Occupy protests in your area


New member
Nov 6, 2008
Ours had everything- masses of loud unfocused protesters that set up camp in the CBD and were so obnoxious they had the everyday person siding with the police and wishing they'd all just go home, until after a week the police moved in to disperse them (as the queen was visiting the next week, apparently), and out came the tales of police brutality and excessive use of tear gas.

So the protestors pitch tents all over some big lawn, and then we have a ridiculously cold night and a police infra-red scan reveals that of the 200+ tents pitched up, only about 20 were occupied overnight!

Madness, the lot of it, I tells you.


New member
Aug 25, 2009
Hafrael said:
I'm studying a liberal arts degree.
First, it's not like I can travel to a large city to see some of the real protesters, I'm sure a lot of them are quiet nice, albeit misinformed. I mean Jesus, the people here are dumber than a sack of rocks. And it's all I have to work with. It's like giving a blacksmith paper and telling him to make a battle ax of it.

I'll also kindly like to ask (If you live State's side) with your Liberal Arts degree, how do you plan to pay of your student debt, whilst still holding on to enough to lead an enjoyable life? Sure, you'll be far more educated than the usual High School graduate, but the Job Market for Liberal Arts is all but dead. Unless you're double Majoring, or Majoring for your Masters in something else, if that's the case disregard the question.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
RuralGamer said:
None up here in Scotland that I know of. Not surprising, because its dropping to nearly freezing every night at the moment.
St. George's Square in Glasgow, though they're moving. All it was was about 100 punks (Leather, piercings etc.) looking for a place to piss around in, and a woman was raped in the "camp" (Which you could walk around in a minute).


New member
Dec 13, 2008
I think they set up on College Green in Bristol. No one cared, except maybe all the damned scene kids that usually hang out there. I think it's just half the population of Stokes Croft, plus some students.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
Smagmuck_ said:
Jarimir said:
Smagmuck_ said:
There was one here in Yuma. The local PD shooed them away, no arrests made, no violence. Even though I did enjoy trolling the absolute shit out of them.

Feels good to be part of the "1%".

Seriously, if they had gotten their Major in something useful they wouldn't be complaining.
Oh well, one day you will realize how lucky you are to have what you have.
Or you will die (hopefully of old age) ignorant.
Lucky but ignorant.
SonicKoala said:
Smagmuck_ said:
Seriously, if they had gotten their Major in something useful they wouldn't be complaining.
That attitude is almost as ignorant and willfully misinformed as the occupiers shouting about how their woes are solely a result of rich businessmen.
I will also say, that before enacting my counter-protest, I asked them some rather imprtent questions. Like...

What was your occupation before deciding to protest?
While you were in College what was your Major?
Do you understand how Capitalism works?
Do you own any sort of modern technology?

Now, here's a good example of why i find these people idiotic.

"What was your occupation before deciding to protest?"
<color=green>"I didn't have a job, I've been on Welfare since I moved out."
"While you were in College, what was your Major?"
<color=crimson>"Liberal Arts, there's no jobs for us. It's all because of the 1% pigs."
"You understand that Liberal Arts has been a dead Major for some time, right?"
"Do you know how Capitalism works?"
<color=blue>"Capitalism? Isn't that what the Soviet Union was based off of?"
"Do you own any sort of modern technology?"
<color=red>"Yeah, I just bought an iPhone 4S yesterday."

Granted there were SOME people there for the right reasons, but the majority of them were just plain lazy. Now, either the people who live in my town are stupid idiots or this whole OWS movement is because college kids are too lazy to put some effort into a decent Major.

I also plan on studying either Majoring in EngineeringIf I can wrap my head around Algebra or in Information Technologies.
Im really sorry to say this(and i mean no offence i promise), but you are exactly what is wrong with the world... You obviously have swallowed all the lies that the mainstream media has fed you. You are a smart person (you have a very well developed vocabulary, so i can somewhat tell) But you are VERY uninformed about the issue.

You are a very vocal person, and you seem to have a very strong prejudice against the protests, but ask yourself why. These people understand, granted some of them are drug addicts, some are hippies, and yes A LOT of them are uninformed aswell. But they are the minority, the media has very clever ways of skewing reality, and painting things in the light that favours their own interests.

These protests are about Corporate money in politics, Ending the "Federal Reserve"(the central bank of the united states) And lastly Ending all the endless wars.

