Hello, everyone!
I tried to search some kind of turn-based strategy game I used to play back in about 15 ~ 20 years ago but I can't quite catch its name! I'm not sure that about 600+ pages have mentioned this one or not but I had hard time searching it until now.
Here is the description.
It is PS1 game, JP developer I guess, 3D engine, Mixed a little with western cowboy culture, Robotic theme which some of them can transform into formula car alike(not The Transformer thing), turn-based strategy genre, Graphic is polygon without much of shading but it is ok as far as I can remember.
On very first mission you start off with some folks that already had nice looking robot height about 2 story tall, some are transform from car into robotic state some are transform into car and get right into action where they escort some kind of supply truck that tailing along each other between 2 cliff. They're around 4 - 6 protagonist one is set-up sniper on a cliff that unable to move but can targeting enemy far as hell - pin point precision and shoot like an anti-material round, one is like brawler that has switch axe smash out from its arm, one is gunner with lever-action rifle alike and take a shot while moving. They're like guardian that they shoot down bad guy robot as they entering the scene.
The game play is like many same popular in genre. The turn switch between you and enemy but this game take every action as "pre-motion" as you ordering you unit to move or take any action but non of them happen right away, you set up every pre-motion to every unit they end turn to switch them for enemy which this game not shown how enemy make their real-time-movement but just cut right into action scene where some of your unit might get intercept by the enemy units, our units maybe counter-attack right away, some may just swat them aside with melee combat/weapon butt as they move on to position they ordered, some may get bump or intercepted and stop right after.
Every result may show after action scene, to see how enemy made their move and how our units get their finalize situation.
This game is really cool and fun to play but also hard as hell, pretty hard enough to frustrate you or me sometime as my play and pre-motion order didn't work out so well but I still can get enough of their action scene. Sometime if unit shoot down an enemy, especially lever-action rifle - must enemy explode in that shot they'll take reload action afterward where they swing its slug out like a bad-ass cowboy (I'm sure if they can blow-a-smoke, they'll do too but no, they're robot tho XD).
I know its a long-ass description but I can only hope some of your memory can tell them for me, if someone can recall please tell me its name! Thanks in advance!