Oh dear...


New member
Dec 31, 2009
Danzaivar said:
Well on one hand, a truly free society would be allowed to carry a gun and recreational drugs on them. On the other hand, little Wayne is a massive wanker.

I am undecided on the issue.
Pretty much this. But the law is the law if we don't like we change it. Until then obey like the rest or face the consequences. Everybody should know that fire-arms are to be unloaded and cased when in a vehicle...


New member
Nov 19, 2009
"Bad examples should be made example of." -Dr. Holland R. Pierce
cainstwin said:
FargoDog said:
Julianking93 said:
In all honesty, I was going to say that....but I figured it would be too harsh >>

But yes, if anything, they should be made an example of with even harsher sentences.
Society needs to make an example, and no better example can be made than of celebrities, especially when so many of them and their fans think they're above the law.

I seem to recall Lindsay Lohan was caught with cocaine and was out of jail in under 72 hours. If that was any member of society who wasn't famous, they would be in there for at the very least a year. I can't stand the pedestal people put celebrities on, and as such deserve harsher punishments.

Good God, I would be a horrible leader.
OT: No one is above the law, its there for a reason, and if a celebrity gets away with a crime (because their famous) what image is that sending out?
"Bad examples must be made example of." -Dr. Holland R. Pierce


New member
Feb 28, 2010
To quote Mower. No one is royalty. Not even royalty.

If you break the law you should be punished, it doesn't matter if you're wealthy or well known. I don't even agree with the sort of moralist law that would stop a person from smoking weed, but I do know that if I got caught with an illegal firearm and a bag of weed (again)* I'd be in jail for at least three years.

I may not agree with the law - but if I'm going to wind up serving the full sentance then so should 'Lil Wayne (in fact he should serve a double sentance for the atrocious spelling of the word 'little'). Everybody needs to be held accountable for breaking the law or there should be no laws at all. There shouldn't even be a middle ground.

* Just to make it clear, I've never been caught with an illegal firearm and a bag of weed. It was actually two illegal firearms and a bag of mushrooms. You see, I had a bet with a friend of mine that when I drew two .45's a flotilla of white doves would flutter in front of me. They probably did.


New member
Jul 12, 2010
one of the worst things to come out of the US in a while. I mean i like rap just not his crappy excuse for rap/hip-hop. And celebrities should serve full time.


New member
Jan 31, 2009
I don't think he should be getting a smaller sentence. I also think that the penalty of a crime should be based on how heinous the crime is rather than popularity.

Jabberwock xeno

New member
Oct 30, 2009
Legion said:
Neither. They should be treated based upon their crime and nothing else. They are just people like everyone else no matter how many people know their name or how much money they have, and they should be treated as such.
Damn straight.

If only it actually happened this way.


New member
Jul 23, 2009
AvsJoe said:
I know I'm in the minority for saying this but I agree that celebs should get lighter prison time that us regular folk. Why? Because it's their job to keep us entertained and distract us from the hardships of our lives for brief periods of time. I hold celebrities in a higher regard because of this, including believing that they should be punished a lot more leniently.

However, the major crimes are an exception. If a celebrity, be it sports or entertainment or royalty or whatever, commits murder or rape or a vicious assault, then I wish the book to be thrown at him or her, as it were. They are *not* above that.
No, even small crimes should be fully sentenced on celebs. No wonder most celebs are total assholes, they know the punishment will be lenient, so the message of *it's against the law* doesn't really stick in their heads that well. All your doing is justifying bad behavior. "Because it's their job to distract us from the hardships of our lives..." They already do that! Their job isn't to commit crimes.Lil Wayne is a rapper; that's what keeps us happy through hard times is when he raps; not committing crimes and looking like a idiot. It's a bad reflection on the society he lives in. If this stuff continues, the line between what can and can't be taken lenient in committing crimes will be blurred, and celebs will start pushing it and pushing it.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Mr.Wiggles said:
Lacsapix said:
tomtom94 said:
Do celebrities deserve reduced sentences? Fuck no.

Do they inevitably get reduced sentences? Of course.
I have to agree with you.....
Mackheath said:
tomtom94 said:
Do celebrities deserve reduced sentences? Fuck no.

Do they inevitably get reduced sentences? Of course.
This. Money talks, bullshit walks.
I think your all forgetting the case of a Mr. Wesley Snipes.

He served the longest sentence possible under the bracket for tax evasion. Many people still claim to this day, that he served longer than was necessary. In fact, it is widely believed that he was made example of BECAUSE of his 'celebrity status'.

Although this doesn't necessarily disprove the rule.

See: Paris Hilton , Lindsay Lohan ETC

You know Lindsay Lohan is being given 24-hr protection in a superior cells because it is feared she may become a victim of "lesbian gangs"....

I was astounded....
We could read possibly too much into this and see that Wesley Snipes is a black man but Lohan/Hilton are white girls.


Celebrities should get the same as everyone else.


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Why is this a question? No they should be sentence based on the crime. Why would someones fame give them a free pass?


New member
Jun 11, 2008
ELCTea said:
So i just found out some "rapper" named lil wayne (no idea who he is) is going to prison for having an illegal firearm and weed on him, now he has been sentaced to a year (as far as i know) BUT!! i saw a a group on facebook to get 1 million people to sign a petition ro get his sentance reduced because he is a celeb.

so my question here is this: do celebs deserve reduced sentances?? why? or should the get harsher ones as they are (sorta) role models to kids? all other opinions welcome!

EDIT: I forgot to add what i think, i think he should serve the full time ( i also happen to think that his sentance is not long enough)
That man deserves life for how bad his lyrics are.


This name was cool in 2008.
Feb 11, 2009
A year is light enough! Someone came to our school once to talk to us, and he had gotten about 5 or more years for the same thing! Besides, it's a rapper, rapper's are all talentless cunts.


New member
Jul 5, 2009
be famous in prison "famous boy"!
hehe.. i hope this leads to stereotipical prison routines :3
noone except me should have reduced punishments!
(i suffer enough as it is :( ..... )


New member
Apr 15, 2010
His sentence isnt nearly as long as it should be, its ridiculous; but i dont think its just because he is a celeb; i think the justice system is waaaaaaaay to lenient in general these days. But as far as your question goes, i dont feel celebs should have special sentences, i mean, define a celebrity?
They should serve time like everyone else, which i still feel isnt enough [in a LOT of cases]

I say the people in Medieval times got it right! ;D


New member
May 16, 2009
FargoDog said:
No, I wasn't talking about you. You don't strike me as the kind of person who idolizes Paris Hilton.

And I'll spare you, of course. Why would I ever want to bury someone I genuinely like in a coffin? :p
Could I become a co-ruler of your utopia?


New member
Mar 5, 2008
If their sentence is to be altered at all, it should be longer. If a celebrity is a role model for anyone, mistakes made should be punished as if not more severely.

I would personally say just give them the full sentence, and make it non-negotiable. No way to shorten it. Celebrities in no way earn the right to less punishment than normal people.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Secret world leader (shhh) said:
Skullkid4187 said:
If you're rich you should have a lesser sentence.
Explain please, or are you trolling?

OT: No celebrities should get the same sentences as everyone else, why shouldn't they?
I never troll. If you have more money, you should get out earlier if you use that money for good