I Will NEVER be able to explain everything in text, its a very large issue (that has been holding us down since 1913 (when the federal reserve was created) BUT i will try as hard as i can to try and explain things, please dont think im trying to flame you, i dont want to start a troll war, i simply want to try and get you informed :)

Ask me ANYTHING about the movement and i will do my best to answer it.


New member
Dec 26, 2008
If ANYONE has ANY questions about the movement i will try my best to answer. BUT if you ask a question that is obviously trying to get a rise out of me i will ignore you. Please try and think openly and put past prejudices behind you, this movement is a GOOD thing, no matter what the media tells you.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
Not sure if they're still at it, but about a week ago I spotted one here in Kiel, in front of a Sparkasse building near city hall. All looked very peaceful... I'd say the most visually offending thing I could detect were horrendous spelling errors on some of the signs. :p


New member
Sep 22, 2011
Gennadios said:
WeAreStevo said:

I heard accusations of racism on the part of the protesters and that some of them beat a homeless woman.
Arrest made, or it didn't happen.

Homeless woman in question lived in the area before the occupiers moved in, I doubt she was too fond of them to begin with.

Not to seem insensitive or anything, but SF homeless... well... they're good at fishing for sympathy. Not saying that I'm 100% sure there wasn't an altercation, but I doubt even white supremacists would stoop as low as smearing feces during an assault. Anyone's guess how it got there.
Yeah that's pretty much what I was thinking. The "article" I read on it was horribly slanted (the author used sentences like "this nordic looking white man with viking locks and a hood that all of looked like a KKK hood minus the color") so I highly doubt the validity of it.

Still, I'm going to try and make it out there sometime next week. I go to school in SF so why not?


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Smagmuck_ said:
Hafrael said:
I'm studying a liberal arts degree.
I'll also kindly like to ask (If you live State's side) with your Liberal Arts degree, how do you plan to pay of your student debt, whilst still holding on to enough to lead an enjoyable life? Sure, you'll be far more educated than the usual High School graduate, but the Job Market for Liberal Arts is all but dead. Unless you're double Majoring, or Majoring for your Masters in something else, if that's the case disregard the question.
Probably end up as an assistant, or some other title that is a fancy way of saying secretary. Or a teacher. Assuming my plans to go into law fall through. ;]

Shadow flame master

New member
Jul 1, 2011
In my area as in my city/town, or state wise? In my town there are no protests simply because there isn't anything to protest about.

But state-wise, there is a law trying to be passed called Proposition 26(I know the number not the word) that would make it illegal to have an abortion in the state of Mississippi. I haven't seen any protestors occupy the capitol building (or anything like that), but when it comes time to vote, I'm pretty sure they would start putting up tents around all certified voting areas.

I don't have to worry seeing as I'm 17, but if they start causing shit because the bill got passed, then I would be one angry camper. Mississippi doesn't have a lot going for it, so having the national gaurd and police trying to put down the protestors isn't going to make us look any better to the world.


New member
Sep 22, 2011
That_Sneaky_Camper said:

According to the definition democracy implies that our voice is heard through the elected officials that we put into power. We elect people that will do what we want them to do for our economy and society as a whole, if they don't do what we want then we need to tell them and make sure not to elect them next time it comes to vote. These government officials are making decisions about our lives and we need to inform them of how we want our lives to be.

You wanna know what Wall Street is? The main financial district for the United States of America, this is a protest against the market of the United States because that is where the major market decisions for our country are made. If they wanted to protest the government they should have parked outside in front of the White House or Congress.
There's a lot of differences though between the textbook definition of "Democracy" (which the US isn't. It's a Democratic Republic) and how our system works.

The issue is that Wall St., due to predatory lending, loans that had no basis to be given in the first place, and overall greed culture tanked our economy hard. The government had in the last 8 years prior to economic collapse loosened regulations on Wall St. going for the whole "invisible hand will guide the free market" type of argument. But again, this argument never accounted for the greed of everyone in the market, therefore it's core concept of "if company A sells something for 10 bucks and Company B sells it for 5, then Company A will lower their price to be more competitive" no longer applies. In that scenario (and how our system has been going for a while now) Company B says "wait...we can get 10 bucks? SWEET!" and raises prices.

Now, people at OWS (and other occupy protests) are angry that Wall Street caused the financial collapse of our nation. As a result, schools are being shut down, there's been monumental increases in tuition at public colleges, the banks are taking peoples houses because they lost their job (as a result of the banks fuck up) and cannot pay their mortgage and people are paying huge mortgages on a house they paid maybe 400,000 on and still owe that amount, but the house is now worth 100,000 (I believe this is an underwater mortgage.

