2011
Well, at my prom pretty much everyone who went there and didn't have fun did so because they chose not to have fun. Some people where just deadset to not have a good time and just chose to sit there and be boring. If that is going to be you than don't go, if you decide your going to have fun go there and have fun. I mean unless you truly are someone who just doesn't like going to big events or your friends aren't going I don't see why you couldn't have fun, just let loose and go find something to do afterwards.

Besides, at the end of the day you only get to go to prom once (at least at my school, I don't see why you would even want to go more considering its a way to celebrate the end of highschool) the worst that can happen is your out one night where you could have played Xbox and whatever it costs for a ticket (unless you have to rent a suit, I just wore one of mine). To me, you might as well give it a shot, not much to lose.


New member
Nov 10, 2010
I went to mine for an hour to watch a friend's band play then I left to play snooker in a pub. Saw two old ladies fighting each other. I am convinced I had a better time than the people who stayed.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
I always saw it as more of a couples thing, and being forever alone, I didn't see the point in going. I guess I would have liked to go, but considering that it cost a fair bit of money, I wasn't about to go along, only to have other people's relationships thrust in my face.


New member
Nov 9, 2009
I did go to mine, it kinda sucked. was fun seeing some friends all dressed up and we had a few laughs, but other than that, it was nothing special. also i kinda got dumped by my date a few days before prom so i was rather bitter at the time. Little did I know that those events would lead me to get my first real girlfriend, so in hindsight I guess I shouldn't complain.
If you don't want to go, don't go, especially if it's expensive. don't even for a second worry about what anyone at school thinks of you because you'll be leaving soon anyway and you probably won't see them again anyway. have fun in your own way.

Grant Stackhouse

New member
Dec 31, 2011
I went to a conservative christian school. No prom at that school. Apparently, John the Baptist was killed by a king who was convinced to do so by a dancing woman. They took that to mean that God doesn't want people to dance. We had a senior banquet. Food was good, and I was hardcore lusting after a classmate's girlfriend at the time, so it gave me a good excuse to hang out with her. If we had had a prom, I would have been indifferent. Since male-female interaction was greatly supervised and tightly restricted, I would have probably spent the night standing around talking with my bros anyway...just like any other day in high school.


New member
Jan 7, 2011
I'm not going to mine, mainly because you have to pay the school £40 to attend.
I'm also not the only person who isn't going and I believe the money could be better spent.


New member
Mar 12, 2012
The running theme of those who didn't go appears to be "Had something better to do, So I did that." Which is probably good advice for all aspects of life really.

So If you have something better to do, do that, however if you don't have something better to do, I would suggest going. Not going to Prom wouldn't make you a loser. Doing something less interesting/exciting when you were given an alternative so easily would make you a loser.

Carpe diem and all that.


New member
Sep 1, 2009
Don't go if you don't want to.

I bought a ticket to mine, but a dragon spawned in EQOA so I decided to do that instead. Best decision I ever made :p It gave me time to go out to eat afterwards too.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
I didn't go to my High School one because for one it was in a shitty club full of music I hate and two because there were too many arse holes in my year that i knew i would have put one of them in the hospital if they tried anything (by the end of high school i had enough of their collective shit).

I went to my sixth form one however and it was a blast, even set a table on fire (accidently, honest).


snuggere mongool
Apr 3, 2010
I didn't want to go to mine at first either. I ended up going and found out there were a lot of people who where way more awkward than me. In the end I had a pretty fun time.


Why does it say I'm premium now?
Apr 22, 2012
I didn't go because I don't like parties, and I didn't like any of the people there. Seriously, it's more fun to shout loudly at the people who you see the next day hung-over from the after-party (although that is subject to change based on where you live, I guess) because our prom wasn't quite on the last day.


New member
Oct 1, 2012
I just went to mine a week ago. I thought I would have fun and I did to some extent... but by God was the Prom itself horrid.
Horrible music, horrible dancing (Apparently make-believe sex is considered "dancing" nowadays), and horrible local (A lot of this due to my school having the smallest budget in the district, and unoriginal ASB responsible for the event).
Activities consisted of either:
A. Dance in tight airless dance floor.
B. Eat food.
C. Dont' dance, sit outside where theres oxygen but nothing to do.
Biggest douche won Prom King, track star won Prom King. So nothing changed there.
But thats not to say I didn't have fun, my date, my friends and their dates were so fun to hang and dance with it made up for all the other crap.

If it weren't for my friends it would have been a huuuuuuge waste of my time and money imo.


Pacifist Percussionist
Apr 19, 2010
To be honest, I went to prom because my twin sister wanted to go and the majority of my friends were going. I'm not into that setting, but I figured "what the hell, it's prom."

I was bored out of my mind the entire time. There is only food, loud (bad) music and uncomfortably crowded dancing. It felt like a huge waste of time, and I wasn't exactly into going to whatever kind of fabled "after-parties" that people assume always happen after a prom.

It's not about game addiction, it's not about being social, it's about what kind of setting you're going to, and it's just a slightly fancier homecoming or spring fling, so if that thought bores you to tears, then there are much better ways to spend an evening.

Sehnsucht Engel

New member
Apr 18, 2009
I didn't go to my prom. I chose not too, because I thought it was a waste of money. I also couldn't stand most of the people at my school. My friend later told me, after he had been to it, that he also thought it was a waste of money.

I suppose you could try making that argument, that it'd be better to not go because you save money.


There's a principle in business
Nov 16, 2008
Akichi Daikashima said:
Similarly to American High Schools, here in Britain we also have proms at the end of elementary(?)/secondary education.

For me, that date is closing in, and I don't know if I want to go, as I don't enjoy parties, I hate wearing suits/dressing up for occasions, and I would only go to spend time w/ my friends.

The counter-argument is that I'm a "boring" person/loser if I don't go, and I feel that my own family will bully me into going, as otherwise, they'll think that I'm addicted to my PC being the point of no return, also they desperately want to deny that I'm a "nerd". (Apparently, it hasn't clicked for them, or it has to do with the fact that my mum is 53, and my brother is a "Bro", except not stupid, and that most people in my home country are intolerant jackasses(Yes, I'm bitter))

So I will ask you, Escapists on whether or not I'm in the right, or if I'm just being boring.
I'm quite a social person and I didn't go to mine. I didn't want to or see a need to, despite having a few offers for dates and my friends wanting me to go. I don't like parties, and I didn't like the people at my school, so I didn't bother.