
New member
May 21, 2009
Kinguendo said:
I will admit that I used the AK 74u, why? Because once I found out it was OP I stopped using it. I like using the worst guns in the game and winning that way. Do you know how fun it is to bomb around a level with the ASP and hear all the people using AKs and FAMAS' getting pissed at how an ASP shouldnt be able to beat an AK or whatever? Its super-fun. What can they say? Its OP? Its the worst gun in the game! All skill baby, all skill.
Totally agree. I rock a single ASP on all my classes.


Jan 23, 2008
Playing CoD at all... /rimshot

But seriously, last game I played was Monday Night Combat. What makes you noobish in that game varies widely depending on who you ask. If you ask good players - nothing really. If you ask bad players - mostly everything.

Any class or tactic you use is "OP" and "noob". Any class or tactic they use is "pro". If you switch classes next round, then you are now playing that "pro" class in a "noob" way. If they switch to your class, they're playing it "pro", and you are still a "noob".

To these people, "noob" actually means "good", and "pro" actually means "sucky reprobate monkey balls". It's an understandable mistake.


New member
Nov 1, 2009
Nothing makes you a noob. A noob is just someone who is labeled by a game's community for using easy, effective, and efficient ways of getting points. This is because said community either doesn't possess the brain power, or is too lazy to come up with plans to counter these tactics.

For Example: If their is a camper in CoD. Instead of tossing your grenades all willy-nilly in hopes of getting a random kill, save them for that as*hole with the sniper that's hiding behind that dumpster. Whining all day about campers isn't going to make the camper change his ways. But a fragmentation grenade probably will.

[small]Disclaimer: That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.[/small]


New member
Jun 5, 2008
Free Thinker said:
League of Legends. Playing Vladimir. Talk about easy mode. May the Gaming Gods have mercy on my soul.
I played vladimir once, scored 24 for 0. I felt dirty afterwards. Its like playing with god mode on. He's actually a sickening character to play.


New member
Oct 10, 2008
TF2. Nothing.

Well, I suck as a sniper unless I use the huntsman (24 kills in one life on Sawmill, anyone?), but I don't play sniper due to being a man and not minding looking my enemy in the eyes when I smash in his skull with my frying pan. Also, not playing as a sniper means I get to keep my balls, who would otherwise be taken from me and burned along with a flag, an eagle and a gun. All while big, manly men wept a single tear for the loss of another man to the ranks of pussified bastards who can't win unless they can insta-kill someone and/or turn invisible.


Follower of the Glorious Sun Butt.
Apr 1, 2009
Whatever, just wash your hands.
savandicus said:
Free Thinker said:
League of Legends. Playing Vladimir. Talk about easy mode. May the Gaming Gods have mercy on my soul.
I played vladimir once, scored 24 for 0. I felt dirty afterwards. Its like playing with god mode on. He's actually a sickening character to play.
if hes not played or built right then its fodder, I fucked him up something serious in the middle with nid the last time I encountered him there


$20 For Steve
May 18, 2009
Erana said:
But yeah, I find snipers on TF2 playing on servers far below their skill level just... n00bish. I know it takes time to develop the ability to snipe that well, but its really unpleasant when a single player is messing up the balance for everyone else. Other classes can do this, too, but the sniper is the usual suspect.
That goes for any game, actually. Its worse when the power of a character is based on level rather than skill, like the lowbie campers in MMORPGs.
As a decent sniper who plays on 24/7 instaspawn servers to farm the newbies all I can say is that it's good practice. I mean as a sniper the skill of the opponent doesn't mean much when they're halfway across the map, so I still improve myself by sniping newbies as, apart from their ability to strafe, whether or not I kill them comes down to my own skill. Going on casual servers means I can practice shooting without worrying too much about being ripped to pieces by good players who actually try to flank me. Also at my level I'm not enough to break the balance of the game all by my lonesome, except for the odd rampage where I hold the 2fort bridge :D

Also OT, Bad Company 2. Carl Gustav. Explosive Mk 2. Extra Explosive Ammo. Camping. Also grenade launchers with explosive mk 2. Normal grenade launchers take skill to aim if you want a one shot kill, not so much with that perk. Once I was far enough away from the grenade that killed me that I actually neither heard nor saw any sign of an explosion.