That being said, Wall St. within weeks of the financial collapse got a hefty bailout. Weeks after that, CEO's got immense, multimillion dollar bonuses. This was all tax payer money. Money we now are borrowing from China and tax payers are seeing services their money is supposed to go to being cut or removed entirely.

Yet Wall St. is still posting record profits.

So that is the main reason people are pissed off at the banks. Their horrible practices got us in this mess.

The Government had it's role too lets not forget, but it's hard to get their attention unless we go after their financial backers (Wall St. lobbyists).


New member
Jul 11, 2010
ranyilliams said:
Ask me ANYTHING about the movement and i will do my best to answer it.
What is the end game? What will be a satisfying conclusion for you be? Wouldn't it be easier for you to take up politics in your area and work your way up and change something from the inside?


New member
Aug 25, 2009
ranyilliams said:
Okay, first off, I guess I will have to post my political stance.

So I'm (-1.62,-.97) from the center of the Political "Galaxy". But, I tend to lean to the right on some key issues. I'm against Gun Control, I believe a major part of the Military should be on the boarder, mostly around Texas. But, I support the legalization of Marijuana and think the Immigration should be more readily available.

The one thing I find wrong with these Protesters is that they're wanting to destroy what their fore-fathers/mothers have built. Sure, we're in an economic depression now, it happens in cycles, and people are obviously effected. But, in time it will right itself so long as there are no dangerously different changes to the system. I acknowledge that the current System is corrupt, but not to the point that my fellow generation is complaining about.

To put a personal spin on this, if I may. My father grew up in rural Kansas, he grew up in a tad abusive household, with a paddle and the like. And by the time he was my age (I'm seventeen) he had secured a decent job working on an Oil Rig in Texas, staying with a High School friend and returning home on the weekends. He made a decent living, equivalent to someone with their Assoc. Degree today. This went on until he was 19 where when he was moving some piping, a securing latch snapped causing his hands to be crushed where upon he upped and just walked off the Oil Rig, collecting his pay and leaving back for Kansas as soon as he healed. During this time he had a deep sense of Capitalism embedded in him, but during this time, you earned by how hard you worked.

A few years down the line, he upped and enlisted with the US Marines. Spent thirteen years of his Life as an Engineer with the Seventh. But, after thirteen years of dedicated service. The Gov't shafted him after the Cluster Fuck the was Somalia.

This is were it gets interesting.

After the Gov't shafted him, leaving him nearly no Pension, no notice and him, my mother and my three year old self and six month old sister, with zero source of income. He was in the same situation that these kids were complaining about today. But did my father up and say 'fuck it?', raise his kids on welfare and be lazy in his remaining days?

Fuck no.

He went out to the unemployment office and filed for every available job he could get his hands on, with only a '75 High School Education, several years mechanical experience and six months spent in the shit hole of Somalia. He landed a job at a Glass plant near Phoenix, wherein which he had two days off a month, and he was required to service an are, from the Arizona/New Mexico/Mexico boarder all the way up to Las Vegas. Sure, his hours were shit, he made only 2/3 his E-3 pay and hardly ever seeing his family. And he still busted his ass working. And after a year with only 24 days spent with his family, he gave his boss the notice, went to the Arizona Dept. of Corrections went through training with an almost militant attitude and securing a decent job in Florence at a Max-Sec Prison. After nearly two years of living near the Poverty line, my Father made enough to get him and his family on his feet. He bought a two story house in the suburb of Phoenix. Where he sat comfortably for eight years as a team member on the Special Reaction and Execution Team.

He moved down to Yuma after eight years after my mother got a job teaching there. Where in the Warden of the Florence Prison refused to cooperate with the Yuma Warden. My father was out of the house for three months, leaving me, my mother and my sister basically fatherless. This was the Glass Plant all over again. Again, he kept his resolve and finished out his three month term in Florence where as soon as he was released made a B-Line to Yuma, with only two tickets, topping his speed at 102mph. And now, we sit comfortably in Yuma, enjoying our days together.

I don't expect you to believe any of this, it being the Internet and all. But I felt as if I had to post it as proof that you can indeed be shafted by the System, and still recover you, your finances and your family enough for them to live comfortable. Sure you have to bust your ass day in and day out, but it's obviously worth it for your kids to enjoy the strongest Internet connecting for a 3 block radius.

