This. Although I play Shepherd all goody goody, so if it's my version of Shepherd he'll just go "You know I was about to kill you for no reason but now i just want to go home, mind pointing me in the direction?".
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. Only in the early part of the game though, meaning Link is still a kid so most likely I'm not very screwed. He doesn't usually attack bi-pedal skin-coloured things anyway (meaning humans)
Crono from Chrono Trigger. Seeing as how Crono has a sword and can travel through time to attack me at any given point in history he wants... yep, I'd say I'm screwed.
Well it depends, would it be the last courier I was playing as? or would it be the base courier? either way I'm getting out of there ASAP just in case.
Just cause 2...Oh wonderful I'm going to be attached to a plane by a bloody great metal hook and catapulted into the air...Followed by a mountain he's pleasntly illumating with missiles.
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