New member
Oct 22, 2008
Fishyash said:
omega_peaches said:
Think about the last online multiplayer game you have played.
Done? Okay, now, in that game, what makes you a noob?
For me, Black Ops.
AK74u, Grip+Rapid Fire.
No, I do not mind the FAMAS.
Get an M60

Edit: Oh my goodness I forgot to contribute.

I like to kite a lot on my hunter in WoW, which annoys all the bad players.

Basically, I constantly run away from people and engage them at max range so they have trouble hitting me.
I never understood the hate for that tactic. It'd be like getting angry at a mage for doing magic at you, or a druid for shape-shifting. You're a HUNTER. You are a goddamn RANGED class. You shoot things, like, from a DISTANCE.

It's kinda what hunters do.

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
hittite said:
The fact that I don't have a lot of time to play and I'm not very good.
yeah, that sounds just like me, even when i use the exceptionally noobish tactics


New member
Oct 29, 2009
In my WoW days, any class that damaged my opponent in duels. Not using a shield as an enhancement shaman made me a noob apparently. On Eve, basically every mistake ever makes me a noob. If I don't know wtf is going on it's probably someone else's fight, I'm one who really hates screwing up just to escape ridicule for screwing up.

Ice Car

New member
Jan 30, 2011
Steve Schmaling said:
Ice Car said:

AK47u isn't overpowered like all you people say. It's just overused, A LOT. IMHO MPL outclasses the 74u. Rapid Fire + Grip? You aren't going to have anymore luck with full-auto at mid range shooting the damn thing, you'll still have to use short controlled bursts to make it hit anything.

Honestly, the only time I think LOL NOOB is when somebody is camping in one corner with HS10 Duals pointed at the entrance and shotgun anybody that makes it past, or just people that camp like it's a freaking religion. I go into a match of Villa, and guess what? 4 people camping in one spot the entire fucking match, using motion sensors, flak jacket, claymores, and whatever camper-aiding tools Treyarch decided to add. I admit, I sometimes stay glued to one spot for a period of time, but I don't stay there for the whole damn match.
Actually that's more organized if anything. Think about it, if 4 people all have mics and they all have differnet equipment that can complement eachothers classes that is dangerous. One can put on a jammer, another can have a motion sensor and let everyone know when someone is coming, another can Tac. Insert so there is at least one person at the base at all times. Claymores for an initial alert/kill in case no one is paying attention. If anything 4 people setting up defenses like that isn't noob at all it's actually pretty well organized.
Read first sentence. Here's my response:

This was in Free For All. Two of them were camping in the two second floor buildings excluding the main villa, 1 was in the main villa, moving from the window overlooking the pool to the balcony overlooking the main square. The last was just camping in a corner near the stairs where at the bottom, a spawn point was that if you stayed there you could rack up spawn kills assuming enough people spawned there.

It wasn't organized, it was free for all. They were all on their own little camping excursion, using silenced weapons, motion sensors, claymores, cameras, flak jackets, and other camp-enhancing tools to avoid death. Annoying.

Steve Schmaling

New member
Jul 22, 2010
Well to be fair Ice Car I didn't know it was a free for all match, when I first replyed to your comment.
I had the same problem one time in which I was playing Gun Game and I was on the 18 tier while others were still working on 5-8. Well it was down to me and three other guys at nuketown and they all decided to camp in one house and guard all the entrances just to try and make me lose. People are awful when it comes to campin.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Team Fortress 2, I'm a pretty mean Demoman, I've been told I'm really good at trick-shooting with the grenades, but then I saw that people hate Demoman because he's overpowered, and I kind of moved away from him. :<


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
The Huntsman in TF2. Not because it's overpowered (it's actually a terrible weapon) but just simply because the only strategy involved is to spam it in people's general direction until you get kills. Which is kind of ironic considering the Sniper is supposed to be a class based around precision.


New member
Oct 17, 2008
Kinguendo said:
jobobob said:
The noobs are people who use guns out of some sense of morality, I use a famas flamethrower, and rpg: Play to win.
You are right, that DOES make you a noob. Play to have fun, its not a life or death situation Sgt. Serious... after all, its just a game.
Watching people with morals like you die is fun. Then the chat makes it better.


New member
May 7, 2008
Isn't there a difference between being a noob and using something that works? Some people don't seem to know the difference. However, if you are playing Reach and you use Armor Lock, I will call you a pussy as I'm sticking my DMR into your eye socket after you come out of it.