This is why I think that the Occupy Everything movement is bullshit. These kids have a college education that their parents fronted for them so they can get a degree, where most of them blew it on parties and a dead Major, and now their whining about it. When my own father is a testament to the fact that no matter how terrible the financial situation you can always recover so long as you put your back into it and never question your orders. This is why I'm so strongly against this movement, and this is why I'm being so aggressive in my opinions. Now, kind sir, explain to me why we should give them what they want, when they have so obviously not worked hard enough for it?

Now, I'm going to the local Gun Show with my family, I hope to come back and see you rebuttal. Cheers! :)


New member
Dec 26, 2008
the end game for this movement? There is NEVER an "endgame" the world will always keep changing and evolving. But the purpose of this movement is to raise awareness, to a corrupt system of banks, corporations, and politicians. Even if this movement fades away, the fact that it happened at all has already showed that there are people who care about whats happening. More people then ever now are aware of whats going on, and they will not go away.

Again your second question implies that we will reach a finishing point and everything will be solved, its never that easy. The occupy movement is trying (some would say failing) to raise awareness, thats all it is. We do not plan on storming parliament, we do not plan on hurting anyone, just simply inform. I can tell that you are against the movement from the way you are asking the questions. But please, research the issues yourself, don't listen to the news about the movement, they are part of the problem.

I don't want to get into politics, i want to make movies. This is simply a problem that is happening in the world, and i am just trying to let people know that researching yourself if ALWAYS the best way to find the truth.

If you honestly want to get informed about the movement i can send you a couple of links to a few good news sits online. But if you don't care and you were only trying to bother me just ignore me :p

Question everything anyone tells you, Even me. Research everything on your own and then you will begin to understand what is wrong with the system.

This one applies to canadian's but the basic system of money creation for most countries is almost exactly the same:


New member
Feb 11, 2010
Redlin5 said:
Dango said:
Well I do live in the suburbs of New York City, so yes, although no one outside of the city really cares.
Have you heard about how they're behaving?
Aside from seeing some of it on the news, nope, most people outside of the city just really couldn't care less.


New member
Nov 27, 2009
Smagmuck_ said:
ranyilliams said:
I realise this wasn't a question directed at me, but here is something to chew on.

Because of how our economy works, there is a finite amount of money in the country (well, techinically there is an infinite amount, but only if the government goes nuts and starts printing off tons of cash), only a finite amount of people can be rich.

Western countries, but America in particular, are very big on money. Money matters. Money is a status symbol, and we have this awful idea that your value as a human being is directly connected to the weight of your wallet. Basically, rich = winner and poor = loser. But this is ridiculous, there is only so much money in the world, only some people can be winners and the rest must be losers, no matter how hard they work. That is how our system works.

And people like you help feed this idea. Stories like your father's (and don't get me wrong, it's fantastic that it worked out well for him) basically say to people, "You are poor, you are a loser, and it's because you aren't trying hard enough!" but for most people, no matter how hard they try they aren't going to win, they are going to stay in the shit hole for life! This is what is so fucked up about our system, and what is even more messed up, is that governments help the rich people, rather than help poor people who actually need help.

And if you're interested, on that political compass thing it ranked me as a more extreme version of you, at -6.62, -6.41 though I think it made a mistake since I'm a communist, which means I'm on the wrong side of the Authoritarian/Libertarian divide surely? Oh well :p


New member
Dec 26, 2008
Smagmuck_ said:
ranyilliams said:
Okay, first off, I guess I will have to post my political stance.

So I'm (-1.62,-.97) from the center of the Political "Galaxy". But, I tend to lean to the right on some key issues. I'm against Gun Control, I believe a major part of the Military should be on the boarder, mostly around Texas. But, I support the legalization of Marijuana and think the Immigration should be more readily available.

The one thing I find wrong with these Protesters is that they're wanting to destroy what their fore-fathers/mothers have built. Sure, we're in an economic depression now, it happens in cycles, and people are obviously effected. But, in time it will right itself so long as there are no dangerously different changes to the system. I acknowledge that the current System is corrupt, but not to the point that my fellow generation is complaining about.

To put a personal spin on this, if I may. My father grew up in rural Kansas, he grew up in a tad abusive household, with a paddle and the like. And by the time he was my age (I'm seventeen) he had secured a decent job working on an Oil Rig in Texas, staying with a High School friend and returning home on the weekends. He made a decent living, equivalent to someone with their Assoc. Degree today. This went on until he was 19 where when he was moving some piping, a securing latch snapped causing his hands to be crushed where upon he upped and just walked off the Oil Rig, collecting his pay and leaving back for Kansas as soon as he healed. During this time he had a deep sense of Capitalism embedded in him, but during this time, you earned by how hard you worked.

