I literally am tearing my head out because I cant remember this game. I wouldn't call it "old" I mean it definitly has years on it, but its still a decently popular game as of last year that I could remember.
So it's a Multiplayer RPG Sci-Fi game where you end up being given a role and you are on this space station thing, and must complete your roll. A lot of time as a normal person you are just trying to escape the space station and not run into murderers or anyone else with strange desires to do something to you or harm you. You are usually given a "job" so much less of a role I would say.
It's in a isometric view, similar to like a League of Legends camera view, but the graphics are very dated. Like I honestly can't explain them, but definitly dated. It's point and click if I remember correctly. And the game is VERY in-depth. I mean there is so much you can do, create robotics (become part robot), jailing system and jailers, ore creation, technology research, a weapon system, and very in-depth with fighting and interactions much like RiftWorld. You can dismember certian body parts, attack for certian areas, sustain injuries to organs and such. I mean for a "dated" game, it was very advanced.
I should also mention, you needed to use a launcher to download and play the game. And the launcher had many "dated" looking indie titles I never knew of. Like dozens of games you could play, all for free you just needed to install the files and such.