A few years down the line, he upped and enlisted with the US Marines. Spent thirteen years of his Life as an Engineer with the Seventh. But, after thirteen years of dedicated service. The Gov't shafted him after the Cluster Fuck the was Somalia.

This is were it gets interesting.

After the Gov't shafted him, leaving him nearly no Pension, no notice and him, my mother and my three year old self and six month old sister, with zero source of income. He was in the same situation that these kids were complaining about today. But did my father up and say 'fuck it?', raise his kids on welfare and be lazy in his remaining days?

Fuck no.

He went out to the unemployment office and filed for every available job he could get his hands on, with only a '75 High School Education, several years mechanical experience and six months spent in the shit hole of Somalia. He landed a job at a Glass plant near Phoenix, wherein which he had two days off a month, and he was required to service an are, from the Arizona/New Mexico/Mexico boarder all the way up to Las Vegas. Sure, his hours were shit, he made only 2/3 his E-3 pay and hardly ever seeing his family. And he still busted his ass working. And after a year with only 24 days spent with his family, he gave his boss the notice, went to the Arizona Dept. of Corrections went through training with an almost militant attitude and securing a decent job in Florence at a Max-Sec Prison. After nearly two years of living near the Poverty line, my Father made enough to get him and his family on his feet. He bought a two story house in the suburb of Phoenix. Where he sat comfortably for eight years as a team member on the Special Reaction and Execution Team.

He moved down to Yuma after eight years after my mother got a job teaching there. Where in the Warden of the Florence Prison refused to cooperate with the Yuma Warden. My father was out of the house for three months, leaving me, my mother and my sister basically fatherless. This was the Glass Plant all over again. Again, he kept his resolve and finished out his three month term in Florence where as soon as he was released made a B-Line to Yuma, with only two tickets, topping his speed at 102mph. And now, we sit comfortably in Yuma, enjoying our days together.

I don't expect you to believe any of this, it being the Internet and all. But I felt as if I had to post it as proof that you can indeed be shafted by the System, and still recover you, your finances and your family enough for them to live comfortable. Sure you have to bust your ass day in and day out, but it's obviously worth it for your kids to enjoy the strongest Internet connecting for a 3 block radius.

This is why I think that the Occupy Everything movement is bullshit. These kids have a college education that their parents fronted for them so they can get a degree, where most of them blew it on parties and a dead Major, and now their whining about it. When my own father is a testament to the fact that no matter how terrible the financial situation you can always recover so long as you put your back into it and never question your orders. This is why I'm so strongly against this movement, and this is why I'm being so aggressive in my opinions. Now, kind sir, explain to me why we should give them what they want, when they have so obviously not worked hard enough for it?

Now, I'm going to the local Gun Show with my family, I hope to come back and see you rebuttal. Cheers! :)
Your father sounds like an amazing person, and a true american working man. I have a great respect for him (if he is real :p ) But that is simply not the problem. Today out of every 4 americans who are unemployed only 1 job is available to them.

People really don't seem to fully get a grasp on how bad things are in the economy, and the world right now...The EU is near collapse, americas unemployment rate is at one of the highest points since the great depression. And the united states has major problems with public sector debt along with governmental debt owed to the federal reserve bank.

And most people don't know about or even understand this system, even when most presidential candidates are asked directly about the federal reserve, they have nothing to say. It is one of the most corrupt institutions in the united states and it creates all the currency for the entire country...

I dont really know how i can respond more then this, i feel like i have not said enough...but most of what you said was just a story.

Please begin to understand this system you live in, because it effects us all :) here are some of the key issues you should begin to research if you want to understand what these "whiney kids" are talking about...

1. The Federal Reserve Bank in the United states
2. Corporate Interest groups and political involvement from Corporations
3. The Economic Hitmen (Its just as bad as it sounds trust me)

These three things are a very good point to start off at. But do not trust the main stream media (I understand that i quoted Forbes, but if you want to read the actual audit here is a link)



New member
Nov 3, 2010
I'm here in New York and a short walk away from the big Wall Street protest. A lot of my friends have gone to take photographs and document some of the people who are there. Don't knot why but I haven't went to check it out.

My views on the whole protest are quite skewed so If/when I do visit it'd just be more of interests than support I think.